Spring is here!

The calendar doesn’t agree, but all of the signs say so. In the air, on the ground and in the water!!! The unseasonable warmth has things popping up. As of late anglers are dusting off their gear and taking to the water. Why not capitalize on the beautiful weather and winter hold overs?
While some enjoy picking at the linesiders all winter long this warm weather really has the masses out and about. While the spots are busy, the local boys are having a blast with talk about “stellar fishing, bass on almost every cast and endless doubles.” The good news is these fish have been here all winter and more will show as time goes on. There’s plenty of small bass on the chew. Take a look at the 10 day, the weather looks to stay mild for a good stretch of time.
Just a heads up both tog and porgy fishing close on Feb 28th. Tog re-opens April 1st with a four fish bag limit at 15 inches. Porgy aka Scup does not re-open until July 1st.
Winter flounder season is basically here, opening March 1st with two fish at 12″. A week or two ago, we got some solid reports from commercial fike netters who had a couple days of great catches. Both size and quality so it’s proof that some nice flatties are around. The commercial fike net season closed on Feb 20th so now it’s time for the recreational rod and reel guys. Over the years it has been best to start out in the deep bay (near the bridges) then work out towards the inlets as time goes on and the waters warm. This year should be interesting to find out where they are holding with the unseasonable warm weather.
On the bait side of things, we have frozen clam, freeze dried worms (blood & sands) as well as clam chum. We do not have live bloodworms and we do not have live clam. The availability date is unknown.

Custom Rigging

Whether spooling up big game reels, ultra light outfits or specialty fly setups we cater to your demands offering custom rigging options! Please contact us and let us know what you need done. All inquiries welcome.  

Here’s a photo of Local angler Joe Nodine from Forked River who rigged up at Fishermans Hq in prep for headed to Andros Islands in the Bahamas. He is having a blast catching bonefish on the fly. 🌴 🐟 ☀️ 👍

What an awesome weekend

This weekend was one to remember!

Saturday was Surf Day X and it was the best one yet with record attendance. We had a blast at the show meeting everyone. It’s great so see and talk to all of the people who make up the core surf fishing industry all under one roof. For those that attended and shopped at our booth thank you. We enjoyed being there and talking to everyone. From what we were told the seminars were awesome. Wish we could watch them, but there’s too much shopping mayhem at our tables to walk away. For those who have thought about going and didn’t… you missed out. Be sure to attend next year if for nothing else then the seminars. If you want to get peak inside surf day check out our Surf Day Live on our Facebook page.

Today (Sunday) was a treat! The beautiful weather had everyone thinking SPRING! I spent most of the day in the driveway unpacking from Surf Day. I could not have asked for a better day. The number of classic cars and motorcycles passing by was impressive!

On the fishing side of things… We had lots of customer in the shop and while most were gearing up in prep for spring there were a number who were going fishing. Why not take advantage of the awesome day? Most took clams to soak on the beach, but no reports came back. The only game in town is the early season hot spot which is technically off limits until March 1st. Kinda shocking that it’s only a few days away!

Fishermans Hq ambassador Jeff Warford headed down to the OBX Wednesday night to take advantage of a good weather window. He fished Friday, Saturday and Sunday out of Oregon Inlet. Over the three days the boat he fished on caught 5 bluefin and 7 yellowfin tuna. Friday morning we got two. All day Saturday was dead and made for a long slow day, but a bite late in the day made it worth it. Today (Sunday) they got two at dawn and then another on as the day went on.” Jeff said, The fish were spread out. There’s good numbers down there and when they settle in… it’s gonna tee off.” Be ready for March Madness!!!


Back Bay Striper Fishing 3/1!

 Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2017 9:53 AM

Subject: Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters – Back Bay reopens March !st!

Seems like forever since I have wet a line or posted a report but we are only a few weeks away from launching the 2017 Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters Season . With the winter being as mild as it has been I anxiously look forward to the start of the season with a target date of March 3 and 5th.

As always we will be targeting resident stripers with light spinning tackle while mixing in some winter flounder fishing when the opportunity presents itself.

The winter of 2011-2012 was another mild winter that lead to an amazing striped bass fishery that continued all winter long right into the spring and early summer

These early season trips have always been a fun way to get the season started and shake the cabin fever blues/doldrums but not a cooler filling opportunity. Stripers ranging from 12″ to 24″ inches are the typical sizes with our best season opener total catch seeing over 100 stripers caught in 4 hours for 4 anglers!

We will be utilizing brand new Penn SpinfisherV 3500 series light spinning tackle to maximize sport and fun on these smaller size bass but more than capable if any surprises are encountered.

Another great way to get into fishing mode is to Stop by the Southern Regional High School’s fishing Flea for some really great tackle deals. I’ll be attending and look forward to talk fishing as well.

So come on and dust of the Grundens and UnderArmour and join us to welcome the 2017 season. Don’t wait for the fishing report , be the fishing report!!

Reserve your fishing date today for the 2017 fishing season aboard the Reel Fantasea!! We are already booking into the Fall!!

Remember to join us and like us on Face book to get latest reports, pics, videos and trip information.

Wishing everyone light winds and calm seas,

Captain Steve Purul

Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters

Guppy Lures – Show Special!

Surf Day 2017 Show Special Preview: Buy 3 Guppy Pencil Poppers & receive a free Guppy T-shirt. 
Here’s four custom shop special colors that we’ll have on display at @jss_surfday this Saturday.
Hands down Guppy makes one of the best pencil popper lures out there. If you don’t have one in your surf bag now is the time to get in the game!