LBI Fishing Report 6/12/24

The surf temp on LBI is warm in the mid 60’s and the water is gin clear. Most of the big bass/drum spring run is behind us but there’s good “summertime” fishing. Right now anglers fishing LBI are catching fluke and blues. There are striped bass still around and there will be residents all summer. A few weakfish are here with most coming up as surprise bycatch. However some anglers are targeting them and catching in the surf and bay. The bay has great crabbing and clamming right now. Mid-shore and offshore sea bass, shark and tuna make for a well rounded spread of opportunities. Now’s the time to enjoy before the crazy peak summer traffic!

Author: FishHead.Greg

A Long Beach Island native with life long experience fishing and navigating the local waters, Greg is a distinguished Master Captain (the highest qualified operator license), holding a US Coast Guard Masters 50T Near Coastal License with Towing Endorsement. Raised in and now managing his family's bait and tackle business, Fishermans Headquarters (Since 1962, The Saltwater Fishing Bait & Tackle Experts) Greg is daily immersed in fishing. He is the Chief Contributor of (Long Beach Island's best fishing report blog) as well as the Admin for the shop's social media pages (on Instagram and Facebook). Be sure to follow!

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