If you want to get into some big stripers you have to read the weather windows. After the messy rain and wind blows through this weekend, the switch to NW wind is already in the forecast by Sunday/Monday. Followed by low velocity and variable winds on Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri. It looks like from Monday on, it is going to be a nice ocean. This season, that’s half the battle….more like three quarters! Sure, it would be nice to fish the weekend with some bluebird weather but it’s not happening, so you have to “make an appointment” to be in the weather window if you’re going to get your big bass. There are 25 to 40 pound plus fish being taken every day from Seaside to Long Branch a few miles off the beach. There is no snag and drop bite yet, so we need to troll with the heavy artillery. Wireline outfits with bunker spoons and braid rods with Mojos. It’s a very effective “means to an end”. It puts fish on the line, in the boat, and on the table. Pretty soon the bite will transition into snagging bunker early in the morning and then trolling after that but right now it’s all on the troll.
The forecast is not so critical when we are staying in the bay to target the bluefish that are here in good size and numbers. We could target either or both in the same day. Catching them every day on lures and bait. Three to fifteen pound fish.
I still have Monday May 15 afternoon available 1PM to 7PM. I am considering using a vacation day on Tuesday May 16 at my day job to exploit the glaringly beautiful weather that is forecasted. Leave at 6AM and return at Noon or later. Sailing again on Tues afternoon. If I am to book Tuesday, though, I need to know today (Thurs) or tomorrow (Fri) morning the latest so I can put in for it. Keep in mind, if you are on the Tues morning trip and I don’t have the afternoon booked we are going on SAFARI! As far,and as late, as we have to go to put fish in the boat. Thurs May 18, and Fri May 19, sailing at Noon returning around 6PM. That’s all of our availability, the next day we have open is not until Thurs afternoon, May 25.
These dates are available for charter or sign on as an individual and we will make an Open Boat trip. $175 person, 4 people max, all fish are shared. $600 for the whole boat if you charter it with your own group.