Looks like a nice weather pattern coming up so we will be sailing Open Boat or Charter for Stripers Thurs Nov 2, Fri Nov 3, Sat Nov 4, and Sun Nov 5. These cooler temps along with the passing of the full moon should really accelerate the migration. We have been catching 35 to 50 lb class fish on live bunker recently but there should be a good push of school size fish this week. We are going to make a left and trek north each day until we find them. We will be ready to snag, drift bait, jig, cast lures, or troll, whatever conditions dictate. We always have everything on board. We have bonus tags for everyone on board so we can keep one fish between 24 and 28 inches per person, and one fish between 28 and 31 inches per person.
Open Boat or Charter for Stripers Thurs Nov 2, Fri Nov 3, Sat Nov 4, and Sun Nov 5. 6AM to 2PM (or later).
$275 person. 4 people max. All fish are shared.
Pics are from our Fri and Sat trips this past weekend.Hope to see you on board.
Saturday was a flash back to summer with sunny warm weather which made a gem of a weekend! But there is a big temperature swing coming this week with the first freeze expected Wednesday night. Waning down from the Hunter’s Moon (full moon Saturday 10/28/23) and the cold snap in combination have us looking forward to shifting gear out of early spring fishing and into prime time fall run action here on Long Beach Island.
The Halloween time frame has great opportunities for saltwater anglers. Striped bass, tog, albies, bluefish, sea bass, porgy and still some weakfish and triggerfish. The back bay has plenty of striped bass from schoolies, up to slot and a couple over slot range. Light tackle approach with lures as well as live bait will catch them. Tog info is detailed below. Albies are popping up on patchy small bait pods along the inshore waters. Some of the deeper water reef and wreck sites have some fun sea bass action but not like it was a few weeks ago. Porgy are in the mix there too. Better sea bass fishing is had for those pushing further offshore. Some anglers fishing for sea bass are catching a couple triggerfish. One angler reported catching sea bass and porgy good on clam at a wreck in 80-90′ of water with some blues, triggerfish and blowfish. There’s a few weakfish still around.
Tony Butch reported, “Caught 10+ species today which doesn’t include any striped bass.” He had a fun day with tight lines and drag pulling albies and bending the rod bottom fishing.
October has been a great month for fishing. As far as striped bass fishing out front, the fishing is better north of BI than south. It has been lights out fishing for Monmouth County anglers. This past week there has been a slow slide south. There have been some very good bites in northern Ocean County. Boats fishing out of Barnegat Inlet are catching on live bait, lures and trolling (mojos, spoons, umbrella rigs).
We have had some classy striped bass caught on the shores on LBI but nothing like up north. The next four to six weeks will be LBI’s best shot at prime time fall fishing on LBI. We are looking forward to it!
Andrea Powell caught and released a big striped bass enjoying the weather fishing the LBI surf Saturday. She reported, “11am to 6pm… All for one bite and a good fight.”
Blackfish / Tautog Fishing Report
The land based tog bite remains strong. Reports from the reef and wrecks are starting up too. On November 16 it opens up to a 5 fish bag limit. Until then it remains a one fish bag at 15″. For more info on NJ Saltwater Recreational Fishing Regulations…..
Phantastic striped bass fishing this past week and it continued yesterday. There’s a quality class of fish out front feeding on the bunker pods. The back bay also has plenty of striped bass action too. Tog fishing has been good. Day or night, now’s a great time to go fishing here on Long Beach Island. Here’s a fishing report video from yesterday around noon time…
The striper fishery is heating up. I had the Gordon Soda group from Allentown, PA out for some personal best striper fishing. A 45 and 50 pound bass on live bunker off of Island Beach State Park in 10 feet of water. Pics below.
There are now some smaller size fish mixed in so that we could try to put some in the cooler, as well. We will have to trek some miles north for that but I don’t mind if you don’t mind. I don’t have any north or south boundaries when it comes to finding fish. Number one rule: Fish where the fish are. We are armed to the teeth with gear for snagging, bait fishing, jigging, casting, and trolling.
Sailing Open Boat or Charter: Thurs Oct 26, Fri Oct 27, and Sat Oct 28. 6:30 AM to 2:30PM (could be later) $275 person. 4 people max. All fish are shared. Everything is included. We are available tomorrow, Wed Oct 25 and Sun Oct 29, as well, for charters.
We have bonus tags for everyone, so we can keep one fish per person between 24 and 31 inches.
The mid month new moon and cooling temperatures have the fish biting in the Long Beach Island waters. There’s good fishing in the bay, inlet, surf and ocean.
In the past couple weeks the suds have seen a big uptick in kingfish and spot in the surf. To me this means two things…
ONE: The way water temperatures are dropping and these two know it is time to move out. On their way anglers fishing the surf are hooking up. The bay temp made its first fall temp breakdown below 60º mark on October 15 and this weekend’s low down to 56º. The fall progression is underway!
TWO: The population of classy striped bass in the area is few. When the posse shows up in full force the kings are usually gone or bait. Be on the look out for these guys to move on and dogfish to arrive. Over the years the doggies arrive on or around the same time as the fall’s most abundant period of striped bass.
Here’s the Fishing LBI fishing report update from the Long Beach Island Area on Monday October 16, 2023
Long Beach Island Surf Fishing Report
The LBI Surf Fishing Classic had a great first week with weigh in activity almost everyday. To date kingfish and tog make up most of the weigh ins with the addition of eight striped bass and no bluefish. For more info check out the live results.
On the LBI surf there are a few striped bass with more coming. Today we heard our first local land based catch over 40”. The report came in from Jeff, a local angler who puts a lot of time in. He caught and released a 46″ striped bass in the morning. Late in the day Richard Rasiul weighed in a 28.25″ 7.82# striped bass. Bobby Capri reported catching a mid 30” range fish recently too.
The Merchantville Fishing Club’s ASAC surf fishing tournament was held on the North Beach and Harvey Cedars beaches this past weekend. The event was full of action with small fish on the surf making for an active day. Greg O’Connell shared, “It was a beautiful day on the beach with a mix of kingfish, bluefish and hickory shad scored.” There were also a lot of spot caught, some short striped bass and out of season fluke.
Anglers looking for blues should fish bunker, mullet or lures. Kingfish and spot are best targeted with small hook baited with live bloodworm, FishBites and/or DynaBait. Hickory shad are fun to target with small metal and a teaser. Striped bass love eel, clam, bunker, mullet or any lures that match the hatch.
FYI this morning we got heads up from our bunker boat… “lots of small bunker off the north end surf.”
Long Beach Island Bayside Fishing Report
Barnegat Bay, Manahawkin Bay and Great Bay have awesome early fall fishing opportunities. The blowfish are still here but those days are winding down. Striped bass fishing is good throughout the bayside waters during day and night. Schoolies in the open bay flats, ICW, sod banks, docks/lights and bridges. Crabbing is also going strong.
“Aloha! My brother Steve Gross and I fished around the island a few times last week while I was in town. We found lots of small to slot size bass on poppers, swimmers, and a few on bucktails. The Shimano reel I picked up for my rod was Slingshot was A+! Great to see you guys at the shop. Wish I could stick around through November! Back to Hawaii. Tight lines…” ~Moose
Barnegat Inlet Fishing Report
The inlet is and has been on fire with tautog. Fish live crabs on a jig or rig and enjoy the hot action. There’s striped bass at the inlet too.
Central NJ & Ocean Co. Inshore Fishing Report
Classy striped bass are moving into our area and the next 4-6+ weeks will be a great time to hunt striped bass fishing live bait as well as trolling the near shore waters. Also on tap; sea bass, tog and albies.
Capt Cole aboard the Morning Wood out of Barnegat Light has been having a blast catching and releasing classy striped bass. He reported the fishing has been great but he is running up the beach aways. Action is hot on metal lips, spoons, paddletails and of course live bait.
NJ Offshore Fishing Report
The big game bite is great when weather allows. We’ve heard some great yellowfin, bluefin, bigeye and wahoo reports. This is also a great time for sword fishing. Store staffer Danny V. reported a fun trip recently aboard the Miss Barnegat Light. He said that he broke off a big eye after a long battle on light leader chunking but they boated a few and had good fishing. He is looking forward to heading back out on the Red Sled later this week.
If you don’t know, let it go! So know before you go! Here’s an overview of the New Jersey Recreational Fishing Regulations, Season, Size & Bag Limit Laws for recreational anglers listed by species with the open seasons, minimum size limits and bag limits. This way you know!
All attempts made to ensure accuracy; however, fishery rules are subject to change. The data conveniently complied above was derived from the NJ Fish & Wildlife and NOAA Fisheries.
To obey fisheries laws it is very important that anglers know how to properly measure a fish. A fish is always (unless the state or federal law states otherwise) measured flat in a straight line, using a bump board under the fish with the mouth closed measuring the overall length to the end of the tail. When measuring Black Sea Bass always exclude the tail filament. Pursing (lightly squeezing) the tail is acceptable and proper. It is especially important with Striped Bass!
With the current slot limits with summer flounder and striped bass it is very important that anglers carry a bump board because a tape measure doesn’t always allow for the easiest measuring. Best The Gator Grip Aluminum Bump Boards are awesome!
There are situations/species that call for different measurements.
In the case of tuna, Curved Fork Length which is measured over the top of the fish by following the curve of the fish’s body from the tip of the ja to the inside fork of the tail.
In the case of billfish, Lower-Jaw Fork Length which is measured in a straight line from the tip of the lower jaw to the inside fork of the tail.
In the case of sharks, Fork Length which is measured in a straight line from the snout to the inside fork of the tail.
Proper Handling & Releasing Of Fish
Responsible fishing practices are very important as recreational anglers we all must fish with respect and respect the resource. Land fish as quickly as possible to prevent exhaustion. When applicable use a rubber mesh net to land. Handle with care and never touch gills. Be prepared with de-hooking device for quick hook removal. Always work with care to minimize injury. For best chance of survival, deep hook situations may require cutting the leader close to the hook. When releasing, be sure to revive the fish first. Always use circle hooks (non offset, non stainless) when using live or dead baits. Consider pinching hook barbs and replacing treble hooks with inline hooks on lures. It is the angler’s responsibility to reduce mortality!
We have a few spots available on our Open Boat Tuna trip scheduled for this Thurs Oct 12. Departing at 4AM, returning sometime late afternoon, approx 4PM. The weather and sea condition look great. Light and variable wind and calm seas. The target is tuna, bluefin and/or yellowfin. We have good intel on both. Everything is on bait and jigs. Best way to catch them!
Last year at this time we had a big influx of big striped bass. It didn’t repeat but we did have some good fishing. One look at the live results of the LBI Surf Fishing Classic shows that this year’s tournament kicked off strong with striped bass, tog and kingfish. There are blues around but none entered into the tournament yet. Here’s the Long Beach Island Fishing Report video report for Tuesday October 10, 2023.
There’s small to medium sized swell in the 2-3′ range breaking on the sand bars of LBI this late morning at the low tide (11am). The new moon is this weekend (Saturday) marks a milestone in this fall’s progression. With the moon and also weather/temperatures this week and next should be the switch to the fall run we have all been waiting for.
But before we get ahead of ourselves let’s look at what we have going down right NOW!
We had two striped bass weighed in recently by Jack Smith (8.74#) and Ethan Kazmierski (9.28#) on live eels. Steve Taylor geared up at the shop and reported back that he caught a striper (10.94#) on frozen mullet. At the time of this post, Steve is in the lead with the largest striped bass in the LBI Surf Fishing Classic which kicked off on Saturday October 10 and Runs until December 10th.
The kingfish action trickles on, while not epic there are occasionally good reports. Tim Smith shared a photo of a nice one he caught on clam.
Tog fishing is FIRING on all cylinders! It has been good for a couple weeks and it continues. Live green crabs and/or sand fleas fished on a jig or rig will produce bites and nice keeper fish are on tap.
Albies are in the area and were cracking yesterday in the wind.
The bunker podded up in the wind too. Finally we got a fresh bunker delivery yesterday. It was our first in two, possibly three weeks. Further offshore sea bass fishing is good with porgies in the mix too.
October is a great month to be fishing on and around Long Beach Island… Let’s go fishing!
What a beautiful day here on Long Beach Island… light winds, warm, sunny and some swell in the water. Be on the look out for the residual fetch from the exiting but slow moving low pressure system which gave us the prolonged sour weather. Also Tropical Storm Rina and TS Philippe will add energy this week and Philippe is looking to keep southeast swell on our beaches into and through the weekend. Here’s the Long Beach Island Fishing Report update for Tuesday October 3, 2023.
Update: October 4, 2023 – Another beautiful day in the neighborhood! Repeat of yesterday… not a cloud in the sky, light winds and some motion in the ocean. Surf on the beaches is in the 3-4’ range with a long period lully-ness to it with calm surface conditions. The reports off the beach are stuck in transition as the water temperatures begins to creep lower and spark the fall run in a few weeks. On the surf small blues, out of season fluke, occasional kingfish, whiting, croaker make up the most common mix. Right now the best fishing for land based anglers is tog at Barnegat Inlet. There are some resident striped bass in the bay, inlet with a slim possible pick in the suds. There’s blowfish and weakfish in the bay too. With the ocean conditions allowing sea bass is a great option which is now open to a 10 fish bag limit for the month of October. Also further offshore the yellowfin and bluefin tuna fishing as well as sword bite is right back to where it left off before the extended blow. Let’s go fishing!!!