Some good reports off the Island surf today. Bass and blues…
Store staffer Rob was on the beach and got fish. Todd Luber reported “Decent morning chunking the surf. Got this one and dropped one. The old man got two nice bluefish.”
More fish pulled yesterday! Anglers slow trolling along the beach are catching classy fish.
We had some nice fish weighed in yesterday from Carmine Tocci. He checked in a good one (41 pounder) that went for a green Tony Maja bunker spoon. Carmine was trolling off of IBSP.
Fish Head’s Alumni Yonnie got out for an after work sunset session. Yonnie said, “Bass reports bass are here!”

Bill Tallman and Jack Reynolds got em good yesterday… Bill reported, “What a night it was! A little sloppy out but me and Jack found some fish quickly. After working some marks we put the first fish of the year on the deck. The marks disappeared, so we moved looking for more. Found what we were looking for… Double header! Two fish pushing 50 pounds at the same time.” Check out the two photos below.

Coyle Brains reported, “The big bass have moved in on most of the inshore lumps.” Fishing aboard Drop Off Sportfishing they landed a pair of 30 pounders.
Here’s a couple photos from the More reports of blues and bass off the surf and in the bay.
Chris Masino got a racer off the surf.

John Delsordo got a full moon bass, bunker chunking.

Darren Hutchinson got his new personal best last night. He wanted to give a shout out to store staffer Blake for the hook up on a custom Blake Darters!

Looks like the drum bite picked up some stream on the full moon. Marc Taggart got a good one. “Not a bad way to spend a couple hours.”

Another report came from Wes Bouchelle, “Thanks to Big Nasty Nate for showing me the drum grounds. Got my first over 60 pounds from the scale.”

Here’s an update from Stew Hitchner, the former captain/owner of the Pez Machine. Stew and family packed up and headed out to Hawaii. It looks like they are enjoying them selves. Check out the photo below of Allison & Stew “On the meat… Three for four on ahi tuna yesterday. What a fun day!”

Public Service Announcement
Just a heads up, the lane in front of the store which was once a shoulder is now a through lane. No idea who at the Dept of Transportation thought it was a good idea but it has proven to be very dangerous. There has already been a couple accidents.
Today or tomorrow (May 11-12) the speed limit will be lowered on county roads (Long Beach Blvd and Central Ave) Barnegat Ave is always 25mph. May 22 the traffic signals will be turned on across the entire island.
As always drive with care. Keep your eyes out and pay attention. Watch out for those who are not.
Info from NJ Fish and Wildlife on the State’s Striped Bass Bonus Program…
The Striped Bass Bonus Program will reopen on September 1, 2017. Applications for individuals and party/charter boats are currently being accepted. For more information, including application forms and instructions, visit on the NJDEP Div. of Fish and Wildlife website.