Received: Dec 20, 2010 8:47 PM Subject: A note from NOAA Fisheries on Black Sea Bass for 2011
Below is some information that a gentleman from NOAA Fisheries sent me today. Please pay attention to the second to last paragraph. If I am correct, it seems the Black Sea Bass regulations will be the same in 2011 as they were in 2010. May 22 to October 11 and November 1 to December 31 2011.
~ Jim T., Bridgewater, NJ
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) met with the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) Summer Flounder, Scup and Black Sea Bass Board (Board) on December 15 in in Virginia Beach, VA to recommend and adopt recreational management measures for summer flounder, scup, and black sea bass. The Council and Board adopted the use of conservation equivalency to achieve the recreational harvest limit for summer flounder in 2011. This harvest limit (11.44 million pounds), approved in August by the Council and Board, represents a 33% increase relative to the limit implemented in 2010. Conservation equivalency would require states to develop and implement state-specific management measures (i.e., possession limits, size limits, and seasons) to achieve the harvest limit for their state.
After considerable discussion of the proposed recreational harvest limit and the status of the scup stock, the Council and Board voted to increase the 2011 Total Allowable Landing Level (TAL) for scup to about 26 million pounds, an increase of 92% relative to the 2010 level. Although the Council and Board had agreed to a lower TAL in August, they agreed the revised TAL recommendation would more effectively accommodate the region’s vibrant recreational scup fishery while staying within the maximum sustainable yield for this stock. Based on the associated recreational harvest of 5.74 million pounds, the Council and Board adopted status quo (same as 2010) measures for federal and state waters in 2011 for scup. These measures in federal waters would include a 10 fish possession limit, a 10.5-inch total length (TL) minimum fish size, and an open season July 6 to September 26.
The Council and Board adopted coastwide management measures for the 2011 recreational black sea bass fishery. These include a 13-inch TL minimum fish size, a 25 fish possession limit, and an open season from July 1 to October 1 and November 1 to December 31. The measures will remain in effect for 2011 until the ASMFC approves an addendum to the Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Plan that implements regional specifications for black sea bass that would achieve the necessary reduction in fishing mortality for 2011. Once the addendum is in place, the Council and Board agreed that management measures in Federal waters would revert to the same measures in place for 2010 – a 12.5-inch TL minimum fish size, 25 fish possession limit, and an open season from May 22 to October 11 and November 1 to December 31.
Mid-Atlantic Council Chairman, Rick Robins, noted that “The Council and Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission worked together very effectively to craft measures that would mitigate potentially disruptive impacts within the black sea bass fishery by developing a provisional motion that would enable the Commission to address the geographic variability of the performance in this important recreational fishery. Additionally, our actions this week set the stage for significant and long awaited increases in recreational opportunities in the summer flounder fishery, following a decade of difficult but successful stock rebuilding.”
WAKE UP! – Before it’s too late – Take a few minutes out of your holiday cycle to read below and fax your letter NOW!
If you think it would be a bad idea to charge saltwater anglers a $15 Federal salt water fishing registration fee, you need to contact your state senators to support S1122 (A823) which will avoid the fee by having a state registry as other states have done. A vote may happen on Dec. 20, so time is of the essence.
This legislation is extremely important to coastal New Jersey Saltwater Anglers.
Here is the sample letter to Senator Kean that you can cut, paste, modify… FAX YOUR VERSION NOW!
December 16, 2010
Fax# 908-232-3345
Dear Senator Kean,
Anglers that fish in New Jersey’s tidal waters are facing a $15 federal registration fee starting on January 1, 2011. New Jersey has the opportunity to prevent its anglers from paying this fee and causing significant socioeconomic harm to the marine industry, simply by establishing a saltwater angler registry to collect anglers’ name and contact information as required by federal law.
Currently, two bills are in the New Jersey legislature to meet this looming deadline -A823 passed unanimously from Assembly Environment Committee and then passed in the full Assembly by a 56-16 vote on March 22. The companion S1122 has also been approved by both the Senate Environment Committee (4-0) and the Senate Budget & Appropriations Committee (11-0) and awaits action by the full New Jersey Senate.
On behalf of New Jersey’s saltwater anglers and coastal businesses, I respectfully request you vote in favor of S1122 when the bill is posted before the full Senate on December 20. And please urge your caucus to also support this important piece of legislation which has passed through committee with unanimous bipartisan support.
This legislation is extremely important to coastal businesses in New Jersey, as saltwater anglers generate upwards of $40 million annually in sales tax alone, while our recreational boating industry itself provides over 18,000 jobs.
Please vote YES on S1122
Thank you for your consideration and support of New Jersey’s fishing community.
The background information from the Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA)…
Recreational Fishing Alliance Executive Director Jim Donofrio said, “The legislators who have supported the free registry have made it very clear that there’s no place for a ($15 Federal) saltwater fee in New Jersey,” Donofrio said. “It’s quite obvious that the Senators and Assembly representatives from various committees are in unanimous consent that a free saltwater registry is the way to move forward at this time…”
The bipartisan bill would require the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to maintain a free annual saltwater registry program to meet the new federal mandate for data collection, allowing New Jersey’s coastal fishermen to avoid paying a $15 federal registration fee beginning January 1. The bill was approved unanimously in the Senate Environment Committee last week.
Donofrio said that several New Jersey organizations showed up in support of S1122 last week when the bill was heard before the Senate Environment Committee, as he praised representatives from RFA-NJ, United Boatmen, Marine Trades Association (MTA), Berkeley Striper Club, Hi-Mar Striper Club, Village Harbor Fishing Club, the Fish Hawks, Forked River Tuna Club, New Jersey Beach Buggy Association, and NJ Saltwater Fisherman for turning out in Trenton for last week’s hearing.
“It’s up to Senate President Sweeney to get this vote onto the floor of the Senate for a vote, and then on to the Governor to sign this bill into law.”
Cick here To find your state Senator’s phone number, visit and call immediately to give thanks and ask for support of S1122.
To hear recorded testimony on S1122 from the Senate Environment Committee Hearing, visit:
To hear the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee hearing , visit
December 16, 2010
Received: Dec 16, 2010 5:40 PM Subject: Al Ristori on CNBC
Here is the link as promised for the Al Ristori and Rick Robbins chat on CNBC.…8557255&play=1
~ Jim T., Bridgewater, NJ
December 14, 2010
Received: Dec 14, 2010 5:00 PM Subject: Frank Pallone weighs in on Sea Bass
Here is a link to what Frank Pallone has written to the United States Secretary of Commerce about the Black Sea Bass situation.…ssFishery.html
Here is a link to listen to the Fisheries Management Meeting tomorrow.
Log onto and type in mafmc in the search block to listen to the meeting
~ Jim T., Bridgewater, NJ
December 12, 2010
The recent offshore Sea Bass bite has been phenomenal! The last few days we have received reports from a number of customers who fished a variety of different areas.
Sonny Shepanski stopped in to rave about an epic trip! Sonny banged up monster sea bass just inside of the Wilmington Canyon. He said that the current was gnarly but big fish were biting like mad dogs. Sonny said, “We caught some of the biggest seabass I’ve ever seen.” Six pound plus fish! The fish were caught on bait (clam & squid) and jigging (Shimano Lucanus & Braid Thumper/Sea Fox Jigs).
Rob Vallone also shared a report from one of his killer trips. Rob fished offshore about 60-70 miles out. He reported that there weren’t any cod or pollock but there were sea bass and porgies. Rob said that they limited out keeping sea bass only and fish that were over 4-lbs.
Received: Dec 12, 2010 6:28 PM Subject: Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters , season closure and recap.
Wow, can it really be the end of another great fishing season already? Well if the calendar wasn’t enough of a hint the single degree temps this week have sure been the deciding factor. Skim ice has formed in the Marina and snow showers were present on our last trip, signaling the conclusion of the 2010 fishing season for Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters. What an exciting fishing season it has been beginning with an awesome striped bass bite on the bays shallow flats in early April employing a variety of artificials had light spinning tackle going zzzz! As the month of April matured, the flats excitement gained even more momentum as big bluefish joined the party making for not only great light tackle action but some of the best visual strikes seen anywhere! Offshore showed the good signs of a possible rebounding cod fishery as we caught more cod this year than in years past [let’s keep our fingers crossed]. Blackfish also cooperated extremely well both inshore and offshore.
By early May trophy striped bass to the upper 40-lb range made a surprisingly early showing while trolling Tony Maja’s Spoons or live lining around schools of Northerly migrating bunker.
Early June saw a continued trophy striper bite including our seasons largest 49-lber on live bunker. Wreck fishing added even more variety and kept the rods bending as quick as you could drop a bait to the bottom below, frequently producing double headers of both species. The bays summer flounder population exploded this year with numbers not seen or ever experienced even by I think the most saltiest veterans. Catches into the hundreds were common place but limits were a totally different story with the bulk of the fish ranging in size from 12 to 18-inches. Even the elusive weakfish made it’s presents known during most of August allowing anglers to score multiple Barnegat Bay Grand Slams [striper, bluefish, fluke, weakfish] through out most of the season. The back bays bottom species kept anglers both young and old entertained as the variety of species included blowfish, croakers, spot, snappers, fluke, weakfish, shark, burr fish, and even cobia, along with many more.
As our summer season wound down False Albies came blazing inshore for a short stay making for some more exciting site casting opportunities . Unfortunately their presence was a brief one due to a September weather pattern where we experienced coastal storm after storm. As we turned the calendar page to October we started seeing some really exciting early fall action with limits of striped bass on a combination of artificials and live baits in the bay and inlet area. Wreck fishing also hit it’s stride with seabass, blackfish and porgies rounding out the catches making for many an arm weary angler and many bags of delicious fillets. Weather continued to dictate what, when and how in November as we found ourselves having to fish around even smaller weather windows of opportunities, luckily we were still able to fish and catch our limits of striped bass in the bay when the elements aligned. The last couple of weeks of December has produced both limits of stripers and blackfish on trips when the weather cooperated. As I type this the Reel Fantasea is high a dry and tucked away for her winter slumber, but only for a short while as we will be starting our 2011 season in March in hopes of a continued spring cod, blackfish and resident striped bass fishery offshore. If you have a fun or exciting memory while fishing with Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters this season please share via email, facebook or website as I always enjoy any kind of feedback. Reel Fantasea on board tournament results are as follows-
Striper – 49lbs 51″ Jay Simmons
Bluefish- 16lbs- Joe Franke
Fluke- 5lbs- Sean Castle
Weakfish 16″ – Jay Simmons
Remember all who fish aboard are automatically eligible and winners to receive their choice of – 1] free open boat. 2] 1/2 off 5hrs back bay. Also keep in mind that we are already starting to reserve dates for the 2011 fishing season. Last minute Holiday Shoppers can purchase Gift Certificates via email, phone, facebook, in any amount for your “hard to buy for angler” and have it by the holidays. In closing it continues to be my passion to share, learn, experience and enjoy each and every fishing adventure with all who have fished with me this year. I wish that you may have not only enjoyed but learned something new on your adventure as I continue to be a student as well. My sincerest Thank YOU! and I hope to see everyone again next year!
Best Wishes to You and Yours for a Happy Healthy Holiday Season!
~ Capt. Steve Purul, “Reel Fantasea” Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609.290.1217
Received: Dec 12, 2010 12:08 PM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Report
Well, the boat is cleaned up and out of the water, all shrink wrapped and stored away for the winter. Now we’re just waiting for April to arrive so we can get back at it again. For the most part, 2010 was a pretty good year. Plenty of huge bass during the spring, and decent numbers most days this fall when the weather would let us go out and play. Weakfishing was again a major disappointment in 2010, but the phenomenal fluke fishing we had all summer made up for it. Sure it was mostly catch & release fishing, but 100 fish days were common and we even had a few days where we landed over a fish a minute for four hours! If all those 17″ fish we released show up again next year, it could be amazing.
So now it’s on to updating the web site and getting things ready for next year. On January 8, I’ll be part of the regional faculty for this year’s Saltwater Sportsman’s National Seminar Series hosted by ESPN’s George Poveromo in Atlantic City. This year’s event will be held at the Trump Marina Hotel/Casino in AC, and will be a solid six hours of fishing discussion by panels of national and regional fishing experts… plus me :). Information on the program can be found at . It’s usually a great day of fishing talk and outstanding door prizes, and if you decide to attend make sure to say hello!
This is always a sad time of year as it marks the end of yet another great season in which I’ve had the opportunity to spend time and fish with so many good friends, both old and new. I know I’ve said this in the past, but I truly understand how fortunate I am to have been blessed with this opportunity… thank you all for giving it to me.
Have a wonderful Holiday season, be safe and enjoy the gift of life. Hope to see you all again in 2011.
Until then,
~ Capt. Jack Shea, “Rambunctious”, Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters 609.698.3632
December 10, 2010
Received: Dec 10, 2010 4:42 PM Subject: Brrr! Fishing Report
Fished with Rick Griffin today aboard his Shamrock… Trolled umbrella rigs North of Barnegat Inlet in 42 degree water. Caught 3 Striped Bass and one was a keeper.
See you all at the Barnegat High School Flea Market tomorrow morning. I understand Greg is bringing lots of neat goodies.
~ Sam W.
December 9, 2010
Received: Dec 9, 2010 1:16 PM Subject: Saltwater License.
The Assembly voted to continue the FREE saltwater registry in NJ. Its good to see that some elected officials recognized the right thing to do.
~ Nick C.
Reminder: Sign up today for the free 2011 registry card by visiting don’t wait until 2011.
Recreational Fishing Alliance – Contact: Jim Hutchinson, Jr. / 888-564-6732 For Immediate Release
December 9, 2010
No Cost Registry Legislation Needs Full Senate Vote Before Month Ends
The New Jersey Senate Environment Committee today voted unanimously to approve Senate Bill 1122, paving the way for a full vote before the Senate. The vote in the Committee this morning gives New Jersey a chance to implement a new state registry program to meet the federal registry requirements set by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS).
Sponsored by Sen. Jeff Van Drew (D-Cape May) and Sen. Jennifer Beck (D-Red Bank), S1122 would require the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to maintain a free annual saltwater registry program to meet the new federal mandate for data collection, allowing New Jersey’s coastal fishermen to avoid paying a $15 federal registration fee beginning January 1.
An Assembly version of the legislation (A823) has already passed (54-16) which would allow the state to apply for exempted state designation from the federal registration requirement. The Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA) and its New Jersey chapter are hoping to see S1122 moved to the floor of the Senate in the coming days to have the vote done in time for the approaching deadline.
“New Jersey’s fishing community made their voices heard, and we want to thank all those Senators who helped get this bill to the committee for discussion today,” said RFA Executive Director Jim Donofrio. “Our praise of course to Committee Chair Smith for putting the bill up for a vote today, I know he’s had concerns with the legislation and was waiting for input from the DEP, and that’s why it was so good to have an opportunity to see discussion of the bill in the Committee.”
The Senate hearing chamber was standing room only today as members of the recreational fishing community turned out to participate in the process. While a DEP representative asked the Committee to consider incorporating a $5 fee on the registration, the Committee heard compelling testimony from Sen. Van Drew to vote in favor of the no fee registry.
“There was some confusion at first because some legislators weren’t aware of the fact that fishermen already pay a 10% excise tax to the federal government on every piece of saltwater tackle they buy in addition to fuel at the docks, what’s estimated to be more than $60 million for the 2006 calendar year,” Donofrio said. “When members of the Environment Committee heard today that the $3.8 million in Sport Fish Restoration Funds coming back to the state are used for salaries and other expenses instead of important programs like this, it was a pretty clear message,” he added. “Sen. Van Drew has
Senate Committee members voting in favor the free angler registration bill included Beck, Sen. Linda R. Greenstein (D-Monroe), Sen. Robert M. Gordon (D-Fair Lawn) and Sen. Christopher “Kip” Bateman (R-Somerville).
“In the end, the facts won out over the rhetoric, and the saltwater fishing community made their voices heard,” Donofrio said. “But now it’s time to call your state senator back to thank them for helping move S1122 to the Committee, and ask that they please help move this bill to the floor of the senate before the month is out,” he added.
RFA and the RFA-NJ have actively lobbied on behalf of registry legislation since 2007 when the new federal Magnuson Stevens Act was signed by the president, requiring the implementation of a phonebook of coastal anglers. Last week, NMFS announced that a $15 fee on each individual saltwater angler will be instituted as of January 1 for saltwater anglers not currently registered through the federal program or by other state coastal registrations. Individuals who also hold an active Highly Migratory Species (HMS) permit are also exempt from the registration requirements.
A823 was sponsored by New Jersey Assembly representatives Nelson Albano (D-Cape May), Matt Milam (D-Cape May), John Amodeo (R-Northfield), Celeste Riley (D-Bridgeton), Paul Moriarty (D-Turnersville), Scott T. Rumana (R-Wayne) and Gilbert Wilson (D-Audubon), and paved the way for the potential passage of the companion bill, S1122, in time to meet the federal mandate.
Cick here To find your state Senator’s phone number, visit and call immediately to give thanks and ask for support of S1122.
For more information on the federal registry program, click here.
About Recreational Fishing Alliance
The Recreational Fishing Alliance is a national, grassroots political action organization representing recreational fishermen and the recreational fishing industry on marine fisheries issues. The RFA Mission is to safeguard the rights of saltwater anglers, protect marine, boat and tackle industry jobs, and ensure the long-term sustainability of our Nation’s saltwater fisheries. For more information, call 888-JOIN-RFA or visit .
December 8, 2010
Raymond B. Sullivan Jr. of Brant Beach was awarded his $1530 check today! Ray took the top spot in both the LBI Surf Derby and our Striper Calcutta with his 56-lb 7-oz Striped Bass.
Raymond B. Sullivan Jr. Report from October 21, 2010…
“A lot of weigh-ins today and one was a “Holy Cow!”. Ray Sullivan took the lead in both the LBI Surf Derby and the FHQ Striper Calcutta with his 56-lb 7-oz Striped Bass that measured 52.5″ x 29.5″. Ray hooked into the fish on bunker just after 1 PM down towards the Haven Beach section of LBI. Ray said, “It has been a longtime coming!” Congratulations Ray! You are in the 50-lb Club!
Received: Dec 8, 2010 5:52 PM Subject: Al Ristori on CNBC
This is a post from a New Jersey fishing site. (see below) The author of the post is a television producer. Please have everyone you know tune into CNBC at 7:15 AM on Thursday, December 16th to CNBC’s Squawk Box. If this gentleman posts any more information and when he posts the link for the spot on the show, I will get it to you.
Jim T., Bridgewater, NJ
“After hearing concerns about Sea Bass Quotas for Next Year and the Overall Fishing Regulations put in place by the Mid Atlantic Fishery Department…
I am pleased to announce that Al Ristori, Charter Captain and Columnist for The Star Ledger along with Rick Robbins of The Mid-atlantic Fishery Management Council will be on CNBC’s Squawk Box At 7:15 AM ET next Thursday December 16th.
As an avid fisherman and a television producer – I am happy to bring this story to the attention of Not Only Our Viewers – But To The Nation. Should make for an interesting conversation that will not only involve discussion of the regulations – but the state of the industry and how tough economic times are hampering charter and party boat captains.
Tune in to CNBC’s Squawk Box At 7:15 AM ET Next Thursday – December 16th.
I will also post a link to the CNBC website in case anyone misses the interview. Please pass the word about this segment…we all have a vested interest in this topic!”
December 7, 2010
Received: Tuesday, December 07, 2010 7:58 PM Subject: BHCFA Report
Now that the really cold weather has arrived, most of the captains of the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association have finished putting their boats away for the winter or are in the process of doing so.
Just as all anglers should do, they are cleaning and organizing all of their gear and tackle so that they will be ready to go first thing in the spring. It won’t be long until the fish on the wrecks start to bite, and the migrating bluefish and stripers make their first appearance.
All of the captains send along their sincere wishes to all anglers for a happy holiday season and hope that all find their stockings filled with lures and other fishing knickknacks.
Anyone seeking additional information on the association or interested in bookings for the 2011 season can find their questions answered at or by calling 1-877-LBI-BHCFA (1-877-524-2423).
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr. – Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association –
Received: Dec 7, 2010 11:59 AM Subject: Hi Flier Open Boat Stripers—Our Last Trip for 2010!
We will be sailing our last trip of 2010 as an open boat striper trip on Thursday, December 9. We meet at the dock at 6:00 AM and return at Noon. The forecast is for diminishing northwest winds, 10 to 15 mph. We will have the jigging, casting, and trolling gear on board. We will use it all to put some fish in the boat. The cost for this final trip is $150 per person. After that, the Hi Flier is being hauled out and stored for the winter.
I want to thank everyone who sailed with us this year and I look forward to starting up again May 1. Have a great Holiday!
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
December 6, 2010
Just received an interesting email from Jim T. regarding 2011 Federal Saltwater Registry. (see his report below) It seems he signed-up for 2011 at no charge. It seems that if anglers sign-up for 2011 before the end of 2010 it will be free but in 2011 there may be a fee.
A few FHQ staff members signed-up today and registrations went thru just fine. It’s a Year-To-Date registration so today’s sign-ups will expire about this same time next year.
Just keep in mind if a state license or registration is required for fishing activity, you will need to have that license or registration in addition to this federal registration card. Please pass on any info you hear on the Federal Saltwater Registry topic and we will post. Thank you.
Received: Dec 6, 2010 5:15 PM Subject: Federal Saltwater Registry
I went to the web site below and signed up for a FREE for 2011 just like we had in 2010. I am signed up until December 3, 2011. Not sure if this means I would have to pay if it ends up that way. But, the way I see it, I am signed up and signed up for free.
I hope it works out for all of us. Here is the site we used for 2010. Sign up today for the free registry card. Before it changes.
~ Jim T., Bridgewater, NJ
Received: Dec 6, 2010 3:03 AM Subject: Striper Fishing This Weekend 12-4 & 12-5
Fished solo this weekend. Saturday had very sporty conditions. The fish were just inside the 3 mile line outside of Barnegat Inlet. Nice bird play and found two fat fish on trolled green tubes in 50 feet of water. 5-6 footers made trolling tough but productive and beat it to the barn by 10 AM. Sunday, NOAA blew the call early as the seas were just a slight chop close to the beach and 2-3 footers 2 miles off. Lost a 30 lb class fish @ 10 AM after 3 hrs of non productive trolling a niner as I tried to troll, handle the rod and gaff the fish. Nothing for the next hour and half until “all hell broke loose” @ 11:30 AM. Massive bird play 2 miles off the beach held 20 lb class stripers blitzing what appeared to be herring and anchovies on the surface. Had 2 20 lb fish hit a trolled red niner and then another 20 lber hit solo. Only 6-7 boats in on the action most jigging and combo jig/trolling the fish. Everyone limited out in 15 minutes time with many fish released. Also saw massive bird play both north and south of where I was fishing so I’m assuming we have a big push of fish in the area and just when most everyone else is out of the water. Congrats to the diehards out there yesterday and sticking it out until 12:30 PM. Seas kicked up on the trip in and the gale is on for the next couple of days. Hope the fish are still here next weekend. Tight Lines and Happy Holidays!
~ Potter Rumsey
December 5, 2010
Friday, a number of boats reported being productive on both Sea Bass and Blackfish at the Garden State Reef Sites.
A number a surf fisherman have returned to the shop this afternoon after a morning of, “all quiet on the beachfront”.
4:00 PM
Rob Vallone weigh-in a 13-lbs 5-oz Blackfish . He stopped in the shop this afternoon to weigh his fish and tell us that, “it was a nasty sea at the Garden State Reef Sites but use a Green Crab and it was on!”
Received: Dec 5, 2010 9:48 AM Subject: Reel Fantasea Fishing
The weather continues to be peppered with Gale and Small Craft warnings impacting the fishing by “for what” and “when” we can fish. When the elements were favorable we have found limits of both stripers to 33″ and blackfish to 8-lbs with a few late season bluefish to join the party making for some great late season action! The mid-week weather was 40+ mph SE wind and heavy rain with temps in the 60’s but by Thursday, the preferred NW wind direction moved in as a building high pressure took hold of the area . A late afternoon trip for regulars Jay Simmons and Ernie Rosenberg found the ocean blown flat but still dirty with not much going on. The next morning was a totally different story with water quality improving rapidly and the stripers responding accordingly. Under the vast bird play and all to themselves, the guys were out enjoying feeding stripers and bluefish. Limiting out quickly the guys continued to play catch and release until the action slowed enough to make the decision to go blackfsihing. Once at our next destination the guys ended the day limiting out on blackfish to 8-lbs .
~ Capt. Steve Purul, “Reel Fantasea” Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609.290.1217
December 4, 2010
3:30 PM
Scott Aaronson of Lumberton, NJ weighed-in a 14-lb 7-oz (35″) Stripers that he caught just before noon time which was minutes before dead low tide. Scott caught the fish in Spray Beach using bunker for bait.
December 2, 2010
8:00 PM
Dave Wark stopped into the shop at midday to pick up some bunker. He came back just after dark to report he got into fish. He has two bass on bunker in the Harvey Cedars surf.
Received: Dec 2, 2010 8:43 AM Subject: Striper Fishing Friday and Saturday Open Boat
The wind is coming around to the West/Northwest tonight through Saturday. This gale will blow through, the northwest will level things out and the migrating stripers will be on the feed. We will be sailing open boat Friday and Saturday for stripers. Out the Inlet, making a left and running up the beach until we find signs of life like birds and readings. Then we will try diamond jigging or casting plugs if the fish are on the surface. I will have the trolling gear on board in case that is the way to put a few fish in the boat, but only if you guys want to. The fishing was excellent right before the blow and will more than likely improve right after. We meet at 6:30 AM and return around 2:30 PM. The cost is $175 per person, I limit the boat to three. I provide everything and clean the fish for you when we hit the dock. The forecast is for sunny and mid 40’s temp on Friday and partly cloudy with mid 40’s on Saturday. Not bad for December!
We will not be sailing on this Sunday, Dec. 5 as we will be hosting our 3rd Annual Fishing Flea Market at Park Ave Elementary School, 280 Park Ave., Freehold, NJ 07728 from 9AM to 3PM. The show has over 90 tables of fishing tackle on display. The last two years has been a mob scene at this show. More info and directions at
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
December 1, 2010
Received: Dec 1, 2010 11:41 AM Subject: Striper Report
Fished Ship Bottom last night. Had 4 Stripers between 30″-35″. All caught just after dark which was the end of the 1st 3rd of the outgoing tide.
~ Brian S.
November 30, 2010
Jack Cannuli of Ship Bottom weighed-in a 16-lb 1-oz (36-3/4″) Striper for the derby. The fish was caught early this afternoon in the Ship Bottom surf right around the top of the tide using bunker.
Received: Nov 30, 2010 8:21 AM Subject: Weekly BHCFA Report
Things are starting to wind down for most of the captains of the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association, but the “Miss Beach Haven” continues to haul fish over the rails on a regular basis.
Sal Rosa, mate on the “Miss Beach Haven”, reports they sailed on Thanksgiving with a handful of anglers. They had to work hard but managed to put together a respectable catch of bluefish and stripers. Mike from Tabernacle took top honors with a 12-pound striper.
On the day after Thanksgiving, rather than heading to the Mall on Black Friday, Sal helped a small group of anglers have a great day of striper fishing despite some nasty conditions. Originally they planned to fish for blackfish, but made the move to stripers with great success. The bass were in the 8-15 pound range.
Saturday’s trip was made in some nasty seas, but the fishermen were able to find a good number of wreck fish in the 1-3 pound range. John Cheeseman won the pool with a 5.5 pound blackfish. On the way in some gannets diving helped them jig up some blues and stripers.
Sunday’s ocean conditions were nicer. The first wreck produced mostly shorts, but the next stop provided great fishing with many anglers limiting out. Cheeseman again won the pool, this time with a 6 pounder.
Captain John Koegler of “Pop’s Pride” reports he has pulled his boat and totally winterized it until Spring 2011. Captain John said it was 60-degrees when he was blocking the boat up, and it made him look forward to spring fishing already.
Additional information on the association can be found at or by calling 1-877-LBI-BHCFA (1-877-524-2423).
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr. – Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association –
November 29, 2010
6:00 PM
Rudy Egberts weighed-in a 23-lb 10-oz striper. He was out trolling off the Mid-Island and points South. Five other Stipers 33″ and longer plus one bluefish were also caught and released. Rudy said, “During the last few days all of the action has been on BlueWater Candy White StriperBrella! Nothing on Mann’s Stretch lures or Spoons.”
Chester Bajarski of South Plainfield weighed-in a 19-lb 6-oz (40″) Striper for the derby. The fish was caught during the middle of the outgoing tide just around sunset using bunker.
Date: Nov 29, 2010 6:45 PM Subject: Stripers on the troll
The last two days have been good for trolling stripers. The jig bite has been slow so we have been relying on trolling the wire to put fish in the boat and it is very productive. Sunday we caught using a tube umbrella rig and Maja bunker spoons. Today we had all of the fish on just the Maja spoons. The best color for us has been the green/chartreuse combo. The fish are mostly 12 to 20 pounds. I have been finding good action in 35 to 45 feet of water off of the Coast Guard Station on Island Beach State Park. I noticed the fish I cleaned lately didn’t have sandeels in their bellies, but rather big sardines or cigar minnows. Not a lot of bird play, but wall to wall readings on the depth recorder. Looks like a blowout for the next two days, so we will be back out Thurs, Fri, and Sat for more striper action. I will be running open boat each day. 6:30 AM to 2:30 PM
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
November 28, 2010
Harold McMaster weighed-in a 14-lb 6-oz (36″) Bluefish that he caught last night while fishing Harvey Cedars using bunker.
7 year old Peter Gray landed a 11-lb 7-oz Bluefish while fishing aboard the “Miss Beach Haven” using a Flo Green AVA jig. Peter said he also missed a Striper and that the boat did well on Blackfish today.
November 27, 2010
This morning, 10-lb class Bluefish and Striped Bass ranging from 15-lbs to 30-lbs were being caught at various spots all along Long Beach Island using bunker for bait. Once again most of the weigh-ins for the derby are coming in from the South-end of LBI.
Greg headed out Barnegat Inlet again in search of tuna again this morning with friends; Harry, Tom, and Marty. Despite the wildly windy day they had fish all over. Greg said, “We had a good number of opportunities as the tuna were on active feeds; however, with the rough conditions it was very difficult to get into position.” Greg hooked and landed a 100-lb class bluefin on a stick bait using his Penn Torque 7 spinning reel.
Received: Nov 27, 2010 2:57 PM Subject: Fishing Report 11/27
I fished Brant Beach from 5:45 AM – 11:00 AM and nothing happened until around 9 AM (start of the last 3rd of the incoming tide) when the bite seemed to turn on and lasted until about 10:30 AM. (high tide was at 11 AM) I caught a 14-lb (33.5″) Striper on a bunker chunk. Lost two bluefish along with my hooks and then landed the third bluefish which was an 11-lb 9oz (33.5″) fish caught on bunker chunk. Then caught a 15-lb 9oz (35.5″) Striper, again on bunker chunk. I saw another larger fish caught South of me, but couldn’t tell what it was. Didn’t hear or see any other fish caught on that stretch of beach.
~ Jim C.
November 26, 2010
6:00 PM
Alex King (14 years old) of Cherry Hill weighed in a 15-lb 3-oz Striper that he caught late this morning. The Striper was caught while fishing the North-end in the surf of Barnegat Light using bunker.
Late this morning, Cliff Smith caught an 11-lb 13-oz Bluefish in the Loveladies surf using bunker.
Striped Bass ranging from 15-lbs to 25-lbs are being caught at various spots all along Long Beach Island using clam or bunker for bait. However, most of the weigh-ins for the derby are coming in from Holgate. (Holgate is the South-end of LBI)
November 25, 2010
The management and staff of Fisherman’s Headquarters wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!
November 24, 2010
10:00 AM
Capt. Stew of the “Pez Machine” texted us a message, “All the bass and blues you want off Harvey Cedars! It’s cold and blowing but the fish are stacked up about a mile off the beach. Both jigging and trolling are producing. So far the biggest fish is 41-inches and that was caught on a jig.” Picture of Pez Machine Depthfinder.
Date: Nov 24, 2010 9:34 AM Subject: Open Boat Stripers, West Wind!!
We have been out every day catching stripers in the bay on live spots and in the ocean, jigging and trolling. The fish are mostly 26 to 36-inches with a good ratio of keepers. The water temp is holding strong at 51 degrees and the big gator bluefish are still with us! Many of these fish are weighing in the high teens. Both species are gorged with sandeels and it looks good for a nice Fall/Winter run. We’re going to sail well into December for bass, maybe until Christmas as long as the weather holds up.
We are going into a west wind pattern through the weekend. That will make for a flat ocean and excellent fishing. We will be running open boat Friday, Sunday, and Monday 6 AM to 2 PM. Running up the beach looking for birds and readings to jig on. I always have the trolling rods on board if they are needed, some days trolling is the way to put a few fish in the boat, but I always leave it up to the charter. The cost is $175 per person and I limit the boat to three people. I will sail with just one.
Here’s a few pics from the last few days:
– Danny Gorman and Max DeGennaro, Little League pals and residents of Barnegat, NJ with a few keepers they livelined on spots in the inlet Saturday. The diamond jig is in Danny’s fish just to provide a handle for the pic.
– Ed Reilly of Bridgewater with one of 12 Stripers that he caught by himself on Monday.
Call to make a reservation 732.330.5674 cell.
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
Received: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 10:16 AM Subject: Beach haven Charter Fishing Association Report
The boats of the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association have been splitting their time successfully between blackfish and striped bass.
The “Miss Beach Haven” under Captain Frank Camarda has been sailing both for striped bass and hitting the wrecks for some good catches of blackfish. Last week he had a great group of high school students from Cinnaminson out on a cold and rough day. The group from an AP Environmental Science Class handled the conditions well and all went home with bags of cleaned blackfish. Several of the students limited out.
Saturday’s trip with Captain Frank was right on the money again as a boat load of regular anglers mugged up the blackfish. Several anglers limited out while most had 3-5 keepers. Dave won the pool with a 5.2 pound fish.
On Sunday a limited group went out and caught plenty of fish, but many were throwbacks. After weeding through the shorts, most anglers limited out on 1-3 pound fish and the pool winner was 5.5 pounds.
Other captains continue to catch nice sized striped bass with Little Egg Inlet being the hot place to fish. Both the outgoing and incoming tides have been productive with fresh clams for bait and some clam chum working the best.
Additional information on the association can be found at or by calling 1-877-LBI-BHCFA (1-877-524-2423).
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr. – Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association –
November 23, 2010
Greg went back out with Capt. Adam of Shore Catch Guide Service again this morning. The fish were in the same general area but spread out. Greg said, “They (Bluefin Tuna) were on top chasing bait; however, they didn’t organize (like they did yesterday) due to the increased presence of boats in the area. The fish would come up or bird play would start to materialize and the closest boat would get on it. Yesterday we could pick and choose which pack of birds/fish looked more active. Throughout the morning, we had a number of great opportunities. Big fish boiling but they looked and turned. A couple times we came up on heavy feeds, but only capitalized and locked up on one.” The one fish was a good one! Conservative estimate for Greg’s tuna 125-lb For some great pictures check out the Shore Catch Guide Service site.
We received a few reports from customers about a great bite on the South-end of the Island today. As you will see below, there were also fish caught elsewhere. As of the time of this report the biggest bass (unofficial) of the day was caught by Joanna Sullivan, a 28-lb 8-oz Striper.
Jim Rossiter of Bridgeton NJ weighed-in a 17-lb 3-oz (37-1/4″) Striper that he caught in Holgate this afternoon on bunker.
Kenneth Grab of Manahawkin NJ weighed-in a 11-lb 13-oz (34-1/4″) Striper that he caught in Ship Bottom this afternoon on clam.
Other Stripers caught today: Bill Montrey had a 20-3 and a 17-1. Tom White weighed in a 20-15. Kurt Horensky 14-1.
Some blues were caught off the beach this morning and throughout the day on bunker. The following Bluefish were checked into the Derby for today: Brent Becker 12-10, Barry Baxter 11-4, Martin Supsie 13-13.
November 22, 2010
Stew on the Pez Machine was on the fish again today. They had a number of their bass trolling both north and south of the BL Inlet. Nothing on the jig.
Al Stella was jigging today off of the Bather’s Beach. He had two keeper (35”) bass and two shorts. No Blues.
Greg went out this morning with Capt. Adam of Shore Catch Guide Service and Sammy in search of bluefin. Their sights were set for a specific location; however, they found ‘em in route. Actually just a few miles further offshore from where Greg got into the epic striper jig bite just a few days ago. First thing in the morning the tuna were actively feeding all over the surface. As time went they became more spread out and much more spooky. Final count: 3 for 3 on 100-lb class bluefin tuna. Killed the first of the table and released the other two. All were caught casting lures, stick bait sliders.
Received: Nov 22, 2010 4:18 PM Subject: 11/21 Fishing Report
This weekend we had a great group of guys from PA. John, Bill, Andy, and Paul out for there annual striped bass trip and decided to give “Bottom Line” a chance to put some Stripers in the boat. With the weather really dictating when we could fish this week we had a challenge.
So we left the dock around 7:30 and headed out Barnegat Inlet. There were a lot of boats working the North jetty so we decided to go North in a rough NE pounding wind. We set up around Seaside and right away we had some action. Mostly shorts mixed in with large bluefish. I would say at around 10:30 we were getting tired of playing with the blues and decided to move South. We put the wire lines in with some shads and tubes. We got about 15 yards and the game was on… None stop Stripers. All were around 20 pounds. And most of them were well above the 28″ minimum size, all stuffed with sand eels. After hooking about 20 bass, the guys wanted to try some jigging by the inlet. We really didn’t have much luck, just a few small blues and two dogfish. It was around 3 PM and with a full cooler we headed in… It was a great day of fishing. Thanks guys. See all the pictures on our web-site.
~ Capt. Tom Cormann, “Bottom Line”, Forked River 201.788.3223
November 21, 2010
Full Moon today.
Matthew Gogojewicz of Manahawkin, NJ a Team Mullet member weighed-in a 20-lb 3-oz (38″) Striper that he caught in Holgate early this afternoon using bunker.
Received: Nov 21, 2010 10:02 PM Subject: Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters
The needle on the “Action Gauge” pinned this week with both very cooperative stripers to 20-lbs and slammer blues to 16-lbs! This week limits were enjoyed by most anglers aboard the Reel Fantasea as the Fall season has hit it’s full throttle stage and stripers averaging 10-20lbs have been cooperating very enthusiastically and filling limits, and huge tenacious slammer blues to put the “Sit Down” on many arm weary anglers who have stepped aboard this week!
Regular Joe Franke joined by friend and fishing partner Ed Groch began the week with a fast out of the gate start enjoying a vast bird play with both stripers and big blues all to themselves securing their limit of stripers within minutes all the while continuing to slam both stripers and blues through out the day. Both Joe and Ed continued to catch stripers to 20-lbs and big slammer blues to 16-lbs till trips end. Ed [75 yrs young] had stated that even though he had been fishing since the age of 5yrs old with both his father and grandfather “This was the best Fishing I have ever experienced in my life”. Wow ! 70years of fishing ? I hope I’m that blessed!
The fast and furious action continued for regulars Jay Simmons, Ernie Rosenberg and Scott Kindness with limits of stripers to the upper teens and plenty of slammer blues to keep the guys doubled and tripled up through out the day until trips end.
The Brent Burger Party was out to experience non of the above action, whether full moon, heavy boat traffic or just plain “indigestion mode” after a 4 day feeding binge the fish were not in feeding mood. Despite good readings of fish under the boat, most of our offerings went unnoticed except for a few missed hits and couple of fish.
I have a few spots available for Dec 5th and 12th for Open Boat participation for those interested, we will be targeting both stripers and blackfish and space is limited to 4. I have a few short video clips of the fishing this week on Face Book for those who would like to check out the action, I must say that it is hard to Film the action while handling the deck and everything that goes along with it. Check it out and become a fan. I would like to wish everyone a a safe and Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours.
~ Capt. Steve Purul, “Reel Fantasea” Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609.290.1217
Received: Nov 21, 2010 10:28 AM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Report
As I guessed in last week’s report, once the water cleaned up a bit the inlet area came roaring back to life with live spot being the bait of choice, and steady jigging action along the beachfront finally turning on. The weather really dictated how we could fish this week, with ocean conditions determining when we could run up the beach and inlet conditions fluctuating between sporty and unfishable most of the week. But it’s November, so that’s expected and the price we pay for great fall fishing.
Monday, I had Scott Fritz and Pete Haupt out on their annual pre-Thanksgiving outing, and the guys proceeded to start the week off by landing eighteen stripers up to 20 pounds. All but five of these fish were above the 28″ minimum size, so these were nice fish stuffed to the gills with sand eels. Diamond jigs and live spot both produced, with the hottest action coming in the inlet as the tide changed and fourteen bass being landed in just over an hour.
Tuesday turned out to be a rough trip for the Jack Hough party when the howling southeast winds and swell in front of Wednesday’s gale made both the ocean and the inlet unfishable, and neither clams nor live spot could generate action in the back bay.
Friday brought out Hal Gilham with his son Patrick, father-in-law “Crazy” Charlie, and buddy Joe for an epic day of bass fishing. The fishing in the inlet was so good around the tide change that by 8:15 the guys had landed twenty bass to 19 pounds, all on live spot. With their limit already in the box, we then headed north for some fun jig fishing off Seaside and the guys caught (and released) another twenty bass plus 20-25 jumbo bluefish before we headed in with a full fish box and aching arms late morning
Saturday brought back George Selph and Bob Keller for their season finale and while the intense weekend boat traffic slowed the bite down a bit, the guys still managed to land seven bass on spot and jigged up eight to ten big blues north of the inlet.
So overall, a pretty good week of fishing and what we look forward to each fall. As I mentioned a couple weeks back, I’m planning to extend my season for a week past my normal Thanksgiving wrap-up for anyone looking to get out one last time.
Until next week.
~ Capt. Jack Shea, “Rambunctious”, Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters 609.698.3632
Received: Nov 21, 2010 9:15 AM Subject: BHS Fishing club
November 19, 2010 – Barnegat High School Fishing Club was aboard the Carolyn Ann III this past Friday. Originally the trip was a scheduled Blackfish trip, but the weather wasn’t cooperating. Instead, the crew of the Carolyn Ann III put us on nice 10-12 lb bluefish and in addition to one boated striper. Senior Jake Kovacs caught his first-ever striped bass (31″). Of the 28 students that I had out there, all of them caught fish and went home with some fillets. Another great time fishing aboard the Carolyn Ann III, thanks to the Captain and crew for the experience.
~ BHS Fishing Club Advisor, Brett Taylor
November 20, 2010
Again today there was a hot jigging bite in the morning. Capt. Stew of the Pez Machine got into fish again today North of the BL Inlet. As of 10 AM they had 6 keeper size bass and two throwbacks as well as a lot of bluefish. All jigging.
The striper bite off of the surf has been stellar so far today. Bass on Bunker! Chunk ’em up or if you can Snag ’em and swim ’em. Most of the reports we are getting are coming from mid-island and the northern section of the island; however, there’s gotta be fish getting caught South too.
Blake and Ed hit the mid-island beach after work last night for a couple hours. It started out with garbage fish, but eventually they landed two nice stripers. Both on bunker. Blake went back out again this morning and missed one knock down The birds were beating the surface but it was out of casting distance. He’s going back out tonight.
A number of fish were caught last night and this morning. Take a look at the LBI Fishing Tournament weigh-in list.
The top fish for today’s LBISFT landings this morning was a 42-lb 14-oz (49″) Striper caught by Jennifer Solewski of Benardsville, NJ in the Harvey Cedars surf using bunker at about 10:00 AM. This was at about 2/3 of the way down on the outgoing. Congratulations to Jennifer!
Then at 11:45 AM Robert Brauck of Atco, NJ landed a 40-lb 8-oz (47″) Striper in Harvey Cedars on bunker. That fish was caught during the last hour of the outgoing tide.
This afternoon Dave Lynch of Milltown, NJ weighed in a 27-lb 8-oz Striper. He caught the bass by snag’in and swim’in bunker mid-island.
Received: Nov 20, 2010 10:20 AM Subject: Report 11/20 – Mantaloking
At the beach before any light. Light wind WSW, high water, current pulling slightly S to N. Very little cloud cover after first light. There were enough guys fishing, not as many as during the week. Most throwing jigs, I threw surface plug for a while, then Storm lure. A few guys threw Bombers. Same 2 guys with bait sticks (clam). They didn’t need 8-oz to hold, but used it to cast past the bar. All in all – bad from the surf. Nothing caught, not even fluke. There was activity about 3 football fields off shore, bunker with something on them. One of those pods, came close to reachable, then disappeared. Boats flew past us heading south. Maybe LBI has all the fish. Good day for raking leaves in Brick.
~ Anthony – Brick, NJ
November 19, 2010
Approaching this full moon (11/21/2010) we have had a great run of fish. The fishing has been red hot! The last couple of days there have been bunker pods close to the beach. Brian Coen took the kayak out this afternoon mid-island. He land two twenty-two pound bass right before dark by snagging and dropping bunker.
For the second day in a row we had a lot of weigh ins:
– Dennis Benzenhafer of Waterford Works, NJ weighed-in a 17-lb 8-oz 37-1/4″ Striped Bass that he caught in the Holgate Surf this morning using bunker.
– Rick Wieland of Ship Bottom, NJ weighed-in a 19-lb 14-oz 40″ Striped Bass that he caught in the Ship Bottom surf this morning using bunker.
– John Bonner of Tuckerton weighed three (12-lb 12-oz, 19-lb 9-oz, 21-lb 9-oz) bass out of Brant Beach on Bunker.
– Don & Patricia Tharp of Manahawkin weighed in some fish today. Patricia had a 13-lb 9-oz bass and Don had a 9-lb 12-oz bluefish. They were both fishing in North Beach with bunker
– Tom Law of Beach Haven weighed in a 21-lb 13-oz bass that he caught off of the Spray Beach surf on bunker.
– James Bitwinski of Bayonne stopped by the shop to gear up and hit the beach in Holgate. He said that lost a good size bass in the wash. Shortly after he landed two bluefish on bunker; a 12-lb 10-oz and a 10-lb 8-oz.
South Philly Fred was on it again! He hit the water early this morning with “got one on” Yonnie and Cap G. Roy. They headed back to the same place they got ‘em yesterday. Again there was an abundance of bait and the fish didn’t move a mile. They got into the fish jigging, popping and livelining. The hot jig this day was not the Shimano Slidend but the Shimano 135 gram Whirligig Butterfly Jig in pearl white. Yonni said, “It was full on, until the mass of boats put a damper on things. It turned into a parking lot really quick so we decided to head in.” On the way back to the dock, Philly Fred’s eagle eye spotted an active pod of bunker tight to the beach. They crawled into the massive pod and were delighted to see fish boiling on top. After a solid hour of bass and blues, a boat passing-thru blew up the spot. That Captain was unconscious to what was going on.
Once back on land Fred hit the beach mid-island and had bunker breaking water. He crept out on a jetty in order to reach the fish. Snagging bunker he got his drag going but only with toothy critters. Before long a boat came in and cast netted the bunker from the same pods that he was working. Once the boat spooked the fish away, Fred called it a day. This was Fred’s second experience of the day with an inconsiderate boater.
Captain Stew Hitchner of Pez Machine Sportfishing had a great day fishing off of IBSP in 50-60’ of water! Jigging they had all bass and trolling umbrella rigs produced bass, blues and a little surprise. While trolling an umbrella rig they got locked up with a line screamer! It turned out to be a bluefin tuna estimate to weigh around sixty pounds. The Pez Machine is still open for charter this Sunday. If interested please call Stew @ 609.287.5136
Both inlets had fish today! The word on the street is that the Beach Haven Inlet area went off big time. The BL Inlet also produced fish. Anglers also worked the rocks with live greenies for tog.
Received: Nov 19, 2010 8:00 PM Subject: Fishing Report 11/19
Pretty productive day in Brant Beach. I fished pretty much from 7 AM-5 PM (after plugging for several hours, 3-7 AM in Barnegat Light/Brighton Beach with zero to show). It was a beautiful day to be on the beach, regardless of the fishing. Non-stop action for most of the day, along with consistent bunker pods getting crashed by blues/bass. When I first arrived, the bass (I would guess 30-lb class) were jumping clear out of the water after the bunker. I caught a 16/10 (37″) bass around 7:45 on a freshly snagged bunker chunk. Then another bass around 2pm. My BogaGrip had this one a little heavier (17lbs) but was shorter at 35″. I had yet another bass of similar size jump out of the water and spit the hook 5 feet away from me in the shore break after a decent fight. I also had another, larger bass on for about 10 minutes before another pulled hook. Throughout the day I also caught 7 blues, all between 10 to 12-lbs (30-31.5″), all on bunker chunks…I had 2 bite-offs as well… The bite went dead around 3pm…
~ Jim C.
Received: Nov 19, 2010 3:48 PM Subject: Report Friday 11/19 Brick Beach
Got in the water just before 0600. Light WNW wind, tide maybe a half hour into the outgoing. After sun-up, bright skies. No current to speak of, water pretty flat. Again, most guys throwing AVA jigs with a teaser. Two guys with bait sticks (clam). A lot of fluke were being hooked, did not see any bass. When I got on the beach, there was a pod of bunker just out of casting range. It move North quickly. Consensus amongst the men was – bunker in the water, the bass don’t want the sand eel (or our AVA jigs). Tried Storm lures, top water plugs – no good. Looking North toward Point Pleasant, you could see enough boats just outside the inlet to constitute an armada. They were most likely sitting on top of the bunker. Most guys were gone by 0800. I hung out till 0915 with a few more fluke but no bass. Water feels a little colder than it has been.
~ Anthony – Brick, NJ
November 18, 2010
8:45 PM
The bunker was in tight to the beach today. We have received reports from all around the Island from the BL Inlet all the way down to Holgate. There was bunker out the WAZOO today! And we had a bunch of weigh ins most were caught chunking or live lining bunker.
– Fred Laroche of Barnegat weighed in a 41” 24-lb 8oz striper. He caught the bass mid-island just after dark on bunker.
– John Sanford of Barnegat weighed in two 18-lb fish (an 18-lb 13-oz and 18-lb 11-oz). He was live lining mullet off of the surf mid-island.
– Anothny Cucinotta of Beach Haven weighed in a 11-lb 12oz bluefish that he caught off of the Brant Beach surf.
– Patti & Brain Dalton of Tabernacle had a late start but still got into the action. Patti weighed in a 20-lb 3-oz bass and a 12-lb 3-oz bluefish. They had three bass and four blues mid-island.
– Tom Law Sr of Beach Haven weighed in a 19-lb 9-oz bass he got on bunker.
– Craig Lindsay of Lansdale, PA stopped into the shop a couple times today. He was fishing the beach with frozen bunker and was banging fish all day.
The boat fishing picked up just where it left of before the “mini” blow. The fishing in the boat was epic today! BIRDS, BUNKER, BASS & BLUES!!!
Tom Lewis broke the BL Inlet in the dark this morning and headed north. He found bird working and got into the fish. He said, “There wasn’t a boat around. I was catching fish. I turned my back and the army invaded. I was bombarded by boats!” He had bass and blues jigging bucktails and metal as well as casting plugs. The bluefish were tearing gear up.
Capt. Adam of Shore Catch Guide Service was on the water again today. He went out late morning with a couple friends and got into ‘em good. He went north out of the BL Inlet and instantly ran into fish. They jigged up a number of bass; however, their biggest (~28-lbs) was caught on a live bunker.
Greg, Ed and Joni (all FHQ Staff) got into the action early this morning and kept with it until midday when they had to quit in order to get back to the shop for the afternoon shift. They reported an epic day with bass on lures. Joni said the bass wanted 5” Red-Fins! They had fish on other plugs too and it was a catch on every cast. Greg mentioned that he had two handfuls of bass on the new Shimano Butterfly Jigs (Slidend & Whirligig in Squid White) as well as a boat load of bass on Vintage Cordell Red-Fin lures as well as Stillwater BeachRunner and Rapala X-Rap. “You had to slow crawl the plug to get the bass. They couldn’t resist!” Ed worked the tubed AVA 47 and 67 metals to put up good numbers of bass as well as a handful of blues. Ed also worked the lipped swimmer when the fish were on top (which was most of the day).
One customer stopped in the shop and reported that he was covered up in stripers this morning and again this evening at the BL Rocks. He said that his dawn patrol was so good that he had to get more. He said that for the most part the bass were small but he had a couple keepers.
A customer stopped in this evening to load up on live eels. He was raving about his recent success. He said the sod banks are producing a number of fish for him. Some in the twenty plus range!
Received: Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 4:52 PM Subject: Surf Report 11/18 – Mantaloking
1010 hrs – I was in water before first light near Downer (Mantaloking). Once the sun popped, it was bright – no cloud cover. Half a mile to my left and right were surfcasters, almost shoulder to shoulder. Wind was very light out of the west, surf pretty flat. Out-going tide ( low around 1120am) made it easier to wade out further on the bar. Bass were breaking water out about 3/4 of the cast length. Only saw two guys throwing bait (they said clam ). Current wasn’t pulling hard either way like the last few days, so 5 oz was holding. Most guys were throwing Ava jigs (first black, then bright colors) with a white feather teaser. The water was loaded with sand eel – fluke and sundial were hitting but the bass were stand-off-ish. Almost everyone left by 0800. I stayed till 0930 with more fluke but no bass. By 1300 should have the water coming in and still be able to walk safely out on the bar. More later.
1625 hrs – Hit the beach around 1245. A little overcast, the west wind picked up a little. was able to get out on the bar and cast. First 45 minutes had a schoolie bass (18”) and two fluke on AVA w/red tail. Then it all shut off. The handful of men in the surf left. Only one was throwing bait (clam). At about 1530, guys started to show up, throw AVA again but didn’t see anything hooked. The water was coming in good, so most were casting from the shore line. There was a lot of bluefish explosions all afternoon, but much too far out to cast. A few men who just came from Point Pleasant said the bunker were in close enough to snag, but didn’t see any blues hooked. Try tonight or tomorrow.
~ Anthony Lombardo
Received: Nov 18, 2010 6:50 PM Subject: 2011 Sea Bass proposal
Can you post the following information from the Atlantic States Fisheries Management Council. This is more bad news for the fishermen and for the fishing boats. If this goes through, this could signal the end for some of our favorite party boats. First, here is a link to write to US Senator Robert Menendez from New Jersey. Believe it or not, he does eventually write back.
Thanks, Jim T., Bridgewater, NJ
Here is the information from the ASFMC:
Richard B. Robins, Jr. 800 North State Street, Suite 201 Christopher M. Moore, Ph.D.
Chairman Dover, Delaware 19901-3910 Executive Director
Tel: 302-674-2331
Lee G. Anderson Toll Free: 877-446-2362
Vice-Chairman FAX: 302-674-5399
DATE: November 12, 2010
TO: Black Sea Bass Monitoring Committee
FROM: Jessica Coakley
SUBJECT: Black Sea Bass Recreational Management Measures for 2011
The Black Sea Bass Monitoring Committee and the Science and Statistical Committee (SSC) met in July 2010 to review the most recent stock assessment information on black sea bass and make recommendations to the Council and Commission on the overall TAL and the recreational harvest limit for 2011. The Council recommended and the Commission adopted a TAL of 3.60 million lb for 2011.
The proposed rule has not yet filed. I do not expect the NMFS proposed rule will be different than the recommendations of the Council and Commission, given that 3.60 million lb is consistent with the recommendations of the SSC. Based on the allocation formula and subtracting the amount dedicated to the Research Set-Aside Program, the recreational harvest limit recommended by the Council and Commission in 2011 would be 1.78 million lb. The Committee must decide on the possession, size, and seasonal limits that will most likely achieve the recreational harvest limit in 2011. The following is a review of recreational catch and landings data for the black sea bass fishery. Also, detailed analyses of MRFSS intercept and catch data are included to help in the Committee’s deliberations.
Recreational Catch and Landings
Recreational catch and landings of black sea bass have fluctuated since 1981. Recreational catches peaked in 1986 at 28.95 million fish and then fluctuated between 5.05 and 14.06 million fish from 1987 to 1999 (Table 1). Catches increased significantly in 2000 to 16.93 million fish and then dropped to 6.94 million fish in 2005, and were 9.09 million fish in 2009. Recreational landings peaked at 12.39 million lb in 1986 and then fluctuated between 1.15 and 6.21 million lb from 1987 to 2008. Landings were estimated at 2.32 million lb in 2009.
The 2010 MRFSS data are incomplete and preliminary. To date, only the first four waves of catch and landings data are available (Table 2). The Monitoring Committee does an early review of the MRFSS data because the Council and Commission agreed that recommendations would have to be made late in the current year (i.e., 2010) to give the states enough time to enact changes in their regulations for the upcoming year (i.e., 2011). Based on preliminary data for waves 1-4 (January through August), catch estimates in 2010 were 5.56 million fish and the number of landed fish was 1.23 million fish in 2010. Landings by weight for the first four waves of 2010 were 1.86 million lb and the mean weight of landed fish in 2010 was 1.51 lb. The highest black sea bass landings in 2010 waves 1-4 occurred in Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey (Table 3). Preliminary wave data for 2010 can be used to project catch and landings for the entire year. Projections are typically conducted using the prior year proportions by wave and the current year waves 1-4; however, given the recreational closure in late 2009/early 2010, the average proportion from 2006-2008 was used. Regulations for 2006-2008 were identical, with a season open all year. Assuming the same proportion of catch and landings by wave in 2006-2008, projected catch estimates for 2010 would be 7.36 million fish and projected landings would be 3.12 million lb (Table 1).
Past Harvest Limits and Management Measures
The Council and the Commission have recommended various recreational harvest limits and other management measures since the FMP was first implemented. Harvest limits in Federal waters were 3.15 million lb from 1998-2001, increased to a high of 4.13 million lb in 2005, and the limit was 1.83 million lbs in 2010 (Table 4). All states, with the exception of Massachusetts, adopted the Federal regulations of 25 fish, 12.5 inches TL minimum fish size, and an open season from May 22 to October 11 and November 1 to December 31 in 2010 (Table 5). Massachusetts opted for a more restrictive 20 fish possession limit, and adopted all other Federal regulations in 2010. Projected recreational landings for 2010 are approximately 70 percent above 2010 harvest limit.
Intercept Data and Regulatory Compliance
Landing frequencies for the first four waves of 2010 indicate that about 90 percent of the trips landed 6 or fewer fish per trip, with 50 percent of the successful trips landing between 1 and 2 black sea bass (Table 6). Compliance with the minimum fish size has been less than 100 percent. The coastwide percentage of fish less than the size limit was 14.4 in 2010 (Table 7). 2011 Federal Management Measures Projected estimates for 2010 indicate that landings will be above the 2011 recreational harvest limit. Changes in the possession and size limits or season could be modified to achieve the desired harvest level in 2011 (Tables 8 and 9). Based on the projected landing estimate for 2010 of 3.12 million lb, landings would have to be reduced by 43 percent to achieve the Council preferred and NMFS proposed harvest limit of 1.78 million lb for 2011.
There is uncertainty with the analyses used to evaluate the potential effects of specific sets of coastwide measures (i.e., minimum size, possession limits, and seasons) and the associated predicted landings. In addition, by using the 2010 data to evaluate 2011 measures, it is assumed that effort and availability will be the same in 2011 as in 2010. Table 10 suggests the proportion of directed black sea bass trips relative to total trips has varied between 0.4 and 1.2 percent, from 1991-2009. Predicting the number of trips that might be taken in 2011 is more complicated. Recreational fishing demand models are used to forecast the demand for fishing trips as well as to determine the value that anglers place on the various factors that affect their behavior. The models attempt to predict how changes in fishing site characteristics (travel costs, catch rates, available species, water quality, etc.), fishery management policies (possession limits, size restrictions, closed seasons), and angler characteristics (age, gender, race, income, etc.) affect the demand for angler fishing trips. Unfortunately, due to data constraints, the characteristics contained in the models are usually rather narrowly defined which limits the predictive capability of the models. This makes evaluation of changes in angler behavior difficult and complex. Changes in angler behavior may result in a breakdown in the assumptions associated with specific sets of regulations and their anticipated results. Shift in effort in response to closed seasons is difficult to predict (i.e., effort recoupment). As such, managers should rely on the tools which are considered to be most effective. Last year, this Committee described seasons as one of the more effective tools to constrain landings to the recreational harvest limits; particularly during high effort/landing time periods. In the past, this Committee has discussed the complex life history strategies utilized by black sea bass which may make it sensitive to fishery disturbance during spawning. This Committee has also discussed setting a ceiling on minimum size recommendations such that adjustments must be made through possession limits and seasons. I compiled the following options for Federal regulations which meet the 43 percent reduction:
1) maintain the current minimum fish size and adjust the possession limit and season; regulations would include a 12.5 inch TL minimum fish size, 2 fish possession limit (-23 fish), and an open season from June 1 through July 31 and November 1 through December 31; [0.2622+0.2410-0.0632] = total reduction* = 44.0 percent
2) maintain the current minimum fish size adjust the possession limit and season; regulations would include a 12.5 inch TL minimum fish size, 5 fish possession limit (-20 fish), and an open season from July 1 through September 18 and November 1 through December 31; [0.3864+0.0787-0.304] = total reduction* = 43.5 percent
3) adjust the minimum fish size and possession limit, maintain season; regulations would include a 13.0 inch TL minimum fish size (+ 0.5 inch TL), 1 fish possession limit (-24 fish), and an open season from May 22 through October 11 and November 1 through December 31; [0.7294-0.2457] = reduction* = 48.4 percent
* Note the reductions associated with the minimum fish size and possession limit combinations (X) are not directly summed with the reductions associated with seasonal adjustments (Y). There is an interactive effect evaluated as X+Y-XY.
4) Staff Recommendation for Federal Waters in 2011
The Monitoring Committee must recommend recreational management measures for 2011. I recommend seasonal adjustments and possession limit reductions be used to achieve the required reduction as opposed to increasing the minimum fish size.
November 17, 2010
Cap’n Adam of Shore Catch Guide Service was on the water yesterday afternoon with Francis and Kenny. They hit the bass hard with the fly up off of IBSP. They had non stop action for a good four hours. There were also boats in the area banging up the fish jigging metal. If the sand eels stick around the excellent fishing should continue. Let’s hope it does right into the Holidays. Well see what’s up after this blow.
The bass fishing in the bay and inlets are still happening. The action has been found both on the north-end and down on the south-end of the Island. Most are drifting live bait (eels & spot); however, some anglers are opting to anchor up with a bushel of clams. We received a report from our good friend Skip yesterday. He said the day before he plugged the bass to his exhaution in the boat at the Island’s northern Inlet. Skip mentioned that the hot plug was the School Bus Bomber.
Get the live green crabs and go. As of yesterday the tog limit is now 6 per person at 14″. The South Jetty at the northern end of the Island is producing. It’s going to take a little bit of skill and luck to get the keepers out of the rocks but they are there waiting for you. As time goes on and the water chills the inshore/offshore wrecks will heat up.
Once the weather breaks again look out for those inshore bluefin gorging on sand eels. A number of local anglers have hooked into ’em jigging and popping.
Received: Nov 17, 2010 9:10 AM Subject: Stripers and Blues….Mostly Stripers!
The fishing “Hi Flier” has been excellent for striped bass the last few days. We have been making a left out of the inlet and looking for flocks of birds off of Island Beach. Then the machine blacks out with readings and the jigging rods are deployed with diamond jigs and other jigging lures. These fish are gorging themselves on sandeels so the slender lures are working well. When you find a flock of birds hitting the water with little or no boat pressure there have been bass surfacing. For these fish, we have some light tackle spinning rods armed with small plugs like the 5″ Smoky Joe Redfins. This is the best case scenario way to hook up, a lot of times you even see them crash the lure on the top. We are also catching some fish “squidding”. My whole fishing career, I never even knew what this meant until we chartered Capt. Ray Burke on the Mad Gaffer last winter. We came across some un-cooperative birds and readings that would not hit the traditional jigs. He handed us these short 20 inch leaders with a 2 way swivel on one end and one of those curvy hook tube lures that you would find on the bottom of an AVA on the other end. You thread on a 2 oz egg sinker and tie to the swivel. Either cast out or drop it to the bottom. Take 10 or a dozen fast cranks on the reel, drop it back to the bottom and repeat until you hook up. It worked then and it’s working now. When they are that focused on sandeels, that’s what they want.
When the we can’t catch them drifting we are doing really good trolling tube lure umbrella rigs. This is a great way to put fish in the boat but not as much fun as jigging, “squidding”, or casting, so we do it when the fish are not cooperating on the jigs or we are moving around trying to find more readings. Steve Wallin of PA had a triple header of keeper stripers that hit all at once on one of my homemade umbrella rigs.
There are still a lot of bass inside the bay. We are drifting the channels with live spots inside Barnegat Bay and Inlet for 24 to 34 inch fish. This is a great Plan B on those days that the ocean is too rough for us to go out and chase the migration. It’s a even a great Plan A, if staying in the bay or a shorter trip is your preference. The areas we are fishing with the live bait are sheltered from even heavy Fall winds and offer good size fish while livelining, a great way to catch them!
Whichever way you choose, you have to get out there because this is the fishing we have all been waiting for and it is full on. The fishing “Hi Flier” is sailing open boat and charter every day. 5, 6, and 8 hour trips, your choice. The forecast is for some heavy west and northwest winds from now through the weekend. This is the best fishing wind we have and it makes for a flat ocean along the beach.
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
Received: Nov 17, 2010 7:44 AM Subject: BHCFA Weekly Report
The captains of the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association have been walking around with smiles on their faces, at least when the wind velocity stays under 30 miles per hour. The striped bass bite is as good in the waters around Beach Haven as it has been for many years. The only thing that occasionally slows the bite for the inshore boaters and those who jig and troll in the ocean waters are the periodic high winds and tides.
The “Star Fish” out of Beach Haven fished for striped bass last Saturday with Captain Carl Shepherd and on Sunday with Captain John Koegler. Carl said they found a good amount of bass that were fat with clams and hard to catch. The fish kept bumping the baits but not picking them up. They had their anglers pick up the rods and bump the baits to entice the fish to bite.
Captain Fran Verdi on the “Dropoff” has been returning from his fishing trips with nice sized stripers in the box up to 30-pounds. He has been doing the bulk of his fishing in the waters of Little Egg Inlet and some calmer areas just inside. He likes to anchor up and fish with fresh clam baits.
The “Miss Beach Haven” with Captain Frank Camarda had a private party out last weekend that wanted to fish despite the rough seas. They managed a mixed bag of striped bass, bluefish, and blackfish. Captain Frank and his crew are excited now that the daily limit for blackfish is back up to 6 per person.
Additional information on the association can be found at or by calling 1-877-LBI-BHCFA (1-877-524-2423).
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr. – Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association –
November 15, 2010
Received: Nov 15, 2010 9:41 PM Subject: fishing report
Robbie Vallone and his father aboard the “Hooker” found bass “rolling” on sand eels off the bathing beach in 50 ft of water. They found them at 7:30 AM and they didn’t leave them until the fog rolled in at 4:30 PM. AVA007’s across the top accounted for many Bass in the 20-lb class. Occasionally when they tried jigging the bottom they were rewarded with double headers. Few Blues were caught. Truly one for the books.
~ CV
Received: Nov 15, 2010 12:12 PM Subject: Sunday 11/14/10
Kev ‘n’ Ash left the dock at 6:15 PM and were home by 8:45 PM. The two anglers jigged around 30 stripers of which 25 or so would’ve been keepers. Kept their limit and some bluefish. Nice once you got out of the inlet.
November 14, 2010
Received: Nov 14, 2010 3:36 PM Subject: Fwd: Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters
Weather continues to dictate what we can do from one day to the next but, when we are playing with a full deck we have found piles of stripers and blues to make angler’s arm weary! A persistent low pressure system situated just of the Eastern seaboard along with a strong NNE to E Flow has made the ocean off limits for much of the week . Fortunately we have been able to catch enough stripers in the bay to keep everyone happy and going home with limits of stripers for the most part while mixing in some shorty action to keep everyone on their toes.
Jay Simmons started the week with business associate Jerry Kronmire from Sea Shore Foods in blustery NE winds to 30 kts. The guys hung in there catching a “bakers dozen” [13] while icing 4 before trips end.
Sean Castle was joined by wife Sandy and nephew Sam in search of some more striper action, but again we found ourselves pinned inside a much more crowed inlet to manage only 5 stripers and icing 2 before trips end.
The best action of the week was enjoyed by the owner of the Philadelphia Brewing Company Dean Brown aka “Yeast Life Coach” joined by brother Scott and son Aiden from Toronto Canada . The guys enjoyed plenty of fast action with both keeper and short stripers and huge blues on artificials. We had stripers and blues slurping bait right at boatside to make for some very cool visible excitement.
The last remaining dates of the 2010 fishing season are December 2, 5, 9 and 12. The month of December we will be mixing it up between stripers and blackfish for those interested in joining in the excitement.
~ Capt. Steve Purul, “Reel Fantasea” Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609.290.1217
Received: Nov 14, 2010 11:56 AM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Report
What we expected to be an excellent week of striper fishing was turned upside down by a low pressure system that seemed determined to hang around off the coast and make our life miserable all week. Howling winds with gusts into the low 50’s led us to cancel our charters on Monday and Tuesday, and continued to make fishing challenging through much of the week.
When the winds finally dropped into the mid to upper 20’s on Wednesday, Steve Sweeney was back with buddies Frankie and Dave to give bay bassing a shot. Bravely enduring the wind and cold, the guys proceeded to land a dozen bass up to 20 pounds with clam as the hot bait. These were all nice fat bay fish, with only three shorts and four fish well over 15 pounds.
On Friday, Brian Murray and Dave Kruge came out to get in on the action, nailing four bass to 31″ despite ugly wind against tide conditions and water temperatures that had plummeted into the 30’s. Clam again produced fish in murky waters caused by the constant blow.
High hopes for Saturday’s trip when the winds finally settled down were dashed as the fish seemed to develop a severe case of lockjaw. Maybe it was the icy cold water, maybe it was the intense boat traffic from the huge fleet of boats that stayed in the bay, but whatever it was the fish didn’t want any part of our clam baits or live spot offerings.
We’ll have to see what the next week or so brings in terms of weather. Once the bay cleans up from this week’s wind, live spot should again start producing consistent bass catches from around the inlet. And if we can get a couple of days or northwest winds to flatten out the ocean, jigging action along the beach should be outstanding. Keep your fingers crossed.
~ Capt. Jack Shea, “Rambunctious”, Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters 609.698.3632
Received: Nov 14, 2010 9:56 AM Subject: Last minute fill in
Have a trip in the bay tomorrow, Mon., livelining spots for stripers, possibly sneaking outside if it’s just a swell and not too rough. The guy who chartered me had one guy cancel and is looking to fill the spot, so there’s room for one if anyone wants to jump.
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
November 12, 2010
Received: Friday, November 12, 2010 8:42 AM Subject: Back Bay Stripers on the Hi Flier
Yesterday (Thurs) was tough. The “Hi-Flier” had four guys on board for a bay striper trip and I could not find a fish for these guys. It sounded tough all over for those that were out and off for Veterans Day. A heavy northeast wind and murky water made for less than ideal conditions to drift the live spots that have been producing so well for the last few months. I went on the hook with some fresh clams for a few hours and that didn’t produce any hits either. On the second to last drift we landed a 24″ inch fish on a live spot and headed for the dock as it was time for my afternoon trip. I was much more optimistic, as the wind dropped out to about 10 knots and now we were on the outgoing water. We did a hitless drift by the Dike and then headed towards the inlet. As we were pulling up we saw the first rod doubled over on another boat that turned out to be a nice striper. We finally hooked a few fish and then Capt. Steve of the “Reel Fantasea” called us in on a spot where he just decked a nice fish and that put a nice bass in the box for us, as well… Thanks Steve! The action definitely improved after the hard wind eased up a little, or maybe it was the outgoing water, or both.
The “Hi-Flier” will be running open boat for the next few days designed around that outgoing tide: This afternoon (Fri) Noon to 5 PM. By Sat and Sun, it is possible to catch a good part of that tide in the morning with a 6AM to 11AM trip. The NOAA forecast does not look good for outside ocean fishing with easterly winds and high seas, so we will be in the bay every day livelining bass. These next few days are going to be awesome, I think I might have the where-to-be-when part dialed in pretty good now. We’ll see!
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
Received: Friday, November 12, 2010 12:52 PM Subject: Fishing Report 11/11
Well not to much to report, wind was blowing pretty good and even just getting across the bay was interesting. One good thing is that we didn’t have to worry about running a ground, with the water being so high. We drifted many spots with no action. Starting throwing poppers and picked two small blues. Then decided to head back to the barn.
We will be back at it on Sat and Sun.. Thinking of trying the afternoon bite which has actually been good. Give us a call to try your luck on some bass, not to much time left..
~ Capt. Tom Cormann, “Bottom Line”, Forked River 201.788.3223
November 11, 2010
The big question is when will we have more fresh bait. The weather is preventing commercial boats from going out. Even baymen can’t get more hard clams because of the extreme high tides. Looks like local waters may not calm until Sunday. Not good.
Bait supplies are very limited. Whole bay clams will be sold out soon. Some unsalted shucked clam are available by the pint or quart. Only frozen bunker.
“South Philly” Fred was on it again for the second consecutive day. Yesterday afternoon Fred, Gary and Greg (FHQ Staff) got into a great striper bite on lures (bucktails, poppers, swimmers) on the Rocks at the North End of the Island. At one point the bass had bait pinned up in the “south pocket.”
Again today Fred and Gary had non-stop action on lures at the same location. “Birds galore with bass boiling!” Fred said, “The hot lure this afternoon was the Panther Martin Vivif Glow Swim Shad but Gary was catching them the same way as yesterday, white bucktail tipped with pork rind.”
Like the day before, most all of the bass were schoolie sized fish (up to 34″); however, there were bigger fish caught.
Fred noted, “The waves were gnarly! The rocks were washing over again today. Guys were going down hard.”If you intend to go hiking the rocks then use extreme caution. Creepers with cleats and a dry top are essential gear (unless you enjoy getting soaked and slipping/falling/breaking limbs/or worse). Don’t worry! Here at FHQ we have you covered with Korkers Cleats and Guy Cotton Dry Tops.
November 10, 2010
Joe Utschig and his brother Pete were out last night fishing the Beach Haven surf. Joe just weighed in a 31-lb 9-oz bass. He also had a couple blues.
Received: Nov 10, 2010 6:38 PM Subject: Open boat tomorrow PM – Veteran’s Day
The striper bite is still very good inside the bay. The boat is booked for a charter in the morning and I am running and open boat 1-5 PM fishing live spots for bass. Should be good timing with the out going tide. I already have one person signed up, there is room for 2 more.
Call me on my cell, 732-330-5674 for more info or to reserve a spot.
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
Received: Nov 10, 2010 7:14 AM Subject: BHCFA Report
This past week saw two of the boats of the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association ramp up their fishing action with topnotch results for their anglers.
The “Miss Beach Haven” and Captain Frank Camarda ran a special 10-hour wreck trip last Saturday and returned to dock with 28 happy anglers. Despite conditions on the sloppy side, the steady fishing kept everyone satisfied. The first drop had good action, but a high concentration of throwbacks. The next location was about 20-miles off and produced many nice fish in the 3-5 pound range until the dogfish moved in. After trying two more unproductive spots, Captain Frank found the hot spot. There was steady action on black sea bass, triggerfish, and cod. Many anglers returned to dock with up to 20 fish and the low hook had 11 keepers. “Black Cloud Ted” won the pool with a big cod fish.
Captain Fran Verdi on the “Drop Off” reports “the striper fishing on LBI just continues to get better and better”. One day recently fishing by himself he boated three keeper fish to 22-pounds, all on live spot. The next day he had the Jeff Austin party out for a day of very good striper action. They boated five keepers and lost another three at the boat. They were anchored near the inlet and fished with fresh clam. Captain Fran says they fished the inlet but not in the whitewater.
Both the good wreck fishing and striper action should last well into December.
Additional information on the association can be found at or by calling 1-877-LBI-BHCFA (1-877-524-2423).
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr. – Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association –
November 9, 2010
Yes, we have fresh bunker! The bunker boat braved the high seas and brutal winds. We all owe those guys a sincere thank you.
Rudy Egbert of Mullica Hill reported having a great day on the water today. He headed out this morning and started trolling Maja spoons and Stretch 25’s off of the Bather’s Beach. The blues were hitting like mad dogs! Rudy had 16 blues up to 12-lbs. He also caught three Stripers up to 32 inches. “It was a little bit rough but it calmed down as the day went on.” Art said, “It was just me, myself and I until 1 PM.”
Bert Tompson stopped back in just before closing time to weigh in a 27-lb 10-oz Striper that he caught after getting more bait. See earlier report for more details
There have been fish today! A number of fish were caught on the North-end of the Island both on lures and bait. The bait has been holding steady. Let’s hope the fish do too.
Art Manion of Manahawkin weighed in a 40” 24-lb 15-oz Striper that was caught on the North-end of the Island using bunker.
Edmund Flyntz of Ship Bottom weighed in a 32.5” 9-lb 12-oz bluefish that was caught Mid-Island using bunker.
Bert Tompson just stopped by the shop to re-fill his bunker bucket supply while his son Scott stayed on the beach. While here he reported getting in on the action up on the North-end. They each caught a keeper bass. They also caught a number of blues.
Received: Nov 9, 2010 2:05 PM Subject: Barnegat Fishing Report
Went out Sunday with the wife and kids for a family fun day of fishing. With the ocean being a mess and having the little guys on board I elected to stay inside. We wanted to fish around buoy 25 were Oyster Creek and Double Creek channels meet hoping for an afternoon bite. There were a few boats there so we dropped anchor East of the Oyster Creek side. I put a block of chum out and we started fishing. I used one rod with clam and the other with a live spot and the kids did what they wanted. Within a half hour the game was on. It was on a diamond jig that one of the kids was using. We started having some real fun with bass that were around 24-inches. We even had 3 weakfish and a couple of bluefish. These fish were great on light tackle and the kids were having a ball. When the bite slowed down and I saw an opening over were the two channels dump into each other. We drifted with some live spot for a while and picking up 2 more bass. I also saw two really nice bass picked up by boats next to us.
We will be doing open boat trips this Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday in the bay if the weather reports are right. So give us a call.
~ Capt. Tom Cormann, “Bottom Line”, Forked River 201.788.3223
November 8, 2010
One of the Barnegat Boyz, Steve G. stopped by the shop at the end of the day and shared hit latest doings. Last night he had a 30-inch Striper on a Storm Shad. Today had a 29.5-incher on a white bucktail and a 15-lber on bunker chunk in Harvey Cedars.
Don Ingling of Surf City stopped by the shop this evening to weigh in a bluedog for the Derby. His 33″ bluefish weighed 11-lbs 6-ozs. Don said he was fishing the North-end of the Island today. He reported having two short bass in addition to this bluefish. The bluefish was caught on bunker.
Pete Cassoff of Dear Lale Park hit the mid-island beach in the early morning. He said that even though there were birds and bait blowing up right in front of him he got skunked. Pete did mentioned that he had caught a couple “striped ones” two nights ago in the boat drifting live eels in the bay down on the south-end of the Island.
November 7, 2010
Received: Nov 7, 2010 4:48 PM Subject: Fwd: Reel Fantasea Fishing Report
Small craft warnings limited us to what we could do for the later part of the week with seas running 4-8ft. Barnegat Inlet was a mess navigating with huge swells on the incoming tide and steep sheer faced breakers on the outgoing tide.
Bucky Hayes started the week with son Sam and joined by friends Rusty and Mark in stiff NE 30kts wind driven rain. The guys toughed it out in nasty conditions, boating 5 stripers [keeping 2 for dinner] and missing about the same before ending the day and heading for the barn.
Jay Simmons joined by business associate Mark Hansen were out in somewhat better weather conditions. Climbing up huge [non breaking waves] easterly swells we made our way out the inlet. Turning North we found a vast bird play with stripers breaking the surface all for ourselves with hopes of a unbridled fall slamfest! A few hook pulls [ lost fish] , surface swirls and missed hits and everything went quiet without rhyme or reason. Searching further North both deeper and shallow provided no better results .Heading back to the inlet we found that conditions deteriorated dramatically with most of the inlet filled with white foaming 8-10 ft green monsters making navigation a bit too exciting for my liking. Once safely back into the bay the guys managed to save the day not only limiting out with stripers but also playing catch and release with plenty more.
Karl Steffan Sr and Jr., Fred Scalera and friend Jack fished in much improved conditions. The guys had a pretty solid day with double digit stripers to 20-lbs and 3 limits as well. As per usual Karl Sr. earned top Bass Master with the largest striper of 20-lbs and most bass boated before ending the day.
My last remaing date in November is November 11th Veterans Day. Whether private or open boat I will be fishing so come get in on the great fall action!
~ Capt. Steve Purul, “Reel Fantasea” Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609.290.1217
Received: Nov 7, 2010 9:53 AM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Report
Well the bass bite in the back bay finally came to life this week, with catches improving steadily after a slow start on Monday. Both live spot and fresh clam baits are now producing fish, with their preference seeming to change each day. But as long as you’re prepared with both, it looks like it’s Game On!
Tuesday I had Rick Fisher and 12 year old son Gavin out on their now annual Election Day bass hunt, with Gavin claiming family bragging honors with his matched pair or 32″ and 31″ linesiders. Wednesday brought out Tony Foti with grandson Tony and fishing partner Frank, who bagged five nice bass from the inlet before switching over to blues. The blues also cooperated, with plenty of 8 to 15 pound slammers coming over the side before tired arms sent us in. Thursday’s downpour and clients nervous about Saturday’s forecast wiped out those trips, but reports from the guys who went out in excellent bay fishing conditions on Friday and Saturday had everyone nailing double digit catches of bass. So they’re here and they’re hungry, just two weeks later than usual.
The next couple of weeks should be excellent fishing on both the bay and ocean sides if the weather holds. I still have a couple of open dates the week of November 15th for anyone looking to get in a trip before this year wraps up, and may continue for an additional week after Thanksgiving this year if there’s any interest.
~ Capt. Jack Shea, “Rambunctious”, Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters 609.698.3632
Received: Nov 7, 2010 10:45 AM Subject: Saturday fishing
Fished with captain Al V. in the LEI yesterday. Landed two nice keepers with the largest at 38″. Caught both on spot. One early and the other on the outgoing tide early afternoon. Interesting site of the day was spotting a seal about 30 yards off of the boat.
~ Tony
November 6, 2010
Mark Laderstedt weighed in a 23-lb Striper that he caught at mid-island on bunker.
Received: Nov 6, 2010 4:42 PMSubject: Barnegat Bay Stripers
Barnegat Inlet and the ocean has been a mess for the last two days. We tried to get out yesterday and bailed out after seeing the business end of 10 foot swells in the inlet. Normally this would have been all around bad news except for the hot bite in Barnegat Bay. We fished the top of Oyster Creek and Double Creek, where they dump out together with the live spots hammering away at 24 to 34 inch stripers. On the drift, with 2 ounce egg sinkers, three feet of 20 pound fluorocarbon, a 2/0 or 3/0 hook, through both lips of a live spot and hold on! These fish are hitting hard and burning drag on our 15 pound class conventional reels in the brisk 53 degree water.
The forecast is finally coming around to the northwest so now we are going to fish inside and outside, though, with the size of the fish and the zero bluefish factor, it’s hard not to give the nod to the bay. Still, we will be throwing the ropes with every possible striper catching scenario on board: live spots, clams, diamond jigs, umbrella rigs and bunker spoons. You tell me how you want to catch them or I’ll make a recommendation.
Tomorrow, Sunday, I will be running a 5 hour open boat trip from 6:30AM to 11:30 AM, livelining spots in the bay. I limit the rail to three and I will sail with just one. Every other day of the week, we will also be sailing open boat, either ocean, bay, or ocean/bay combo, whichever has the best chance of catching fish.
Here’s a video clip of a nice fish we caught today along with a few pics of yesterday and today. You Tube:
The pictures:
Max DeGennaro Of Waretown in blue hat
Nick DeGennaro of Waretown in black hat
John Raebig of Barnegat in red hat.
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
November 5, 2010
Received: Nov 3, 2010 7:13 PM Subject: 11-3
Trolled spoons from the coast guard station to seaside with sore arms to show for it, had big blues all day
~ Sam
Received: Nov 3, 2010 10:06 AM Subject: Stripers, Blues, and Tog
The fishing has been very good for big blues, stripers, and even a few tog to ice the cake. There have been lots of birds and readings from Seaside to Island Beach in 50 to 60 feet of water. We are diamond jigging big gator blues with a few stripers mixed in. The water is down to 52-53 degrees in the ocean, so the end of the blues must be near. There must be so much bait around for them to go beyond their normal comfort zone of water temperature. Whether we are diamond jigging or trolling, the bluefish are outnumbering the bass by a big ratio. Any minute the stripers will be the dominant species and it will be safe to put the “good lures” in the water. Today we also caught two stripers on live spot inside Barnegat Bay, including this 32 incher for Steve Capuccio of Montville, NJ. Gene Cunningham of Brick, NJ with a 5 pound blackfish that we caught yesterday near the Barnegat Inlet jetty along with some nice other chunky tog. We are running open boat or charters every day for these fish right up until December 4. Give us a call to reserve a spot.
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
November 3, 2010
(Note: There will be a lack of updates due to trade show)
As far as the bait situation. Fresh bunker and surf clams are getting low. Act fast if looking to fish fresh bait this morning or early afternoon. Later today we expect to receive a fresh load of bunker.
Gavin said they finished the night with 10 fish. [See Report Below 11-2 @ 10pm] Lost a couple that spit the hook. He reported also that a friend fishing further south near the inlet got into the fish just as good if not better eeling.
This morning an early bird (customer) said he is still having success with tog off the Inlet rocks. He had a keeper for the table and a number of shorts. Get some live green crabs and go.
November 2, 2010 – (Note: There will be a lack of updates due to trade show)
November’s new moon (on the Saturday the 6th) is right around the corner and the fall fishing season is in full swing. The bays, inlets, and ocean are all producing good sized stripers.
Gavin Dwyer of Ship Bottom stopped in just before closing to load up with bait and tackle. He just notified us that the bay is a sheet of glass and the fish are hitting hard. So far he had two fish (30 inch range) in three drifts. “The night is young and the live bait is producing!”
Capt. Adam Sherer of Shore Catch Guide Service rubbed it in this afternoon. He got into the bass and bluefish blitz action this morning up off IBSP. He was lovin’ the crisp morning temperatures.
Received: Nov 2, 2010 3:35 PM Subject: Stripers, Blues and Tog
The fishing has been very good for big blues, stripers, and even a few tog to ice the cake. There have been lots of birds and readings from Seaside to Island Beach in 50 to 60 feet of water. We are diamond jigging big gator blues with a few stripers mixed in. The water is down to 52-53 degrees in the ocean, so the end of the blues must be near. There must be so much bait around for them to go beyond their normal comfort zone of water temperature. Whether we are diamond jigging or trolling, the bluefish are outnumbering the bass by a big ratio. Any minute the stripers will be the dominant species and it will be safe to put the “good lures” in the water. Today we also caught two stripers on live spot inside Barnegat Bay, including this 32 incher for Steve Capuccio of Montville, NJ in the pic. The other is Gene Cunningham of Brick, NJ with a 5 pound blackfish that we caught yesterday near the Barnegat Inlet jetty along with some nice other chunky tog.
We are running open boat or charters every day for these fish right up until December 4. Give us a call to reserve a spot.
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
November 1, 2010
Brian McAllister of Middletown DE weighed-in a 31-lbs 1-oz Striper that was caught in Holgate using bunker.
Received: Nov 1, 2010 8:03 PM Subject: BHCFA Report
Things just continue to get better and better for the captains of the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association. First, the season for black sea bass reopened on Monday, giving the captains the opportunity to get in on some of those big humpback sea bass.
To really get the ball rolling, Captain Frank Camarda of the “Miss Beach Haven” is planning a special 10-hour sea bass trip this Saturday, November 6. The boat will be taking only 28 anglers and should be a fish catching bonanza.
The next bit of good news for wreck fishing will be November 16 when the daily limit on blackfish rises from one to six.
The next item that has the captains excited is the blossoming striped bass fishery. Although there are occasional days when the fish seem to have lock jaw, the numbers and sizes of the fish being caught are very exciting.
Captain Fran Verdi on the “Dropoff” has been targeting stripers for the past couple of weeks and is mixing up his techniques and locations to find the best action. He has been catching fish in the back bay, in the inlet, and in some areas that are secret to him. A good portion of his action has been on fresh clams. One of his anglers, Tom Mannix, picked up a 26-pounder on Monday in Little Egg Inlet. The fish measured out to be 44-inches long, a real nice fish.
Additional information on the association can be found at or by calling 1-877-LBI-BHCFA (1-877-524-2423).
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr. – Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association –
October 31, 2010
Sam Rittenbaugh of Chsterbrook weighed in a 33-lb 6-oz Striper that was caught at about 10:30 AM on the North-end on bunker.
Ryan Dellane of Manahawkin had a great day on the water today. He went out early this morning and headed North up the beach past the Ferris Wheel. Ryan started trolling and got covered up with bluefish. While trolling on the search he got into some serious bird action and Stripers were hooked-up while jigging metal on that spot! Ryan finished the day with a load of blues and three Stripers.
Scott Simpson of Hainesport got into a good bite this morning down on the South-end of the Island. Scott had a 19-lb 7-oz and a 22-lb 3-oz Striper. He got ’em both on bunker.
Rod Koeppen of Manahawkin weighed in a 16-lb 15-oz bass that he caught on the South-end on bunker.
Kevin Kennard weighed in a bass 25-lb Striper. He caught it in the boat on live eel this morning.
Steve Traut of Stafford weighed in a 18-lb 10-oz earlier today on the North-end on bunker.
Lou Fudali of Barnegat weighed in a 16-lb 6-oz Striper that he caught up on the North-end on bunker at about 2 PM.
Received: Oct 31, 2010 9:12 AM Subject: Fwd: Reel Fantasea Fishing Report
Warm temperatures, wind and a good dose of rain by mid week seemed to conspire on the fishing action this week . The water color, salinity and quality turned a steel grey with suspended sediment, seemingly putting the fish off the bite. Although we did catch a few bass, the action was anything but typical for this time of year.
Regular Joe Franke was out for the prettiest day of the week weather wise but found the fish with a severe case of lock jaw. Moving from spot to spot provided not much more than a futile boat ride as we were slapped with the cold hard hand of this year’s 2nd S-k-u-n-k ! Ouch ! I still feel the sting!
Regular Jay Simmons joined by business associates were greeted with hard NW winds to 30kts and a 20 degree air temperature drop still finding the fishing sparse at best. Frustratingly we watched schools of bass pass under the boat uninterested in everything sent down to them. Finally the fish turned on for a very small window of time allowing for us to boat 5 bass to 33″ and missing about the same amount before heading for the barn. With present and forecasted temperatures on a cooling trend I anticipate the action to explode, if it hasn’t already, this week!
~ Capt. Steve Purul, “Reel Fantasea” Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609.290.1217
October 27, 2010
Joe Gallen of Yardville weighed in a 35-lbs 12-oz Striper. He caught it down on the South end of the Island on clam.
October 26, 2010
Received: Oct 26, 2010 8:00 PM Subject: BHCFA Report
Striped bass have arrived in the waters surrounding Beach Haven on Long Beach Island, and some giant bluefish are also providing action for the boats of the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association.
Captain Tim Knorr of the “William Knorr” took his mates and a friend out trolling along the beach just off Island Beach State Park. The bluefish action was red hot with 4 out of 4 lines going off at least twice, and multiple hook ups most times. Blues ranging from 9 to 12 lbs were caught trolling 6″ chrome spoons, magnum stretch lures and white shad umbrella rigs. Everything worked but the chrome jig was the favorite. The group kept 5 and tossed the rest back. and headed for home early.
Captain Tim plans to target striped bass in the next several weeks.
Captain Fran Verdi of the “Drop Off” has boated keeper stripers on a daily basis for his past few trips. On Sunday Jack landed a 20-pounder while on Monday George boated a 15-pound fish while Captain Fran caught his own 19-pounder. He plans to fish for linesiders every day the weather permits.
“The Miss Beach Haven”, a head boat, will also be targeting stripers now since the action has been good. Last week Captain Fran Camarda took the “Miss Beach Haven” on an overnight tuna trip to the canyons with five anglers. In addition to lots of laughs, the group ended up with one swordfish, six yellowfin tuna, and two long fin tuna.
Captain John Lewis on the “Insatiable” was out trolling for bluefish last weekend when he encountered a school of bluefin tuna feeding on the surface. He managed to hook up with one of the big tuna, but the fish straightened out the #9 hook after a short battle.
Additional information on the association can be found at or by calling 1-877-LBI-BHCFA (1-877-524-2423).
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr. – Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association –
October 25, 2010
JD Munday stopped in the store with his 79″ 300-lb Big Eye that he caught this weekend during an offshore tuna trip on the Miss Barnegat Light. From the time the fish inhaled the butterfish bait to the landing it was about a two-hour battle. Why to go JD.
Received: Oct 25, 2010 7:04 PM Subject: Fishing Report Sunday 10/24
We had the Sal Barenger charter on board consisting of Melton and his buddies Sammy and Ralph. Came out of Barnegat Inlet and had some birds so we started jigging and had some really nice size blues. Ralph nailed a 15 pound gator. Then as fast as the bite started it ended. Since the boys really wanted bass we put the wire poles in the water and started trolling north of Barnegat Inlet. We got into a little better bluefish bite a bit further north but still no bass. We got a call that a couple of bass were taken up by seaside so we pulled the lines and headed up that way. And once again… you got it bluefish.
Received another call that the Stripers were there but out more in about 65-ft of water. Once we got there we found a good sized fleet, a few birds working and it seemed as if we missed the bite. We only picked up a handful of bluefish, as well as a few seabass on the jigs. Went up on the troll for the last hour and picked a few more gators on green tubes.
Very tough day for us – we had a bunch of blues in the 8-15 pound range, but no bass. Sal and his boys were a great crew – they fished hard all day and had a blast with the blues they caught. We covered a lot of ocean today to put some fish in the box; it just didn’t happen for us!
Two of the guys are coming back this weekend to try there luck again. So give us a call or e-mail us for private or open boat trips… Join our news letter for a chance to win one of our new t-shirts.
~ Capt. Tom Cormann, “Bottom Line”, Forked River 201.788.3223
Received: Oct 25, 2010 9:01 AM Subject: Stripers, Inside and Out
We have been catching stripers and monster bluefish every day outside along Island Beach. The last few days have been mostly bluefish but there are enough bass in the mix to keep it interesting. We are diamond jigging and trolling in 35 to 60 feet of water. Maja bunker spoons and umbrella rigs are very hot. We are also doing an interactive style of wireline trolling/bucktailing. These are short, 5 1/2′ trolling rods armed with wire, a topshot of mono, tied to a bucktail, tipped with pork rind. You hold the rod while we are trolling and jig it with long sweeps of the rod, it is very productive and a train wreck of a hit! The rods are old school fiberglass so even though they look like sawed off broomsticks, they are soft enough to enjoy the fight.
The next few days of forecast looks like a mess but it won’t keep us from catching the stripers in Barnegat Bay. We are catching those fish on live spots from Double Creek Channel all the way to the lighthouse. We will also start anchoring and chumming with clams in the channels these next couple of days. I always prefer the high water slack and the first couple of hours of the outgoing for this fishery. I will have live spot and fresh clams on board to try it all. Sure the wind is going to be blowing and it’s even got some on and off rain predicted, but the bay will be fine and those are all 10 to 20 pound fish on live bait… what’s better than that for sitting out the blow?
By Thurs or Fri, she’s coming around to the west and we will be back doing our inside/outside fishing, fishing the bay and ocean. Sailing open boat every day we are not chartered.
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
October 24, 2010
3:00 PM
John Bonner of Tuckerton weighed in a 40-lb 7-oz 51-inch Striped Bass this morning. John caught the bass last night around 10:30pm down on the South-end of the Island on bunker.
Chris Bott of Ship Bottom weighed in a fish from the mid-island surf on bunker. Chris’s fish weighed 18-lb 5-oz.
The anglers trolling in the ocean are getting locked up with big blues and some stripers using bunker spoons, deep divers and tube umbrella rigs. Rubber shads will get fish too but they are getting beat-up by the choppers.
There’s still a lot of bait around both off the surf, in the bay and in the inlets. In the bay and inlets boat anglers fishing live bait such as eels and spot are catching good numbers of stripers. There are also fish being taken clamming and chunking bunker.
The calico crabs off of the beach are still a nuisance. Make sure you bring some extra bait and check baited hooks often.
Today’s LBIFT weigh-ins…
Harold J. McMaster of Forked River, NJ 12-lb 15-oz Bluefish on Plug in Barnegat Light
John Bonner of Tuckerton, NJ 40-lb 7-oz Striper on Bunker in Holgate
John M. O’Connell of Vineland, NJ 22-lb 6-oz Striper on Bunker in Holgate
Larry Weidner of Manahawkin, NJ 15-lb 8-oz Striper on Bunker in Beach Haven
Robert Schubach Of Center Valley, PA 19-lb 2-oz Striper on Bunker in Holgate
Robert Schubach Of Center Valley, PA 18-lb 14-oz Striper on Bunker in Holgate
Received: Sunday, October 24, 2010 11:54 AM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Report
Another week of excellent fall fishing in our area. Beautiful weather, bass into the 20’s and bluefish up to 18 pounds, endless streams of bait moving down the coast. And the main body of stripers hasn’t even arrived yet! If the weather cooperates, it’s going to be a fall to remember.
We mixed it up a bit on trips during the first part of the week, spending part of the time trolling along the state park and part of the time drifting live bait in the inlet and back bay. While we did find a couple of bass on the troll, the big story was bluefish with some real jumbos prowling the beachfront last week. In fact, on Wednesday’s trip the smallest blue to come over the side was in the 12-pound class and several tipped the scales at 18+ pounds. Trolling Toni Maja spoons and Mann’s Stretch plugs did most of the damage as the fish weren’t schooled up enough to jig for them quite yet.
As usual for October, drifting live spot in the inlet area produced most of the bass this week with about a 50/50 mix of keepers and shorts. It’s been a bit quiet in the back channels so far, but I’d expect that to change this week with the water temps finally dropping into the 50’s and the full moon behind us. Things did slow down a bit on yesterday’s trip. Not too sure whether it was the full moon and crystal clear night, the acres and acres of large herring that were right outside the inlet the past few days, or some combination of the two. Whatever it was, the bass around the inlet were apparently not in a feeding mood yesterday so we switched over to playing mostly catch and release with the blackfish that are so abundant on the rocks right now. We’ll be back to bass tomorrow.
So the bait pens are full, the main body of fish is on it’s way down to us, and the weather has been looking promising. It’s going to be a great fall. I do still have a couple of dates open the week of November 15th, so now’s the time to get that final trip of 2010 scheduled.
~ Capt. Jack Shea, “Rambunctious”, Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters 609.698.3632
October 23, 2010
Brian McAllister of Middletown, DE weighed in a nice Striped Bass. His fish weighed 25-lb 13-oz and was caught down in Holgate on bunker in the middle of the night last night.
Frank Gabriel of Manahawkin, NJ tipped our scale with a 31-lb 4-oz Striped Bass. Frank caught his fish off of the Beach Haven surf using a bunker-half.
Today’s LBIFT weigh-ins…
Brian Mc Allister of Middletown, DE 25-lb 13oz Striped Bass on Bunker in Holgate
October 22, 2010
Today’s LBIFT weigh-ins…
Bill Montrey of Manahawkin, NJ 12-lb 2-oz Bluefish on Bunker in Peahala Park
Brendan Mc Govern from Cherry Hill, NJ 9-lb 0-oz Bluefish on Bunker in Peahala Park
Brian McAllister of Middletown, DE 20-lb 0-oz Striped Bass on Bunker in Holgate
Chris Wall of Furlong, PA 24-lb 5-oz Striped Bass on Live Bunker in Spray Beach
Dennis Stephen of Marlton, NJ 10-lb 7-oz Bluefish on Bunker in Holgate
Fredrick Strausbaugh of Collingswood, NJ 18-lb 10-oz Striped Bass on Plug in Beach Haven Crest
Joe Milz of City unknown 17-lb 10-oz Striped Bass on Bunker in Holgate
Joseph Stankavage of Ringtown, NJ 12-lb 0-oz Bluefish on Bunker in Beach Haven
Rod Lyman of Wesy Havmson, NY 13-lb 4-oz Striped Bass on Plug in Beach Haven
Walter Plewa of Kinnelon, NJ 10-lb 14-oz Bluefish on Bunker in Beach Haven
October 21, 2010
A lot of weigh-ins today and one was a “Holy Cow!”. Ray Sullivan with is 56-lb 7-oz took the lead in both the LBI Surf Derby and the FHQ Striper Calcutta with his Striped Bass that measured 52.5″ x 29.5″. Ray hooked into this fish just after 1 PM down towards the Southern part of LBI using bunker. Ray said, “It has been a longtime coming!” Congratulations Ray! You are in the 50-lb Club! (I don’t think it’s your first time) Ray is now the King of Kingfish and Striped Bass.
This evening Chris Heins of Heritage Construction weighed in a 20-lb 6-oz Striped Bass. It was Chris’s first bass. He caught it down in Holgate on a plug. Now he’s hooked!
Today’s LBIFT weigh-ins…
A. Don Fillman of Manahawkin, NJ 13-lb 11oz Bluefish on Bunker in Beach Haven Terrace
Chris Heins of Manahawkin, NJ 20-lb 6-oz Striped Bass on Plug in Holgate
Christian Martin of Beach Haven Crest, NJ 12-lb 6-oz Bluefish on Bunker in Holgate
Dan Parker of Midland Park, NJ 10-lb 14-oz Bluefish on Bunker in Beach Haven
Dan Procida of Waterford Works, NJ 10-lb 0-oz Bluefish on Bunker in Barnegat Light
Dave Bonanni of Titusville, NJ 14-lb 2-oz Bluefish on Bunker in North Beach
Dick Crosta Beach Haven, NJ 12-lb 4-oz Bluefish on Bunker in Beach Haven
Domimick Savasta of Tuckerton, NJ 11-lb 4-oz Bluefish on Bunker in Loveladies
George Hawriluk of Pittsgrove, NJ 10-lb 14-oz Bluefish on Bunker in Beach Haven Gardens
George Konowal of Philadelphia, PA 10-lb 7-oz Bluefish on Bunker in Loveladies
George Konowal of Philadelphia, PA 13-lb 8-oz Bluefish on Bunker in Loveladies
George Mihalek of Marlton, NJ 10-lb 6-oz Striped Bass on Bunker in Loveladies
Harold Ferreri of West Berlin, NJ 10-lb 13-oz Bluefish on Bunker in Barnegat Light
Jack Cannuli of Ship Bottom, NJ 11-lb 12-oz Bluefish on Mullet in Ship Bottom
Jack Cannuli of Ship Bottom, NJ 11-lb 4-oz Bluefish on Bunker in Ship Bottom
John Martin of Beach Haven Crest, NJ 10-lb 3-oz Bluefish on Bait in Holgate
Joseph Santoree of Medford, NJ 10-lb 10-oz Bluefish on Bunker in Beach Haven Gardens
Keith Thedinga of Monmouth Junction, NJ 9-lb 14-oz Bluefish on Bunker in Haven Beach
Kenneth Grab of Manahawkin, NJ 11-lb 12-oz Bluefish on Clam in Ship Bottom
Kenneth Grab of Manahawkin, NJ 11-lb 5-oz Bluefish on Clam in Ship Bottom
Kevin Maher of Beach Haven Court, NJ 20-lb 6-oz Striped Bass on Bunker in Beach Haven
Kevin Maher of Beach Haven Court, NJ 11-lb 6-oz Bluefish on Bunker in Mid-Island
Kurt Horensky of Beach Haven, NJ 19-lb 12-oz Striped Bass on Bunker in Holgate
Kurt Horensky of Beach Haven, NJ 17-lb 9-oz Striped Bass on a Plug in Holgate
Lester E. Smith Jr. of Mayetta, NJ 12-lb 6-oz Bluefish on Bunker In Beach Haven Crest
Matt Gogojewicz of Unknown Town 11-lb 3-oz Bluefish on Bunker in North Beach
Nancy Martin of Beach Haven Crest, NJ 12-lb 12-oz Bluefish on Bait in Holgate
Nancy Martin of Beach Haven Crest, NJ 11-lb 9-oz Bluefish on Bait in Holgate
Patti Dalton of Tabernacle, NJ 13-lb 5-oz Bluefish on Bunker in Spray Beach
Raymond B. Sullivan Jr. of Brant Beach, NJ 56-lb 7-oz Striped Bass on Bunker in Haven Beach
Robert Vallone of Little Egg Twp, NJ 26-lb 12-oz Striped Bass on Bunker in Holgate
Robert Vallone of Little Egg Twp, NJ 19-lb 9-oz Striped Bass on Plug in Holgate
Russell Denton of Beach Haven, NJ 12-lb 2-oz Bluefish on Plug in Beach Haven
Steve Philpott of City Unknown 10-lb 0-oz Bluefish on Bunker in Location Unknown
Steve Warren of Beesley Point, NJ 14-lb 2-oz Bluefish on Plug in Surf City
Timothy Stumpf of Elkins Park, NJ 25-lb 12-oz Striped Bass on Bunker in Harvey Cedars
Thomas Feeney III of Manahawkin, NJ 11-lb 9oz Bluefish on Plug in Surf City
Thomas Feeney III of Manahawkin, NJ 10-lb 9oz Bluefish on Plug in Surf City
Tom Daly of Barnegat, NJ 11-lb 3-oz Bluefish on Bunker in Surf City
Tom Daly of Barnegat, NJ 13-lb 5-oz Bluefish on Bunker in Surf City
October 20, 2010
“Blues were everywhere chasing bait up on the beach!” reported Don Tharp of Manahawkin. He just stopped by the shop to check in some blue-dogs (bluefish) for the Derby. Unfortunately, they were just shy of the 32″ mark therefore they were not eligible. Don had bluefish up to 31 inches on bunker chunks on the north end of the island. Don said he found the fish in Harvey Cedars and followed them South.
Rick P. also got into the action. He said it was great while it lasted even though it was raining.
Jay Daveler landed a 16-lb 9-oz Bluefish aboard his boat the Prowler.
The striper bite in the bay continues. Anglers are caching stripers up and down the bay (north, south and around the causeways) on live bait such as spot and eels.
Received: Oct 20, 2010 3:37 PM Subject: Whale of a good time 🙂
Tons of bait in the wash from Ship Bottom to Harvey Cedars – no fish on them though. Did see a whale about 500 yds off the beach in Ship Bottom. Made the day a success.
~ Surfer Cosmi
LBIFT weigh-ins…
Eric Johnston of Surf City 13-lb 2-oz Bluefish on Bunker in Surf City
Bill Montrey of Manahawkin 11-lb 4-oz Bluefish on Bunker in North Beach
Lester E. Smith Jr. Of Mayetta 10-lb 13-oz Bluefish on A plug in North Beach
October 19, 2010
Received: Oct 19, 2010 1:00 PM Subject: BHCFA Weekly Report
The captains of the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association are licking their chops over the striped bass prospects. A recent cold snap has dropped the water temperatures and brought a wave of decent sized bass into the local waters. They plan to be pursuing this splendid game fish trolling, chumming, and fishing with live bait.
One of the Association’s boats, the “Miss Beach Haven”, had an unusual trip recently. When Captains Frank Camarda and Brant Whittaker left the dock last week for a 10-hour wreck fishing trip, little did they know how the day would turn out.
After fishing several wrecks, one of the anglers, a 42 year old man, suddenly collapsed without warning. In less than one minute, three nurses who were fishing on the boat had him in the cabin and began administering CPR. They were quickly joined by a CPR instructor who was also on board. According to mate Sal Rosa, the group worked in such unison you would have thought they were a permanent team. They were soon joined by a Coast Guard medic who was dropped from a helicopter.
Despite the efforts of all involved, the young man did not survive despite over 2 hours of work until they could reach the dock and paramedics. Sal said that he and the captains are very proud of the efforts of all involved and the cooperation of all of the anglers on the boat.
Additional information on the association can be found at or by calling 1-877-LBI-BHCFA (1-877-524-2423).
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr. – Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association –
October 18, 2010
LBIFT weigh-ins…
28-lb 10-oz Striper weighed-in by Barry Baxter of Beach Haven, NJ caught in Holgate using eel
15-lb 9-oz Stripers weighed-in by Donald Ingling of Surf City, NJ caught in Loveladies using a plug
October 17, 2010
LBIFT weigh-ins…
FHQ B&T 24-lb 11-oz Striper weighed-in by Harold McMaster of Forked River, NJ caught in Harvey Cedars using live spot
FHQ B&T 21-lb 11-oz Striper weighed-in by Harold McMaster of Forked River, NJ caught in Harvey Cedars using live spot
FHQ B&T 12-lb 2-oz Bluefish weighed-in by Harold McMaster of Forked River, NJ caught in Harvey Cedars using live spot
Received: Oct 17, 2010 5:05 PM Subject: Fwd: Reel Fantasea Fishing Charter report
Another great week of Fall fishing with more and more blitzing striped bass, big slammer blues and false albies joining the party. Plus drop and reel action with porgies, seabass [catch and release till November 1st], tog, and trigger fish the rods continued to bend non-stop. Hard North West winds to 40+mph served us well as it has lit the fuse to the power keg igniting our fantastic Fall fishing! Trolling Tony Maja Bunker Spoons served up constant action with stripers from 20 to 30-lbs and huge gator bluefish on the troll. Looking for bird activity led the way to “run and gun” style albie fishing. For those not familiar with our Fall season’s prevailing North West winds, this wind directions serves us in two ways. The first thing is that it seems to get the game fish in a r-e-v-v-e-d up feeding mode and second, it can blow a Gale and still be very fishable tight along our beaches as it blows the waves flat as a lake. With the action as good as it is right now, November will surely be one for the books! I still have a few dates in November so come on and join the fun! I have November 4 and 7th available for Open or private charter .
~ Capt. Steve Purul, “Reel Fantasea” Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609.290.1217
Received: Oct 17, 2010 4:36 PM Subject: Stripers
The water dropped to 60 degrees and the stripers are on the feed. Take your pick, we are livelining, jigging, and trolling stripers and big bluefish every day. This is the week! The forecast for the entire Mon to Fri span is west/northwest winds. That means a flat ocean, low boat traffic, and a hot bite. Clams, live spots, bunker spoons, diamond jigs… we’re packing it all!
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
Received: Oct 17, 2010 10:19 AM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Report
Fall striper fishing is certainly upon us. The water temps are now perfect, and last week’s blow turned the fish on big time as we expected. We’ve been getting fish whenever the weather allows us to get out. I’ve been drifting live spot around the inlet and in some of the back areas with pretty good results… fish into the high teens and plenty of action. Just before this weekends wind kicked in there was a pretty good flurry of activity on really big fish – bass into the upper 40’s and blues close to 20 pounds – pounding Toni Maja spoons along the beachfront. With the thought of 40’s out there, you can bet I’ll be mixing in a bit of trolling this week in addition to live baiting in the bay.
Now all we need is for the weather to cooperate. The table seems to be set for a spectacular fall bass fishery so let’s go fishing. It’s time!
~ Capt. Jack Shea, “Rambunctious”, Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters 609.698.3632
October 16, 2010
LBIFT weigh-ins…
Jingles B&T 15-lb 5-oz Striper weighed-in by Courtland Foos of Wilmington, DE caught in Holgate using bunker
Jingles B&T 16-lb 12-oz Striper weighed-in by Patrick T. Phillips of Washington, DC caught in Holgate using bunker
Jingles B&T 14-lb 13-oz Striper weighed-in by Brian Dalton of Tabernacle, NJ caught in Holgate using bunker
Jingles B&T 11-lb 10-oz Bluefish weighed-in by Courtland Foos of Wilmington, DE caught in Holgate using bunker
FHQ B&T 12-lb 0-oz Bluefish weighed-in by Henry Hoerrmann of North Beach, NJ caught in Harvey Cedars on a Yo-Zuri lure
October 15, 2010
12:45 PM
Courtland Foos of Wilmington, DE weighed-in a 47-lb 10-oz Monster Striper! This Striper was 49-1/4″ x 27-1/2″ and was caught in Holgate using a bunker chunk shortly after 11 AM. With this fish Courtland just took the lead in both the LBIFT (LBI Surf Derby) and the Fisherman’s Headquarters Calcutta. Will the LBIFT have a fish that breaks the 50-lb mark this year?
LBIFT weigh-ins…
Jingles B&T 47-lb 10-oz Striper weighed-in by Courtland Foos of Wilmington, DE caught in Holgate using bunker
Jingles B&T 22-lb 14-oz Striper weighed-in by Robert Vallone of Little Egg Twp, NJ caught in Holgate using bunker
Received: Oct 15, 2010 1:34 PM Subject: Hi Flier Stripers
Today and Saturday are going to blow a gale, so boat access is limited.
This Sun thru Tue look fshable to me. Especially since a lot of the striper action is inside. I’ve got a bushel of clams and a bunch of live spot. The “Hi-Flier” will be running open boat Sun thru Tues for stripers. Mon and Tues might even be fishable in the ocean considering all of this blow has had a westerly angle. Even better….Northwest! The boat is all iced up, fueled up, and loaded with bait.
Here is one of three nice Striped Bass caught by Gene Cunningham of Brick, NJ on my boat Wednesday. This one was 20 pounds on a live spot.
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
October 14, 2010
LBIFT weigh-ins…
OS B&T 19-lb 9-oz Striper weighed-in by Randy Matlack of Beach Haven Park, NJ caught in Holgate using bunker
October 13, 2010
LBIFT weigh-ins…
BL B&T 15-lb 13-oz Striper weighed-in by Dan Procida of Waterford Works, NJ caught in Barnegat light using bunker
OS B&T 14-lb 2-oz Striper weighed-in by Randy Matlack of Beach Haven Park, NJ caught on Southern-End using bunker
OS B&T 13-lb 14-oz Striper weighed-in by Peter Bartolomeo of North Beach Haven, NJ caught in Holgate using bunker head
Received: Oct 13, 2010 9:32 AM Subject: BHCFA Report
On Saturday the “Miss Beach Haven” with Captain Frank Camarda fished in some unseasonably nice weather and started the day with some solid fishing on mostly undersized fish. It was a nice mix of sea bass, porgies, triggerfish, and some black fish that bit on crabs. Pool winner was Art Wolf from Holgate.
On Sunday things were pretty much the same as anglers who brought along their own crabs quickly caught their one fish limit on blackfish. After trying several different wrecks looking for keepers, they found a nice pod of keeper porgies. With the sea bass season now closed, the “Miss Beach Haven” will be fishing for a mix of stripers, porgies, blackfish, and triggers.
Captain Fran Verdi on the “Drop Off” has managed to find a few stripers and says he will be running two types of striper trips for a while. He will run a 6-hour charter as in the past and then will be running 4-hour open boat trips. He hopes to run one trip in the morning and another in the afternoon. He will be fishing as long as a minimum of two anglers sign up.
Additional information on the association can be found at or by calling 1-877-LBI-BHCFA (1-877-524-2423).
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr. – Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association –
October 12, 2010
Greg Eller reported landing a 7.5-lb bluefish yesterday. There are also a good number of bait stealing snapper blues off the surf.
LBIFT weigh-ins…
OS B&T 19-lb 13oz Striper weighed-in by Randy Matlack of Beach Haven Park, NJ caught on Southern-End using bunker
Jingles B&T 12-lb 15oz Striper weighed-in by Joanne Sullivan of Brant Beach, NJ caught in Holgate using bunker
Received: Oct 12, 2010 9:13 AM Subject: Live Bait Stripers
I have been on the water more than land, lately so this is the first chance I have had to update. The striper fishing in Barnegat Bay is excellent. The fish are all 10 to 20 pounds and live spot is the bait of choice. What I’ve noticed, though, is there is no set time or tide that is producing the bite. It is completely random. Thurs, I hit them on the outgoing in the morning. Friday, the incoming was better, before the change to outgoing. Sat, they hit on both tides as I watched my friend Tim hook and boat 10 fish and we went 0 for 3. I don’t know why, we were doing everything the same. Sunday we went 2 for 3 on slack tide with good size bass for the Redi-Rig Release Float staff, Steve Dressig and Mike Kainec that were out from Ohio to catch fish on their floats. Mike’s dad is the inventor of this unique float that allows you to fish an infinite depth underneath and then releases and slides down the line during the hook-up or the fight. The same crew headed offshore on Monday with me in search of Mud Hole tuna. There was no life or readings at Monster Ledge or Little Italy, so I pointed the bow to Oley’s Lump and about two miles shy there were surfacing albacore and the machine was lit up top to bottom with bait and fish. We threw the hook, set up a chunk line of sardines, and banged away at albies and big blues on live peanut bunker fished under the floats.
I will be sailing every day for Live Bait Stripers, charter or open boat Wed, Thurs, and Fri and then it sounds like the heavy weather is coming.
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
October 11, 2010
LBIFT weigh-ins…
FHQ 31-lb 4oz Striper weighed-in by Ryan Dellane of Manahawkin, NJ caught in Holgate on bunker
October 10, 2010
Out in the ocean some boats have gotten into some fun light tackle action jigging spike weakfish. Small metals do the trick. Boats are trolling in search of bass but it is a slow pick at best. Bluefish and False Albacore are also present.
The surf temp is now in the low 60’s. With the recent new moon, there have been sizeable stripers both in the bay and ocean. Nick caught his on a live eel in a boat in the bay, while Jason caught his on bunker off of the beach. Please see our reports from previous days below. In the surf the kingfish are still around; however, inconsistent. There is a spotty croaker bite as well. Use bloodworms for the kings and clam for the croakers.
A lot of bait has been on the move. From time to time the pods of bait stack up in the inlets. Saturday night there was a lot of bait stacked up at the Lighthouse. Unfortunately, there weren’t many bigger game fish there on the prowl. Both mullet (finger and corncob) and bunker (baby and juvenile) have been on the move. During the day, snapper blues and tog put out action for those looking for fish in the inlet. There are stripers there too.
LBIFT weigh-ins…
SC B&T 14-lb 12oz Striper weighed-in by Paul Montrey of Delran, NJ caught in North Beach on bunker
Jingles B&T 15-lb 10-oz Striper weighed-in by Dan Ballentine Jr of Port Murry, NJ caught in Holgate on bunker
Jingles B&T 16-lb 6-oz Striper weighed-in by Courtland Foos of Wilmington, DE caught in Holgate on bunker
SC B&T 12-lb 12-oz Striper weighed-in by Bon Massa of Manahawkin, NJ caught at undisclosed spot on bunker
Received: Sunday, October 10, 2010 5:45:23 PM Subject: Fwd: Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters
The only thing to say about this past week is WOW!
Last week’s weather has dropped the back bay waters temps more to the stripers liking and they have responded accordingly . The striped bass are jammed packed with all kinds of bait from our back bays and will to be joined by more and more migrating bass as the Fall progresses. When boat traffic was light all trips limited out with nice striped bass to 32″ and when the wind let up enough for us to mix in wreck fishing the rods never stopped bending.
Open Boat trip for Sean Castle, Tom Wilson, Herman Diaz and new comer Tony Maruuci started in a stiff NW winds and dirty water, the 30-kt winds kept us along the beach. After a slow start the guys ended the day with a hot striper bite with double and triple headers. We finishing with a full limit of take home stripers plus many catch and releases.
The next day the weather let up so we could get offshore for regulars Jay Simmons and Ernie Rosenberg for a slam fest of sea bass, porgy, stripers, bluefish, weakfish and croakers.
We ended the week with the Joe Lesando party with more fantastic wreck fishing action with sea bass, porgies, blackfish and trigger fish.
I have 3 spots available for this Thursday, October 14 for a planned combo inlet/wreck/ocean trip for those who would like to join in on the fun and Friday, October 15th for Open or Private charter as well. Remember to join us on Face book [ Reel Fantasea Charters] to view our weekly photos and become a fan. I also have a few choice dates left for the Fall striped bass / bluefish / wreck fishing season, be sure to reserve today and become the fishing report!
~ Capt. Steve Purul, “Reel Fantasea” Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609.290.1217
Received: Oct 10, 2010 10:02 AM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Report
Made it out a couple of times this past week, and all the signs are pointing towards an excellent fall. The bay has finally come to life with stripers taking all the traditional fall baits. I had them on swimming plugs during a break in the weather last Saturday. There’s been steady action the last few days around the inlet on live spots, and the water temps look to be perfect for anchoring up with clams. So right on schedule, our fall bass season has started up.
Yesterday’s charter was an ocean trip producing quite a mixed bag of autumn critters. Jigging produced small bluefish, weakfish and croakers along Island Beach State Park before we ran into a massive school of false albacore that jumped small metals until the boat traffic finally sent them down. What an amazing fish to catch, probably my favorite with their long runs and never give up attitude. Then we finished the morning anchored up on a local wreck catching sea bass and small tog. Great fun in ideal weather.
With the stripers starting to turn on and the weather still pretty nice, now’s the time to get out there on the bay. The pen is packed with spots and I’ve still got some open dates over the next couple of weeks. If you want to get out before the cold really sets in, give me a call and we’ll get something set up.
~ Capt. Jack Shea, “Rambunctious”, Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters 609.698.3632
October 9, 2010
LBI Surf Fishing Tournament Started today
This morning Jason Spisak weighed in 38-lb 4-oz striper. He caught the bass off of the surf (at about 7:30am) down on the South-end of the island on our “bass candy” bunker (5-8”). Too bad it’s all gone. Those were some nice baits. Jason landed the bass on his new St. Croix Mojo combo. (No, Jason was not signed-up for the derby when he caught that fish)
Justin Whittington reported some action off the surf too. He had a 35″ 19-lber on the incoming tide on the south-end using bunker.
“Pez Machine” just got back in from the edge. While out they tried trolling but had little luck. They got ‘em on the chunk though. Final tally: one for two on yellowfin, released a sword, had a couple dolphin and well over a dozen blue sharks. The “Pez Machine” will be heading out again on Monday.
Carl Raoch weighed-in a 15-lb 13-oz Striper at Jingles B&T. The fish was caught this morning in Hogate using bunker.
Boats in Barnegat Bay fishing Tices Shoal are catching weakfish to 15″ using bucktails and Gulp. Tackle down and use small jigs. The Spro Baby Bucktails tipped with small Gulp grubs should be perfect.
Boats off the Island Beach bathers beach in 40′ of water are catching bluefish. The bluefish are 10-lbs and up. Some boats North of Barnegat Inlet are also catching Weakfish. Try the Deadly Dick sand eel imitation lure for these.
Received: Oct 9, 2010 4:29 PM Subject: Friday October 8 Fishing Report
I fished on the Carolyn Ann out of Barnegat Light, NJ. We had about 70 people on board. The pool winner was a nice size trigger fish.
I caught loads of sea bass in the 11 – 12 inch range. Managed 4 very nice keepers in the mix of all those shorts.
~ Jim T., Bridgewater, NJ
Received: Oct 9, 2010 7:04 PM Subject: Fishing Report
Today we had George, Sheila, Ed, Dan, and Catlin from PA on board for a mix bag & striper trip. We broke Barnegat Inlet around 7:30 and found birds working. So immediately we pulled out the jigs and snag gear for some bunker. After pulling a few in we continued to the Garden State North Reef. There were only a couple of us out there. After setting up we were on the black fish. Sheila and Catlin seemed to have the hot hand over the guy’s, picking several black fish. After two hours of black fish, sea robins, sand sharks, and even 1 huge fluke we decided to move in and try our luck on the troll. We trolled north of Barnegat Inlet with not even a knock down. Then moved more north to try some other spots hoping for that one big striper. With no such luck.
~ Capt. Tom Cormann, “Bottom Line”, Forked River 201.788.3223
Received: Oct 9, 2010 7:58 AM Subject: fishing report
Fished the bay last night using bunker heads. 5 Striped Bass total. Mostly short, one keeper on pink storm shad lure.
~ Brian Schmidt
October 7, 2010
Tonight, Nick Remer of Deer Lake Park weighed in a 34-lb 12-oz Striper. Nick said that he caught the bass mid-island on a live eel, towards the top of the tide.
This afternoon, Gene Szymkowiak weighed in a 2-lb tog from the rocks. He was using live green crabs for bait.
A customer stopped in this afternoon after fishing this AM on the South-end front beach. While using his last bunker head bait he caught a 42″ Striper. What a charge that gave him.
Bay Striper reports from North, South and here in Ship Bottom. Stripers all along the backbay. Most of these fish are small but there have been bigger than keeper size taken.
Received: Oct 7, 2010 2:16 PM Subject: Stripers!
The Striped Bass are here and on the feed. It was non-stop action today in Barnegat Bay with 26 to 32 inch fish. Live bait is the magic. I had live spots and hooked a fish for every bait I brought… I’m bringing a lot more tomorrow! The marine forecast is awesome all the way through the weekend into Monday at least. I am going to run open boat every day for stripers with a possibility of running offshore on Saturday as they are calling for a 5 to 10 knot wind and flat ocean. It could be near coastal or out to the Mud Hole in search of bluefin, albacore, and bonita or we could do it all. The boat holds enough fuel for two full days of running so pack some food. Tomorrow, Friday, is a definite striper trip. We’re going to catch them like an appointment in the same place on the same tide! This is what we have been waiting for and now the weather is co-operating as well. Here’s a picture of the 32 inch Striper I kept this morning, by myself, so there is no one to hold it up. Call for a spot tomorrow or any day.
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
October 6, 2010
This afternoon, Rob Reale went up to the Inlet rocks in search of tog. He caught two dozen tog during the three hours that he was up there. All on green crab bait. He reported about 5 were keeper size fish and one was a 17 incher that he kept for the table. He said that he’ll be at it again tomorrow.
I went up to Montauk with Joni on Sunday night for a two day road trip. I wanted to get myself and my new Penn Torque Spinning Reel warmed up before the local LBI Surf Derby (starts this weekend). We got up there and fished all day Monday and a half day on Tuesday. The weather was gnarly but there were fish to be caught.
On Monday, with the gale force wind in our face it was impossible for us to fish anything but bucktails. My first cast, BANG! “Fish on! So this the way it is up here?” It was the only fish I had for the next few hours. After another 100+ casts and waves to the face, I managed another fish. Then just before sunset it turned on. I caught a half dozen plus fish in the last hour of light and into the dark.
We were back on it in the dark Tuesday morning to fish the sunrise. The hour before and the golden hour produced. I caught a number of fish, at least a dozen. At one point the bass were in real tight. Two cast and two consecutive hookups. Once the sun was up, there were fish but it turned to a slow pick until the bottom of the tide. It turned on again about an hour or two from dead low. This time the fish wanted the yellow and white Super Strike Little Neck Popper. I only managed one fish but other anglers had a number of fish.
Most all of the fish were small but there were some keepers and I did see some nice sized fish caught.
As far as the new Penn Torque Spinning Reel goes, I was impressed once again with its’ performance. I had it wet and beat up for 48 hours and it kept asking for more. The reel casts great. The drag is super smooth and handle cranks with ease. I was also very happy that I didn’t have one wind knot the entire trip.
Thanks to all the great guys up there that were a big help. And an even bigger thanks to Bill for getting me stoked to go up there many months ago.
~ Greg
October 5, 2010
Received: Oct 5, 2010 12:10 PM Subject: BHCFA Report
The weather has been keeping most of the ocean going boats of the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association at the dock for the past several days.
Captain Fran Verdi of the “Drop Off” summed it up best when he said “September was a month of windy, blow-out weekends. Many storms rolled in and out every week. Fishing days were limited and trying to make plans just did not work. You had to be able to fish when the weather let you.” Captain Fran plans to fish for sea bass until October 11 when the season is suspended until November 1. He immediately plans to go after stripers at that point. Fran points to the recent northeast winds as a prime factor in hurrying that bite along despite the current higher than normal water temperatures.
Captain Lindsay Fuller on the “June Bug” is still fishing the canyons for tuna and other big fish and has an overnight trip planned in the near future.
Additional information on the association can be found at or by calling 1-877-LBI-BHCFA (1-877-524-2423).
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr. – Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association –
October 4, 2010
Received: Oct 4, 2010 7:58 PM Subject: Fwd: Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters
This past weeks weather really didn’t provide many fishing opportunities with wind driven rain through out much of the later part of the week. Trying to fish a “weather window” regular Cy Collins joined by brother Brian and son Kevin who were greeted by early arriving strong Northeast winds. After making our way to the inlet we found conditions already too treacherous for safe navigation in or out as we watched a much larger charter boat retreating from the nasty ocean conditions. Moving around to the back bay the guys toughed it out in deteriorating weather conditions managing only one 25″ striper and a few missed bites before heading for the barn.
With the weather forecasted to moderate by mid week I can’t wait to get back at it! I do have one opening for this Thursday’s October 7th for an Open Boat Combo trip, we will be mixing it up between inlet [bass and blues] and wreck fishing [seabass, tog, porgies] all bait, tackle and fish cleaning is included. Call or email – 609-290-1217 or .
~ Capt. Steve Purul, “Reel Fantasea” Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609.290.1217
October 3, 2010
Jeff Whalen of Pensauken weighed in a 20-lb striped bass that he caught off of the surf today (mid-island) on bunker.
William Molinaro of Manahawkin weighed in a 14-lb 8-oz striped bass that went for a bunker chunk mid-island.
October 2, 2010
Russell Short just stopped in the shop on his way back up to the beach. He reported some kingfish off of the mid-island surf this morning. Russ also mentioned that there were some snapper blues too.
September 29, 2010
Received: Sep 29, 2010 11:43 AM Subject: Barnegat Fishing Report
Saturday’s trip was cancelled after we took a good look at the weather. The ocean was a cranking SW wind of 15-20 w/ gusts to 30, and a big nasty swell. We decided to cancel…
Sunday’s trip was cancelled again, because of the same thing screaming (NNE wind). Took a ride up to the beach with my boys and there were gusts 25-30 with 5-7` out there. Good for the surfers but not the fishermen. So we decided to try some surf fishing off the beach. With the wind gusting and the ocean being so rough I really didn`t think we had a chance. Well we had a real good day. We had some nice king fish and some small bluefish that kept us busy. Back at it again this weekend.
~ Capt. Tom Cormann, “Bottom Line”, Forked River 201.788.3223
September 28, 2010
Dustin Howes reported a good kingfish bite over the weekend. He had a great day surf fishing for kingfish on Saturday. Dustin caught 15 fish kings for the dinner table and also tossed back about 6 or 8 small ones.
Received: Sep 28, 2010 4:52 PM Subject: BHCFA Report
Poor weather continues to have an adverse effect on the fishing off Beach Haven. As they spend time on land, the captains of the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association are planning some tuna trips to the canyons and looking forward to the arrival of the striped bass.
The “Miss Beach Haven” with Captain Frank Camarda fished last Saturday despite the strong winds and chilly early temperatures. The nasty conditions did not affect the fishing, however, as the first two stops produced fast action on sea bass, but not much in the way of keepers. The next move, according to mate Sal Rosa, produced the real action. He said there were keepers galore as many anglers including quite a few skillful women, had a dozen or more keepers. The high hook was 16 keepers. Mike from Tabvernacle was the pool winner with a 4.5 pound sea bass. One angler had his sister Peggy out fishing to get her out of the house for a planned surprise birthday party when they got home. The birthday girl and her brother had over 20 sea bass along with a nice triggerfish.
The windy conditions Sunday, however, were just too much, and “Miss Beach Haven” Captain Frank pulled the plug after traveling to the inlet and taking a look at the nasty conditions. All anglers received a full refund. Sal reminds everyone the boat has a 10-hour sea bass trip planned for Monday, October 11.
Additional information on the association can be found at or by calling 1-877-LBI-BHCFA (1-877-524-2423).
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr. – Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association –
September 26, 2010
Received: Sep 26, 2010 11:12 AM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Report
We’re back on the local waters after a little change of pace down in sunny south Florida, where we got out fishing with our good friends at Bud n’ Mary’s in Islamorada. Just an amazing place, no wonder they call it the “Fishing Capital of the World”. One day we caught a bunch of large sea trout, mangrove and yellowtail snappers, spanish mackerel, various jacks, ladyfish galore, several blacktip sharks and one large bull, a huge goliath grouper and the guide was apologetic that we didn’t jump a tarpon. Are you kidding me?
Right now the local action here seems to be primarily bluefish and false albacore, but our striped friends are starting to show up here and there. We’ll be starting to target them in earnest over the next couple of weeks as the water starts cooling down. Still a couple of open dates left in late October and mid November.
~ Capt. Jack Shea, “Rambunctious”, Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters 609.698.3632
Received: Sunday, September 26, 2010 10:12:51 AM Subject: Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters
This weeks fishing was a mixed bag in the way of results and variety . The weather cooperated with us more than in the past few weeks as the tropics look like they are on the downside of activity. The waxing and waning of the moon did however create “current” issues which translated into “too much current” at certain locations which caused the fish to feed aggressively during low to moderate current flow and than to only shut down under peek flow. Bluefish in the 1-5 lb range continue to cooperate and with a spike in striped bass activity this week the outlook for stripers is to only get better from here. The backbay is choked with bait such as peanut bunker, mullet, spot, spearing, bay anchovy and more and with the cooling effects of the Fall upon us the fishing is just a “powder keg” waiting for the spark ! The inlet and backbay continue to offer up species such as big blackfish, triggerfish, blowfish, spot and more. The wreck fishing season is fully underway and look for seabass and blackfish to keep the rods bending as fast as you can drop a bait down. These are some of the best eating fish that swim and with stripers and blues making the mix the action can be red hot as our Fall weather continues to cool down.
I have a few spots open for October 7th and 14th [ 6am-12pm] for Open Boat wreck/inlet [striper/bluefish/seabass/blackfish] – combo for those who would like to join other enthusiastic anglers [ space is limited to 4 anglers total ]. For those who like would like to join us for our Fall Striped Bass and Bluefish Season, remember that the striped bass fishing takes place within a scant 3 miles of the beach [a stones throw at times] and our prevailing North West winds serves to keep the Ocean blown flat along our beaches.
~ Capt. Steve Purul, “Reel Fantasea” Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609.290.1217
September 25, 2010
Scott Simpson hooked into some fish today down on the South-end of the Island. He found some good looking water that produced. Scott reported a couple kingfish on live bloods. He also got into a fun snapper bluefish bite chunking fresh bait. Scott also landed a keeper sized striper on mullet.
The kingfish are also at mid-island and up on the North-end. One customer stopped in a reported catching a handful of the striped goats on Gulp!
If looking to get hooked up, the Barnegat Light Inlet is a productive area. The rocks are covered with blackfish and tiny seabass. Also there are small bluefish chasing spearing in the rips and boils. If looking to target the tog get some live green crabs and/or clam and go find some deep crevices and caves in the jetty. There are a lot of shorts; however, keeper sized fish are there. Saturday morning Greg and Nick went up to Old Barny and hooked into a number of short tog as well as a handful of seabass. A few were close to the 14” mark but didn’t exceed it. An angler a couple rocks away had a good size keeper.
September 24, 2010
Received: Sep 24, 2010 2:05 PM Subject: LBI angler visiting Myrtle Beach, SC with a surf and pier report
Well the mullet run is in full force here in Myrtle Beach, SC with thousands on the bait fish moving South. With the mullet are spanish mackerel, blues and albacore. With the occasional shark. The day is sunny high 80’s light breeze from the south water temp 83.
~ Keith Weidenhof
(Gee it sounds like a mirror image of what has been happening here off Island Beach and Long Beach Island)
Received: Sep 24, 2010 10:20 AM Subject: Hi Flier Fishing Report
Clobbered the false albacore offshore yesterday. Only had one fare on my open boat, so I got to do battle, as well. We ran to the mud Hole in search of bluefin or mahi but immediately hooked an albie on a squid bar as we were still setting up the spread. I was keeping the RPM’s down for the “way back” as Islander/Ballyhoo were dragging for tuna, so the action was scarce for that hour or so. Instead of not catching tuna, we decided to change out the spread to smaller stuff, lighter gear and pick up the speed to 7 knots. All hell broke loose over the same water we were just dragging. Albies and skipjack non-stop. I had fresh spearing on board, so we put them out on the 10 pound spinning rods. You hook them with a small hook through both lips and skip them like a jap feather in the first or second wake and the hits are violent. We’re using a small swivel and three feet of 20 pound fluorocarbon just to beef up the business end. At the end of the day, there wasn’t any bags of loin to unload like when we are on the bonita, but it’s hard to beat for sport on light tackle that close to shore. Barnegat Ridge is all lit up with the same action and from the Mud hole to the Ridge is “canyon blue” water that is 69 to 70 degrees and beautiful.
In the bay we are catching weakfish on live grass shrimp and shedders crabs. Lots of blowfish, some really big ones for the table. The other species in the mix include: burrfish, kingfiish, small blues, sand sharks, porgies, and sea bass, though, those last two are always of juvenile size. Anchoring up on the west side of the bay anywhere between BB Buoy all the way to the 42 Buoy seems to be producing the same. The fleets are bigger here and there, but the action isn’t always best in those fleets. We are getting off to some quieter spots, 7 to 8 feet of water, loading the water with chum logs and fresh clams and the fish are responding quite well.
We are also taking our one per man tog limit off the inlet jetty as well as short stripers and small blues. We can either anchor up and shrimp the bass or throw lures. The bluefish seem to be in the mix every day, as well. Mostly 20 to 26 inch bass with a very occasional keeper, and the blues are 2 to 4 pound fish. All good stuff on the spinning rods.
Saturday and Sunday has potential for Inshore, Offshore, or our Inshore/Offshore combo trips. I will run charter or open boat each day depending on what the first people who call would like to do.
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
September 23, 2010
Went out and fished today at the NY/NJ bluefin grounds. Started out trolling and getting the first bluefin of the day on a pink/white horse bally placed way way back. Shortly after we got covered up with fat alberts (albies). Switched over to the chunk/jig while drifting. A lot of marks but little to show for our efforts. Ended up anchoring up and concentrated more on the chunk. Had two run-offs. Both good size fish; however, both came unbuttoned before we saw color. While anchored chunking I worked a “self-bent” White Shimano Butterfly Jig with confidence and managed to hook some bluefin. I broke in my new Penn Torque Spin (TRQ7) and boy was I impressed. It put a hurtin’ on ’em with some serious drag that is smooth as silk. This reel can handle big fish! Can’t wait to get back out fishing it again. ~ Greg
September 22, 2010
Received: Sep 22, 2010 10:02 AM Subject: Hi Flier Offshore Open Boat
Toomorrow is the weather window. 5 to 10 knot winds, light seas. I am running an open boat to Barnegat Ridge and beyond for albacore and bonita. The albie bite has been red hot. We have been scaling down the tackle to 10 pound spinning rods to enjoy them even more. If the ocean is flat and everyone is game, we will point the bow to the Mud Hole in search of bluefin and mahi on the lobster pots. We will be ready to troll, jig, cast, and chunk. I take a maximum of three people. All fish are shared. Call to reserve your spot.
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
September 21, 2010
The Penn Torque Spinning Reel wait is coming to an end.
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TRQS7B (Black)
View particulars or order these models online at…
Penn International Torque Spinning Reel
Date: Sep 21, 2010 1:05 PM Subject: Barnegat Report from Bottom Line Charters
A few days ago we had Jim Turtle and crew; Steve, Billy, and big Walt out on the “Bottom Line”. After talking over our options we decided to go for a bluefish, bonito, or albacore what we call a speedster trip.
We broke the inlet a little later then I like, around 8 AM and found a beautiful, flat calm ocean as we headed straight out Barnegat Inlet about 5 miles. This is when being friendly and sharing info with other captains pays off. (Capt. Sam of “Party Time” Charters) We were heading to a spot that those guys had some luck the the day before. We got the chum in the water by 8:45 AM with two guys with jigs, and the other two baited up with chunks and spearing floating in the slick. Our first fish was on in about 15 minutes into the trip, a big bluefish taken by Bill on a jig. Then started to pick up more blues that were about 10 to 12 pounds. They were hitting both the jigs and bait. I had a rig set way back on a balloon with some spearing just thinking bluefin maybe. We would have lots of fun with the blues but no albies.
At around 1:00 we made a move a little further North and found a little cleaner and warmer water. And again we started catching bluefish. We had some wild periods where we would have every rod hooked up.
Finally, my balloon took off and this was no bluefish. I hooked the fish and gave the rod to Walt and it was on. I would say Walt battled this fish for a good 15 minutes or so before the fish spit the hook. Not sure what it actually was but I want to think it may have been a bluefin.
Overall, it was another great day on the water. Everybody had a great time catching some really nice bluefish. I lost count after 40 and all fish were released except for two. Thanks Guys. Book your striper trips now!
~ Capt. Tom Cormann, “Bottom Line”, Forked River 201.788.3223
September 20, 2010
Received: Monday, September 20, 2010 4:15 PM Subject: Bay Blowfish report with my kids
I got a chance to fish with my kids, son Stephen Jr (10) and daughter Cali (12) on Sunday in the Bay and did we have a blast! Big blowfish were on the bite but daughter Cali (aka: Puffer Policewoman) ensured that there would be “No Blowfish dinner for You” as she thinks they are just too cute to eat. The bay is chock full of fun and exciting species to catch such as blowfish, seabass, burrfish, weakfish, porgy, spot, snappers. So bring the kids, it’s a great way to spend some quality time and introduce them to the fun of fishing. I recommend plenty of clam chum [fresh or frozen] with fresh clam for bait and plenty of rigs as most of the fish have formidable dentures!
~ Capt. Steve Purul, “Reel Fantasea” Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609.290.1217
Received: Sep 20, 2010 8:40 PM Subject: Weekly BHCFA Report
The captains of the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association continued to find decent fishing despite storms and rough seas from the various tropical storms and hurricanes passing off the coast. It appears the strong fishing will run well into the fall.
The “Miss Beach Haven” with Captains Brant Whittaker and Frank Camarda braved the inlet swells last Saturday with a full load of anglers to find a beautiful day on the ocean. Mate Sal Rosa reports there were large numbers of fish coming over the rails with quite a few keepers mixed in with the fish that were too short. In addition to the fat sea bass, there were quite a few blackfish boated. John Cheeseman was the pool winner with a large blackfish. It was a different story for the “Miss Beach Haven” on Sunday as the captains saw the swells were even larger and decided to cancel the day’s fishing.
Captain Carl Sheppard on the “Star Fish” had five days of excellent fishing before the waves from Hurricane Igor arrived. He reports the black sea bass are back in force after their spawning, and one day his party boated over 100 fish with a good percentage of them keepers. They also caught quite a few doormat fluke which had to be returned to the water. To make the trips even more interesting they ran into some amberjack and a little later some scattered false albacore. The false albacore seemed to like silver lures and old fashioned feathers.
Additional information on the association can be found at or by calling 1-877-LBI-BHCFA (1-877-524-2423).
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr. – Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association –
September 19, 2010
Received: Saturday, September 18, 2010 6:32:47 PM Subject: Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters
This week we had to fish the weather windows due to approaching fronts and tropical systems but when we did, we found action with blues, false albies, schoolie stripers, blow fish, and other bottom species. The abundant inshore false albacore action has been one of the best I have seen in years. What these fish lack in table fare they more than make up for it in blistering drag scorching runs and some of the best and exciting sight casting found anywhere. These little dragsters have enormous amounts of power, endurance and speed making for some of the best inshore species to target this time of year and with loads of bluefish, and even quit a few schoolie stripers making the mix, the action has been exciting. If you never caught a False Albie these normally offshore species are now literally within a stones throw from the beach !
Our Fall season is under way and the action is red hot don’t miss out on some of the best action found anywhere. Remember for those who love to fish but friends/family don’t, we offer Open Boat trips that get you in on the action with other enthusiastic anglers who share in your same passion. Come join the fun. Both expert and novice welcome.
Our first “Friday Night at the Fights” Open Boat trip had regulars Jay Simmons and Karl Staffan Sr and Jr mixing it up between albies and loads of blues . The blues were chasing and gorging on vast amounts and variety of bait fish which included spearing peanut bunker, mullet, blowfish, spot, and even tropical lookdowns.
~ Capt. Steve Purul, “Reel Fantasea” Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609.290.1217
September 18, 2010
Lotta spot around so catch up the striper candy while you can. We have had a number of reports from the North and South ends as well as mid-island. Go get ’em with worms (or Fish Bites) and some clam chum.
Blackfish are up at the Barnegat Inlet Rocks. Numerous anglers headed up this morning with live green crabs. Many have come back with talks of small fish but one angler did catch a big boy tog.
Dennis Merced weighed in a 24-1/4″ 8-lb 10-oz blackfish. Dennis also mentioned that he released two short tog and said that last weekend he broke off a couple keeper sized fish.
Paul Galasso, aboard his boat the Scorpio, went out and trolled up some good sized bluefish this morning out in 60′ of water off of Northern LBI. Today’s biggest Bluefish for Paul’s was a 16-lbs 10-oz. He reported that all of the blues he caught were well over 10-lbs. Paul mentioned that he got them all on deep diving plugs.
September 17, 2010
Registration ($30) of the 56th Annual LBI Surf Fishing Classic has begun. The registration forms and hats are here. This year the hats are grey! Don’t wait too long to sign-up. The hats go quick! First come first serve. Also look into being a part of the $10 Striper Calcutta only at FHQ. Last fall the Calcutta winner took home a $1980 pot with a 39lb 15oz fish. It is our goal to meet and/or beat the pot this year. Ask about the Striper Calcutta when registering at the shop.
I spoke with a surf caster who was tossing “Smoky Joe” Red-Fins as I was walking down the beach leaving the surf this morning. He had two stripers in the mid 20’s (inches) at first light. I have also received numerous reports (from customers in the shop) of kingfish, blues ranging in size from snappers-cocktails+ and spike weakfish. Once the water clarity comes back to what it was before the recent storm I expect the albies to show back up along the beaches. Lets hope the bait stays in tight! ~ Greg @ FHQ
Received: Sept 17, 2010 3:55 PM Subject: Lindy Fishing Report
The No Limits Fishing Team Dynamic duo of Bob Percopo and Jeff Barnhart headed to the Lindy last week on Bob’s 33 Hydra sport. What a terrific trip. The water was flat calm all the way out, during the troll and most of the way home, only kicking up 20 miles from the inlet on the way back. The water was the clearest blue I have ever seen. We shot a video of porpoises swimming under the boat that looks like it was shot in an aquarium. We also experienced pilot whales swimming by to take a look at us. Not a bad day fishing either. We went three for three on mahi – two for two on white marlin (73 and 75 inches both boated and safely released) and lost a good size tuna at the boat. ~ Jeff Barnhart
Received: Sept 17, 2010 4:58 PM Subject: Harvey Cedars Report – Sept 11-17th
Fished the new terra-formed beach front off Harvey Cedars. It’s now a very different place from what I remember from years past; however, it shows promise.
Picked up a nice brace of Kingfish on bloodworms. Had to walk the beach to find the right area, back wash and rips seem to produce better then the now, deep, consistent drop-offs. Monday 9/13 produced tailor blues and lots of shots at Albies off of my kayak. Hooked three, 2 lb Blues but no Albies. Tuesday was all Kingfish on bloods, same as previous, look for slots and rough water. Wednesday showed a nice blitz of Blues at afternoon high-tide, hooked three. They were chasing bait. Thursday was a bust, as was today (Friday). Tight Lines, Jeff Weiss
September 16, 2010
Steve Wurst and son Andy took the Sea Trever offshore on Tuesday to the “Virginia” to fish in about 200′ of water. They hooked up with six (6) tuna from 40 to 100-lbs. Half were caught trolling but the larger fish were caught while jigging down at a 95′ depth.
Received: Sept 16, 2010 8:25 PM Subject: Thursday Fishing Report
Fished the ocean today. It got rough quick. I had Seven keeper porgy, one short sea bass, one bird and one “Rudder”? Never heard of it.
~ Jim T., Bridgewater, NJ
Received: Sept 16, 2010 1:28 PM Subject: Albie report
Fished this morning at first light probably near where Greg fished yesterday, about 2 miles north of Barnegat inlet in 30 feet of water. Blindcasted and trolled up 15 albies by 8:30 AM when it got rough enough to send us back to the barn. All fish were caught on deadly dicks.
~ Chris D.
Received: Sept 16, 2010 7:26 AM Subject: Report
Short bass off beach on X-Rap Walk.
~ Brian S.
6:00 PM
Greg and Jonni took the Wild Honey out this morning looking to get the drags screaming for a second day in a row. Got into the albies at first light. They were in the same spot as yesterday, just off the beach and about 1-2 miles North of the Barnegat Inlet, crashing sandeels and spearing. Caught a half dozen on light tackle outfits with 005 & 007 diamond jigs and small deadly dick metals. We also tried out the new Red Gill EVO’s. The fish loved ’em. They are as close to a live sand eel as plastic gets. Ask the birds. They were looking. After an hour or two the albies scattered and we started jigging the metals off the bottom on the huge balls marking our screen. Ending up getting a couple handfuls of bluefish (snapper through gators), a number of double headers and my first weakfish of 2010 (sad but true). Back at the dock by 9:30 and off the Mustache Bill’s for breakfast.
4:15 PM
Snapper, Cocktail, Chopper, and Gator size Bluefish with False albacore and spike Weakfish mixed in are tight to the beach in Surf City headed South crashing on sandeels or spearing. One customer has been following these fish from North Beach to Surf City for a while.
The kingfish and croakers are still strong from Mid Island to the South-end beaches. Yes, we have bloodworms.
Received: Sept 15, 2010 3:38 PM Subject: BHCFA Weekly Report
As September makes its way to fall the upcoming striped bass season, the captains of the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association have been finding ways to catch a varied mix of fish to fill the fish box for their anglers to enjoy fish dinners.
Captain Carl Sheppard of the “Star Fish” out of Morrison’s Marina in Beach Haven reports finding black sea bass, spike weakfish, bluefish, blackfish, croakers, and porgies, all within easy reach of the beach over the past week. He says the sea bass and blackfish are back on their feed now that the spawning period has ended. He sees small bluefish everywhere with some larger ones further out. Porgies are now showing near the wrecks with small weakfish and croakers in the “slues” near the beach.
Sal Rosa on the “Miss Beach Haven” reports that they found large numbers of black sea bass last Saturday around the wrecks. There were quite a few throwbacks, but there were also plenty of keepers. On Sunday after the rain they managed a real mixed bag of fish. There were sea bass, triggerfish, croakers, and blackfish to take home. Recent pool winners were Scotty Tohotty of Beach Haven with a real nice sea bass and John Cheeseman with a blackfish.
Additional information on the association can be found at or by calling 1-877-LBI-BHCFA (1-877-524-2423).
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr. – Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association –
September 14, 2010
Today, Uncle Moe “The Black Cloud” was out with Dr. Strom, Mr. Strom Sr. and Lance trolling the North Barnegat Ridge. It was strictly False Albacore in the 5-lb range. Fish after fish, totaled 25 for the day. More hits with the lures that were deeper in the water column. No hits on the surface. Uncle Moe said his best hits were on the squid daisy chains that were connected to 8 oz drail weights.
Because of radio reports they later ventured to the “B” buoy. The Mahi-Mahi were there under the Pilot fish but the fish could not be convinced to bite.
There was also radio chatter about Spanish Mackerel close off Seaside but later in the day this was all broken up when the 4-lb Bluefish moved in.
September 13, 2010
7:45 PM
A number of customers are loading up on spot. Get ’em now before they are gone.
Billy Taddeo reported a great day of fishing today just North of the Inlet. “Fish were breaking the surface everywhere,” Billy said. “But they didn’t want what we had.” They caught some small weakfish, some cocktail blues, a very large brown shark as well as a lot of sea robins and skates.
Pete just got back from the Edge (Hudson Canyon) aboard the Pez Machine. They went out Sunday night and chunked overnight into Monday, nota. Got up on the troll in the morning and went 4 for 6 on yellowfin (70-lb class). In the afternoon they drifted for some tilefish and went 4 for 4 (20+lb class). “We had action all day!” Pete gives the Pez Machine two thumbs up! “Stew put us on the fish.”
Sam W. fished the Bucks County Heroes Scholarship fund on the Delaware River today with his buddy Rich. 27 boats fished and raises $5500 for the fund. Sam and Rich came out on top winning with their top 3 catfish weighing 12.65-lbs. They wanted to donate the winnings back but they would not accept it. They had over thirty fish. Sam said that they anchored up on a ledge and uses shrimp and clam as hook baits. Sam also reported catching a striper that was about 15 inches.
7:00 PM
Today, Uncle Moe Moe landed 5 Kingfish in the Surf City Surf on Bloodworms.
Received: Sept 13, 2010 8:32 AM Subject: Hi Flier Fishing Report
Awesome fishing over the weekend. The wind was still a little heavy on Friday, so we stayed close to shore. I had Robert Warner on board for the open boat and we were joined by Steve Purul of Reel Fantasea charters out of my same marina. After picking up our live grass shrimp from Bobbie’s Boats, we headed out to the North Jetty of Barnegat Inlet. After 10 minutes of chumming we were tight to our first striper and the action was steady for a few hours on 22″ to 26” fish, all on 10 pound spinning tackle. We added a keeper blackfish to the cooler and we started to make our way through the inlet when Steve nudged me to tell me that he thought the inlet jetty looked right for some action on lures. He was right! We preceded to throw lures at 2 to 3 pound bluefish for an hour or so. We picked up and headed for the back bay behind Barnegat, where we finished up with a nice catch of blowfish, including some nice big fat ones. In the back bay mix, we also caught weakfish, sand sharks, burrfish (porcupine puffers), and spots.
On Saturday, we targeted weakfish and found them biting on the west side of the bay along with the same variety of species. They aren’t big fish, but most are just over the legal size. We have been doing all of the back bay fishing with shedder crabs on 6 pound ultra-lites that make even catching blowfish a battle.
Yesterday, Sunday, I headed out to Barnegat Ridge North with an open boat of three anglers, Gene Linder, Rich Hall, and Nick Tanzola. We arrived on the grounds, and I was setting out the second rod of what was going to be an eight rod spread, when the first rod, a pink squid chain, was already screaming with our first albacore. “Oh, it’s going to be like that” I thought. We boated the fish and went with a new strategy, two trolling rods, one cedar plug and one squid chain to draw them into the wash and then had each guy hold a 10 pound spinning rod with a 20 pound fluorocarbon leader, a small #1 hook tipped with a fresh spearing, that my sons had just seine netted the night before. They kept them short, in the first and second wake, like you would troll Jap feathers, and it didn’t take long to see if this was going to work or not, as Gene’s spinning rod was bending all the way to the reel seat. We did this for three hours, with one to three fish on continuously. We tried it without the two trolling rods a few times, but we couldn’t hook up without a few lures to draw the school in the wash, then they would pounce the spearing baits. The water on the Ridge is blue, not even blue-ish green, BLUE! Can’t wait to see what else joins in the mix, but for now it is all albies. We ran over to a nearby sea buoy looking for some mahi but only found a school of small bar jacks. On the way in we stopped at the 5 Mile Buoy off of Barnegat light Inlet trying to find a few bonita but we wound up with a doubleheader albacore on a pass by the buoy. I know there are tons of albies along the beach, but typically they are not as co-operative when it comes to eating hooks, and it removes the element of “what species will hit next”, like when you are in the blue water, so I will stick with the offshore schools.
I am ready to start mixing in the Mud Hole tuna effort with these trips, and the weather looks very good for the Tues, 9/14 and Wed 9/15. I am running open these two days as well as every day the weather allows. We will either start or finish at the Ridge with albies but we can also run to the Mud Hole in search of bluefin tuna, skipjack, mahi, or bonita. I will be packing bait, jigs, and a trolling spread, ready to do it all. Have there been any reports from the Mud Hole? No, but in the middle of September with blue water there, should we wait for a report or go make one! At the very least we are going to go slam some albies on the Ridge.
$200 per person. I only need one person to sail, and limit the boat to three people. Call 732.330.5674 to reserve a spot.
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
September 12, 2010
Received: Sept 12, 2010 5:37 PM Subject: Fwd: Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters
ALBIES, ALBIES, ALBIES! The false albacore have made their present known BIG TIME. This week we started seeing inshore albies within a stones throw from the beach all the way out to the Ridges and lumps. False albacore could be one of the fastest and most amazingly power fish that swims and taken on light spinning and conventional tackle they are one of my most favorite gamefish. If singing drags and long runs are your passion than now is the time to GO! And with stripers, blues, seabass, blackfish, blowfish, kingfish, spot, croakers, and weakfish added to the mix Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters with be looking for Atlantic Grand Slams (albie or bonito, striper, bluefish, and weakfish) on all trips. The weather has been cooperating and so have the fish so join in on the Fun !
~ Capt. Steve Purul, “Reel Fantasea” Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609.290.1217
September 11, 2010
Yes, currently we have bloodworms in stock. Kingfish and Croakers on the front beach surf. Use bloodworms or Fish-Bites. Dress the Fish-Bites with Bio-Edge Bloodworm Potion or Stick Wand. Smaller Snapper Bluefish also showing up on the beach which can be caught on metals or bait. No solid reports on Stripers but getting lots of third-hand rumors. Spike weakfish right outside Barnegat Inlet.
September 8, 2010
3:15 PM
Finally a good kingfish bite, get bloods and go! So far today we have had reports from mid-island and the south end.
Live bloods are in short supply so act fast. Sorry, the bloods we currently have are small. The Fish-Bites bloodworm alternative will get ’em too. Don’t forget, if you want to kick that Fish-Bites up even more use the Bio-Edge Bloodworm which we have in Wand (paste stick) or Potion (liquid).
On the West side of Barnegat Bay there have been Blowfish and now a big influx of Spots. Go catch some eats and some bait at the same time.
Received: Sept 8, 2010 4:26 PM Subject: Hi Flier Sept. Open Boat Trips
The wind is going to blow hard for the next couple of days, 15 to 20 knot NW, gusting to 25 knots is the forecast for Thursday and Friday. No fishing, right? Wrong!
I am going to run open boat Stripers for the next two days. In a NW, no matter how hard it blows, the ocean will be flat calm in close. We are catching stripers on live grass shrimp at the Barnegat inlet jetty. Most of the fish are under the legal 28″ but we are catching a lot of 22″ to 27″ fish on 10 pound spinning rods. We have even taken a few legal ones, though most of the bigger fish run us right over the rocks and break off the light running line. I do carry heavier tackle when we grow weary of break-offs and want to try boating the bigger ones, but then you don’t enjoy the most common size of fish that are there. We are also catching porgies and blackfish in the mix. When we are done on the jetty, I am packing extra bait onboard to hit some of the back bay spots for weakfish, kingfish and blowfish. You don’t have to wait the “blow” out… Go Fishing!
The marine forecast has prohibited my boat from running offshore but word has it that the Barnegat Ridge has been heavy with false albacore. As soon as this wind subsides, which looks like the weekend, I will be running charter or open boat to those grounds as well as the Mud Hole in search of bluefin tuna, mahi, skipjack, and bonita. We will be ready to troll, jig, chum/chunk, and live bait. We chum fresh spearing whenever we can acquire the bait. We chunk with sardines if we are on the bluefin, though they love a spearing slick, as well.
Hi Flier Open Boat Trips:
Thurs..Sept 9 6AM to 2PM Live Grass Shrimp Stripers/Back Bay Asst.
Fri……Sept 10 6AM to 2PM Live Grass Shrimp Stripers/Back Bay Asst.
Sat…..Sept 11 —————– Hi Flier booked for this day —————–
Sun….Sept 12 6AM to 3PM Bonita, Albacore, Tuna, Mahi, Skipjack
Mon….Sept 13 6AM to 3PM Bonita, Albacore, Tuna, Mahi, Skipjack
Tues…Sept 14 6AM to 3PM Bonita, Albacore, Tuna, Mahi, Skipjack
The cost is the same for all trips. $200 per person and I only need 1 person to sail. Reservations are required. I limit the open boat to 3 people. If you are chartering the boat, we can discuss it.
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
Received: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 8:16 PM Subject: BHCFA Weekly Report
Now that fluke season has ended, the captains of the Beach Haven Charter fishing Association have several options available before the onset of striped bass season. In addition to offshore trips to the canyons for tuna, mahi, and other big sport fish, they are managing to find some other good fishing.
Captain Carl Sheppard on the “Star Fish” found some good numbers of croakers in 70-feet of water off the red tower in Beach Haven. Mixed in with the croakers were some “spike” weakfish. When he moved out into 90-feet of water, his anglers found some keeper black sea bass along with some small fluke. He has also been picking up small bluefish and herring in the inlet on his way out and in from the ocean fishing.
Captain Fran Verdi of the “Drop Off” says that he plans to concentrate his wreck fishing on sea bass. He notes the fish are coming off their spawning season and the bite has been showing a definite improvement over what it has been. He is continuing to run open boat trips in addition to his charters.
Additional information on the association can be found at or by calling 1-877-LBI-BHCFA (1-877-524-2423).
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr. – Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association –
September 7, 2010
Received: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 3:14 PM Subject: Barnegat Fishing
Sunday, I got a last minute call from John Sean. He and his family were staying on LBI and wanted to end there summer with a bang. After talking over our options we opted to do a mixed bag bottom trip. Targeting porgy, sea bass, and possibly mixing in some fluke. Around 6:30 AM we check out the Garden Reef and some other local lumps that have been pretty good to us this year. With the west wind and seas 2 to 4ft we gave it a try. Some say there are no fish around after a hurricane, but that might be true if we had one. Earl who? We set up in about 50ft of water right on top of some good drops. As soon as we got our baits down about 35ft it was on. Catching some nice porgies about 10-15 inches and some monster sea bass. After the family had there cooler half full I suggested we try for some fluke being the season ended the next day. So we moved a little North. The water color was so-so but we got a couple of quick bites using the Gulp! New Penny Shrimp on a lead jig head. I also tipping it with a squid strip. After picking through some shorts we got two nice fluke. One was 4 pounds and the other was 5.5 pounds. On our way in we stopped by Barnegat Inlet with some grass shrimp, yes that’s right striper! I thought it couldn’t hurt. After a couple of handfuls of shrimp thrown in we were on some striper. They were a little small but none stop action.
When we got back to the dock we had a ton of good size porgies and sea bass. Also 4 good size fluke. This was a great day of fishing, it seemed wherever we stopped the bite was on. We hope for more days like this one. Great family and lots of fun.
~ Capt. Tom Cormann, “Bottom Line”, Forked River 201.788.3223
September 6, 2010
Today, Dennis B. caught Bluefish in the 15-lb class while trolled the North Barnegat Ridge.
September 5, 2010
Received: Sep 5, 2010 2:48 PM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Report
The 2010 fluke fishing season is just about history and it was quite a year with well over 3,000 flatties coming over the side during the past seven or eight weeks. But the spectacular back bay fishing we’ve had since mid June seems to be finally coming to an end and this week’s storm seems to have been the final blow.
Tuesday, I had vacationing Steve Rosenthal out with his buddy Jerry, and we had our first slow fluke fishing day since late June. Landing only a dozen or so fluke all morning.
Wednesday morning, things seemed to be turning around when Cam and Vincent Rispoli were back and landed 40-50 fluke with a couple of fat flatties in the box. Vincent again did the bulk of the work in bringing fish to the net.
Today, we got out on our first trip since the storm, and it seemed like the fish must have made a mass exodus from the bay since the word slow doesn’t come close to describing the action. With the season closing tomorrow, I may try one more time but I’m guessing that it’s done inside.
Hopefully the storm will have had a positive effect on some of the other fisheries that have been quiet so far. Bonita, false albacore and spanish macks should be making an appearance along the beach. Bluefish should be around to put bends in rods most other days. We’ll probably be starting to do some serious striper hunting by early October this year if the weather cooperates.
~ Capt. Jack Shea, “Rambunctious”, Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters 609.698.3632
September 4, 2010
Received: Sep 4, 2010 4:26 PM Subject: Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters
After spending some quality time on vacation with the family we were back at it this week mixing it up with a variety of species on light tackle.
Karl Steffan joined by son Karl jr. started the week mixing it up with a pick of blackfish & bluefish. The bite was a modest one, but the guys stayed with it and had a steady bite through out the trip on a variety of other species as well.
Jay Simmons and Joe Franke teamed up for another mix of blues, blackfish, weakfish, blowfish, burrfish, kingfish, spot ,croaker,…. on light spinning tackle. The variety really makes the trip fun as you just don’t know what your going to catch next.
With hurricane Earl forecasted to impact us for Friday afternoon we were able to sneak in a quick morning trip for both Jay and Chris Simmons. Keeping safety first we kept away from the inlet and relatively close to the dock and still managed another nice variety of fish which included weakfish, kingfish, spot, croaker, seabass, porgies, shark, bluefish, burrfish,a nd even a small cobia. Pretty cool looking little guy.
I have this Thursday and Friday (September 9-10) available for either Open Boat or Private charter . We will be mixing it up between backbay/inlet and wreck fishing for what should be some fun and exciting action.
~ Capt. Steve Purul, “Reel Fantasea” Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609.290.1217
September 3, 2010
Yesterday, the Wild Honey drifted from Barnegat Inlet and West to the Sedge Banks. Came up with 9 short Fluke a few Bluefish in the 3-lb class and tons a small Sea Bass and Sea Robins.
Thursday, Sam had two friends from PA on his boat. They started on B-reef; plenty of small fish but no drift. Then drifted the Bell area and the South jetty and caught more short fish. Finished the day drifting the back channels of Oyster Creek and caught more shorts but here we managed one 21″ keeper and also one huge blowfish.
September 1, 2010
Billy Taddeo gave us a report today after he fished Barnegat Inlet. He got up there at about 4:00 PM and immediately caught and released over a dozen short fluke. It took a while and he caught a 19″ keeper and then a few more shorts. He lost 4 rigs to the strong current and rocks and called it a day.
August 31, 2010
Received: Aug 31, 2010 6:22 PM Subject: BHCFA Report
The boats of the Beach Haven Charter fishing Association have been sneaking out on successful fishing trips in between northeasters and tropical storms.
Captain Carl Sheppard on the “Star Fish” reports he had some great trips. The spawning season for the black sea bass is just about over and he sees improvement in the catches of sea bass. He says there are occasional keeper fluke in the back bay, but the best action is in the ocean. Both the Little Egg and Garden State South Reefs provided some keeper fluke. He is also picking up a dozen bluefish each day around the inlet on his way out to the reefs.
Captain Fran Verdi of the “Drop Off” reports his parties are coming home with a mixed bag of fluke and sea bass. He has also gotten some good reports of croakers and small weakfish along the beach the last couple of days. He plans to target sea bass when the fluke season closes on September 6 and work on them until the stripers arrive.
Captain Lindsay Fuller of the “June Bug” had a fluke trip for the Jeff Lawrence party recently. Although the keeper fluke did not cooperate, some nice keeper sea bass did. Captain Lindsay praised mate Pat Zazaky for his work in the cockpit and getting tangles straightened out.
Additional information on the association can be found at or by calling 1-877-LBI-BHCFA (1-877-524-2423).
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr. – Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association –
Received: Aug 31, 2010 4:09 PM Subject: Fishing Report – 8/31/2010
Last day before school starts, fished the BL Reef and a few spots near the range buoy ended up with about 20 shorts and 2 keeper fluke (19″ & 21″) and 3 sea bass. Tough fishing conditions – no wind, no drift. Got the fluke by creating my own drift bumping in and out of gear. Fluke reluctant to hit – Sounder showed a lot of junk just off the bottom. Not sure what this storm is going bring us.
~ Brett Taylor (BHS Fishing Club)
Received: Aug 31, 2010 12:15 PM Subject: Fishing 30 Sept
Rented a boat out of Bobbie’s in Barnegat Light with my son Brock. Headed over to the BI buoy and anchored up then started to chum with ground bunker. Action was slow at first, then all the snappers you could possibly want also small seabass. Switched to ground clam and the blowfish turned on. Finished with keeping 23 blowfish and a porgie. Lots of throwbacks. A great way to spend a day on the water.
~ Ed McGinnis
August 30, 2010
Received: Aug 30, 2010 7:00 PM Subject: Barnegat Fishing Charters / August 30th
Another week of not so great weather conditions on the Barnegat Bay and inlet. We here at the Bottom Line keep mixing it up trying to get everyone some time on the water. We had three cancellations in the past week, but finally got out yesterday with a great family from Westwood NJ, (The Harlands). Most people think you need to go right out to the ocean to catch fish. Boy are they wrong, the Barnegat Bay has such a great variety of species, that you just don’t know what your going to catch. For the light tackle enthusiasts you can have so much fun.
We started off working some deep holes in the Barnegat Bay channels with some frozen chum blocks. Within 20 minutes we had our 1st fish… 2nd fish… 3rd fish…. We had some nice blow fish, a ton of throw back fluke, black fish up to about 3-1/2 pounds and even two Stripers. Then we decided to move over to the inlet where we started picking up some nice weakfish. I explained to the Harlands that the weakfish have not been doing to well this year so it was decided to catch and release. (which was great). Then we got into some small blues which anyone that fishes knows these fish are great to catch on light tackle. We even fooled around with two brown sharks but no takers. I was telling the Harlands that they caught a Grand Slam! Weakfish, Stripers, Fluke, and some Blues. It was a great day by all. We here at the Bottom Line Fishing Charters were happy to just be back on the water.
~ Capt. Tom Cormann, “Bottom Line”, Forked River 201.788.3223
August 29, 2010
Yesterday, the 1st Place Winners for the 1st Stafford Twp. Vol. Fire Company Hook-N-Ladder Fishing Tournament were Harold Reck with a 5-lb fluke and Philip Savarese and his crew with a 17-lb Bluefish. The other 31 boats also caught fish but none were bigger than Harold’s or Philip’s 1st place fish. There were fluke inside the bay and as far out as the range buoy, with herds of Sea Bass all over. Lots of Croakers and Skates too. Also reported was a catch and release of a short Weakfish. Stafford Township Vol. Fire Co. Station #47 plans to make this an annual Fluke Tournament
Received: Aug 29, 2010 9:54 AM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Report
After ten days down for some necessary boat maintenance, we got the boat back in the water on Wednesday hoping to find that the incredible fluke fishing we’ve been experiencing this summer was still there. And it was.
Thursday, I had David Kruge out with his 11 year old son Kevin and brother-in-law Jerry. Within a couple of minutes, the first fish came over the side and by the time the morning was over they had landed somewhere around 80 fluke, with two fat flatties in the box. It’s still a 40-1 throwback to keeper ratio, but with a fish coming over the side on ultralight tackle every couple of minutes it’s surefire fun that hopefully will continue right through the holiday weekend. Shame it has to come to an end, but it’s been great while it lasted.
Yesterday, we tried fluking the ocean side one more time to see if things had come around, but again were frustrated. Fluke fishing is just much better in the bay right now. Highlight of the trip was George Selph hooking (and landing!) a hard fighting anchor that someone had deposited on one of our local wrecks.
Still a couple open days this week before the fluke season closes. We’re also starting to book up for the fall striper season, so now’s the time to grab a prime date.
~ Capt. Jack Shea, “Rambunctious”, Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters 609.698.3632
August 28, 2010
Today, Chris DeGennaro and his Dad Tony caught 9 keeper Fluke between 3 to 6-lbs. They fished in 55′ of water off the Thunderbird which is between Normandy Beach and Mantoloking. The bait they used was minnow and strip bait combos.
Todd Spencer and his brother Kem Spencer had a good day today off of Sea Bright in 40-60 foot of water. They stopped in this afternoon and weighed in their catch. They caught a load of sea bass with a half dozen keepers, a 4 pound 4 ounce fluke as well as a handful of porgies and blackfish. All of the fish were caught on clam.
Capt. Phil Savarese weighed in a 17 pound and 7 ounces bluefish this evening. He fished the Tires today originally targeting fluke for the Hook and Ladder Tournament. While there they saw fish actively feeding close by on top of the water. It turned out to be bluefish crashing on sand eels. They quickly changed to the troll and then hooked into and landed the monster bluedog. Capt. Phil also caught a nice weakfish that was entered into the Hook and Ladder Tournament.
More details on the outcome of the Stafford Vol. Fire Company Hook and Ladder Fishing Tournament will be coming tomorrow.
August 27, 2010
The Wild Honey spent mid-day fishing for Fluke mostly in the Barnegat Inlet area. Al, Greg and Stan jumped from spot to spot and inside/outside trying to find a keeper. Between the Fluke and the mini Sea Bass over 75 fish were hooked. The fish were hitting the Spro mini buctails like mad dogs but not one keeper. Further in the bay by buoy 25, Greg landed a nice 4-lb Bluefish on a bare 4-oz Spro bucktail while other rigs were just chopped off. More fluke there too but again no keeper. The best Fluke we managed all day was to reach 17-1/2″.
Uncle Moe went with Lance Wimmer on Lance’s Sea Hunter they ventured North out of Barnegat to Seaside Park and found 10 acres of bunker close to the pipe in Seaside Park. They had the bunker all to themselves. Trolling bunker spoons they caught a few Bluefish to 15-lbs and Lance hooked into a fish that Uncle Moe believed to be a 40-plus pound Striper that nearly emptied a 4/0 wire line outfit. Telling Uncle Moe about our sad time of trying to catch a keeper he suggested going out to 70-plus feet of water in the area where he was today. The party boats were there and Uncle Moe saw net activity. Keepers?
August 26, 2010
Received: Aug 26, 2010 7:32 PM Subject: Thursday, August 26 Fishing
I fished the bay today and had two nice keeper fluke. The largest was a bit over four pounds. The other was a nice fish as well. Only eight shorts. A slow pick . Sand Eels was the key along with squid strip and Gulp swimming mullet. No hits on the peanuts. No birds for a change. One more fluke trip before the season ends and then on to sea bass.
~ Jim T., Bridgewater, NJ
August 25, 2010
Received: Aug 24, 2010 6:19 PM Subject: Hi Flier Back Bay Fishing Report– Tue. Aug. 24 2010
The weakfish are in the back bay. So are a number of other species. We are fishing behind Barnegat between the 42 and BI Buoys. The weakies have been 10″ to 15″ fish, so just like the fluke, you have to catch a bunch to put a few on ice. We are also
catching blowfish, burrfish and a few kingfish. 6-pound spinning tackle is used while anchored in 8 feet of water to keep it sporty. Caught a small cobia, just under a foot long. It’s always interesting to see what jumps in the mix of these Aug/Sept back bay trips. I’ve been seeing peanut bunker flipping around the boat, so it won’t be long before some bigger predators start hunting them down. We are also catching fluke and small blues on the light rods and lately the fluke have rebounded to peak over at the top of Oyster Creek and Double Creek Channels. Small blues are chopping our Gulp tails off frequently but some are finding the hook.
All in all, it’s a lot of action. We are also grass shrimping the ocean for stripers and blackfish. Sailing open boat every day we are not chartered, both back bay, ocean, offshore, or all in one day.
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
August 24, 2010
Received: Aug 24, 2010 3:48 PM Subject: BHCFA Weekly Report
The weekly report from the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association prior to the northeaster.
Captain Dave Wittenborn on the “Compass Rose” has seen an upturn in the fishing action when the winds shifted to the east which brought in some warmer waters. With the ocean temperatures now in the mid to upper 70’s, he is seeing some of the best ocean fluking of the summer. He has been getting some great catches of fluke and sea bass with fluke to 23-inches and tipping the scale over 5-pounds. He has also picked up some nice bluefish along the beach while trolling Clarke spoons.
Captain George Finck of “Sparetime Charters” reports a canyon trolling trip with Kenny Lieb and his school friends where they returned with a nice catch of yellowfin tuna and mahi. He has also had some inshore reef fishing for decent catches of keeper fluke.
Captain Fran Verdi of the “Drop Off” had an “open-boat” trip on Saturday despite some sloppy seas. Once the wind switched the waves calmed. Drifting with a combination of bucktails and live bait, they had steady action, mostly on shorts with many less than ½ inch short. In addition to the good action the group finished the day with 4 fluke and 6 black sea bass in the fish box.
Additional information on the association can be found at or by calling 1-877-LBI-BHCFA (1-877-524-2423).
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr. – Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association –
August 22, 2010
2:00 PM
During the past few weeks but especially this week the weakfish and croakers have been showing up with a bit more presence on both the bayside and front beach. Most weakfish have been small but a good amount are going well over lengths of 13″ and a few have been a lot bigger. This is evident by a few catches approaching that of young Logan McDonough’s Weakfish. Logan’s 4-lb weakfish was caught Sunday 08/22 in Ship Bottom bayside using squid. What a surprise. Congrats to Logan.
Received: Aug 22, 2010 7:07 PM Subject: 8/20 fishing report North of Barnegat Inlet
Friday 8/20: Had a open boat fluke trip today with Steve C, Mike L, Cool Sal A, little Pete V and myself. We ran North and found some real clean water. The first few drifts was rewarded with short seabass. A little move further North and into some deeper 65′ water got us in on the fish. We worked this area all day long. We would pick anywhere from 1-3 keeper fluke per drift along with loads of shorts, as well as a few seabass. By mid-afternoon the fishing dropped off. So we started South and we picked a couple more nice keepers by the coast guard station. Called it a day around 2:00 PM and left them biting. We easily hookup-up with over 75 fluke, with 22 nice keepers going in the box. Sal led the way with 5 keepers and the big fish which was just around 5 pounds. We also wound up with 8 nice chunky seabass – biggest one was about 3 pounds. All fish were taken on bucktail and squid combos.
A good day and box full of fluke. We had a great group of guys and lots of fun by all… Thanks Guys…
~ Capt. Tom Cormann, “Bottom Line”, Forked River 201.788.3223
Received: Aug 22, 2010 10:06 AM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Report
No fishing report this week, as the boat was on land getting some necessary engine work done. We should be back in the water by Tuesday or Wednesday and I’m already getting anxious to start fishing again. The word I get is that ocean fluking has finally started to heat up, and with only a week and a half left in the 2010 fluke season this will be the last chance to put some flatties in the box until next year. Still some open mid week dates, but I guess this is “last call”.
~ Capt. Jack Shea, “Rambunctious”, Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters 609.698.3632
Received: Aug 22, 2010 9:24 AM Subject: Lighthouse Sportfishing Report
Wow, can you believe the summer season is almost over? As most of you know I am a high school science teacher. I start back on Sept 1. Even with that I am booking weekend dates and will be doing magic hour trips, Give me a call if interested. Striper season is coming up. I am ready and psyched!
Was out most days this week fluking the bay. Fluking seemed to slow down a little to 30 – 50 fish a trip and 1 or 2 making it to the box. That really is some great fishing, but I guess we got spoiled catching 100 fish plus every outing. I am not sure if the fluke have started moving out of the bay or it was the tide I fished all week. My best days had been on incoming to the beginning of outgoing tide. This week I fished all outgoing an once the warm bay water started pushing through the bite was over.
On a side note after a fluke trip one of my clients asked if she could buy some of my fluke teaser rigs which I call “Juicy” teasers. They are named after my son Garrett’s nickname who helps me make them. So I sent her out some. Well I got a text from her the other day. She nailed a 7 pound 10 ounce fluke and her nephew banged a 5, 4, and 3 pounder on them. I needed to make more for up coming trips so but was out of teaser tying material. My wife while on LBI yesterday was kind enough to stop at Fisherman’s Headquarters to pick me up more of what I needed. Good stuff.
Tight lines and great times.
~ Capt. Alex F. Majewski, Lighthouse Sportfishing, Barnegat Bay, NJ 609-548-2511
Received: Aug 22, 2010 8:46 AM Subject: Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters
Barnegat bay continues to offer pretty solid light tackle action with stripers, bluefish, fluke and even some of the best weakfish action in both quality and quanity. This is making a Barnegat Bay Grand Slam very obtainable for those interested in doing so! Plus, with kingfish, blowfish, croakers, blackfish, burrfish and seabass spicing the catch it makes multiple species trips a lot of fun and exciting! Although weakfish stocks are thought to be way down we have been averaging 40-50 weakfish hookups on all trips in just a few hours this week. All participating Anglers have done the responsible thing and have released all weakfish to fight another day to hopefully help the stock rebound as soon as possible.
Steady rain and lightening led to cancellations but by Thursday we were able to find a nice mix of light tackle action for blackfish, blowfish, fluke, bluefish, kingfish, and about 40 or so weakfish to 17″ for regular Jay Simmons and business associates. Closing out the week , Jay and more associates were back out scoring 2 Barnegat Bay Grand Slam in one trip [ Striper, bluefish, weakfish, fluke] which brings our total of Slams to 5 in the last week or so.
We will be doing our ” Friday Night At The Fights” again this Fall for those interested starting up early October , these trips will be employing both artificial and natural baits and are available as private and open boat. With the month of August almost over, Our fantastic Fall fishing season is right around the corner . Don’t be left standing at the dock . Be sure to reserve your date today to join in on some of the best action of the year with stripers, slammer blues, seabass, blackfsih, porgies……. Remember to join us weekly on Face Book to view our weekly photos .
~ Capt. Steve Purul, “Reel Fantasea” Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609.290.1217
Received: Aug 22, 2010 1:53 AM Subject: Fishing report update
This past Friday we fished just inside Barnegat Inlet at the end of the rising tide. Four kids and four adults on a private boat, with just one experienced fisherman. We caught a bunch of short sea bass and drum, as well as 15-16 inch fluke, using cut bunker on 6/0 Gamakatsus and squid bits on a spreader rig. Just one sea robin. Even without keepers the kids got to catch fish and take pictures. Wholesome excitement.
I thought I had a snag on my chunk of bunker and we motored over to try and pull it out. That’s when the “snag” took off. I fought whatever it was for well over an hour, with the water police watching for 30 minutes. It would run under the boat, dive, take line, etc. And we would back up, give chase, play the entire spectrum of reel drag, and not let up pressure. I stood on the bow with the rod held high and doubled over the entire time. That’s a lot of pressure. And the line started to sing. Only once did we get it up close to the surface, and we saw the flash of a massive light colored head. Not sandy colored. Then it sounded again. It was tiring out and coming up to the boat when it gave one last massive burst, nearly ripped the medium surf action Ugly Stik from my hand, and just snapped the 30-pound line that had so far held on. With its 60-pound steel leader helping the line last so long, we are guessing it was a shark. That was exciting, except it was the second big fish I lost this summer. I’m now due for a keeper.
~ Josh First, Harrisburg, PA
August 21, 2010
Received: Aug 21, 2010 9:18 AM Subject: Friday,20 August report
Glenn Mattern and his daughter, Kristin, were fishing for fluke at Barnegat Light Reef on the “Lured Aweigh”. While catching all throwbacks most of the morning, about 1:00 PM a shark fin was sighted approaching the boat. As it got about 10 feet from the boat, we both got a very clear view of a 4 to 5 foot hammerhead shark. As I moved to grab my camera, it quickly swam off. That sighting made for a very exciting day.
~ Glenn Mattern
August 19, 2010
Sam W. and two friends took their boat North out of Barnegat Inlet and out to 55′ of water. Using lead head bucktails and teasers both tipped with Gulp they hooked-up with about 40 fluke and 3 were keeper size. The water temperature was 68F.
Receiving more and more positive bay weakfishing reports.
Received: Aug 19, 2010 6:02 PM Subject: Thursday, August 19 Fishing Report
Fished the bay today. Had one keeper fluke, sixteen short fluke (what a shame to toss back those 17.5 inch fluke that are as fat as can be). Also had one bird. Used sand eels, fluke belly and the Gulp Swimming Mullet.
~ Jim T., Bridgewater, NJ
August 17, 2010
Received: Aug 17, 2010 4:14 PM Subject: BHCFA Report
The summer may be starting to draw to a close, but the captains of the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association are still fishing and catching in high gear.
In the most unusual catch of the summer, Captain Tim Knorr of the charter boat “William Knorr” had the John Donegan party out for a night chumming trip at the Barnegat Ridge for bluefish. At some point during the night’s fishing they hooked up with something that they knew was entirely too big to be a bluefish. When they finally got the fish to the boat and aboard, they discovered they had a 69-pound cobia. Very often cobia are caught very late in the summer around Little Egg Inlet but this is rare for the middle of the summer. Cobia are reputed to be one of the most delicious fish around.
Captain Fran Verdi of the “Drop Off” reports big swells and high winds have made fishing a bit difficult on the local artificial reefs. On Friday he fished a reef and found some short fluke and one keeper sea bass. He says the sea bass are still spawning and are actually piled high on the bottom but have little interest in feeding right now. Captain Fran will keep targeting fluke until the end of the season on September 6 and then turn his attention to sea bass which should be done spawning. He adds the keeper ratio is better in the ocean than the bay. Of all the baits he uses, he prefers the tradition squid and minnow sandwich over everything else.
Captain Carl Sheppard of the “Star Fish” reports the fishing was a bit slow due to the cooler water temperatures, but he was fortunate to find some fish. He located some keeper fluke in the Little Egg Inlet as well as some farther offshore. He has been using both Gulp and clam. On Sunday the McKay family from East Windsor had a solid day of fishing including some big black sea bass caught by eight year old Molly McKay.
The “Hot Tuna” and its charter braved some strong east winds last Saturday mid-day to head offshore for a 24-hour canyon chunking trip. The party, organized by Mike Kellogg, found pleasant overnight chunking conditions but only caught one small mako. They did net over 100 squid attracted by the lights. The evening and morning trolling portions of the trip worked better as they produced 4 yellowfin tuna, a wahoo and bonito. Capt Bob Gerkens of the “Hot Tuna” was assisted on the charter by Captain Fran Verdi, who took a day off from his own charters to run the cockpit, with the assistance of Junior Mate Pat Zavacky.
Additional information on the association can be found at or by calling 1-877-LBI-BHCFA (1-877-524-2423).
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr. – Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association –
August 15, 2010
Greg took the Eagle out last night with a couple friends in search of the tooth critters that roam the southern bay. They set up anchor on a nice drop off and got the chum in the water. No more than five minutes go by… ZZZZZ, HOOKED UP! It was consistent tight lines from 10:00 PM til 1:30 AM. For a short while we had sharks finnin’ at the side of the boat. The evening’s final tally: 8 for 8! Not one dropped fish. All browns. The average size was about 50-lb class but two of the eight were MUCH larger than the rest. The sharks were caught on live eel, fresh bunker and/or frozen mackerel. All browns were successfully released to fight another night. It’s now mid-August, prime time for our local summer bay sharking. Get those reels screaming.
The juvenile blackfish get some help! Finally Fish & Game cracks down and clears out the poachers. It’s good to see the regs being enforced; hopefully, it will keep the rocks “clean”.
Received: Aug 16, 2010 5:15 AM Subject: PEZ MACHINE 8/14-15 Overnighter
Headed out Saturday in a big NE swell and started trolling around 7pm. In an hour and 15 minutes we put two yellowfin and 6 dolphin in the boat mainly on skirted ballyhoo. We set up right on top of the bait we were working hoping for a nice shot at some yellowfins on the chunk. Unfortunately they didn’t show but we weren’t short of action.
We released our first swordfish around 9pm and our second around 1am. From 1am-4am we had all the dolphin you wanted swimming around the boat. Boxed up 11 more to 15 pounds and I think the guys released a few more.
On the morning troll we had yellowfin action in the skippies but could only pull singles and doubles for some reason. We went 9 for 13 in the morning before dropping down for some tiles. We put 5 tilefish in the boat and then called it a trip.
We have a charter this Thursday-Friday who is looking for another person: See details at Pez Machine Sportfishing
~ Capt. Stew Hitchner, 609-361-3436, Pez Machine Sportfishing Barnegat Light, NJ 56′ Custom Carolina
Received: Aug 16, 2010 12:32 PM Subject: Bottom Line Report
This week was not bad as the Barnegat Inlet was holding some nice size fluke. We seem to be doing real well on the out going tides. We had a open boat trip on Friday and the winds from the east, seem to shut the fluke down a bit. We still have about three weeks left in the season and once this west wind gets back, I think your going to see some whoppers.
Saturday, as always we fished the Lacey Elks Fluke Tournament. These guys know how to throw a good fun tournament.
Unfortunately the ocean was a little too rough forcing a lot of the boats to stay inside. With two different tournaments going on at the same time, and we couldn’t catch a decent fish. But as always, fun by all!
For those guys looking to have some fun in the bay. We’ve been having great luck chumming up some nice blow fish.
We still have openings on Friday the 20th for our open boat trip. The trip will last around 7 hours (7am-2pm) and will be $120/angler. All bait and tackle will be provided.. So remember there`s only about 3 weeks left for fluke, lets go get`em..
~ Capt. Tom Cormann, “Bottom Line”, Forked River 201.788.3223
August 15, 2010
The recent onshore flow has brought in the warm water (mid 70’s) that we are accustomed to having in August. With it the surf has had action. Right here in Ship Bottom anglers are “hooking-up” while getting some sun with the family. The fluke bite still continues. Some of those “stripped goats” aka Kingfish have starting to again roam the sloughs. Small cocktail blues are also meandering too.
With the recent rise in surf water temp the shark bite has turned back on. If looking to hook into a serious line screamer for fun, target the tooth critters either off of the beach or in the bay. Stop by FHQ and our staff will hook you up with the bait (bunker, mackerel and chum) and tackle (large chunk hooks, heavy duty swivels and wire) and we’ll send you in the right direction. We’ve been catching (and releasing) these “bullies of the bay” for many years. So don’t get sucked into the Summer Doldrums. We are here to help you get hooked up!
Ocean fluking has picked up. Hop on a party boat and get some fluke for the diner table. If heading out on your own, look for some structure and set up a good drift. The lumps, fingers and dips not far off from the beach off of IBSP and LBI have produced keepers. Also look towards the reefs and wrecks where there are also sea bass and tog.
There are still stripers around at the Inlet rocks. Around sun up or sundown cast a small swimmer from the South Jetty to hook into a striped one. Tog as well as a few triggers are also up there roaming in the rocks too.
Right now there is a smorgasbord of species to catch in the bay. Set up anchor and start chumming and fish small hookswith bait to match. There are fluke, snapper blues, kingfish, puffers (Blowfish, Southern Puffers, Burr Fish), sea bass, croakers, porgies, pilot fish, soon to be spot if not already… the list goes on. Hopefully, the schoolie stripers find the slick and then your hook, maybe even some spike weakfish.
Crabbing is hot! But don’t stray too far from the shop. Look to target the tasty blue claws biters at the two Ship Bottom public crabbing piers as well as nearby Causeway Bridges and the many local street ends. Snapper blues have been caught in the bunker slicks of the crabbers. So while crabbing wet a line or two with a small piece of the crabbing bunker or spearing or if bait isn’t your thing use a mini metal Snapper Zapper.
The fluke fishing is still phenomenal in the bay; however, the keeper ration is poor.
Before this “blow” the reports from offshore and inshore were good; tuna and marlin reports from the Hudson and Toms all the way down to the Spencer as well as promising reports from the 30-40 fathom line. The last couple of days most boats stayed tied up at the docks. Yesterday there were a number of customers who stopped in to gear up to head out this morning in search of pelagic despite the iffy forecast. One customer said, “With my work schedule I only get so many days to go! Then with the weather windows… It’s gonna be sporty out there but it shouldn’t be threatening. We’ll just take out time getting out there.”
With the Mid-Atlantic 500 basically here (8/15-20) many anglers and captains are keeping tight lips. The are marlin, tuna, wahoo and mahi await so go get ’em. Good Luck to all of the anglers fishing the tournaments this year and especially to those who got geared up at FHQ!
Received: Sunday, August 15, 2010 3:38:35 PM Subject: Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters
It wasn’t the best week of fishing but it certainly wasn’t the worst either. Brisk and persistant onshore winds had taken it’s toll on our back bay/inlet and making any thoughts of ocean going trips later in the week out of the question. Regular Joe Franke was out enjoying a nice mix of seabass to 4lbs, black fish and large porgies along with few 4-6ft sandbar/brown sharks swimming about the boat investigating a few fish brought up from the depths. At times the sharks would attack both our hooked fish and the smaller throw backs that floated just a bit too long ,WHAM! Flippng a live bergal down current resulted into an instant hook up with one of the toothy denizens and the Battle Royale was on! The shark pulled a couple hundreds yards off the reel but Joe skillfully worked the shark back to the boat even weaving through both anchor lines before releasing the shark boatside.
With brisk winds and possible showers forecasted the Ryan Colman Party decided to tuff it out and go for it! Our initial goal was to get out and do some wreck fishing and some sharking but a quick look at the inlet revealed big waves and a lot of white foam sending us around back for steady action with fluke and even managing 1 keeper before we ended the day mixing it up in the backbay with some light tackle action with weak fish, bluefish .
~ Capt. Steve Purul, “Reel Fantasea” Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609.290.1217
Received: Aug 15, 2010 11:23 AM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Report
The great Barnegat Bay Fluke Catch-a-thon continued this week, with some of the numbers getting even crazier than they have been as the number of fish caught went up again yet the number of keepers declined.
Monday, vacationing John Covert was up from Alexandria, VA with dad Jack and sons Jake and Harry, looking for a little light tackle fun. As has been the case, we hit the tide just as the fish turned on and Team Covert landed 170-180 fluke before the bite slowed down around noon.
Tuesday, I had Chesterfield’s Kevin and Liz Broderick out looking to get in on the action and they absolutely bailed fluke from start to finish, landing well over 200 before heading in at mid-day.
Saturday, George Selph and Bob Keller were back and the bite finally started showing some signs of calming down but still produced 45-50 fluke in some difficult fishing conditions.
I’m not a scientist, but it seems pretty clear to me that something’s got to change. The bottom of the bay is absolutely paved with fish right now, and if you time the tides properly the action is unbelievable. Last week it worked out to something like a fish landed every minute and a half of fishing time. Add in an equal or even greater number of missed fish, and the action is non-stop. My theory is that there are so many of the smaller more aggressive fluke around that the larger fluke, the big female breeders we’re strangely allowed to keep, don’t have a chance to get to our baits.
This is great fun on light tackle, but we all like to eat fluke as well. The vast majority of the fish we’re releasing, at least 90% by my estimation, are in the 15-17″ size range. These are quality fish, legal for the commercial fishermen to harvest and sell back to us in the fish market. So all these fish we’re releasing will soon exit the bay, get scooped up by draggers for profit, and never reach the 18″ size needed for us to put on our tables. It’s wrong, and something’s got to change.
~ Capt. Jack Shea, “Rambunctious”, Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters 609.698.3632
August 13, 2010
Received: Aug 13, 2010 7:43 PM Subject: Friday, August 13 Fishing Report
I fished the bay today and had one nice keeper fluke and 10 shorts. Too many birds (sea robins) for my liking. They love sand eels. Was using Power Pro for the first time. That I like it. All fish were caught with a Gulp swimming mullet, squid strip and sand eels.
~ Jim T., Bridgewater, NJ
Received: Aug 13, 2010 11:15 AM Subject: Hi Flier Fishing Report– Stripers on Lite Tackle!
We have been catching crazy numbers of stripers on 10 pound spinning tackle the last few days. Chumming with live grass shrimp into the Barnegat Inlet jetty. Also in the mix have been, blackfish, sea bass, and a few huge porgies. This fishery is typical throughout the summer. Most of the stripers are 22′ to 26″ but each of the last few trips have yielded one keeper for the cooler. I suspect we have had a few more legal ones on but they know to run right over the rocks and when the light line hits those mussels on the jetty, it comes back in shreds. We can switch to heavier tackle, but after you battle the most common size on the light stuff, it’s hard to switch to the heavy stuff. Check out the videos to see what we’re doing:
We have not been running offshore lately with all the heavy southerly wind, but after this next 4 day blow of heavy east comes through, I will be anxious to visit Barnegat Ridge and the Mud Hole to see what new life it has brought to these grounds. Still catching lots of fluke in the bay, as well, best season for numbers I have ever seen. Still catching about 1 keeper out of 20, but we’re jigging them on light tackle and having a blast. 3/8 oz lead head jigs tipped with Gulp swimming mullet and shrimp. Yesterday we caught a dozen weakfish and two puffers on the west side of Barnegat Bay, though, they were all under the 13″ minimum. Back out today to try to find the kingfish, a guy on the radio had six nice ones on ice. We are running open boat, single reservations every day or you can charter the boat.
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
August 11, 2010
Received: Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 6:08 PM Subject: “No Limits” challenges the Canyons again
A couple of weeks after boating a 67 and an 87 pound yellow fin, “Tuna Slayers” Jeff Barnhart and Bob Percopo headed out to the Spencer on Sunday with Don Tepfer and Chris Tavares aboard Bob’s 33 Hydrasport “No Limits”. Leaving the dock at 2:00 AM and running into head seas all the way out, the “No Limits” team set up at 7:30 AM in 79 degree blue water with a nine rod spread – five rods with rigged ballyhoo and four with artificial lures. At 10:05 AM the way way back center rod went off and a nice 40 pound long fin was boated. About an hour later, the same rod went off and this time there was a nice white marlin on the line which was safely released at the boat. The excitement really begin at 12:50 PM as three rods went off at the same time resulting in the boating of three additional long fin up to 50 pounds. It was a great day on the water for the “No Limits” fishing team and a smooth ride back with a nice following sea. All but one tuna hook up was on rigged bally.
~ Jeffrey E. Barnhart
August 10, 2010
Received: Aug 10, 2010 9:23 PM Subject: BHCFA Report
The captains of the Beach Haven Charter fishing Association have been fishing in a variety of locations for a variety of fish.
Captain Carl Sheppard of the “Star Fish” reported the inshore ocean water is cold and the fish do not seem to want to bite. Most of the black sea bass he has been keeping have been males. Captain John Koegler took the “Star Fish” to the canyons and returned with a catch of tuna and mahi-mahi.
Captain Fran Verdi spent several days last week fishing on the “Hot Tuna” as a mate fishing the marlin and tuna tournament. He said they returned empty-handed after a couple days of hard work. It is now back to the inshore ocean fluke and sea bass trips for him now.
Captain George Finck of “Sparetime” Charters had an inshore tuna trolling trip where each of his five anglers caught yellowfin tuna in addition to some nice mahi. The tuna were in the 55-80 pound class. He has also been fishing the inlet for big numbers of small fluke. Enjoying the action in the inlet were the David Hunt party and Gerald Mick and his five grandchildren. Captain George took Todd Kutikoff and Frank Smith out in the ocean for a nice catch of fluke and sea bass, all on the drift.
Additional information on the association can be found at or by calling 1-877-LBI-BHCFA (1-877-524-2423).
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr. – Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association –
August 9, 2010
Received: Aug 9, 2010 12:23 PM Subject: Lighthouse Sportfishing Report
Still averaging 15-20 fluke per hour and boxing 1 keeper for every 40-50 fish landed. For instance, on a recent trip we caught over 150, probably closer to 180, and brought home 3. I have seen a lot of kids with big smiles during trips. The fish are very aggressive often chasing your bait/lure in when reeling up. Sometimes they have even hit the baits at the top of the water. Young Mr. Miles from Oregon caught and released about 20 fluke in three hours. He came all the way from Oregon and fished with his Pop Pop and Aunt Alison.
I still have dates open if your r interested. Good times and tight lines.
~ Capt. Alex F. Majewski, Lighthouse Sportfishing, Barnegat Bay, NJ 609-548-2511
Received: Aug 9, 2010 8:51 AM Subject: Fished ICW BY OSPREY NEST 8/8/10
Sunday, fished ICW behind Holgate by Osprey nest on Sunday August 8, 2010, morning tide. Lots of Shorts 15”- 16”, Sea Robins, Skates, and small Sea Bass, four (4) keeper Fluke to FIVE (5) pounds. Ran out of Killies and Squid at 11:00 AM.
~ Capt. Richard Kline, Amanda “K”
August 8, 2010
Received: Aug 8, 2010 5:04 PM Subject: Barnegat Fishing Report
Saturday, a great group of firemen from NYC were aboard the “Bottom Line”. While vacationing on LBI they wanted to try there luck on some deep sea fishing and the “Bottom Line” was recommended. We went right out of Barnegat Inlet to some local wrecks and picked up some really nice sea bass. I can see these big guys were getting a little tired of the sea bass, so we pulled everything up and headed out to the Barnegat Ridge. This is when having a good mate counts. We changed everything over and starting trolling over some of our lucky spots on the North Ridge Corner. Within a half-hour we had some nice Bonita and bluefish onboard. We started making our why back and stopped just North of the Coast Guard Station off Island Beach State Park for some fluke and had action with 3 keepers and a lot of shorts in a very brief time. Going back there this week with a couple of open boat trips and will report results. I must say we had a good day fishing and a lot of laughs. So Mike, Steve, Sal, Matt, and Crazy Jake… Thanks again guys… and stay safe.
~ Capt. Tom Cormann, “Bottom Line”, Forked River 201.788.3223
Received: Aug 8, 2010 10:48 AM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Report
It’s hard to describe to people what this year’s back bay fluke season has been like. If a cooler full of fish is the primary goal, a stop at the local fish market is probably a better bet. The current 18″ size limit has us releasing 40-50 fish for every one that ends up in the box. But if the pure enjoyment of catching fish on light tackle is what you’re after, it doesn’t get any better than this. And we’re catching enough fish that everyone still goes home with a few filets.
Monday, George Selph joined me for a couple of hours in landing 45-50 fluke to 21″ from behind the lighthouse.
Thursday, Rick and Gavin Fisher were out from Newtown, PA and added another four dozen to the count, including keepers of 19″, 21″ and 22″.
Friday, Mike Pochettino came up from Laurel, MD with his dad Lou to get in on the fun, and netted over 100 more fish with a couple fat ones in the box for the dinner table.
Saturday, George Selph and Bob Keller were back to nail an incredible 200+ fluke in four and a half hours before the bite finally died.
That’s right…. over four hundred fluke in four trips this week. If you enjoy catching fish on ultralight tackle, it doesn’t get any better than this. How long this will go on is anybody’s guess right now, but I think we’ve got at least another week or two left. Hopefully it will last right through Labor Day weekend. I’ve still got a couple of open dates the weeks of the 16th and 23rd for anyone else that wants in on the fun.
~ Capt. Jack Shea, “Rambunctious”, Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters 609.698.3632
August 7, 2010
Tyler Leary of the Village Harbour Fishing Club weighed in a 4-lb 5-oz fluke that he caught while fishing with his dad Brian aboard their boat the “Jen Jen”. They were fishing in the ocean off of the “Wheel” up in Seaside.
No reports of Croakers from either the bayside or surf.
Paul of Tuckerton caught a nice 15-lb Striper this morning off of the beach on peanut bunker. With the chilly surf water we are surprised more haven’t been reported. The surf temp will gradually warm with the combination of onshore breeze and incoming long period groundswell. Hopefully the kingfish bite will return along with the warmer water.
Laurie Dunn of Burlington, NJ caught two keeper Fluke this morning at the Barnegat Light Inlet. Her biggest weighed 7-lb 3-oz and was caught on Gulp!.
Received: Aug 7, 2010 7:53 PM Subject: Fwd: Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters
Another solid week of mixing it up in the Barnegat Bay and inlet area for a wide variety of species for the anglers aboard the “Reel Fantasea”. The light tackle action continues to provide schoolie striped bass to 28″, throw back fluke by the truck load, black fish in the 2 to 5-lb class, blowfish, Burrfish, porgies, bluefish, large cow nosed rays [ these things have some horse power ! – 20-25 minute drag burning fights !] and the best showing of weakfish so far this year!
The Fred Scalera gang was fast out of the gate with some nice scrappy schoolie stripers on light tackle spinning tackle. At times we witnessed schools of bay anchovies being attacked from all angles from the ravaging stripers [ Reel cool visual !] After having a blast with the stripers we switched gears to find solid blackfish action and getting our limit in very short order. Switching gears again the guys ended the day mixing it up with a variety of species such as blowfish, sharks, burrfish, eel, oyster cracker…
The Rob Wolbberd Party was doubled up at times with the same solid striper action on light spinning tackle and even scoring a 28-1/4″ fish that was released to fight another day. The guys ended the day with plenty of action catching fluke until trips end.
Regular Jay Simmons joined by business associates and scored this years’ first Barnegat Bay Grand Slam aboard the “Reel Fantasea” The guys went 1 for 2 on stripers before the inlet conditions proved a little sportier than we would allow. Switching over to blackfishing the guys had a blast limiting out quickly while playing catch and release with more before moving around for more and morte fluke. Moving into the back bay the guys ended the day with a mix of blowfish, cow nosed ray, bluefish and releasing the best showing of weakfish this year which completed their Barnegat Bay Grand Slam ! [ Striper, Weakfish, Fluke and Bluefish ]
~ Capt. Steve Purul, “Reel Fantasea” Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609.290.1217
August 6, 2010
Kolten Keller (8yrs old) weighed in a 9-lb 6-oz doormat this afternoon. He was fishing in the Barnegat Bay with his dad when he caught the fish. They reported catching a dozen fluke with two keepers on a squid and minnow combo. Kolten has submitted his catch for the Skillful Angler Award.
Received: Aug 6, 2010 3:21 PM Subject: ID this fish?
Wes Charles asks… Do you know what kind of fish this is?
Lots of these are being caught in the bay right now.
(Short spines with several large black spots on the sides, one just below the dorsal fin, and another behind the pectoral fin.)
It’s not a Northern Puffer or a Southern Puffer, it’s a…
Striped Burrfish – For more information visit
August 5, 2010
Received: Aug 5, 2010 5:39 PM Subject: Thursday, August 5 Fishing report
Fished the bay today and it was a hot one. Managed one nineteen and a half inch keeper Fluke and twelve shorts (a number of the shorts were just shy of the eighteen inch minimum). Used the Gulp swimming mullet. I also used sand eels and fluke belly.
~ Jim T., Bridgewater, NJ
August 4, 2010
Received: Aug 4, 2010 9:40 PM Subject: fishing report
Saturday, Keith Maxwell, Ron Maxwell, Geoff, Joe Marinello, Kevin Benson and I rounded out the crew on Keiths 32′ Blackfin “Reelescape”. We went to the Carteret based on some good blue water info. Three yellowfins to 70 pounds and 10 mahi. Lots of life with oil slicks, whales, porpoises, turtles and skipjack feeding on the surface. It was a picture perfect day at the canyon.
~ Tony Narciso
Received: Aug 4, 2010 5:36 PM Subject: fluke
Fished with 3 generations of George Foxs’ today along with my grand-son Connor… fished outgoing and some incoming tide at B-Inlet with water temps from 69 to 72… the bite was not like last week but the size was the same, small… finished the day with 25 fluke all caught on Gulp.
~ Sam W.
August 3, 2010
1:00 PM
Over the weekend Steve Wurst took the Sea Trever out to the Hudson Canyon. While bottom fishing 30 Tilefish in the 25-lb size were hooked. No luck on tuna while chumming. Going on the troll, 2 Yellowfin (~60-lb) were caught plus a White Marlin was caught and released.
Received: Aug 3, 2010 8:38 AM Subject: BHCFA Report
Some of the boats of the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association have been making the long trek to the canyons and returning with some great stories. They have been making some fine catches of tuna, billfish, and mahi-mahi.
Captain George Finck of “Sparetime Charters” took Dan Cronin and friends out to the canyon for tuna fishing. In addition to seeing plenty of whales and porpoises, they had five hits and boated a pair of yellowfin tuna to 65-pounds. On another trip he went to the canyon looking for tuna. He first boated two white marlin which he released. He then boated a pair of yellowfin tuna to 80-pounds, and finally five long fin tuna.
Captain Lindsay Fuller had a busman’s holiday on the “June Bug” and took out some of his mates and mechanics on a trip to the Lindenkohl Canyon. Art Barstow and Garrett Frey trolled on the “June Bug”before sunup with no luck and then at dawn moved into the deeper water. The first fish boated was a 75-pound yellowfin. During their trolling they picked up an 80-pound yellowfin and had a couple of white marlin which investigated the lines but did not bite. Then they found a 10-foot piece of barnacle encrusted wood that held a school of 10-pound mahi-mahi. Although the mahi would not bite on the trolled lines, they were able to catch as many mahi as they wanted using light spinning tackle with pieces of ballyhoo for bait. After catching all they wanted to eat, they spent time catching and releasing. Captain Lindsay says he feels this is the best year for tuna fishing in at least 20 years.
The same two captains have had some inshore trips where they had to work hard through loads of small fluke to find some keepers. Captain George Finck had Leslie Nugent and her 12 year old son Cooper in the bay for fluke with one topping the scale at 3.5 pounds. On another bay trip he had the Glen Linhoff family out for a nice catch of fluke on his mother-in-law’s birthday. Captain George had the Ross family out in the bay for fluke before getting chased in by thunderstorms. Once again fluke ruled the day plus a nice kingfish. For Captain Lindsay Fuller his inshore docket was made up of family reunions. The Potter family of Montreal, Canada, were out for a day’s catch of over 50 short fluke, but no keepers. Another family trip with three children had great action once again on short fluke but keepers were hard to come by.
Additional information on the association can be found at or by calling 1-877-LBI-BHCFA (1-877-524-2423).
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr. – Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association –
August 2, 2010
Received: Aug 2, 2010 11:36 AM Subject: TUNA FISHING
The “High Life” out of Forked River picked up two Yellowfin tuna in the 60-lb class, just West of the tip of Toms. It was slow in the morning with a couple of knock-downs. the fish were caught at 12:40 PM on the troll back.
~ E. Papp
August 1, 2010
2:00 PM
This morning, no wind and thus no drift slowed most of the fluke fishing in the bay today. If you latched on to some current or power drifted there was a chance but otherwise the reports were poor.
Received: Aug 1, 2010 11:14 PM Subject: 8/1/2010 report
Fished the evening outgoing in some of the inlet areas that I have been fishing. Ended up with a bunch of shorts and one nice 23-inch fluke. Fished the excite-a-bite minnows that got from FHQ and they produced some nice action.
~ B. Taylor
Received: Aug 1, 2010 5:14 PM Subject: Lighthouse Sportfishing Report
Welcome to August! I am almost lost for words for a report on the incredible fluke fishing. Jason Mikula was aboard on yesterday’s fluke trip. If you have seen my last few reports it has not changed except for the influx of cow nosed rays. These fish are ranging from 20 to 50 pounds and when hooked up on light tackle add to the excitement of having two or three fluke on at a time. On Friday I chased one ray down for 3/4 of a mile for 20 minutes.
~ Capt. Alex F. Majewski, Lighthouse Sportfishing, Barnegat Bay, NJ 609-548-2511
Received: Aug 1, 2010 4:55 PM Subject: Fishing report 7/30 Barnegat fishing charters
Friday, the “Bottom Line” sailed with Mike and his son Anthony with the hopes of going out of Barnegat Inlet. While running the bay I could tell that the ocean was going to be rough because of all the boats staying inside Barnegat Bay. With the poor weather forecast I made the decision to stay relatively close to the inlet. We fished some wrecks 4-7 miles NE of our inlet. We were able to pull a few nice keeper fluke in the 3 to 4 pound size as well as a few nice seabass.
By 10:00 AM the rocking and rolling in the ocean was enough and this being Anthony’s first time on a boat the decision was made to go back inside the bay. And boy were we glad that we did. The first drop produced a couple of shorts. Second drop, just as the South wind started to blow a bit, produced a steady pick of mostly keeper fluke — most fish here were over 19″ and were topped by the top fish of the day which was a 26″ fluke taken by Mike. This big fluke weighed-in at 7-pounds on my hand scale and the other fluke were in the 3 to 5-lb range. We had about 6 good shots at them before the wind started cranking. By 3:00 PM, the South wind really got moving, and we were having a hard time holding with 8 oz. bucktails, so we called it a day.
When all was said and done we brought 10 quality keeper fluke to the boat, 5 seabass, 3 of the fluke were in the 3 to 5-lb range, topped by Mike’s 7-pounder. With the small crew all of us got to fish and everyone put a few keepers in the box – Mike showed us all how it was done that day! This may not have been a banner day by some standards, but we had some nice chunky fillets to show for our efforts!
Looks like another “Bottom Line” OPEN BOAT trip this week… Everybody keeps calling with different dates… Lets pick a day and go… Remember $125 includes all tackle, bait, rods, and water.
~ Capt. Tom Cormann, “Bottom Line”, Forked River 201.788.3223
Received: Aug 1, 2010 12:17 PM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Report
Yet another great week of back bay fluke fishing. Anyone who continues to claim that the fluke population needs further rebuilding (if it actually needed rebuilding to begin with) clearly hasn’t been on or near the water in several years. The biggest problem we’re having putting fish in the box is that there are so many smaller fluke that the bigger ones don’t stand a chance to get to our bait. What a problem… too many fish!
Tuesday North Jersey’s Cam Rispoli brought his 11 year old son Vincent out to bring 85-90 fish over the side topped by Vincent’s fat 22 inch flattie.
Wednesday, Al and Matt Falco were down from Cranford to get in on the party, landing three dozen more led by Matt’s 22″ fish.
Friday, Chip Harter and Paul Buchanan came out on their annual summer trip, bringing 80-90 more flatties to the net despite some ugly wind against tide conditions most of the morning.
Saturday, Greg Staller brought out his 12 year old daughter Sophie and nephews Nick (12) and Luke (10), and the family team nailed another 45-50 fluke (plus assorted other marine critters) from the inlet channels. Throw in that all these fish are being caught on ultralight outfits with small bucktails and jigs, and this is just crazy fun.
It’s impossible to tell just how long this extraordinary fishing is going to last, so take advantage of it while it still going on. I’ve still got a number of mid week dates available in August, so hop on board and have a blast!
~ Capt. Jack Shea, “Rambunctious”, Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters 609.698.3632
Received: Aug 1, 2010 9:01 AM Subject: Sharking – Ridge 7/31/2010
Although it was a bit choppy yesterday, we managed to catch/release 2 brown sharks on the east side of the ridge. It was my Dad’s first shark – a fun day. We tried to search for clean water – but the ridge was a very dirty green with lots of grass (spread out). Give Ed a big thanks for some of the tips he provided. ~ Brett
July 31, 2010
Donna Harris of the Village Harbor Fishing Club weighed in a nice fluke caught off the surf in North Beach. The fish was 21-½ inches and weighed 3-lbs 12-ounces. It is a great sign that we are finally starting to see a few keeper fluke caught off the surf. She said it is about time she has caught a legal fish to weigh in for the fishing club.
Received: Jul 31, 2010 9:56 AM Subject: 07/30/10 Barnegat fishing report
Had Rock n Roller Sammy, Steve C , Rich Dyer, and his two boys Chris and Joe aboard for a fluke trip today. Ran North coming out of Barnegat Inlet again. Started in a spot that has been real good to us this year. Picked up a few fish not a whole lot of life. We had a west wind and a no current — real slow drift… Ran a little further North, and found a little better life and we boated a few keepers in there while picking up a 5 pounder. Also had some seabass.
We then ran off to the east and Joe immediately boated a nice fish, but that was it. A few wiggles, then a move further offshore resulted in a couple of shorts and no keepers.
Started making our way back with a South wind coming on, stopped a couple of times, all shorts. Drift was fast as we had a south current and a south wind together but there was an okay pick of mostly “quality” shorts in the 17 to just under 18″ range, with a few keepers mixed in. Sammy the rocker hit the jackpot with a 7 pounder on a 8oz bucktail. ( that the captain suggested) it was a beautiful fish.
By 2 PM the drift everywhere was insanely fast with the hard south wind coming on, so we made our way home. stopping one more time in Barnegat Bay. I believe everyone wound up with at least 1 keeper and Joe led the way with 3. The “Bottom Line” finished with 9 in the box topped by the 7 pounder and 5 pounder. The rest of the keepers were in the 18-21″ range. We also wound up with 4 keeper seabass.
Thanks to the guys for coming down, some great laughs as usual and some nice fillets going home at the end of the day
~ Capt. Tom Cormann, “Bottom Line”, Forked River 201.788.3223
July 30, 2010
I headed out this morning with Blake in search of some fluke and with the intent to test out our newest biodegradable artificial bait, Excite-A-Bite! With all of the shorts that we (and I’m sure you too) had caught over the past few days/weeks it was time to make some changes. It seemed to me that the warmer water had all of the short flounder extremely active. So active, the slower larger fish don’t get a chance to attack. We went in search of colder deeper water and found some keepers there. We started out fishing in “the shadows of the Barnegat Lighthouse” and worked the main channel into the slow no wake and beyond. We only had a couple hours to fish this morning but we managed to land three nice fluke for the table among about two dozen shorts. It was the best keeper to throw back ratio that we have had lately. Much, much better than the 100:1 that we had on Tuesday.
“We lathered up our bucktails with the BioEdge Sand Eel Wand and then tipped it off with the new Excite-A-Bite! Lemon Grub”. Like Blake told a customer this evening in the shop, “the fluke just can’t resist it!” The first drift, the first fish of the day, a 21” fat flatty.” I am also a believer in the new Excite-A-Bite! but I still love the Gulp! too. I’m using the same old fluke rig I’ve used for many years (bucktail with a teaser up above on a twisted dropper loop) but with Gulp! on one and Excite-A-Bite! on the other. Believe it or not the Excite-A-Bite! caught just as many fish as the Gulp! today. The two biggest were on the Excite-A-Bite!. Further experimentation is still required before final results are concluded. But it seems they are both very effective baits.
Ryan Dellane was also out fluking in the bay today. He fished the Double Creek area in the afternoon. He caught at least a hundred shorts with one keeper at 19 inches. All fish were on live minnows and Gulp! Chartreuse Swim Mullet. Ryan mentioned that another boat next to him pulled a doormat over the gunnels. Ryan said, “Oyster Creek was packed with boats. There are A LOT of shorts out there.”
Received: Jul 30, 2010 9:40 PM Subject: Fwd: Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters Report
Prolonged Southerly winds has taken it’s toll on inshore ocean temps creating cooler bottom temperature to up well along the beaches and inlet which has played well for a nice spike in striped bass and blackfish activity while the back bay continues to offer non -stop action with fluke but with few keepers to put on ice we continue rely on sea bass fishing to put some meat in the cooler. Dave Davis from Lancaster PA joined by son Troy were out for some drop and reel sea bass action nearly filling 2/3 of 120-qt cooler with tasty sea bass before trips end. Andy Pemerick and son Hunter along with Chris Weed and son Brandon had steady action through out the morning with short fluke, unfortunately unable to throw any keepers in the cooler before trips end . Regular Joe Franke scored 2 sporty stripers on light spinning tackle before turning our attention to get our limit of blackfish . With our limit of black fish Joe picked a keeper fluke out of all the throw backs before a thunder storm sent us running for cover. The Chris Simmons Party joined by sons Jack and KC and Uncle and regular Jay Simmons were out ducking in between thunderstorms for a slow start in the back bay only scoring a porcupine puffer and a power house cow nosed ray before heading over to the inlet to score nice action with striped bass to 29″. Jay was his usual maestro, wielding his fishing rod in a well orchestrated technique taking bass master of the day as usual. The next morning the guys were back out for round 2 for a mix of fluke, blackfish, blow fish, king fish, porcupine puffers, and even our first weakfish of the year!
~ Capt. Steve Purul, “Reel Fantasea” Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609.290.1217
July 29, 2010
The 41st Annual Beach Haven White Marlin Invitational is on with a total of 79 boats and a total Purse of $343,500! The $320,500 in Calcuttas doesn’t just top last years $228,000, it blows it out of the water. Not shabby for the World’s Oldest White Marlin Tournament. Good Luck to all of the anglers participating and thanks to all of those that got geared up at FHQ. More details on Day 1 weighins later today. No boats fished today.
Received: Jul 29, 2010 9:53 PM Subject: Thursday, July 29 Fishing Report
Fished the bay and had FOUR Keepers. The most I have had in one trip in a number of years. Also had ten shorts. All fish were caught with Gulp Swimming mulllet, sand eels and fluke belly and on my home made fluke rigs. Got to love it!
~ Jim T., Bridgewater, NJ
July 28, 2010
5:00 PM
Yesterday, Skip took Uncle Moe out through the Barnegat Inlet and they headed North. They went as far North as the Manasquan Ridge and found plenty of other private and charter boats were already there. The current demanded that heavy weights be used and the fluke were there. They had a great 4:1 catch to keeper ratio and those keepers were all around 21″. Uncle Moe said when they passed over a number of sweet spots the fish were hooking up only seconds after each drop down reached the bottom.
1:00 PM
Came out to the same spot as yesterday in search of more keeper fluke but no keeper was caught. The action was just as hot as yesterday, 8-10+ fish per drift. Today I used heavier bucktails for the quicker drift. ~ Greg
$1,000.00 Fluke & Blue Fish Tournament ** NO ENTRY FEE*** will be hosting 2 Free Tournaments in August just for registering with our site. That’s right “Free” as in “No Entry Fee”. You must register before August 8, 2010 – no exceptions, fish between August 9th through August 16th. There will be a Fluke and Bluefish division and the angler weighing in the heaviest fish takes home $1,000 in each category. You may fish for both and try to take home both pots. Go online and click the “Join its Free” button. You can weigh your catch in at any of our Official Weigh in stations located on the site. Live daily tournaments will begin directly after the close of these Free tournaments. For more info email
Received: Jul 28, 2010 9:01 AM Subject: Shark and Smooth Dogfish Regulations Adopted
The NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife advises commercial fishermen and recreational anglers that the regulations pertaining to the commercial and recreational coastal shark and smooth dogfish fisheries have been adopted and became effective July 19, 2010.
The newly adopted regulations were necessary to comply with management measures mandated under the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Coastal Sharks, which includes smooth dogfish.
Anglers should refer to the 2010 Marine Issue of the Fish and Wildlife Digest ( ) for complete regulation information and details on the recreational changes for commercial changes pertaining to coastal sharks and smooth dogfish.
For more details on the ASMFC Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Coastal Sharks and Smooth Dogfish please visit the ASMFC website at . For the DEP Rule Proposal for Atlantic coastal sharks, see the Notice of Rule Proposal at on the DEP Rules and Regulations website.
July 27, 2010
1:00 PM
Today, Greg and Blake fished with Capt. Sam W. There were a good number of fluke on the eastern side of the dike and the area where double creek meets oyster creek. We bucktailed for about four hours this morning. Capt. Sam’s tally at the end of the trip was at one hundred and five. All fluke were released except one that was just over 18 inches. Blake was high hook and Greg finessed the only keeper (sheer luck). Thanks Sam! ~ Greg
Received: Jul 27, 2010 8:22 AM Subject: Beach Haven Charter fishing Association Report
Fluke fishing seems to be the name of the game for the boats of the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association.
Captain George Finck of “Sparetime Charters” reports finding fish both in the bay and just outside the inlet. He took Leslie Nugent and her 12 year old son Cooper bay fishing recently for fluke. Young Cooper caught the big fish of the day, a 3.5 pound fluke. Another day Captain George had the Ted Sokolowski family out trolling for bluefish right off the beaches of LBI, and they finished the day with a nice catch of eating sized blues.
Captain Fran Verdi of the “Drop Off” reports he has switched gears and is now fishing for fluke both in the open ocean and at the reef sites. He reports despite a bit of a slow bite on the fluke in the ocean, he has been bringing some keepers across the rail. The back bay bite for fluke is still strong, but most fish are too small. The sea bass bite is erratic as the fish are now in the spawning mode. Captain Fran is looking forward to some tuna action in the near future and plans to fish in this weekend’s White Marline Invitational with Captain Bob Gerkens on the “Hot Tuna”.
Additional information on the association can be found at or by calling 1-877-LBI-BHCFA (1-877-524-2423).
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr. – Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association –
July 26, 2010
Received: Jul 26, 2010 5:18 PM Subject: Lighthouse Sportfishing Report
Not to sound like a broken record, but… the fluke in the bay continue to remain at the highest numbers I have seen, and I have been fishing Barnegat Bay for over 30 years! Trips continue to average 15 – 20 an hour. During yesterday’s trip, our last two drifts alone yielded 50 flatties. Although, the throw-back to keeper ratio remains high, rods are constantly bent and a few fish do make it to the table. It is a great time to get kids on the water. Here is a picture from today’s outing of 6 year old Hunter with one of the 25 fluke he caught and that is not the keeper he landed. Tight lines and good times.
~ Capt. Alex F. Majewski, Lighthouse Sportfishing, Barnegat Bay, NJ 609-548-2511
July 25, 2010
6:00 PM
Bobby formally of Bobby’s Boat Rental in Barnegat Light was in the shop today. While catching up on lost time she mentioned that she caught the pool winning fluke on Thursday aboard the Carolyn Ann III.
A customer who wanted to remain anonymous said that the Garden State North has had some nice sized sea bass and a couple decent sized flounder. He said, “Gulp! Belly Strips were the ticket.”
With the Beach Haven White Marlin Invitation quickly approaching many offshore anglers are keeping tight lips. So far this year the Northern canyons have produced. The pelagic are there so go get ‘em. The West Wall of the Hudson has produced yellowfin on the troll and out in the area of the 100 square there have been some bigeye.
Nick Remer was out earlier in the week. He trolled inside of the Hudson and picked up an 80lb bluefin tuna that hit one of the spreader bars. The plan was to go the distance but the weather kept them from it.
Closer inshore the Chicken Canyon has produced some nice bluefin. Anglers are trolling ballyhoos (way, way, way back) as well as chunking and jigging.
5:00 AM
Saturday, James Buonnanno stopped in the shop and reported action off of the surf right here in Ship Bottom. He landed four fluke and a 23 inch striper. James caught all of his fish on the Gulp! 4” Pearl White Swimming Mullet.
Saturday, Rick M. of Harvey Cedars fished the Double Creek area for a couple hours in the morning on the outgoing tide. He reported 5 keeper fluke up to 21 inches. Rick mentioned that he caught the flatties on live minnows and Gulp! (white grub). Javier Guzman was fishing the same area as Rick and he too caught a good number of keepers. Jav was using spearing and Gulp!.
Greg had a fun time night time bay sharking all week long. He has been heading out targeting big dogfish for the Garbage Fish Tourney. He’s looking to top his 15-lb 2-oz smooth dog which currently sits in first place. Greg and crew have also had great success catch and releasing other species such as stripers, sand bar (aka brown) sharks, sand tigers and some monster rays. FYI: Sharks Species That MUST Be Released as per NJFW – Sandbar aka Brown Shark and Sand tiger aka grey nurse shark among others.
Received: Jul 25, 2010 11:17 AM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Report
This is beginning to sound like a broken record, but the unbelievable fluke fishing we’ve been having in the bay got even better this week. Despite some brutally hot weather all week that saw us heading in early whenever the fishing “slowed down”, we landed somewhere between 450-500 fluke over the course of four trips. Sure, the ratio of shorts to keepers is high, I’d guess around 40 or 50 to 1, but plenty of fresh filets were had and when the tide is right the action is non-stop.
Monday, I took advantage of a cancellation to head out looking for a couple of tasty fluke dinners for myself, and had over 80 fluke come over the side in less than three hours.
Wednesday, I had Barnegat’s Bill Hoey out with 9 year old stepson John, and the guys landed another 60-70 fish before the tide ran out on us.
Friday, the action picked up (big grin) when Medford’s Bill Ruskowski came out with sons Bill, Brian and Kyle to land another 130-140 fish in four hours, with Kyle’s 21″ fish grabbing Ruskowski family bragging rights.
Saturday, regulars George Selph and Bob Keller joined me in hauling 160-170 more over the side, including five in the box to 24″.
Considering the fact that we’re using nothing but ultralight tackle, this fishing is nothing short of spectacular since even the small fish fight like trophies. Let’s all hope the fun keeps up for a few more weeks.
~ Capt. Jack Shea, “Rambunctious”, Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters 609.698.3632
July 22, 2010
Received: Jul 22, 2010 10:53 AM Subject: Fishing Report
The fluke fishing on “Lucky Stripes” remained red hot this week with constant action. The last few trips produced over a hundred fluke a trip with mostly through backs. Yesterday we did manage ten keepers though up to 5.2-lbs. Just have to work through the smaller fish. Overall though it has been great fishing for mid summer fluking. There are rumors of some weekies around also but I have not given it a shot myself yet.
~ Capt Mike Greene
July 21, 2010
Received: Jul 21, 2010 11:17 AM Subject: Hi Flier Open Boat– Barnegat Ridge….and Beyond!
Finally! NOAA is giving us a good forecast for Thursday and Friday. The proverbial “window” is coming for these two days. West wind, not much velocity, and no thunderstorm activity. The Hi Flier will be setting a course for Barnegat Ridge to troll bonita and any other of their bluewater friends that might be there. Albies, spanish mackerel, mahi. If the ocean is flat and the life is not at the Ridge, then we are heading towards the Mud Hole in search of bluefin, bonita, and more. It is going to be two days of plying the inshore/offshore waters in search of species that make our 20 class conventionals sing. The boat is fueled up, iced up, and ready to go. Survival raft…check. EPIRB…check. Extra fuel….check.
If you want to join me, I have three spots of availability each day, Thurs. July 22 and Fri. July 23. I limit the boat to three and me. We meet at the dock, Sun Harbor Marina in Barnegat each day at 5 AM and return around 2 PM. I also pick up and drop off by water in Barnegat Light if you happen to be staying on LBI. The cost is $200 per person and I will sail with only one. All fish are shared among the passengers.
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
July 20, 2010
5:00 PM
Fresh bunker now in stock.
Received: Jul 20, 2010 4:47 PM Subject: fluke
Fished with Rich L. today. We fished both Oyster Creek and the Inlet on the outgoing tide catching about 40 fish with 2 keepers to 4-lbs all were caught on bucktails/leadheads with Gulp….water was 72-75 degrees
~ Sam W.
Received: Jul 20, 2010 2:40 PM Subject: BHCFA Weekly Report
The captains of the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association have been spending most of their time fishing for summer flounder along with some forays for black sea bass and tuna.
Captain Dave Wittenborn of the “Compass Rose” reports the fluke are starting to leave the bays and make their annual migration out onto the ocean lumps. He has been putting together catches of fluke in the bay, however, knowing that with the water temps reaching close to 80 degrees, the fluke are in the deeper holes and channels. He is finding the keeper ratio at about 50 to 1. He fished alone in 55-feet of water and found a small pocket of large fluke. Using short drifts he limited out in two hours on fish to 4-pounds along with releasing some 15 shorts. This was a much better ration than most other locations.
Captain John Koegler of the boat “Pop’s Pride” fished the ICW between Markers 109-113 but managed only one keeper among over 20 fish. He had a trip offshore for bluefin tuna at over 50 miles and found bluefish and bluefin mixed together. Unfortunately he was just looking for tuna.
Captain Fran Verdi of the “Drop Off” reports the sea bass are thick on some of the wrecks, but the bite is erratic as they are currently spawning. He plans to focus on ocean fluke until the sea bass bite becomes consistent. Captain Fran has gotten good reports on tuna at the inshore lumps and plans to fish there as the weather permits.
Additional information on the association can be found at or by calling 1-877-LBI-BHCFA (1-877-524-2423).
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr. – Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association –
Received: Jul 20, 2010 1:59 PM Subject: 7/20 fluke report
The inlet area is still hot – producing some decent numbers of fluke. I fished the outgoing tide today and had 4 keepers (2 at 19″, 20, 21) by 8 AM. Still using bucktail tipped with gulp.
~ Brett Taylor
Received: Jul 20, 2010 7:04 AM Subject: Fwd: Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters
This week we changed things up a bit heading out to the Barnegat Ridges for some high speed trolling in hopes to find some pelagic species but also to escape the persistent heat wave inshore. The results were disappointing at best as we only managed small 1 to 2-lb and some frigate mackerel for our efforts. I look for this to change any day. Wreck fishing continue to offer great action with sea bass, blackfish and even a few ling making the mix while the backbay and inlet continues to offer schoolie stripers, blues and loads of short fluke. Patience is definitely in order to put a few keeper size fish in the box. We have been cast netting live baits before each trip [ mullet and bunker ] in hopes to coax only the largest of “flat fish”… well be careful what you ask for. Large leviathans in the way of huge cow nosed rays have been testing both tackle and anglers on the live baits – they have been straightening and breaking hooks right off our 50-lb braid. These fish are powerful. Just a reminder for those interested in joining us on Face Book @ Reel Fantasea Charters and view some of our video and pics of the week . I would also like to mention that anyone chartering with us does not require any New Jersey Fishing Registry [ although its not a bad idea to register] as we cover all angler onboard. I have a couple of spots open for this Friday Open boat for those looking to mix it up in the backbay and inlet area or possible wreck/backbay/inlet combo trip . In this heat it would seem crazy to even think about our Fantastic Fall fishing but we are booking up fast this season for those interested in some of the best action anywhere with stripers, blues, sea bass and blackfish. Don’t miss ,out reserve your date today !
~ Capt. Steve Purul, “Reel Fantasea” Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609.290.1217
July 19, 2010
4:00 PM
Fresh Bunker will be here in a couple hours. Go hook up with those brownies! Greg and crew released a good one last night.
Sorry for the following late posting…
Received: Jul 14, 2010 at 8:50 AM Subject: Fwd: tuna
Headed out to the Lindy on Monday, July 12th with good friend Bob Percopo on his 33′ HydraSport “No Limits”. Trolled for several hours with no luck when the rods started going off, one, two, three, four five rods at the same time. Fish hit rigged bally, spreader bars and cedar plugs. With only the two of us on board we wanted to ensure we did not get greedy and concentrated on each getting one fish on board. Despite some tangles as we had no one to clear rods, 40 minutes later and totally exhausted, we had two yellow fin on board, a 67 and an 80 pounder. The other fish either spit hooks or broke off but it was wild pandemonium for 40 minutes bringing two nice yellow fin on board.
July 18, 2010
There are fluke in the bay, inlet and off of the surf. Best way to get them is a Spro bucktail with a Spro Baby or Mini Bucktail as a teaser! There are still a lot of shorts but the biggest chartreuse Gulp! like the 6″ Jigging Grub and Belly Strips are producing nice sized dinner table flatties. The Kingfishing from the surf has been inconsistent. The bite comes and goes with the water temperature. One day it’s on. Then the south wind blows, up wells the colder ocean water from the deep and shuts the bite off. We will try our best to keep you posted the “striped goats.” Doggies and skates are also off of the beach so enter the Garbage Fish Tourny (two more weeks to go) and get bent off the beach. There have been a number of browns and big rays caught too so make sure your sand spike is solid before looking into the cooler.
A few local spear fishermen have reported fluke, tog, triggers and still a couple stripers swimming around the BL Inlet’s South Jetty.
“Little Man” John of Ship Bottom came in mid-day to re-up with more bunker and reported a half dozen Jimmies (nice sized keeper blue claw crabs). He also said that an angler next to him caught a couple snapper blues.
As far as fishing further off… The Canyons have been good with mahi, yellowfin in the 40-60+ pound range and marlin. Closer inshore there are being caught. Review the regulations before targeting, NMFS News:
Received: Jul 18, 2010 11:00 AM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Report
As good as our bay fluke fishing has been for the past month, I never would have guessed it would get better. But it did and the fish not only seem to be ignoring the unseasonably hot weather, they seem to be loving it.
Wednesday, aboard the “Rambunctious” from Yardley, PA were Rich Smith with his sons Sam and Lyle for a relaxing day on the water that turned into absolute fluke mayhem by the end of the morning. The first part of the trip saw the same kind of steady pick of fish that we’ve seen for the past few weeks with 25-30 fish coming to net in the first few hours. Not bad, right? Then the fish turned on and started hitting our baits the minute they reached bottom. Fish were coming over the side two or three at a time, bucktail/teaser rigs were producing double headers, action was non-stop. By the time we headed back to the dock, we conservatively guessed that 150-160 fish had been landed and at least that many hooked and dropped. Unbelievable fishing, and the big bags of filets will make for some excellent dining to come.
Yesterday, aboard the “Rambunctious” were Vince Barba and friend Deena for a quick outing, and while it wasn’t quite as frantic we certainly had a better than average four hours with 60-70 fish, including four fat keepers, coming over the side before we headed in early to avoid the heat. A huge stargazer that decided to sample Deena’s bait added to the fun.
As noted last week, I’ve switched over to using true ultralight tackle for this fishing and it’s a blast catching these fish on small jigs and our custom teasers. It’s hard to say how long this will last, but hopefully we’ll get a few more weeks out of it. I’ve still got a couple of open dates before the end of the month, so now’s the time if you want to get in on this.
~ Capt. Jack Shea, “Rambunctious”, Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters 609.698.3632
July 17, 2010
Received: Jul 17, 2010 8:18 PM Subject: Lighthouse Sportfishing Report
And the beat goes on. Fluking the bay continues super hot. This week trips boated 15 to 20 fish a hour. During a recent outing with the Chin party, six-year old Tyler boated 14 fluke! Great job by a future fisherman. Even though the fishing is great this picture shows what it is all about, family time together and having fun. Good times.
~ Capt. Alex F. Majewski, Lighthouse Sportfishing, Barnegat Bay, NJ 609-548-2511
July 16, 2010
Received: Jul 16, 2010 3:53 PM Subject: Rock Deployment on Nine Reefs Continuing in 2010
Four million cubic yards of rock is being deployed on nine New Jersey reefs over the next three years as part of the NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife’s Artificial Reef Program. The dredge rock ranges in size from basketball-sized pieces to boulders. The rock will be deployed by hopper scows at predetermined locations.
During these reef construction efforts the work will be continuous so boaters must constantly be aware of the reduced maneuverability of the tugs and allow them the right-of-way. Commercial fishers must relocate their gear to other areas not slated for deployment or risk gear damage.
The following nine reefs are receiving dredge rock:
Shark River, Axel Carlson, Garden State North, Atlantic City, Great Egg, Townsend Inlet, Wildwood, Deepwater and Cape May.
For more information on the rock deployments, including maps of the affected reefs, please visit on the division’s website.
July 15, 2010
11:30 AM
Mike from Beach Haven West fished Little Egg Inlet today. He caught 30 short fluke and one keeper. But what a keeper… It was a 7.5-lb fluke!
Received: Jul 15, 2010 6:31 AM Subject: Hi Flier Fluke and Tog
At the time of this report, I’m not liking the NOAA weather forecast for fishing offshore. The Hi Flier will stay in the bay for the next couple of days. Not a bad place to be considering the numbers of fluke we are still jigging in Oyster Creek and Double Creek Channels. These fish are 12 to 22 inches with the majority being throwbacks, but every trip we manage to put a few nice fluke in the cooler. We have been catching these fish on light 10 pound spinning rods. Our go-to bait has been a 3/8 to 1/2 ounce jighead tipped with a white Gulp swimming mullet and second best has been the Gulp new penny shrimp, both in 3 inch size. I stick with the shrimp on my own personal rod, as it seems to produce less, but bigger fish. Now, as a bonus, as of tomorrow, Friday, we can go catch our one blackfish per man, as well. A nice addittion to the Ziplock of fillet at the end of the day. We can catch those fish inside the inlet without going outside. Running an open boat, twice daily Fri thru Sun, 6AM to 11AM, and Noon to 5PM. Call 732.330.5674 for details. We will begin running off for bonita as soon as the weather forecast cleans up, in the meantime, “Let’s go catch some Fluke and Tog!”
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
KeepAmericaFishing – Join Now to band together the 60 million angler in the nation to stand strong against the tide of fishing issues regulations.
News from the Sportsfishing Show – ICAST 2010 – Las Vegas
I guess I called it correctly yesterday, the Best of Show goes to Shimano with the Trinidad A Series Reels! The modern times are here with Shimano’s comprehensive fishing systems. Shimano offers everything an angler needs between you and the fish. They have won a number of awards with their new products like the Trinidad A, Stella FE, Wax Wing subsurface swimming lures and the Shimano Terez rods.
– The Shimano Trinidad A reel series is an eye catcher with it’s silver body and white gripped handle but moreover it’s gonna be a fish killer just like the original Trinidad Series from Shimano. The new Trinidad A Series features all of the best features that the original Trinidad Series offered plus more. The new A Series has a redesigned body and eccentric lever, bearing supported pinion gear and new gearing.
– The Shimano Terez rods have been in the works for three years and are finally here. The series has a wide variety of solid rods from lightweight inshore rods for back bay and inlet fishing to offshore big game jigging, chunking and popping rods. With Shimano’s TC4 construction these are proven bullet proof blanks with the most advanced components such as the new Fuji K-Series guides, Fuji (custom for Shimano) aluminum/ graphite reel seat and very unique grip configurations.
– The Shimano Waxwing lure is available in two sizes, a 7/8oz and a 1.5oz. They are a no lip cast and retrieve lure that has a wing. Cast it out and reel it in. It’s gonna be deadly for stripers and tuna.
– New Shimano Shallow Water Butterfly Jigs were very interesting. They offer three styles. The Shimano Centervortex which is a yo-yo style jig that has a crazy dropping flutter action. The Shimano Slidend sinks straight down but when retrieved it comes alive with action. The Shimano Whirlygig has a twisted tail that produces a spinning action on the retrieve.
– Van Staal VM 150 reel is an overbuilt quasi-sealed (not water proof) spinning reel at $399.95. It has a stainless main gear and pinion gear as well as a oversized stainless main shaft and a strong stainless bail with internal trip. The VM150 reel holds 285 plus yards of 30 pound braid and its carbon fiber drag washer provides 30 plus pounds of drag. It has a 4.9 to 1 gear ratio retrieve that gives 33” per turn. Please note that there are still some details that will change. They are in the works of redesigning the handle. Currently the reel has a molded stainless handle; however, a machined aluminum handle is in the works. The handle is interchangeable right to left hand retrieve. I am told that eventually there will be a bailless kit too.
– G.Loomis IMX Surf Rods will be at Fisherman’s Headquarters before you know it (perhaps within a couple weeks). These rods were designed for casting lures so some might think their weight ratings appear to be odd. They do not offer a bait an weight rod yet (hopefully it is coming but we will have to wait and see). The IMX Surf Series features a moderate action blank that has a super fast recovery time. It loads up on the cast and releases with fast power. G.Loomis designed a unique adjustable reel seat which is a solid new feature. The new Fuji K-Series Alconite Guides ice the cake providing longer tangle proof casts.
– Sebile lures who in my opinion is the king of constant innovation in fishing lures showed their new big game lure construction. They use a stamped stainless steel plate to attach the hooks and tow ring. There is no simple through wire design on these lures. This construction is super strong, “tested at 550-lbs!” Sebile has a number of big game lures that will be at the shop as soon as they are available; a popper, stick bait and a jerk bait.
~ Greg from ICAST Las Vegas
July 14, 2010
KeepAmericaFishing – Join Now to band together the 60 million angler in the nation to stand strong against the tide of fishing issues regulations.
News from the Sportsfishing Show – ICAST 2010 – Las Vegas
– St. Croix released for 2011 the new St. Croix Mojo Musky series of rods which offer breakthrough performance and value ($140-160)! These rods are going to be great for local striper fishing and ocean fluking with their fast, crisp action with strong backbone. These rods feature a premium grade cork split grip with a Fuji trigger reel seat. Available in six models from 7’2” to 8’ lengths.
– Daiwa along witha new logo style they have released a perfect match to their award winning Saltist Series, the Daiwa Saltiga G Boat Rod. Built with premium components and a unidirectional sandwich (Glatech) construction this series of jigging rods offers backbone with serious lifting power and it’s under $200.
– Shimano Terez Rods – more info coming in the next couple days
– Lamiglas released an amazing surf rod, the Alberto Knie Extreme Series (AKS) that is gonna turn some heads in the high end surf rod market. This rod features an intricate reinforced woven graphite handle with grip tabs, Fuji K-Frame guides, and fiber-blended moderate/fast action blanks with a stealth satin-clear finish. This series of rods is performance optimized for the most serious enthusiasts with the fish till you drop attitude. Available in three models 9’ 1-3oz, 10 3-6oz & 11’6” 3-6oz. The AKS Series is priced range from $600 up.
– There were a lot of smoking hot reels at the New Product Showcase but the one that got my vote was Shimano.
– Shimano has the new Shimano Trinidad A. Its key physical characteristics: lighter, smaller and more compact. To me it looks like the original Shimano Trinidad Series with influences from the Trinidad DC and the Tallica blended in.
– Daiwa had a couple hot reels displayed in the showcase. The SALD 30 2-Speed Saltiga features a new designed handle with a user friendly two speed gear switch. Daiwa STTLD 30HSH Hyper Speed Lever Drag (Red and Black) offers a 7.3 to 1 gear ratio retrieve.
– Van Staal introduced a new reel it’s the VM150 produces 35 pounds of drag at $399.95. Its skirted spool holds 225 yards of 30 pound braid. Its heavy duty full automatic bail and oversized main shaft are ready for serious use.
– Penn has the new Penn Torque TRQ (12,15,25,30,40 size) Star Drag Series which is an impressive new reel from Penn Reels. It’s good to see Penn has raised their bar. These Penn TRQ Reels feature machine aluminum body and side plates, lightweight forged aluminum spool, stainless steel main and pinion gear, 7 sealed stainless steel ball bearings, instant anti-reverse bearing with silent back up ratchet, Versa-Drag with HT-100 drags capable of 25lbs of drag, great castability (Live Spindle aka floating spool), switchblade harness lugs (pop up lugs) only on 40 size and a three position clicker (heavy, light, off). Line capacity rings divide the reel’s spool into thirds so the angler knows how much line is on or off of the reel. The clicker might seem like a subtle design feature; however, I feel it as a genius idea. It allows the angler to pick the right clicker heavy or light needed for the application at hand.
– More info coming on the new Penn Squall Series, SQL12 & 15. From the looks it’s gonna be a nice surf casting reel that can also shine in the boat too. There are also a number of affordable spinning reels coming from Penn too. More to come so stay tuned
~ Greg from ICAST Las Vegas
July 13, 2010
Black Sea Bass
The recreational black sea bass regulations are standard along the coast. Current NJ regulations are for an open season of May 22nd through October 11th and from November 1st through December 31st. (I’d check that Oct. 12 date in DE & MD) This information is published on the NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife website in “2010 NJ Marine Recreational Fishing Regulations SUMMARY”.
The information in the “2010 NJ Marine Edition of the Fish and Wildlife DIGEST” indicates that the open season is from May 22 through Sept. 12, with the caveat to check the website later in the year because of a possible change. When the Digest went to print this was the mandated season. Based on updated scientific information, at the May meeting of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Black Sea Bass Board (coastal organization that sets the recreational provisions) the open season for 2010 was revised to reflect the current season. To make this revision in NJ, it was necessary to get the approval of the NJ Marine Fisheries Council and the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection. This was accomplished by the first week of June.
To reiterate:
The NJ recreational open season for black sea bass is May 22 through Oct. 11 and Nov. 1 through Dec. 31.
~ Excerpt from a message to J. Takacs by Thomas W. McCloy, Administrator, Marine Fisheries Administration
Received: Jul 13, 2010 7:52 PM Subject: BHCFA Report
The boats of the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association are fighting the hot weather with a mixed bag of black sea bass, fluke, and bluefish.
Captain Fran Verdi of the “Dropoff” reports decent fishing for keeper sea bass. He has been filling coolers from the Garden State South and Little Egg Reefs. He had Rob Weaver and son out for a half day trip, and the son did most of the fishing for a total of 10 keeper sea bass along with several blackfish that were released. His best action was a calm day when he traveled further from shore to 80-feet of water. That day’s final tally was 29 keeper sea bass and one nice fluke for George and Don. Junior mate in training, Dilon Kelly, did a great job for his first trip of the year, reported Captain Fran.
Captain Dave Wittenborn of the “Compass Rose” out of Beach Haven reports fish around, but he has to work hard to put numbers in the boat. He found steady action on sea bass at the Garden State South Reef along with a 5.4 pound blackfish but picked up no fluke. After catching a few small blues along the beach he headed into the bay where he managed one keeper fluke. He reports the water temperature at the reef was 74-degrees. Captain Dave reports he could have stayed at the reef all day and loaded up on the sea bass, but he was fishing a local inshore tournament where fluke were the target.
Captain Carl Sheppard had the “Star Fish” out last weekend with groups of 11-12 anglers. Each day they found large numbers of bluefish in 30-40 feet of water that responded well to metal on both the jig and diamond spoons on the troll. Offshore Captain Carl found black sea bass and fluke on the wrecks with better fishing in the deeper water. The numbers were good, but keepers were hard to find at times. Captain John Koegler also had the “Star Fish” out for some reef fishing. When that fishing slowed, he found very good action on 1-pound bluefish while trolling about 1.5 miles off the beach.
Additional information on the Beach Haven Charter fishing Association can be found at
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr. – Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association –
Date: Jul 13, 2010 6:31 PM Subject: Lighthouse Sportfishing Report
Fluke continue to be my target and fluking has been great! Although we are in the heat of the summer and have seen air temperatures reach or exceed 100 the fluke fishing has followed the weather. Yesterday’s trip broke my boat’s record for the number of fluke landed. I can honestly say we had 100+ fluke during the trip. Several made into the box and the light tackle action was crazy. It was a trip to remember.
~ Capt. Alex F. Majewski, Lighthouse Sportfishing, Barnegat Bay, NJ 609-548-2511
July 11, 2010
More clams, bloodworms and fresh bunker were delivered this afternoon.
2:00 PM
Offshore fishing has been HOT! There have been a number of bigeyes caught and a load of yellowfin. The Hudson was hot and also the Lindenkohl. A number of angler who have went to the edge have reported back with good things to say. Scott Simpson reported hammering up to 60-lb yellowfin on the troll at the Lindy. Thursday and Friday, Jeff Warford of Surf City was out at the Lindy. He also reported yellowfin in the 60-lb range as well as some mahi. He also reported releasing a white marlin.
Fishing from the shore (surf, inlet and bay)
There are fluke to be caught. The fluke might not be as big as one would like but they are up there. Hit the surf with Gulp! and you’ll get a couple. There a still stripers around too. Look for the striped ones in the early mornings or in the evening time. With the warm water surf as of late there are also kingfish being caught. Joe P. of Ship Bottom caught two kings on live bloods yesterday before the guards came on mid-island. He reported that today there was too much grass to fish.
Fluking is still consistent in the back bay as well as the inlets and near by waters. Earlier in the week Jeff Warford hooked up a good number of flatties by the Lighthouse but only managed one keeper in the box.
Just a reminder, there is a lot of fun to be had. Sign-Up & Weigh-In for the Garbage Fish Trash Tournament here at FHQ. Get in on the action with skates, doggies and sea robins!
More Garbage Fish Trash Tournament info…
Received: Jul 11, 2010 9:14 AM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Report
Fluke fishing in the bay continues to be outstanding in terms of the number of fish being caught. Although the 18″ minimum size has meant we needed to pick through a good number of fish in order to have a few in the box by the end of the morning. With so many throwbacks, I decided to raise the fun level of catching these fish by switching over to extremely light fresh water gear that makes even a small fluke feel like a monster. Sure, we miss a few fish this way but there’s something about hearing a screaming drag while fluke fishing that’s downright intoxicating.
We had two trips cancel this past week due to the brutally hot weather, but still managed to get three trips in.
On Monday, Louis Pochettino came out from Gulph Mills, PA with son Dave and grandson Alex and the guys hauled 45-50 fluke over the side topped by Lou’s 22 incher.
On Friday, Jim and Gene Karaman were out from Lansdale, PA with Jim’s daughter Christine, and Team Karaman landed another 40+ fluke despite dealing with a wind against tide situation most of the morning.
Then yesterday, George Selph and Bob Keller were back looking to try some ocean side fluke fishing, but when lack of any drift had nothing but skates coming over the side (except for a nice fat out-of-season 8.5# tog that fell for the captain’s jig), we finished up the morning back in the inlet where the guys banged almost 40 fish in a little more than an hour.
As hot as the weather was last week, bay fluking was even hotter! Hopefully we’ll get a few more weeks of this in. It’s way too much fun.
~ Capt. Jack Shea, “Rambunctious”, Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters 609.698.3632
July 10, 2010
Received: Saturday, July 10, 2010 6:16:45 PM Subject: Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters
Great action and catches of seabass continue to entertain and fill the cooler for our wreck charters, while the backbay is giving up steady action with blues, schoolie stripers, black fish and non stop short fluke.
Regular Joe Franke was joined by son in law Ron and grandsons Joe and Jacob for solid seabass fishing . The guys had double, triple and quadruple hook-ups with seabass throughout the morning and within a few hours they had plenty of seabass in the cooler set for dinner and freezer. With a large school of panicky bunker nearby we pulled the anchor to snag a few bunker hoping to tie into some of the shark fishing we had experienced last year at this time . After no shark run offs on our live bunker we did end the day with Ron and his boys Joe and Jacob tag teaming and landing a couple of schoolie stripers before trips end.
Regular Jay Simmons was fast out of the gate with a 1st cast striper under some bird play just outside the inlet, from there Jay mixed in blues and blackfish and even loosing what appeared to be an East bound freight train before the line parted ended an epic battle. Moving to the backbay we experienced non stop fluke action using Gulp and spearing baits. Keepers were hard to come by but the bay bottom seems to be COVERED with fluke.
I have July 23, 29 open or private or open boat charter for backbay/inlet, wreck or mid-shore high speed trolling on our inshore ridges and lumps or a combination of any of the above.
~ Capt. Steve Purul, “Reel Fantasea” Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609.290.1217
July 9, 2010
Received: Jul 9, 2010 3:33 PM Subject: Back Bay Fluke Fishing on the Hi Flier. Red Hot Jigging Right Now!
“USUALLY, I don’t fluke.” That is what I usually tell everyone that calls for this type of fishing. Not that there’s anything wrong with fluke fishing, it’s just not my thing…usually.
This is not USUALLY. I like to jig them with light tackle when they are stacked up in the channels and that is the scene right now. Sure, they are mostly throwbacks, but the action is non-stop with every size class of fish present. At the end of the morning, we had three nice fluke in the cooler, a 21″ and a pair of 20″ fish. We caught all of them drifting and vertical jigging with 3/8 ounce jigheads tipped with Gulp! We had both 3″ white swimming mullet and 3″ new penny shrimp on and the nod definitely went to the swimming mullet today. There are a lot of small fish but almost as many 15″ to 17″ fish for sport and then the occassional 3 pound plus fish for the cooler. The bulk of the action was at the top of Oyster Creek Channel where it converges with Double Creek Channel from the tip of the Dike all the way across to the sedges on the Island Beach side.
I am going to run open boat trips Saturday and Sunday, twice daily 5:30 AM to 10:30 AM and 11AM to 4PM targeting these fish. If the ocean is calm and the majority opts to run offshore to Barnegat Ridge or the reefs for sea bass, I can combo the fluke effort with any other kind of fishing and change the hours or duration of the trip as needed.
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
Received : Jul 9, 2010 9:45 AM Subject: Fishing Report
Fished on the Miss Barnegat Light two times in the past week for bluefish and the fishing couldn’t be any better. All the fish you could want on both bait and jigs up to 15 lbs.! A very comfortable boat to fish on with an excellent Crew to take care of all of your needs.
~ Dave S., Delran
July 8, 2010
Tom and Joey Arlotta stopped into the shop this afternoon to weigh a 39.25″ striper. Their fish weighed 20-lbs 1-oz. They caught the bass on clam off the Harvey Cedars surf.
Received: Jul 8, 2010 6:08 PM Subject: Thursday, July 8 Fishing Report
Fished the bay today and had 17 shorts, a 19 inch keeper and yet one more FIVE Pound Fluke! My second one in less than a month. Used sand eels and a Gulp chartreuse mullet or something like that. Had a bad day until 10 am and then it was game on.
~ Jim T., Bridgewater, NJ
July 6, 2010
Received: Jul 6, 2010 2:27 PM Subject: TUNA! Open Boat Offshore Trips Wed-Thurs-Fri
I trolled my first Bonita at Barnegat Ridge this past weekend. We’ve been finishing up every trip with sea bass drifting on the Tires. Mostly throw backs but just enough keepers for dinner! Hope to have more reports later this week.
The forecast for the next three days is for light and variable winds and calm seas. It is the perfect opportunity to jump on the “Hi Flier” to go tuna hunting. We are going to run 30 plus miles off to where some bluefin have been boated. These are 40 to 60 pound fish and there have also been some mahi in the mix. Hi speed trolling is the technique. Land temps are approaching 100 degrees, out there it will be considerably cooler, as the water temps are high 60’s. I have all the fishing gear as well as a survival raft and EPIRB to insure our safe return. We’ll be dragging spreader bars, jet lures, cedar plugs and a way back ballyhoo. I can think of worse ways to spend the heat wave than dragging lures for tuna at 6 knots!
Wed., July 7, Thurs July 8, and Fri., July 9 Boat leaves at 5AM Returns approx 2PM $200 per person. 3 people max. Call 732.330.5674 to reserve a spot.
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
Received: Jul 6, 2010 8:59 AM Subject: Lighthouse Sportfishing Report
Fluke, fluke, and more fluke. Did I mention fluke in this report? Fluke fishing in Barnegat Bay has remained as hot as the weather.
Most trips are averaging 10 – 12 fish per hour and coming home with enough keepers for the table. Yesterday, I took my family out clamming and we managed about 80 in an hour plus 14 bay scallops. That is the most scallops I have ever harvested in my 30+ years spent on the waters up and down Barnegat Bay.
~ Capt. Alex F. Majewski, Lighthouse Sportfishing, Barnegat Bay, NJ 609-548-2511
Received: Jul 6, 2010 12:52 AM Subject: BHCFA Report
The boats of the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association have been catching fish both close to the beach and offshore in the canyons. There have been some nice reports of good offshore fishing at the canyons for both tuna and mahi-mahi.
Captain Lindsay Fuller of the “June Bug” fished the waters of the Lindenkohl Canyon once again and did very well. He had Ralph Hibbs and his nephew Kevin along with NJ artificial reef architect Bill Figley and friend Tom, a retired state police officer. Captain Lindsay decided to fish away from the fleet and first picked up a 160-pound bigeye. Then came small yellowfin followed by larger yellowfin, all on the troll. The party filled the fish box and headed in early. All of the fish were raised and caught in 76.5-degree water in depths between 1,800 and 3,000 feet.
Captain Fran Verdi took the “Cousins” out looking for bluefin tuna. He trolled the waters around the 30 and 40-lines. He picked up several skipjack along with one nice bluefin tuna. He reports that the fluke fishing in the ocean is starting to come alive with several 4-pound fish coming to the dock. He is finding most of the fluke in the inlet but they are slowly starting to show up in the deeper water. He is fishing mostly with long squid strips and a live minnow. He has also fished some inshore wrecks for sea bass and scoring.
Captain George Finck of “Sparetime” Charters had Ed Fitzpatrick and four nephews out for a nice catch of fluke in the inlet recently. Another day he took his son Steve and grandsons out for some reef fishing where they scored well on the sea bass.
Captain John Koegler had the “Starfish” out on Monday and first tried drifting the inlet for fluke. They caught several throwbacks quickly, but due to the fierce greenhead fly bite, decided to head out into the ocean. They fished the Little Egg Reef and boated quite a few sea bass. T he highlight of the trip was a 21.5-inch codfish. Captain John was astounded that they would actually catch a codfish in the middle of the summer in warm water.
Additional information on the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association can be obtained at their website.
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr. – Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association –
July 4, 2010
4:00 PM
Russell Denton of the Village Harbour Fishing Club just stopped by to weigh-in a doormat. His fluke weighed 8-lb 8-oz. Russell said, “It was dead all morning, but then the tide and wind came in. Once the drift started we had a good drift which provided some action.” Russell caught two shorts and two keepers. He mentioned that he was using Gulp! New Penny Shrimp with and extra long dogfish belly strip covered in Gulp! Alive Crab Spray.
Brett of the Barnegat High School Fishing Club and his wife stopped in and reported great fluke action in the Barnegat Inlet yesterday. They caught 4 keepers; the biggest was 6-lbs and they also has a 5-lber. They mentioned that they got them all on Chartreuse Gulp! on a Spro bucktail.
A number of customers were in the shop today reporting a lot of flounder hitting off of the beach on Gulp! and live minnows.
1:00 PM
Hope all are enjoying this fantastic 4th of July weekend!
We had a couple weigh-ins this morning:
Scott Kennedy of Chatsworth brought in a doormat fluke that pulled our scales to 9-lbs. Scott shared that he was fishing the Little Egg Reef. He mentioned that he caught three keepers, the biggest being this 9 pounder which went for his whole squid.
Rick Brown weighed in a nice sized striper that weighed 21-lbs. Rick was fishing bunker off of the mid-island surf not far from the shop this morning.
July 3, 2010
Date: Jul 3, 2010 11:56 AM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Report
Hope everyone’s enjoying this beautiful holiday weekend. The “Rambunctious” took this week off to deal with some maintenance items before the summer really gets going, so there’s not a lot for me to report this week. Everything’s ready to go, and we’re back to a normal charter schedule next week.
Of course, I did have to sneak out on the “Rambunctious” once this week just to keep my sanity so I grabbed my buddy Capt. Alex for a couple hours of captainly R&R on Wednesday. There was still a pretty good fluke bite going on, and it looks like the fish are starting to spread out across the bay rather than being concentrated in a couple of areas. We actually had one drift that ran close to two miles, with a steady pick of fish the entire stretch. We’re still seeing a dozen or so “shorts” for each keeper, but the good news is that there are enough fish being caught to ensure fish in the box at the end of the morning.
~ Capt. Jack Shea, “Rambunctious”, Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters 609.698.3632
Received: Saturday, July 3, 2010 6:55:27 PM Subject: Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters
I hope everyone enjoys the stellar weather and their 4th of July weekend ! Seabass wreck fishing was the best game in town this week as most spots provided “drop and reel” action and plenty of fillets to go home with. Double headers were common with a mix of seabass, blackfish, bergals and even codfish in the catch as well . The variety added to the fun! The back bay and inlet continues to offer some light tackle actions with 2 to 3-lbs blues, fluke and schoolie stripers at dawn or dusk with always hope of a keeper now and then.
The Ken Purzyki family started the week in search of stripers but only found sparse schools which sounded quickly in the turbid water. Returning back to the inlet we found action with bird play over schools of blues and hickory shad before ending the trip on an absolutely glorious night.
Regular Fred Scalera and son Frank were joined by regular Karl Steffan for some “drop and reel” seabass action. The guys were tripled up at times throughout the day with a mix of seabass, blackfsih, bergals and even a throw back cod getting into the mix. The guys ended the day with plenty of filets for dinner and freezer. Don’t forget to join us on FaceBook and also check out the segment featuring Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters in the Barnegat Light section. There is a link on our Home page .
~ Capt. Steve Purul, “Reel Fantasea” Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609.290.1217
July 2, 2010
1:30 PM
Received a call from Ryan D. who is on the water. He is catching fluke near the Dike in Barnegat Light. “I forgot the gulp but I’m still catching!”, said Ryan. He reported a lot of shorts but he did manage to get one 23-1/2″ fatty so far. All on live minnows.
Date: Jul 2, 2010 9:21 PM Subject: Fluke fishing
The fluke are in pretty heavy in the surf. Fished the pockets of the jetties at north beach from 5:30 to 7:00 this afternoon. Got 2
keepers, lost 4 larger ones (hard to catch fluke standing on the rocks) and got about a dozen shorts. Used little white bucktails as bait with a slow retrieve along the bottom.
July 1, 2010
3:00 PM
Steve Tacovski of Waretown just weighed in a 12-lb 6-oz doormat Fluke. He was fishing the Barnegat Light area in the Inlet. Steve and friend Sam caught a number of fish in the Inlet today; two keeper fluke, a beautiful 20-lb striper and three triggerfish.
June 29, 2010
9:00 AM
The surf temperature was warm (70+ degrees); however, the recent south winds upwelled cold water on to our local beaches. The surf temp yesterday evening and this morning was frigid. It felt like low 60’s. Kingfish were being caught (see reports below), but the chilly water might affect the bite. One thing is for sure, the stripers are still here. Don’t give up just because the Simply Bassing Surf Tourney is over. – Greg
Scott Vrana of Cherry Hill fished offshore recently and provided us with this short report: 7 bluefin, 6 yellowfin, 6 mahi and a white. Scott was fishing at the Lindenkohl.
June 28, 2010
11:00 AM
Received: Jun 28, 2010 7:54 PM Subject: BHCFA Report
Last Saturday Captain Lindsay Fuller of the “June Bug” had Jon Kunzman and Adam Brown of Michigan out to the Lindenkohl Canyon for some trolling action. Originally looking for some bigeye tuna which had been reported in the area they began trolling a full setup. Despite the presence of plenty of bait there was no action other than whale sightings from 4 am until well after dawn. Some skipjacks provided some action and were released. Finally a 35-pound yellowfin hit and was boated followed by a 10-pound mahi and another yellowfin for the cooler. When Captain Lindsay went below for a nap, and mate Captain Nate Figley took the helm, a big fish hit. Kunzman fought the fish first and then handed the rod off to Brown. After some 45 minutes the fish showed itself, a blue marlin about 450-pounds. Finally after a struggle of almost 2 hours the fish was brought to the boat and released. The fish hit a Ballyhoo topped with a red and blue 1/4 ounce Mylar Billy Bait. The leader was 300# Stren. Captain Lindsay claims the day shows that fishing from mid to late June offshore is some of the best of the year.
Captain George Finck of “Sparetime Charters” reports that he has had several trips drifting the inlet area for fluke. He has been catching many fish but the ratio is about 20 -1 for keepers. He is hoping the bottom water on the reefs will warm up soon and fishing will pick up out there.
The report from mate Sal Rosa on the “Miss Beach Haven” indicates that the warm weather has helped their fishing. On Saturday it took a mere three minutes to boat a nice 3.5 pound fluke. In addition to many short fluke, they managed 16 keepers along with some nice keeper sea bass. The pool winner was Pete from Beach Haven with a 6-pounder.
Captain Fran Verdi took the “Cousins” out looking for some bluefin tuna last weekend. He started at the 20 Line and worked his way out to the 30 Line. They did not catch any bluefin, but did catch plenty of bluefish. On other trips he has been mugging the sea bass with good numbers coming from both 50-60 feet of water and also in 80-100 feet. Several of the trips had numbers in the 50-80 fish per day with keepers around 30 for the day. Several of the sea bass have been up to 4-pounds. He fished the Atlantic City Reef and one angler picked up a nice 4-pound fluke on a jig head.
Captain Carl Sheppard on the “Star Fish” hosted 10 members of the Brennan family at a fishing party last weekend. The group was made up of youngsters as young as 8, and some who had never fished before. They went to the reefs and found a good number of black sea bass which made all happy. Captain Carl said the larger fish seemed to prefer spearing and clam to more traditional baits. The party was treated to the sight of a number of feeding porpoises and one large thresher shark.
Captain John Koegler on “Pop’s Pride” reports good sea bass fishing on the artificial reefs near Little Egg Inlet. One day he tried fluke fishing in the fog near Little Beach and boated 47 fluke, but only 2 keepers.
Additional information on the association can be found at
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr. – Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association
Received: Jun 28, 2010 10:28 AM Subject: Kingfish
Came in last Thursday, June 24th to get some bloodworms to see if the kings were in. I was told by some locals ” NO KINGFISH don’t bother”. With the water being warm this month I decided to challenge that notion. Glad I did. I fished last Thursday night mid-island and picked up four kings on the outgoing. Went Saturday morning and picked up four more kings on the outgoing. Please keep bloodworms in stock. Yes, they were more effective than fish bites.
~ Jay Simmons
Received: Jun 28, 2010 3:43 AM Subject: Hi Flier Fishing Report
I had Kevin Veal and his crew out on Thursday. We chased bunker schools all morning from Mantoloking to Spring Lake. Snagged lots of bunker, but couldn’t find the bass. On the way back, I stopped in 50 feet of water off of the Seaside piers and put the bunker spoons out. About a half hour into the troll, a 36 pound striper slammed a white spoon. That afternoon, my son Nicholas and I headed out to Block Island to striper fish as guest Captain aboard the “Bona for Tuna” out of Niantic, CT. We fished Fri and Sat and did well casting and trolling 15 to 30 pound stripers. At night Nick and I jigged squid under the lights of a marina in the harbor out on Block Island, a dream come true for Nick who has been wanting to go to the canyons to jig a squid.
Now, I’m back in NJ, ready to do battle either chasing bunker schools along the beach or chasing bonita at Barnegat Ridge. I am running open boat trips Tues, Wed, and Thurs, June 29, 30, and July 1. The forecast is for light winds and calm seas, so far. I can run up the beach hunting stripers in the bunker pods or we can run out to Barnegat Ridge to pursue bonita and bluefin tuna, or we can do both! I will have all the gear on board for either trip. If I get info on some other grounds holding bluefin between now and then, we will run there, too. The boat will be fueled up, iced up, ready to roll for a 5 AM departure. The trip is 8 hours, with an approximate return around 1PM. The cost is $200 per person. I will take a maximum of three people and I only need one person to sail. Call 732.330.5674 to reserve a spot.
Check out the video of one of our Block Island fish on the troll Saturday:
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
June 27, 2010
I was out with Uncle Moe this morning for a couple hours and our target was fluke near the Lighthouse. We managed to get one nice 5.16# keeper and a half dozen shorts. I got the keeper on my usual, a white bucktail tipped with Gulp! and a teaser above. – Greg
Bill Johnson of Hainesport stopped by this afternoon with a 40″ mahi-mahi that weighed-in at 11-lb 6oz. He reported that yesterday he was out fishing aboard the “Nic-Nack” trolling from the Wilmington to the Lindy Canyons. All together they had 4 yellowfin and 2 mahi.
Received: Sunday, June 27, 2010 6:42:01 AM Subject: Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters
This week was a mixed bag of ocean striper, bay/inlet and wreck fishing with our best success coming from limits of cooperative and delicious seabass! Drew’s party was from from Colorado started the week working around the back bay and inlet area for a mix of 2-4lbs blues, schoolie stripers, a nice 23″ fluke and black fish [out of season throw back]. With weakfish being almost non-existent this may be the new “Barnegat Bay Grand Slam”. Regular Joe Franke was joined by friend Ed in hopes of getting in on some of the big striper action but only found school after school of bunker with no one willing to play, some schools showed promise of agitation [nervous bait] but we had no run offs even though the guys put in a solid effort so it was back to the bay to fish for fluke before heading in. Regular Jay Simmons had the best action of the week with “Drop and Reel ” wreck fishing for seabass. Jay Managed his limit of seabass to 4-lbs and with me joining in on the action we both tallied up a nice catch and bags of snow white delicious fillets. I have next Thursday and Friday [July 1 and 2nd] open for private and or open boat availability, if “open boat” we will be mixing it up between wreck fishing and bay/inlet. The limit is 4 anglers maximum so call or email to reserve as soon as possible.
~ Capt. Steve Purul, “Reel Fantasea” Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609.290.1217
Received: Jun 27, 2010 10:44 AM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Report
The fluke bite in the bay stayed solid all week despite the extreme heat we’ve been dealing with. We’ve had to move around quite a bit to put a decent number of fish in the boat, but most days the number of fish caught in a couple of hours was measured in multiple dozens so there’s been pretty steady action. Gulp baits and our custom teasers have produced most of the fish. It’s amazing how fat and healthy these fish are, and more than a bit disturbing that most of them have to go back because they’re just a tad short of the ridiculous 18″ minimum size we’re dealing with despite a record abundance of fluke. It’s not clear to me how keeping only the big breeders is a good thing, but common sense has never been a strong suit in fisheries management. Since that’s not likely to change while Commissar Lubchenko remains in charge of NOAA, we’ve upped the fun factor in this fishing by switching to using true ultra-light spin tackle (think little trout streams) whenever conditions permit to bucktail these guys. Takes a little getting used to, but every fish feels like a trophy.
The ocean seems to be starting to warm up a bit, so we should be making regular runs to some of the artificial reefs for fluke and sea bass over the next few weeks. It’s also almost time to start running out to Barnegat Ridge in search of school tuna, bonito and mahi when conditions permit. Let the summer begin!
~ Capt. Jack Shea, “Rambunctious”, Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters 609.698.3632
June 26, 2010
2 PM
Bud Faux of the Village Harbor Fishing Club just weighed in a fluke-a-saurus! His 8.26-lb fluke went for a live spot. Bud mentioned that he was fishing in Barnegat Bay.
Lots of fluke still being caught off the beach. Mark R. fished off the beach up on the North End with a Gulp! tipped bucktail. He caught a ton of fish, but no keepers.
Jeff W. fished with Captain Sonny Shepanski aboard “Joyze Girl” on Friday and Saturday. They fished about 35 miles off out of Barnegat Light. On Friday: one mako, two dusky and a brown shark. On Saturday: two makos, three dusky and one brown sharks. Jeff also noted that he pulled the hook on a mako that was approximately 150-lbs.
June 25, 2010
Wednesday, Steve Wurst took the Sea Trevor to the West Wall of the Hudson. The catch was; three (3) 40-lb Yellowfin, six (6) 25-class Tilefish and about twenty (20) 20″ Triggerfish.
Yesterday, Charlie Foremosa from Hi-Bar caught a 41-lb 8-oz Striper while trolling a bunker spoon off Seaside Park.
June 24, 2010
This morning Scott Simpson weighed-in a 41-lb Striper that he caught in the Surf City surf on bunker.
June 22, 2010
7:30 PM
Austin Pounds stopped by the shop to weigh-in a 37″ striper that he caught off of the Beach Haven surf on bunker. The bass weighed 19-lb 7-oz.
Received: Jun 22, 2010 8:11 AM Subject: Bay Report 6/21
I fished from BI to BB yesterday (3pm till dusk). Ended up with close to 40 shorts and two keepers (18”). All fish were caught in around 7-9ft. Fish caught on 3/8 to 1/2oz bucktail /teaser combo.
~ Brett Taylor
Received: Jun 22, 2010 4:21 PM Subject: BHCFA Weekly Report
This week’s fishing report for the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association.
Captain Carl Sheppard took several groups wreck fishing the past few days. He mostly encountered beautiful weather and plentiful black sea bass with catches over 100 fish each day except Sunday when high winds made fishing difficult for a reduced catch. He reports the fluke fishing is picking up with more keepers available in the bay and close to the beach.
Captain Fran Verdi on the “Dropoff” reports that finding bunker pods in the ocean for striped bass have been hot and cold. In his fluking action in the bay he has seen many fish coming over the rail with action on every drift. However, with a ration of 20 throwbacks to every keeper, it is work to put fish in the box. Currently his best action is on sea bass where he has been finding “drop and reel” action in 80-100 feet of water. Captain Fran had an “open boat” trip on Saturday and ran down to Atlantic City for some very good action on both short and keeper sea bass. While drifting they picked off a nice 4-pound fluke. He was using jigs with Gulp Nuclear Chicken Shrimp along with fresh bait. He has been hearing of some bluefin tuna in the offshore waters along with a good mix of very large bluefish. He has hopes of taking his sister boat, “Cousins,” out soon for some of this bluefin action.
Additional information on the association can be found at
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr.
June 20, 2010
Happy Father’s Day!
I headed out today for a couple hours (Sunday 20th) with my buddy Kevin in search of fluke. We fished the Barnegat Bay in the 42 to BI area (same place I got a couple keepers on Thursday and Friday). There were a number of boats in the area but didn’t see any nets in use. I know there were some fish in the Double Creek and Oyster Creek channels; however, with the steady south wind I opted to utilize the open bay for the nice long drifts from south to north. Got ‘em in ~6-8′ of water on bucktails tipped with Chart Gulp! Grubs (use a teaser). I caught two keepers; one just shy of 20 inches and one just over 19 inches. When the tide bottomed out we headed home. Each trip so far I have been getting two or three keepers in the box but you have to weed through shorts.
Although I haven’t been down that way, I have heard that there are also fluke down south. Try looking around the Middle Grounds, the channels like ICW behind Beach Haven and Holgate, Great Bay. One customer reported picking up a some keepers near the Fish Factory and some at the Clam Stakes down in the Tuckerton area.
Paul Solon of Ship Bottom reported a number of short fluke and sea bass at the Barnegat Light Reef, but no keepers. He fished the area with a couple buddies on Sunday. They got ‘em on squid and spearing. He also reported a lot of crabs in the shallows of the Manahawkin Bay hand lining with bunker.
I have heard that the ocean fluke bite has been slow and we all expect it to improve.
Cocktail blues are in the inlet. There were also recent nights with weakies in the lights of Old Barney. There are stripers up there too. The spear fisherman are shootin’ them. Fish the inlet with lures or bait like live eels. Clam is always safe bet too.
The Ship Bottom surf temp water was over 70 on Saturday but it dipped with the still south wind Saturday night into Sunday. As the water warms the striper bite slows but there are still some being caught. On Saturday (yesterday) Anthony Pepe landed a 18-lb striper on the North End of the Island. He got it on a bunker chunk. With the full moon on the 26th I expect a couple more good size stripers to hit our scales.
Fluke are still lined up off the front beach! Find the cuts and slough. Cast bucktails tipped with Gulp! Grubs and work them slow bouncing around. You’ll get them.
Customers are buying bloods for kingfish but we haven’t heard of any spectacular reports. There are a couple around. It’s worth a try.
Doggies and rays are up there too so you’ll have some line pulling action. Beware of the crabs and sea lice. Bring extra bait!
D. Mag of Toms River just stopped in the store to get spooled up with fresh line. He reported catching a 35-lb bass at 5:30am this morning on a pencil popper. He weighed it on his hand scale a released it. He was fishing off the surf in Brant Beach. Nice work Dmag!
The tuna and sharks are here inshore/offshore. There have been some tuna trolled up; bluefin at the 30 fathom line and yellowfin caught from Poormans to the Washington. There were a number of bluefin at the Lobster Claw yesterday trolling green. Earlier in the week a couple bluefin were trolled up east of the Barnegat Ridge. I also heard back from a friend who found good amount of bait there but no hookups.
Jeff W. has been offshore a couple times in the recent days in search of tuna and sharks. He fished a couple tournaments as of late and has caught fish. Yesterday (Saturday) he fished south of the Elephants Trunk with Sunny S. aboard the Sail Maker out of Cape May. They caught three makos, two dusky and a three hundred pound tiger using bluefish and mackerel for hook baits. Today (Sunday) Jeff was out at the South Ridge but no sharks or tuna. Only bluefish today at the south Ridge.
Date: Jun 20, 2010 10:00 AM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Report
Looks like our summer fluke bite is solidly underway, as things picked up quite a bit this past week. I was out three days this week and had solid fluke action each time.
On Monday, Debbie Hill brought her tech support team (Scott, Grant and James) out and we spent the morning sifting through a couple dozen flatties to put a few nice sized keepers in the box. Most of the action that day was in Double Creek, although the west side of the bay also provided some early morning action before the drift died out completely. I got out by myself for a couple of hours on Friday looking to try out some new teasers I’ve been tying, and absolutely bailed fluke every place I stopped. Again, most of the fish were short of the 18″ minimum, but the action on ultralight tackle was incredible. Then yesterday I had George Selph back looking to get in on the action, and boxing 5 nice keepers of the 35-40 fish landed before the tide swung around and wind cranked up late morning.
Hopefully this fishing will continue well into the summer as it did last year, since bucktailing fluke with light tackle is about as much fun as it gets. These fish are gorging themselves on shrimp right now, and are aggressively hammering anything that looks like an easy meal. And while we’re releasing a lot more fish than we’re taking home, these aren’t small fish by any means with the majority of the “shorts” coming close to the 18″ minimum.
Lots of mid week dates still open over the next couple of weeks for anyone looking to get in on this fishery this year.
Until next week.
~ Capt. Jack Shea, “Rambunctious”, Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters
June 19, 2010
Received: Saturday, June 19, 2010 6:28:45 PM Subject: Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters – Back in the Game !
The Reel Fantasea fresh out of dry dock after maintenance hit the ground running this week. We welcomed the crew along with hosts from “Down The Shore ” Amanda and Emily. The Down The Shore Host were featuring Barnegat Light this week and Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters was fortunate enough to be picked as the featured charter boat of Barnegat Light and Barnegat Bay area. It was a real honor to be the featured charter boat in our area and for those interested the webshow will be will air Thursday June 24th on on the “Down The Shore” segment . The Wayne Pollock Party was out in hopes to find some Trophy striped bass action. Although we had to do some searching we finally found some feeding stripers on bunker schools to our North. After a few “Swing and a Miss” Wayne connected with a freight train and the Battle Royale was on which began to dump 400-yards of 40-lb braid! Unfortunately just as Wayne started to put some of the line back on the spool the hook pulled ending the fight early.Ouch! that really hurt! Finally the guys were able to sink the steel home and stayed fast to put a nice 30-lb striper in the box before trips end.
Regulars Jay Simmons and Ernire Rosenberg were joined by Jays younger brother Chris for a combination of back bay and ocean fishing. The guys started the day picking away on a few throw back fluke in the back bay from there we found 2 to 4-lb class bluefish ravaging our artificials on light spinning tackle up at the inlet before heading out in search of trophy stripers. The guys experienced a full throttle wide open striper bite on live bunker with bass ranging in size from 30 to 40-lbs. To add to the excitement, with the deck busy and two anglers doubled up with big stripers a huge whale breached just 100 ft away from the boat. As we all stood there in amazement of the shear size of the whale and what just happened we were immediately drawn back to the matter at hand with rods doubled and a tug of war still raging between the 2 anglers and big bass. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get to my camera fast enough to record the event with everything going on. The whale continued to surface and feed in the bunker school looking more like a submarine than a living creature. With ocean temps continuing to rise the stripers will most likely continue their sojourn north turning the page on what could be remembered as one of the best 1st half to our striped bass seasons.
Whether your ideal fishing trip is bay or ocean, Barnegat Bay and surrounding local waters continue to offer fantastic action with stripers, bluefish, fluke, sea bass, bonito, false albacore, mahi mahi… just to name a few. July is right around the corner and Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters is ready and able to provide and great fishing and on the water experience.
~ Capt. Steve Purul, 609-290-1217
June 18, 2010
Date: Jun 18, 2010 9:13 PM Subject: Friday, June 18 Mud Hole Trip
I had a good number of Ling including my personal best 5 pound ling. I had my very first keeper cod. Got to love the Mud Hole.
We had about thirty people on board. The pool winner was a cod larger than mine. Ling was the ticket today, with some sea bass and Cod mixed. Also, beleive it or not, a number of keeper size blackfish were caught. Of course all blackfish caught were put back in the drink. Also a few Winter flounder were caught and tossed back in the drink.
~ Jim T., Bridgewater, NJ
June 17, 2010
Received: Jun 17, 2010 8:53 PM Subject: Thursday, June 17, 2010 Fishing Report
Fished the bay today. I had five short fluke. One fluke at nineteen inches. One fluke at FIVE POUNDS!!! This is my personal best. Never caught a Fluke that big before. Caught the fish on a live killie and a squid strip.
Tomorrow is the Mud Hole. Will report once I return.
~ Jim T., Bridgewater, NJ
Received: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 10:22 PM Subject: Hi Flier Report
We have been catching lots of 2 to 3 pound bluefish on poppers and surface lures on the shallow flats of Barnegat Bay. The last couple of days we have been jigging some fluke in Oyster Creek channel, mostly 15 to 17-1/2 inch fish, keepers are hard to come by, but there have been some over 20″. We have been jigging them with 3/8 oz. jigheads tipped with Gulp! I am running open boat every day and evening for these fish.
This Friday and Saturday is the weather window for offshore fishing. Both days are predicted to be a 5 to 10 knot westerly wind, so I am headed off to Barnegat Ridge and beyond in pursuit of bonita and bluefin tuna. I will be running open boat trips on both of these days, Friday, June 18 and Saturday, June 19. I limit the boat to 3 people. The cost is $195 per man. We meet at the dock at 5AM and return around 1 PM. We will be high speed trolling with the possibility of jigging if we read the tuna. I supply everything, just bring whatever you want to eat and drink for the time we are out there.
If the wind stays light and variable, I could be adding Sunday, June 20, as well, so all you Dads could use some Father’s Day leverage and still be back by 1PM and be spoiled for the rest of the day. I will be returning very close to 1PM on this trip in particular in case anyone has obligations for the day. Call me to grab an open spot.
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
June 16, 2010
3:00 PM
Received: Jun 16, 2010 10:33 AM Subject: Lucky Stripes Wed 6/16 More Big Bass!
No great white sightings today but got into some nice fish. We ended up 3 for 5 with a 48, 42, and 28 pounder. Pulled the hook on a good one right at the boat too. Has not been a red hot bite but huge fish! Had a cancelation and still have tomorrow open if anyone wants to go. Quick Morning trip. Give me a call or send me an email ASAP. ~ Capt. Mike Green “Lucky Stripes” Lucky Stripes Charters
June 15, 2010
Tim Stumpf weighed-in a 42-lb 9-oz Striper this morning at Surf City B&T. The fish was caught in Barnegat Light on Bunker.
Received: Jun 15, 2010 6:36 PM Subject: Lucky Stripes Monday June 15th
Bass to 42 lbs and a Great White sighting.
The bite was a little tougher for us today. We ended up going 2 for 4 on bass with the bigger one going 42 lbs and the smaller one 31 lbs. We also had a great white circling the boat for a good hour and half today. Pretty cool stuff. Still some really nice fish out there. Not time to break out the summer gear yet! I had a cancelation Thursday so the day is open and the weather is looking good. If anyone is looking to go either shoot me an email or give me a call. Mike Greene
Received: Jun 15, 2010 5:08 PM Subject: 06/15/2010 report
Fished this morning with Rich L, conditions were not good, NE wind at about 20, dirty water with a lot of weed. Fished near BI buoy with fluke to 20″. All caught on Gulp fished on bucktails. A few blues were mixed in. Water temp was 64 degrees.
~ Sam W., Forked River
June 14, 2010
Received: Jun 14, 2010 9:26 PM Subject: BHCFA Report
The “Miss Beach Haven” with Captain Frank Camarda had a charter last week from Rusling Paving and Concrete of Trenton out for a day of fishing. The group had a great time, took home quite a few fish meals, and totally enjoyed the day. On Saturday Captain Frank fished for fluke and managed to pull quite a few keepers despite having to try several different spots. Pool winner was a 7.5-pound flattie. On Sunday they wreck fished with good success and managed a good catch of sea bass in the 1-3 pound range.
The “Star Fish” with Captain Carl Sheppard fished two parties last Saturday. The morning party boated over 200 black sea bass up to 5.25 pounds. They also caught over 10 large blackfish which had to be released. The afternoon group was a bachelor party which managed to put a good number of sea bass up to 3.5 pounds in the cooler in addition to having four hours of fun and festivity. On the way in they stopped for some bird play and closed out the day with some feisty 2-pound bluefish on metal lures.
Captain John Koegler of the “Pop’s Pride” is now ready to go after some extra spring work to upgrade the entire boat. Captain John is itching to get into some of the solid wreck fishing in addition to heading offshore for some blue fin tuna.
Captain Fran Verdi on the “Drop Off” was off the water for a few days as he got re-powered with a new 300 hp engine. He too is looking to get into the sea bass fishing in 90-100 feet of water as well as some of the blue fin tuna. In addition to charters he is running several open boat trips in the upcoming days.
Additional information on the association can be found at
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr.
Received: Jun 14, 2010 11:40 AM Subject: Hi Flier Barnegat Bay Blues on Topwaters
The bluefish are on the feed in Barnegat Bay. Every day we are throwing poppers and other top water lures to ravenous 2 to 3 pound blues in 3 feet of water behind Waretown and Barnegat. There are no signs of life, no birds, no swirls, but when you throw a popper they appear. They live on these shallow sand flats gorging themselves on sand shrimp, similar to a grass shrimp, just crunchier. The fish we keep and cut are all filled with these shrimp as well as the ones they head shake all over the boat while you are unhooking them. Last year the fluke joined in the same shallow water feast, but so far, I haven’t been able to jig one, though it’s hard to commit once I see the top water action, I usually jump in with my own popper. All the action is on 10 pound spinning tackle, so they are burning some drag. The wave condition doesn’t seem to matter much either, here’s a video clip of some fish we took Saturday in a 20 knot south wind. The Hi Flier is sailing open boat every day we are not chartered. Mostly to Barnegat Ridge for whatever lives there, bonita and bluefin are the targeted species and we are now going to run late afternoon into sundown trips for these topwater blues in the shallows.
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
Received: Jun 14, 2010 9:03 AM Subject: sat 6-12-10 fishing report
Thanks for hooking me up on Friday when I came in for Shark bait and chum. We went south to the 20 line looking for BFT, found a small fleet working the area and I think the large amount of boats pushed the fished down. Talking to some friends on the radio, it seemed like I was about 1 hour late. No BFT for me today. At lunchtime we shifted gears, motored 12 miles east,& set up a slick with your home made chum. We had sharks in the slick within 15 minutes, had fun with them for about 1 hour before coming tight on a Mako. Darryl Petrosilli played him out until ready for gaff, not a huge fish but respectable at 66″. It was a great day to be on the water and thanks again, you guys always hook me up right .
~ Seeya, Dan Latoof, Phatt Buoy Fishing
June 13, 2010
Received: Jun 13, 2010 10:57 AM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Report
Three trips this week as we start shifting into summer mode a bit earlier than usual.
Monday saw the Wendolowski party (Audrey, John, Walt Tatko and buddy LJ) out on a bay expedition in search of a few fluke. While the stiff winds and slime weed conspired to limit the fluke catch, the bluefish continued to be plentiful in the back and provided action through the morning. These are the nice 2-5 pound blues that are perfect for the table and right now they’re gorging themselves on grass shrimp, adding a very tasty flavor to the fish. A lot of folks say they don’t like to eat blues, but these are the ones to try.
Friday the “Rambunctious” had Karl Stefan back with buddies Curt, Tony and John. Deciding to give stripers a shot, the guys landed five bass from 18 to 22 pounds on live bunker. Karl releases everything he catches, and was rewarded by landing the largest fish of the morning just outside the inlet. We also got to see a couple of unique inshore sights when a jumbo tuna launched itself into the air fifty yards in front of us as we were heading north. We ended up smack dab in the middle of a dolphin feeding frenzy once we located the bunker. Then we finally got to see a couple of small whales ravaging the bunker schools almost within casting distance of the beach. All this in 20-30 feet of water. Neat stuff.
Saturday the “Rambunctious” had regular Vince Barba out with his friend Deena and 8 year olds Devon and Emily for a fun day in the back and their first ever fishing adventure. The fish cooperated all morning, with the girls all landing numerous fluke on bucktails (including Deena’s 22 incher that took bragging rights) before we switched over to targeting blues. When we got back to the dock, there was a full cooler of fluke and bluefish that were quickly turned into big bags of tasty filets… and fun memories that will last a lifetime.
~ Capt. Jack Shea, “Rambunctious”, Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters
2010 Berkeley Striper Club Spring Tournament Final Standings
The 10 day tournament that concluded on 06/13/2010 was for fishing from the shore only. There were 110 anglers who competed and about 25 bass and 25 blues were weighed in. The profit from the tournament is donated to organizations that work to enhance or protect recreational fishing particularly for Striped Bass. Stripers Forever, the Jersey Coast Angler’s Association and the Barnegat Bay Estuary Program have been the primary recipients thus far.
Below are the final standings.
1st Dante Soriente 49 lbs 6 oz
2nd Sal Padavano 42 lbs 5 oz
3rd Billy Talerico 40 lbs 6 oz
4th Dominick Talerico 39 lbs 8 oz
5th Tom Brower 39 lbs 1 oz
6th Rodney Erdo 36 lbs 4 oz
7th Todd Callan 35 lbs weighed in 1st
8th Dennis Maglione 35 lbs
9th Phil LaGrossa 34 lbs 5 oz
10th Shell E. Caris 33 lbs 6 oz
11th Eric Hoff 33 lbs
12th Eric Green 32 lbs 11 oz
13th Chris LaGrossa 28 lbs 9 oz
14th Joe Chrzanowski 28 lbs
None were caught so the 3 weakfish prizes were awarded to the next 3 largest fish caught in the tournament which were all bass as follows:
15th Zack Ryba 25 lbs 4 oz weighed in 1st
16th Dave Arnold 25 lbs 4 oz
17th Chris Kozlowski 21 lbs 14 oz
1st Brian Funkhouser 13 lbs 2 oz
2nd Todd Callan 11 lbs 5 oz
3rd Zoltan Egyed 9 lbs 12 oz
4th Jay Salato 9 lbs 11 oz
5th Mike Hulse 9 lbs 10 oz
6th Dawn Callan 9 lbs 4 oz
7th Scotty “Lex” Pullen 9 lbs 2 oz
8th Mark Yocum 8 lbs 15 oz
9th Rick Raub 8 lbs 11 oz
10th John Salato 8 lbs 4 oz
11th Zack Ryba 7 lbs 14 oz
12th George Strathern 7 lbs 7 oz
13th Joe Dempsey 6 lbs 4 oz
14th Ryan Gurrette 5 lbs 13 oz
– Big Gun’s Bass Calcutta paid $900 to Dominick Talerico 39 lbs 8 oz
– $20 Bass Calcutta paid $580 to Billy Talerico 40 lbs 6 oz
– Bluefish Calcutta paid $640 to Brian Funkhouser 13 lbs 2 oz
– Weakfish Calcutta paid $300 was Open – Mel Mangiopia won drawing
~ c/o Paul Haertel – BSC Tournament Director
June 12, 2010
Dante S weighed in a 49-lb 6oz bass to put the “Big D” in the lead for both the Simply Bassin and Side-Bet. Dante mentioned that he caught and landed the bass down on the south end of the Island snagging bunker from the surf. An angler next to him got spooled just minutes before. There are big fish around! Go fish.
Today (and the last couple of days) their have been a load of fluke caught off of the surf, mostly short but there are keepers being taken. You can get ’em a number of different ways but a bucktail tipped with Chartreuse Gulp! Grub is my first choice. Add a teaser if you wish.
Matt Pratte of Mullica Mill reported getting a couple fish off of the beach. After fishing down on the south end of the Island off the surf he stopped back into the shop. He got a bluefish on a bunker chunk and a keeper fluke on a metal.
High Point Striper Tournament (Unoffical Results)
1st: One 5th, 45.2-lb
2nd: Striper, 44.5-lb
3rd: Lucky Stripes, 42.2-lb
Striper Calcutta: Lucky Stripes, 80.2-lb
Bluefish: XYZ, 6.4-lb
Closest Striped Bass to 19.37-lbs: Laura, 20.3-lb
Angelo Taormina and Joe Cafiso of Team Angler Management stopped by yesterday to get geared up for the High Point Striper Shootout. They stopped back today to weigh-in a 39-lb bass. They caught their only fish trolling off of IBSP in 50 foot of water. They mentioned that there were a lot of bunker in tight to the beach; however, they couldn’t pull a bass out.
Larry Leary of VHFC just weighed in a 37-lb striper. He got it trolling a white Tony Maja Spoon in 50-60 foot of water off of the Wheel in Seaside. Larry mentioned that he lost a much bigger fish.
The 16th Annual JCAA Fluke Tournament was today. We had a number of fish weighed in here for the Port of Long Beach Island. There were fish from all over; Barnegat Bay, Tuckerton, and the Ocean (The Tires and The Ridge). Here is a post of all of the weigh-in results…
(UNOFFICIAL) Port Log: Long Beach Island – Fisherman’s Headquarters
Registered Name
Caught By
Terranova, Frank M.
Vito DePalma
Manchester Twp. NJ
Cognigni, Brian M.
Cognigni, Brian M.
Lumberton, NJ
Gallagher, Jamie
Jamie Gallagher
Tuckerton, NJ
Murdza, Mike T.
Mike T. Murdza
Waretown, NJ
Lippincott, Eric S.
Bud Faux
Edgewater Park, NJ
Mehalick, Russell
Dennis Fellin
Elysburg, PA
Czarnik, Brian J.
Brian J. Czarnik
Philadelphia, PA
Schell Paul L.
Paul L. Schell
Barnegat, NJ
Savino, Bea
Bea Savino
Forked River, NJ
Cherry, Ed W.
Edward Cherry
Waretown, NJ
Dubeau, Gerard J.
Gerard J. Dubeau
Manahawkin, NJ
Koegler, John T.
John T. Koegler
Radnor, PA
Howell, John F.
Sam Wisnewski
Forked River, NJ
Cataldo, Larry J.
Larry J. Cataldo
Manahawkin, NJ
Montalbano, August
August Montalbano
Barnegat, NJ
Sutter, Dave
Dave Sutter
Delran, NJ
Maffia, John
John Maffia
Mystic Island, NJ
Gaydula, Robert V.
Brenda Cook
Surf City, NJ
Schultz, John
John Schultz
Barnegat, NJ
Freyer, Robert
Robert Freyer
Hyde Park, NY
Mac Conchie, Wayne
Wayne Mac Conchie
Kearny, NJ
June 11, 2010
6:00 PM
Received: Jun 11, 2010 6:58 PM Subject: Friday, June 11 Fishing Report
We had SIXTY NINE people on board. Fished out of the Atlantic Highlands. The fishing was slow. I had two Ling and some out of season blackfish. A few sea bass were caught. The sizeable pool was won by a just legal Cod. Not sure if this had anything to do with it, but when I reeled up, I felt the weight. It was cold. But, it was great to be on the water on a nice day. We fished the Scotland Grounds, which is a good place for Ling. Not sure why more did not bite.
Next week, its the Mud Hole. I will report then.
~ Jim T., Bridgewater, NJ
This weekend there are a number of different fishing tournaments running. For more information check out our Tournament Page. Good Luck to all anglers participating in this tournament packed weekend! (JCAA – Fluke, South Jersey Shark, High Point Striper, Simply Bassing)
Nothing spectacular to write about but there are fish to be caught. Put your time in and you’ll be rewarded!
Don’t write off bass out front! There’s bait present (bunker) and the ocean water temp is still chilly. There are bass being pulled from the pods but it’s one-z, two-z. Right place at the right time. Find a good active pod and try your best. Historically we get ’em right into July, but only time will tell. We’ll see what happens. Anglers are also still catching bass trolling spoons and umbrella rigs! So if the bunker pod plan falls through get on the troll.
The fluke bite in the ocean has been very slow due to the chilly water temperatures. The fluke might be there but there hasn’t been much action to report; however, there are seabass at the reefs/wrecks! Rob Reale went out early week. He hit the bunker pods in the morning, notta. He then hit a couple wrecks and both produced. Rob caught a bunch of seabass and blackfish (had to go back in the drink) using clam and squid. He reported ended up with a dozen keeper seabass and a cod. Rob also mentioned that he fished the Ridge in search of fluke but didn’t get a bite. We have also hear reports of a couple ling being caught on the reef/wrecks too.
Further offshore it’s heating up! Gear up for sharks and tuna (if you haven’t already). The anglers fishing up in the far North East are getting the local’s blood flowing. There have been some good size bluefins caught up there. Earlier in the week Capt. Adam Sherer went back up North for his second time this season. He got Hunter and himself into bluefin tuna in the 180-225-lb range. They went 4 for 6 on top water lures. Capt. Adam said that his Black Devil popping rods built by Greg “kicked some @$$!” Locally it is starting up; sharks & tuna! We have all of the tackle and baits you want (flats, chum, and Primo Baitmaster Baits In-Stock)!
Surf anglers are catching a couple fish. Bass and the occasional fluke as well as doggies and even reports of some big rays. There are also fish up in the inlets too.
Fluke are in the back bay. Sure there are a lot of shorts but weed through ’em and a nice dinner fish will be in the box. We have not received any weigh-ins from the south-end but there have been customers mentioning that they are catching down there.
Haven’t heard of keeper weakfish but have seen a couple spikes. Other species begin to arrive in small numbers for the summer (kingfish, croakers, cocktail and snapper blues). As time goes on and the water temperature increased we should expect more action from these fun to catch light tackle species.
Catch those blue claw crabs from bayside bulkheads, piers, and the boat! We have what you need to find those Blue Claws; bunker, traps, hand lines, nets… etc.
June 10, 2010
Received: Jun 10, 2010 10:47 PM Subject: surf report
Fished Loveladies from top of the tide from around 19:00 until 21:45. Lost a good fish on the first cast tide around 19:15. Next cast got a 32” fish, about 20:30 got another 26”. All clam. Both fish had lesions on the gill plates. Released both.
~ GRL, Cape May
June 9, 2010
Received: Jun 9, 2010 8:49 AM Subject: Tues June 8 – STRIPER
Well we are finally on the board! Great afternoon fishing all our favorite spots at the south inlet; calm conditions made it easy to get near or on the bar. All the action started right at sunset. We bagged a 36” striper near the inlet on a chunka-bunker. Lots of 3-5’ sharks too.
~ Hizzy & Peez
Received: Jun 9, 2010 8:34 AM Subject: June 8th
Rented a boat from Bobbie’s at Barnegat Light and tried fluking around double creek…near the sedge banks and just off the dike…started at 7:30 am and had just one bite by one PM… ran over to the BI to try some chumming for blowfish… nothing… back to the dike and it was like someone flipped a switch… water temp had risen from 58 in the am to 70… got some shorts on white bucktails and one nice keeper… lost some in snags and to some bluefish I think
~Ed McGinnis
June 8, 2010
Went out again this morning for a quick fluke trip. First drift (Double Creek) we picked up two nice ones; an 18″ that went back over and a 20 incher. That turned out to be the best drift of our session. Got a few fish in the same area that we fished yesterday (near the High Bar Harbour Dike) but had a number of snags. A lot of flatties that were close to 18″ but only the one for the table. “Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.” Today’s stiff West, Northwest wind made the drifts really quick, difficult to stay in the prime spots. Would have been a great day to have a trolling motor.
~ Greg
Received: Jun 8, 2010 9:11 PM Subject: BCFA Report
The “Miss Beach Haven” with Captain Frank Camarda fished for black sea bass last weekend and found a good number of fish, but putting keepers on the deck took some work. Most of the keepers on Saturday were in the 1-3 pound range. Pool winner was Ray from Waretown with a 3-pounder. Sunday’s fishing was hampered by strong winds and high seas of 4-6 feet. Most fish were 1-2 pounds. The pool winner Sunday was Richie with a 2+ pounder. Next week the “Miss Beach Haven” will be targeting fluke as well as sea bass.
Captain Lindsay Fuller has announced that he has brought his boat, “June Bug” back to Beach Haven from its winter quarters in Manteo, North Carolina.
Captain Fran Verdi of the “Dropoff” is continuing to run open boat trips for wreck fishing, fluke drifting, and striped bass fishing. This is a good way to go fishing with a pro without paying the price of a full charter.
Additional information on the association can be found at
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr.
June 7, 2010
Started out this morning in the boat searching for the striped ones with buddies John and Joe. Found some bunker tight to the beach on the North-end of the Island. Put some time in out there but nothing caught. The plan “A” fell through so we decided to switch over to Plan “B”, which was to find Mr. Fluke. Since the ocean water was cold we headed for the bayside. Fished the bay near the High Bar Harbour Dike and did well right into the bottom of the tide. Lots of shorts but we managed to get a few in the box for dinner. (a 18.25, a 19 & a 20 incher). Other anglers nearby were catching too. We were using small bucktails tipped with GULP! Chartreuse Swimming Mullet (Grub) fished on light tackle with a small teaser above on a stand-off dropper loop. That teaser worked very well.
~ Greg
Received: Monday, June 07, 2010 8:35 AM Subject: Team Atlas Reels “Lucky Stripes” 6/2-6/5 / ASA Hi Mar Report
The fishing while still a little off started getting back to normal last week. With some morning trips producing up to 11 fish a morning up to 41 lbs and some producing 1 or 2 fish but usually in the upper 30s. This had us feeling pretty confident going into the sat and sun Hi-Mar tournament. The fishing was a little slow but we managed to get a 37.9 and a 30.5 the first day leaving us in decent shape going into the 2nd day. At least it made the 70 mile run to the weigh-in worth it. We new we would need to improve the second fish to finish higher. As it turned out we would need a 33+. We started the second day back off BI but the water was really dirty so we wound up running up to Shark River. Got started a little late and didn’t get into a bite until the last hour. First fish was a hi 20s and not going to help. Then with little time left we got into a nice one. Pulled the hook about 8 feet from the boat on a fish that was in the high 30s-low 40s. Sucked but that’s the way luck goes sometime. Was some ride home into that 20KT south wind in the 21! Ended up in 6th for the weekend and left us in 3rd overall for the year in the ASA standings. Back out there today with an afternoon trip.
~ Capt Mike Greene “Lucky Stripes”
Received: Monday, June 07, 2010 9:31 AM Subject: Hi Flier –Open Boat Barnegat Ridge Tomorrow (Tues)
I have one person signed up and two spots open for tomorrow’s, Tues. June 8, open boat trip to Barnegat Ridge and surrounding area. This will be our first trip offshore this season for the Hi Flier and there have already been reports of bonita and tuna. It will be mostly hi speed trolling with a chance of jigging when we read them. The area is loaded with sandeels. The forecast couldn’t be better with a light northwest wind it’s going to be a calm ocean and the first turn to a northerly wind in about 10 days, a proven fishing accelerator. The cost is $200 per person. We leave at 5:30 AM and return around 1:30 PM. Call me on my cell if you would like to go 732.330.5674
On a personal note, it’s also my birthday, so if you want to bring me a salami and provolone sandwich, we can stick a candle in it.
~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674
June 6, 2010
Date: Jun 6, 2010 11:12 AM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Report
It’s been a quiet week around here, as we seem to be about to transition into summer fishing mode a few weeks earlier than usual. We had three trips this week, splitting our time pretty evenly between bay and ocean as well as between fluke and stripers.
On the bay side of things, all this warm weather we’ve had over the past few weeks has raised the water temps well up into the 70’s. That in turn has brought our back bay striper fishing pretty much to a standstill, but should also trigger the start of some pretty decent bay fluke fishing for the next couple of months. We currently have to contend with our annual infestation of slimeweed, but that should clear up shortly and fluking will shift into high gear. Bluefish are also continuing to provide some pretty reliable top water action around the inlet on poppers most days.
On the ocean side, the water is in the mid-to-upper 50’s. There’s also still plenty of bunker along the beach despite the best efforts of netters with spotter planes trying to wipe them out. What we didn’t see this week was the anticipated return of the hot striper fishing we’ve had most of this year. There were a few caught so they’re not completely gone, but it wasn’t the kind of fishing you’d expect with seemingly perfect conditions. Personally, I don’t think it’s over so we’ll continue striper fishing for the next couple of weeks when the opportunity arises. We did take a shot at fluke on the ocean side on yesterday’s trip, but only found a few shorts willing to chew at our baits. I recorded surface temps ranging from 52 to 58 degrees out there and our sinkers were like ice cubes when they came up from the bottom. That water is still pretty cold, so it may be a couple weeks more before that flatties outside turn on.
~ Capt. Jack Shea, “Rambunctious”, Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters,
June 5, 2010
This morning on the Surf City beach Gary Naylor of Mount Holly, NJ caught a 33-1/4″ 12-lb 6-oz Striper using bunker.
Also early this morning Steve George of Barnegat, NJ caught a 33″ 15-lb 11-oz Striper using bunker.
This evening Kurt Horansky weighed-in a Striper on the Southern-end that weighed in at 36-lbs 7-oz (45-1/4″ x 23-3/4″) that was caught on bunker. Kurt is now in in 5th Place on the Simply Bassing Contest.
June 4, 2010
9:00 PM
Ed Barbieri weighed in a 43″ 34-lb 14-oz striper just before closing time. He just caught the fish off of the beach on bunker in Surf City. Note: Ed is not in the Simply Bassing Tournament.
Also just before closing Dante S. brought his fish up to check it into the Side-Bet Calcutta. See report below (8:30 PM).
8:30 PM
Mark Slafkovsky of Yardville just weighed in two nice sized stripers; 30-lb 1oz and 36-lb 8oz. He reported great trolling this afternoon up off of Seaside with bunker spoon. Mark had a total of eight bass. He released the two biggest fish.
Elsewhere on the Island: Dante Soriente weighed in a 36-lb 8oz bass for the Simply Bassing Tourney. He now sits in 4th place. Dante caught the fish on a pencil popper down on the South-end of the Island at about 6 PM.
1:45 PM
This morning Sam W. reported fishing spots off Double Creek for two hours and catching 6 Fluke with one being a keeper at 22″ using weighted bucktails tipped with Gulp. The tide was outgoing and the water temp was 73. Other boats in the area did about the same using bucktails tipped with Gulp, minnows or spearing. It all worked… just had to be there.
LBI, Barnegat Light Beach Clean-Up
Sat. June 5, 2010 @ 9 AM
Meet at the Barnegat Light Borough Hall
10 East 7th Street – 609.361.9303
Received: Jun 4, 2010 1:41 PM Subject: Striper
Stopped in for some bunker yesterday and caught a striper inside the inlet this morning on a bunker chunk.
~ Bucky D’Agostino
June 2, 2010
John L. & friend of the Village Harbour Fishing Club weighed in some fluke from the bay. They reported catching them at the Southern end around Grassy Channel. Fish weighed-in at 4-lb 4-oz, 3-lb 2-oz and 2-lb 0-oz.
Capt Phil Savarese of the Beach Haven Marlin Tuna Club and the Village Harbour Fishing Club weighed in a 35-lb 1oz cow! He caught the bass near the Bather’s Beach off of IBSP in the bunker pods at about 9 AM this morning. “Headed out in the fog. It lifted and we found a good size pod of bunker. Bam! There were a lot of pods out there, but not a lot of fish. We lost another big bass at the side of the boat when the hook pulled out.”
3:30 PM
Jason Eby of Manahawkin just weighed in a 10-lb 9-oz striper. The fish was caught at about 2:30 this afternoon while fishing the mid-island surf using bunker.
Received: Jun 2, 2010 3:54 PM Subject: Fishing Report
Just wanted to say thanks to the guys for the last minute clams last night. I landed 2 Stripers in Ship Bottom between 9 PM and 11 PM during the incoming tide. I don’t have a scale, so no weights on them. One was 40 inches and the other was 37 inches.
Thanks again. ~ Jim from Medford
Thank you for stopping in last night and for today’s report. When it comes to Stripers if the length and girth can be measured then using the following calculation a weight can be estimated on a fish with a body style of a Striper…
(Length in inches) x (Girth in inches) x (Girth in inches) = A total that is then divided by 800 = Approx. Weight in lbs
June 1, 2010
Received: Jun 1, 2010 7:44 PM Subject: This coming Friday(6/4) — Pez Machine 10-Hour Open Boat Sharking!
The Pez Machine is excited to take a quick break from Striper fishing and head for deeper water for our first Shark charter of the year! This Friday, June 4th, the boat is chartered although our party asked us if we could find a few more people to join their charter in order to minimize costs further. We will be leaving for a 10 hour trip at approximately 5 AM and will return back to dock sometime after 3 PM.
If we can gather some more individuals or small groups to get the party up to 6 total, the cost will only be $250.00 per person!
While the Stripers have slowed down a bit, we are starting to get promising reports of Sharks infesting our local waters. The water temperatures look right and there has been a lot of bait making its way up our coast. Having said that, we look forward to getting out this Friday in hopes of catching some toothy critters and we hope that you can join us! The forecast for Friday looks great too!
Please call Captain Stew Hitchner at 609-287-5136 or e-mail to reserve a spot or to ask questions. To get a better feel for the operation that we run, please check out our website
Received: Jun 1, 2010 6:55 PM Subject: BHCFA Report
The boats of the Beach haven Charter Fishing Association have been fishing for a variety of fish including black sea bass, fluke, striped bass, and bluefish.
The “Star Fish” and Captain Carl Sheppard report some great fishing last weekend. Prior to the start of the summer flounder season Captain Carl was putting his parties on some drop and reel wreck fishing. On Saturday the Tom Sokolis party of 11 anglers brought 150 sea bass to the boat. The best fishing was in water over 90-feet deep with a pool winning fish of 6-pounds. He fished on Sunday for fluke and caught over 30 fish, but all were throwbacks. He then caught some bluefish to send the anglers home with fish.
Captain Fran Verdi on the “Dropoff” had a party out wreck fishing and also found the fish in 90-feet of water. The Chris Gadd family had well over 75 fish including 25 keeper sea bass. The next day the McKee party tried trolling along Long Beach Island looking for big bass. The northeast winds made fishing difficult and they returned to Little Egg Inlet where they boated one bluefish.
Captain Fran on the “Dropoff” also had the Nutatis party out for two days of fluke fishing. On Saturday they boated over 50 fish to find a pair of keepers up to 21.5 inches. On Sunday the same group had problems getting a good drift going, but the tide switched, they caught over 45 fluke but only one keeper.
Additional information on the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association can be obtained at their website
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr.
Received: Jun 1, 2010 12:07 PM Subject: fluke report
Wife and I fished Barnegat Bay near buoy 42 on Sunday May 30. We caught 2 fluke 16” and 24”. Very crowded and the wind did not work well with the drift where we were.
~ Jim H.
Received: Jun 1, 2010 10:21 AM Subject: fluke and sea bass report
Fluked Sunday and Monday in the ICW by Holgate, fish factory, Marshelder channel and the south side of LE inlet by Grassy. 2 shorts total. Went to garden state south also on Monday morning for 2 hours, marked some fish on the bigger structure, but only got 2 short sea bass. Hit Little Egg reef also on the way in, for a half hour, nada. No one at marina really had any luck whatsoever for either species. Some had caught shorts, saw 2 keeper fluke total. A lot of chatter over at 139 about some keepers. But I heard it was really really crowded.
~ John M.
10:00 AM
Yesterday morning, Donna Harris of the Village Barbour Fishing Club weighed in a 25-lb 7oz striper. Donna mentioned that she caught the bass off of the Ship Bottom surf on bunker at about 8am.
9:00 AM
May finished off with beautiful weather and some serious fish! Let’s hope that June can offer up the same.
Here is the picture of Jason Ocone’s 37-lb 2-oz striper, which he weighed in yesterday. For more details on his catch see yesterdays report (beachfront).
May 31, 2010
This Memorial Day remember those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom.
“CLICK IT or TICKET” A reminder that Statewide the seat belt laws are being strictly enforced this Memorial Day Weekend and Long Beach Island is no exception. Buckle Up!
Received: May 31, 2010 8:19 PM Subject: Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters
Hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather and their Memorial Day weekend . This was one of those weeks where we did more “fishing” than “catching”. You couldn’t say it was bad fishing but it just seemed off. The bay/inlet fishing at times continues to offer some great light tackle action while the ocean striper bite has been in a tail spin since last weekend. The thick bunker schools have some how evaporated overnight taking with them our trophy striped bass. Of course this can change overnight and only time will tell. Regular Jay Simmons started the week with his client Mark Hansen in hopes to repeat last weeks torrid trophy striper bass action. Searching for any signs of bunker proved only futile and trolling provided little reward as well. Moving back to the inlet/bay the guys found action with 2-5 lb bluefish along with striped bass, blackfish and a nice preseason [throw back] 5 lb fluke in the mix. With the odds against us, new comer Tom Synder from Delaware hoped to change things around deciding to “go for it even with the previous days bleak report [ocean . Heading North we were able to locate sparse schools of bunker but snagging them was found to be difficult. Finally with nothing going on around the bunker schools we headed back to the inlet to to go 0 for 2 with stripers using the bunker that we had and only landed 1 bluefish before the trips end. Regular Karl Steffan joined by son Karl Jr. and new comer Don Longstreet had a slow start on the back bay but as the tide picked up momentum so did the bite. The guys had a solid bite with 2-3 lb blues and even a 30” striper to add to the box before we headed around back for some flats action. The guys had fish responding to the top water poppers but found it difficult to connect before trips end. I have June 18 and 24th available at this time for open or private charter . The sea bass fishing is just getting under way and with cod still in the mix this is the best freezer packing fillets that one can hope for!
~ Capt. Steve Purul Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609-290-1217
Sam R. was on the water today. He reports, “Lots of fluke in the bay, just no keepers. The fish were hitting on gulp, squid and spearing.” He caught five fluke on Saturday with only one keeper at 19″ and the rest were in the 15-16″ range.
Yesterday, Sam R. fished off of the beach, “Lots of grass but we did get to watch Jason D. pull in his big striper.”
Fishing the Barnegat Light beach with bunker Jason Ocone landed both a 19-lb 6-oz and a 37-lb 2-oz Striper.
Don Ingram went out on Carolynn Ann this morning with some friends. He said, “There were a lot of throw backs but everyone caught fish.” Don had 25-30 sea bass with 11 being keepers. He also caught a 20″ cod and three nice blackfish that had to go back over the rail. Most of the anglers on the boat were using salted clam, but we brought squid and it was the ticket. The pool winner was 5.5-lb Sea Bass.
Today, straight out of Barnegat Inlet and in 70 feet of water Fluke were caught at a ratio of five (5) fish for one (1) keeper. The Fluke were up to 24″ long.
Received a report from Steve Wurst of the Sea Treaver about schools of 50-lb Bluefin tuna on the East side of the drop off past the Barnegat Ridge. The fish were breaking water but spooked easily while feeding of small baits. No hook-ups.
Saturday was Beach Haven Marlin and Tuna Clubs Annual LBI Cup Striper Tournament. The tournament has come a long way and was a really good one. Great job again to all the guys down at the club in hosting a great tournament. The fishing was a little slow but we put together a 2 fish total of 79.8 with a 41 and 38 pound fish to repeat and take first. We got lucky and just edged out second place XYZ with a total of 77.8 lbs and 3rd place Donuts with a total of 71.9 lbs. Check out the website for more pictures and results Hopefully see everyone again at the High Point Striper Shootout Saturday June 12th. For more information check out there page ~ Captain Mike Greene “Lucky Stripes Charters”
May 30, 2010
8:00 PM
Jason DelPalazzo of Hainesport just weighed in a 48″ cow (striped bass), which pulled our scale to 42-lbs 14oz. Jason said he got the fish on his first cast. He was fishing up on the North End of the Island with bunker. Jason now sits in first place for both the Simply Bassin’ Tournament and the FHQ Side-Bet! Way to go Jason! Some how you always find the slob stripers up there. Keep it up.
WOW! It couldn’t be a better day!
3:30 PM
Ryan Dellane went out in search of fluke this morning (Sunday 30th). He found the fish but had trouble getting keepers. Ryan said, “Went out at 6 AM and fished Double Creek. Caught almost two dozen fish but only one keeper at 19 inches.” Ryan mentioned that the bite shut off on the incoming tide. “Only one keeper but still had fun today.” Fish were caught on Live Minnows and Chartreuse Gulp Swimming Mullet “Grub”.
1:00 PM
Congratulations to the anglers who caught fish in the LBI Cup yesterday! See Below (yesterdays 4:30pm report) for tournament results.
We weighed in a couple fish this morning:
Gary Naylor of Mt. Holly just weighed in a 44-1/8″ striper that pulled our scale to 31-lb 14oz. Gary caught the bass this morning (6:30am) off of the Surf City beach on a bunker tail. Gary just put himself into 4th place in the Simply Bassin’ Tourny. Sorry no picture of Gary’s fish.
Robert Bowden of Hoboken tipped out scale with a 40-lb 13oz cow (striper). Robert caught the bass on live eel down in Little Egg Inlet.
Mike Siatkowski of Quakertown, PA stopped in to weigh in a 43″ bass, which pulled and spun our needle to 29-lb 7oz. Mike caught the bass in Barnegat Light on a bunker head.
9:30 AM
Hello All, Hope everyone’s enjoying this fine holiday weekend. As is our custom, we’ve taken this weekend off to avoid some of the boat chaos on the bay and seem to have lucked into perfect weather. This will be a short report, since there’s not too much to report this week. The large ocean swell kept us in the bay on all four trips this week, and the fishing was mostly a slow pick. We did catch a few bass, but it was mostly three to five pound bluefish that provided the action. Early morning action on small poppers was best until the increasing boat traffic would scatter the schools. I guess that means summer is here. Reports I’ve received from the few boats that ran the beach looking for bunker and stripers this week indicate we’ve still got plenty of bait around but the striped ones had at least temporarily gone into hiding through the full moon period. With that much bait still around and the water temps still perfect, it’s just a matter of being out there when they turn on again. While we normally stick with striper fishing until the late part of June, we may start splitting our time on bay trips between stripers and fluke until we know if the slow action from this week signals an early end to bay bassing this year. We’ll continue to fish for striped bass along the beachfront for the next month as long as the bunker stick around. Until next week, Capt. Jack Shea “Rambunctious” Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters
4:45 AM
Yes, fresh clams and bunker are in stock. Very late last night we received another load of premium bunker.
May 29, 2010
4:30 PM
The LBI Cup Winners are…
1st Place – Lucky Stripes, Capt. Mike Green
Combined weight 79.8 lb.
Heaviest fish: 41.2 lb.
ABC Calcutta; Bass Master; First place overall
2nd Place – XYZ, Capt. Walt Johnson
Combined weight of 77.8 lb.
ABC Calcutta
3rd Place – Donuts, Capt. Bob Donat
Combined weight of 71.9.
ABC Calcutta
1:00 PM
Scott Simpson stopped by the shop this morning. He reported landing an 18-pounder (bass) on a live eel up on the North End last night.
Yesterday evening Ed V. of the Village Harbour Fishing Club weighed in a couple bass; a 9-lb 8-oz and a 10-lb 14-oz. Ed caught the two bass off of the mid-island surf on clam.
11:00 AM – Premium Bait is here! Live Clam & Fresh Bunker.
There was a big bass caught and weighed in for the Simply Bassing Tournament. Kenny Niel of Beach Haven weighed in a 38-lb 4-oz, 46.25″ by 26″ striper that he caught this morning at about 5:30 AM on bunker in Beach Haven. Kenny is now in second place. First and second place are only separated by 2 ounces.
4:00 AM
Fresh bunker has been received this morning!
May 28, 2010
More Fresh Bunker is scheduled to be here tomorrow morning. Until then we have fresh bunker that was delivered yesterday. It’s going fast and will be sold out soon! Then we will have bunker for sale that was delivered a couple days ago. Notice “fresh” was not said but it was not frozen.
8:00 PM
A number of customers have reported that today was a very slow day trolling in the ocean. Hopefully tomorrow will be better for those anglers participating in the LBI Cup. They will have their work cut out for themselves trying to find tournament winning fish. Maybe the downside of the moon will turn the bass back on.
7:30 PM
The “Barnegat Boys” were in the shop just a short while ago. They just called and gave us heads up they are catching up on the North End. They landed a big ray with a four foot wing span, a 26″ fluke and a 33″ striper. Here is Steve G. with his 33″ bass that he caught just before 6 PM on bunker.
Elsewhere on the island there was a nice fish weighed in for the Simply Bassing Tournament. Kerrey DePierro of Yonker, NY weighed in a 26-lb 9oz striper that he caught at about 6pm on bunker off of the beach in Spray Beach. His fish moved him up the leader board from 7th place into 5th.
2:00 PM
Joe Meckley of Marlton just weighed in a couple bass; an 11-lber and a 14-lber. Joe mentioned that one was on bunker and the other was on clam. He also said that he caught a couple bluefish. Joe caught the fish between 7-8 AM off of the mid-island surf. Joe said he was holding with 5oz of lead.
10:00 AM
WOW, that rain and lighting last night was heavy! Now that its gone we are left with beautiful weather this morning. It looks like the clouds are going to fill in as the day progresses and there might be a shower this evening. Right now Saturday is forecasted to be breezy but Sunday and Monday will be flawless with temps getting into the 80’s.
Fluke Season Opens tomorrow Saturday, May 29th. We have all of the fluke baits (Live Minnows, Pre-Cut Squid, Large Local Trolling Squid, Spearing, Sand Eels, Mackerel Fillet) and tackle you’ll need. Huge selection of GULP!, bucktails, pre-tied fluke rigs, hooks, sinkers and much more (ESCA Lure Lights). We have heard of numerous reports of fluke being caught already by anglers targeting other species. One customer reported catching and releasing a doormat fluke while drifting a live bait near the BL Inlet in search of stripers. Another angler reported catching and releasing a nice sized (would have been a keeper) flatty off of the beach on a bunker chunk.
SURF: The stripers are here! Put in the time and you’ll get ’em. As far as the best area to target, fish your favorite area that you feel most confident. There have been bass as well as blues caught up and down the island from Barnegat Light to the South End. Soak some bunker and/or clam. You’ll get some.
BAY: Gary Dugan of South Hampton, NJ stopped in the shop this morning and weighed in two nice sized black drum; a 35 and a 55-lber. He was fishing down on the south end of the island in the bay using clams. Other reports from the bay: still blues putting out good action as well as a couple stripers. Anglers are catching bass in the bay a variety of ways; casting lures while drifting the sod banks, channel edges and flats, drifting live eels in various rips (near the Lighthouse and other channel intersections), anchored up “clamming” as well as fly fishing.
OCEAN: Our spring bass run is underway. Get out there and find ’em. Last Memorial Day was epic! Everyone is hoping for a repeat this weekend. Anglers are catching bass in the ocean a variety of ways; trolling, jigging, and livelining. The trend as of late has been to head north, but that may change soon.
May 27, 2010
7:30 PM
Brad Goering weighed in a 19-lb 11oz bass that he caught off of the surf. He caught the striper off of the beach mid-island on bunker at about 6 PM this evening.
2:00 PM
Norman L. of Beach Haven stopped in the shop to get his rod tip fixed. He reported landing a bass this morning off of the beach on the South-end. It was a 20-pounder that went for a bunker chunk just before 6 AM.
We have also heard of some bluefish off the beach.
10:30 AM
Elsewhere on the island there was a weigh in for the Simply Bassing Tournament: Kevin Walker of Surf City weighed in a 39 inch 17-lb 8oz striper. He caught the bass off of the beach in Surf City this morning (8:30) on clam.
Fluke season opens this Saturday May 29th. We have all of the fluke baits and tackle you’ll need. Huge selection of GULP!, bucktails, fluke rigs, sinkers and much more (ESCA Lure Lights).
10:00 AM – Fluke Season Opens Saturday May 29th
Record Red Hake (Ling) Caught Off Coast – The NJ DEP Division of Fish and Wildlife has confirmed that Billy Watson from Lansdale, Pennsylvania, has officially become a member of an elite fishing club by catching a new world record Red Hake. The 12 pound 13 ounce fish, also known as a Ling, was caught on February 20, 2010 approximately 20 miles ESE of Manasquan NJ. The fish measured 33 inches in length and had a girth of 19 inches. Billy was bottom fishing at the Mud Hole aboard the Jamaica II with Captain Steve Spinelli when he hooked the big fish. Red hake are rarely known to attain weights exceeding 6 or 7 pounds, so this particular fish can truly be considered a monster hake. For more about Billy’s catch, including tackle details and information about red hake, on the division’s website. For information on the division’s Record Fish Program, visit
FYI: For this evening the NWS has issued a Coastal Flood Advisory for Coastal Ocean, NJ from 6 pm until 11 pm. The combination of astronomical high tides (full moon today) and an increasing onshore flow (gusty NE winds becoming E will last right into Friday) will result in minor tidal flooding around the time of high tide this evening. Minor tidal flooding is expected for the the Jersey Shore and adjacent back bays. The onshore winds and tides will combine to generate flooding of low areas along the shore. Local Tides: High tide in the ocean is about 8pm and in the deep bay (Causeway Bridge) is a few hours later at about 11pm.
9:30 AM
The Hi Flier will be sailing open boat or available for charter Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri June 1-4. We will leave early each morning, heading out Barnegat Inlet to cruise the shoreline hunting for schools of bunker to snag and drop on the big stripers that have them balled up. These fish average 20 to 30 pounds with some approaching 40 plus. Finding bunker to snag is our first choice, but I will have the trolling gear and bunker spoons on board in case finding bait is difficult or the pods of bait are not producing fish. There are opportunities in the bay as well, including bluefish on top water lures in shallow water as either a bonus or a Plan C. On the open boat trips, everyone will have a vote on the next plan of attack and I will do my best to keep us pointed in the right direction. Often these big fish hunts result in nothing more than snagging bunker for bait. If you can live with that, this trip is for you. The upside is when we connect, it is usually with multiple big fish. The action is often visual and makes for a trip you won’t soon forget. Anglers of every experience level are always welcome and I will help you as much or as little as you like. Pack a lunch, a camera, and some boots, I’ve got the rest. Trips leave at 5AM and return at 1PM (approx). Cost is $200 per man. I will limit the boat to 3 people and sail with 1. Call me at 732.330.5674 on my cell to reserve a spot. ~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, Hi Flier Sportfishing, cell: 732.330.5674
May 26, 2010
We have a beautiful day on our hands here! If you are going to hit the surf remember to bring extra lead. There is a nice long period groundswell in the water. It looks like we have a stretch of good weather ahead, maybe a scattered sprinkle. We’ll see what happens.
Fluke season opens this Saturday May 29th. We have all of the fluke baits and tackle you’ll need. Huge selection of GULP!, bucktails, fluke rigs, sinkers and much more.
10:00 AM
This past weekend Team Atlas Reels – “Lucky Stripes” were up north fishing a tournament out of Staten Island. As I am sure everyone already knows – the bite up north was insane! When it was on it was non stop. Not going more than a minute between fish. The problem was that they were all 25-30 lbs. We managed to get lucky and pull out a 39.5 which held on for 2nd place. We also took second in the four fish calcutta. Congrats to the team who took first in both categories coming in with a 47 lb bass the first night. Great fishing and a great tournament. Thanks and see ya next year. May be a year before my hands recover from that one. Then I came back down and had a trip out of BL on Tue. Little bit of a ground swell but a really nice day. I had father/sons from Vermont out to do some bass fishing. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get them into any fish as there was not much/anything going on Great family and it killed me to send them home with the first skunk of the season. Hopefully we get another wave of fish real soon cause it was dead. Tomorrow is another day and well be out there. ~ Captain Mike Greene
May 25, 2010
8:00 PM
Captain Bob Gerkens has been running his boat the “Hot Tuna” out of Morehead City, NC. Recent charters of his have been catching black fin tuna, wahoo, king mackerel and lots of mahi-mahi. Captain Bob will be leaving the warm waters of the Gulf Stream and returning to his berth in Beach Haven in another week or so. He is looking forward to jumping into shark fishing as soon as he arrives in the Garden State.
Captain George Finck and his son Steven of “Sparetime” charters took Valerie Zak and daughter Jackie out for a day of bottom fishing last Saturday. Val owns Oceanside Bait and Tackle and her daughter just returned from a tour of duty in Afghanistan. Jackie’s husband Dan and shop worker Rob also fished. It was drop and reel action for a nice catch of black sea bass and one nice codfish.
Captain Fran Verdi of the “Dropoff” fished last Friday in the back bay looking for stripers and black drum since ocean action had slowed down. Bill Ross and Russ were aboard for a 15-pound drum and another nice striped bass. Captain Fran took advantage of the opening day of sea bass season on Saturday and had the Chris Gadd party out early. After a slow start in depths of 55-feet, they moved to deeper water and got into the fish. The anglers had fish up to 20-inches with several doubleheaders and four guys hooked up at once. The group took home 24 sea bass and one ling.
The “Miss Beach Haven” and Captain Frank Camarda started the sea bass season last Saturday with a full boat. The anglers left the boat happy with the amount of keepers they finished with. Most of the fish were in the 1-3 pound range with the pool winner a 4-pounder.
Captain Frank had the Joe Metzger bachelor party out fishing. After several stops, the fishing turned on with a tie for the pool winner at 3.5 pounds. Sunday’s open boat trip was a repeat of Saturday’s with lots of nice fish for all.
Captain Carl Sheppard on the “Star Fish” also had a bachelor party of 11 anglers on Saturday who managed to boat over 100 fish, mostly sea bass. After starting at the reefs, Captain Carl moved to 90-feet of water where he found a higher ratio of keepers.
~ Jim Hutchinson Sr.
6:00 PM
I fished on the Carolyn Ann III out of Barnegat Light, NJ on Sunday, May 23 and Monday, May 24. On Sunday I had only one keeper sea bass and loads of shorts. A few short blackfish and my first cod ever. However, the cod was short. We had about 30 people on board.
On Monday, May 24 we had about 24 people on board. I had 4 keeper sea bass and again loads of shorts. Also had some nice keeper size blackfish. Of course they had to go back into the drink. One was a nice 3.5 pound blackfish.
The bottom temp was 51 degrees. As the water continues to warm the sea bass fishing will pick up.
~ Jim T., Bridgewater, NJ
1:00 PM
Yes, Fresh clams and bunker are in stock!
12:00 Noon
Hi Flier Launched! First Open Boat Tomorrow, Wed. May 26th. The Hi Flier in a week early, so we’re breaking her in today and running open boat tomorrow. It sounds like a rough ocean for the next couple of days, so tomorrow will be spent in Barnegat Bay throwing surface lures for bluefish in shallow water and anchored up clamming for stripers in the channel. The boat leaves at 6 AM and we get back to the dock at 1 PM. The cost is $150 per person for this 7-Hour Inaugural Barnegat-Bay-A-Thon. I will limit it to three people and will sail with one. Call me on my cell 732.330.5674 to reserve a spot, as I will not be near the computer and will be on the water… where I belong! ~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, cell 732.330.5674, Hi Flier Sportfishing
10:30 AM
Fog was thick in the AM but we had some nice monster blues on bait (mullet) and Sluggos. One big blue scared the crap out of me when he hit just as I was bringing my sluggo to the boat. I thought we were being torpedoed! BTW Inlet was 58F & Bay was 65F. Great fishing this spring! I can’t remember catching so many blues of this size in the bay.
~ Surfer Cosmi
10:00 AM
Fluke season is almost here! Opening day is this Saturday, May 29th. We are fully stocked with fluke bait and tackle.
Rich Chiemiego of the Village Harbour Fishing Club weighed in a couple bass; a 16-lb 11oz and a 12-lb 3oz. Rich said that he caught the fish at high tide this morning on clam on the surf in Haven Beach.
8:00 AM
Earlier this morning Frank Mecka of the Village Harbour Fishing Club weighed in a 36-lb 8oz striper. He mentioned that he was fishing the mid-island surf with clam.
May 24, 20100
4:00 PM
More clams are expected to be delivered before midday tomorrow.
1:00 PM
We already had a couple weigh-ins today from fish off of the surf. Paul Pestritto and Steve Scharaldi hit the beach. Paul had two fish; one at 17-lb and one at 12-lbs. Steve got a 12-lb bass.
Rick W. fished the mid-island surf this morning. Rick landed a 29 inch bass on his first cast at about 6:30 am. Then again a 39 incher at 10:30 am. Rick mentioned that he also missed two fish; one spit the hook, the other was a missed take down. Rick said, “All of the action was on clam. There’s some weed out there. My five ounce sinkers were holding until the line catches the some weed. Then it’s down the beach.”
We received a call from one of our customers, Barry of Bootwind PA, who fished over the weekend. He went out on a local head boat out of Barnegat Light targeting sea bass on the wrecks. Barry reported that it was a slow trip; four throwbacks, no keepers.
May 23, 2010
8:00 PM
The rain never came today! Actually it turned out to be a fairly nice day with fish biting! Curtis of Ship Bottom fished the mid-island surf today and reported four bass and a bunch of gator blues, all on bunka. Elsewhere on the island Kerrey DePierro of Yonkers, NY weighed in a 23-lb 7oz bass that was caught on bunker in Spray Beach at about 1:30pm.
We had the Mike Marrone charter out for some trolling and the picked up where it left off on Friday afternoon. We managed to land 8 bass out of 13 before the guys were ready to go in. The biggest was 49 inches at the dock and tipped the scale at 48lbs 12oz. We caught it at 7:30am and it sat on ice until 1pm before being weighed. It makes me wonder, was over 50 when it came out of the water?
We have 6 hour open boat trips this week on Wednesday and Thursday leaving at 5am. Please call or email for more details or to reserve your spot. ~Capt. Stew Hitchner Pez Machine Sportfishing 56′ Custom Carolina
Hello All,
That was quite a week we just had. Fishing was just about as good as it gets for most of the week, both in the back bays and along the ocean front.
Monday I had a late cancellation, so since the boat was pretty much ready to go and the weather was absolutely ideal I made a solo run out to see if I could put a few striper filets in my own freezer. Four hours later I was back at the dock with two kept fish of 32 and 34 pounds, and had released two others of similar sizes. Downsizing to the smaller sized white Maja spoons did the trick again that day.
Tuesday’s mini Nor’easter led us to cancel that trip and left us with some of ugly bay water conditions to deal with on Wednesday, but Medford Lake’s Steve Sweeney made it out with me to look around for some fish in the bay. While clam fishing in the channels only produced a few 5-7 pound bluefish, we were rewarded late in the morning when I moved deep into the back and found the mother lode of fun fishing. Schools of bluefish that had trapped an immense school of spearing in one of the west side inlets, and the bluefish were actually coming clear out of the water all around us. With no other boats out after the storm, we were able to sit there for a couple of hours watching the carnage and seeing them smashing into our small popping plugs as soon as they hit the water. I’ve never seen so many airborne fish, and it went on and on until we left them biting.
Thursday I had Newtown PA’s Rick Fisher back with his 12 year old son Gavin and Rick’s nephew Chris Stewart. With cleaner water after a couple of tide cycles, the bass in the channels turned on to our clam baits and the guys loaded up on bass topped by Chris’ 24 pounder plus a few midsized blues that wandered through.
On Friday’s trip, Cam Rispoli and John Ferrara ran down from North Jersey looking to get in on some of the large striper action they’d been reading about. When spoon trolling proved slow, we switched to snagging and drifting live bunker from Lavallette up to Normandy Beach for a couple of hours. Drifting is probably something of a misstatement, as the baits were typically being inhaled by large stripers as soon as we got them back in the water. We left the fish biting after about an hour and a half, during which time the guys boxed their limit of four up to John’s 40 pounder and released several more in the 30-35 pound range.
We had a slow trip on Saturday morning, but word is the bite started up again by late afternoon and continued into this morning. Despite the occasional slow session, this is some of the finest fishing we’ve had in these parts in the last 15-20 years. Let’s hope it keeps up for a few more weeks. Until next week, Capt. Jack Shea “Rambunctious” Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters
12:00 Noon
Well it’s now noon time and we’ve only had a spit rain. Not sure when it will be here but one thing is for sure. The fish are hungry! John P. let us know that he caught a 19 pounder this morning on bunker down on the south-end of the Island.
9:00 AM
George Maultz of Berlin just weighed in a 31-lb 4oz striper. George stopped in the shop first thing this morning to get bait before hitting the beach. “First Cast! Didn’t even get the rod in the spike yet. It put up a great fight.” George caught the bass on the south end of the island on clam. Note this is not a tournament fish.
8:00 AM
This week we mixed it up between huge stripers to 49lbs and more back bay action. Regular Jay Simmons joined by his clients Carlton Bird and Scott Kindeness found a phenomenal all day striper bite on live bunker under some of the best weather conditions ! It was a Battle Royale through out most of the day with at least 1 big striper hooked up. At times we couldn’t even get our snag bunker back to the boat as it would be inhaled on the way in. Through out the day big 30-50lbs bass could be seen within just a few feet from boat wolfing down our snagged bunker or charging through the hapless schools of bunker [way cool!!]. Once the guys got their limit I joined the party to bag my own as well. We ended the stellar day putting an exclamation mark on a already great day by landing a huge 49lb striper, the biggest striper of the year. Will this be this years Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters onboard tourney winner? Who knows, stay tuned. New comer John Magosin was joined by brother Steve and father Jack for a slower than normal back bay evening trip, the guys mixed it up between top water and plastics for blues. Up at the Inlet we saw smaller stripers free jumping on bait but found the conditions difficult to hook up. As the sun dropped to the horizon the bite picked up tempo as the blues appeared to be slightly more active swirling on our top water poppers. Regulars Sean and Sandy Castle were joined by nephew Sam in hopes to encounter some more trophy striper action, we cover 50+ miles of ocean in heavy boat traffic to only find the stripers taking the day off digesting their “big binge eatathon” from the previous days. We did find a pretty solid bite back at the inlet with big blues to end the day. For those interested I am now adding video to our Face Book page [go to Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters] of that weeks highlights. I’m not a video wiz by any means but some of the clips are pretty cool including seeing the big 49lber dumping our Penn 440 SSg two times of it’s line before it’s finally boated. Be sure to let me know what you think of the videos and if you have any technical advise or ideas. Become a fan of the page to also get the latest on what’s happening onboard Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters. I still have a couple of dates left in June for those interested in some of the best action found any where.
Best Regards, Capt. Steve Purul Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609-290-1217
7:30 AM
Showers with heavy rain are forecasted today (expected arrival ~9:30 am maybe later) with possible flash flooding. The lingering (weak upper level low) system off of the Mid-Atlantic Coast is forecasted to interact and develop with the cluster of clouds (surface trough) east of the Bahamas in the coming days. Early/Mid week the lingering low’s circulation in combination with a blocking ridge of high pressure to the north will move the ocean low closer to the east coast. Luckily for us the high pressure over our region will block and keep the system to the south. We should expect to have some rain (Sunday and Early Monday), breezy conditions as well as above average surf but then rest of the week into the Holiday weekend is looking really good! The east groundswell and persistent east winds from this weather pattern will warm the water temperatures. This ocean low may be the first named storm of 2010; however, don’t be alarmed the winds will not reach hurricane status. I remember a situation similar to this only a few years ago. A low pressure (Andrea in 2007) off the Carolinas combined with a high pressure over the Northeast to set up a prolonged period of surf. Expected surf heights: Monday: 2-3’+ Tuesday: 3-5’+ Wednesday: 4-6’+ Thursday: 3-4’+. The swell will peak Wednesday in the head high range at 12 second period coming from ~130 degrees (SE). Also on Wednesday the temperature are forecasted to be in the 80’s. Bring some extra lead and don’t forget the sunscreen. It’s kind of far out but Memorial Day weekend is looking flawless with temp in the upper 70’s with sun. Let’s kick off the summer with a bang. The weather is going to be great and so is the fishing! ~ Greg
Just got info from Stew on the Pez Machine, “49 incher trolling!” More info when we get it.
6:00 AM
Brain Leary of the Village Harbour Fishing Club and his father were out for nearly the entire day. They worked hard and struggled but by the days end they had a couple bass to show for their efforts. “It turned on late in the day! The bass were crashing on top,” Brian said, “But I wasn’t prepared. I only brought trolling gear. Got ’em on the chartreuse Stretch.” Just before closing time last night Brian tipped our scale with a 34-lb 6oz striper. Brian mentioned that they caught a couple other bass too.
Hey Greg, It was a beautiful beach day but the fish weren’t cooperating. Southern Regional’s Ryan Dellane caught a 26-in bluefish (the only fish) on a herring chunk with 15 minutes to go in the competition. Final Score: Southern Regional 26pts, Barnegat 0pts, Lacey 0pts. Southern Regional will retain the trophy for the 2nd Annual Beating on the Beach. The trophy was provided by Village Harbor Fishing Club last year. I brought six kids to the competition and fished for 3 hours straight using clams, fresh bunker and the finger mullet you gave us. Not a bite. I personally would like to thank you and Fisherman’s HQ for supplying/donating the bait and gear for us. ~ Brett, Barnegat High School Fishing Club Head Coach
John P. stopped in the shop yesterday and shared a couple pictures of some tiger sharks that were caught off of the beach on the south end of the island yesterday. Here a picture of John holding one up for the camera.
May 22, 2010
2:00 PM
We have had a couple weigh-ins today.
From the Beach: Todd Callan of Bayville just weighed in a 38-lb 6oz striper which took the lead in the Simply Bassin’ Surf Tourney and our Side-Bet too. He caught the bass at first light this morning off of the Barnegat Light surf on bunker. He also reported that he caught a 21-lber yesterday in the same area. Elsewhere on the island Greg O’Connell weighed in two nice sized bass for the Simply Bassin’ Tourney; a 27-lb 8oz and a 24-lb 1oz. His 27 will put him into third place. Both of Greg’s bass were caught off of the surf last night in Barnegat Light on bunker. Yesterday morning, Andrew Lapteff of Philly weighed in a 16-lb 13oz bass. He caught the fish off of the mid-island surf on bunker.
From the Boat: Mike Vanslooten was on the water this off of IBSP. He caught this 30-lb bass on a live bunker doing the “snag-n-drop”. As of late there have been some very good days in the area there (IBSP) and to the north both livelining and trolling. It seemed that today was most definitely a slow day out there.
May 21, 2010
11:00 AM
Fresh Bunker and surf clams are now in stock.
5:00 AM
Today is the day that Barnegat, Lacey and Southern Regional High Schools go head to head in a three way surf fishing competition. Last year Southern squeezed out the win. We’ll see what happens this year.
From Paul Haertel of the Berkley Striper Club…
As hard as it is to believe, the ASMFC has voted to allow a proposed increase for the commercial quota of striped bass to go to public hearings. It is appalling that they would do this at a time when the stocks are declining, many fish in the Chesapeake are diseased and there is still an executive order in effect from President Bush which prohibits the taking of bass in federal waters and encourages States to make them a no-sale or game fish. In part this is why it is important to join our Spring Tournament. All of the profit goes to our Fisheries Defense Fund where it is eventually donated to organizations like Stripers Forever and the Jersey Coast Anglers Association. These groups will be fighting hard against the proposed commercial increase. You may go to for more info. on the tournament. Applications are there as well as a list of prizes that are valued at over $7000. We will have plenty of door prizes and refreshments at our awards ceremony so that alone is worth the $20. entrance fee.
~ Paul Haertel of the Berkley Striper Club.
Tom Bentlif went out drum fishing again yesterday. He landed a slob just before dark. More details when we get ’em.
May 20, 2010
8:30 PM
We had a couple weigh-ins this afternoon:
Uncle Moe was out again aboard the Doodlebug with Captain Vince Molnar. They banged ’em up on the bunker spoons this afternoon trolling. Biggest was a 32-lb 2oz striper.
Carlos Collazo weighed in a nice sized bass that he caught off of the beach in Loveladies this morning on clam. His 43″ fish weighed 30-lbs 9oz.
Dave C. and Tony M. fished the Ship Bottom beach at sunrise this morning. Good bite for about an hour. 5 stripers with 2 keepers. 29″ and 30″. All on clam. Absolutely beautiful morning on the beach. Unfortunately had to go to work. Left them biting. ~ Tony M
I hit the flats with my sister and brother in-law. Caught a few blues on top water poppers with light tackle! Check out one my sister Moe got, 4-lbs on the Boga Grip. ~ Greg
1:30 PM
We haven’t heard much from off of the beach yesterday and today. Elsewhere on the Island, Dante Soriente weighed in a bass for the Simply Bassing Tournament. He caught a 41″ 26-lb 2oz striper off of the beach in Beach Haven Crest at about 1:30 am on bunker. His fish brought him up into third place.
Yesterday afternoon I had the local LBI 6th Grade Girl Scout Troup (lead by Mary Egan) out on the beach in Ship Bottom. I gave them a crash course in surf fishing. Unfortunately, we were skunked. Not even a skate. I showed them how not to catch fish. ~Greg
Ran out yesterday at the crack of dawn. Still a nice size ground swell and some brown water so was thought the bite might be off but I was wrong. Bait was scattered but the fish were stacked and best part was there was not a boat in site. Couldn’t find bait so got stuck trolling which is not really my thing but ended up getting on them good. Triple headers on first two passes. Finished up with around 22 fish from 18-27 pounds all on spoons, stretches, and sebiles. Heading back north for a tournament but back to charters on Monday. As of now Wednesday May 26 is still available. ~ Captain Mike
May 19, 2010
11:00 AM
E-MAILED FROM THE PEZ MACHINE: As you know from the reports on here, we have been experiencing some incredible Spring time Bass fishing. The fish have been chewing really well and the vast majority of the fish are 25+ pounds!!! We’ve had some phenomenal days of fishing and look forward to another fantastic weekend of catching. We are pretty booked up with the exception of a Saturday afternoon time slot available as well as a Monday morning time slot open.
Saturday we are looking to put together an afternoon trip. We will leave the dock at 2PM and return at 8PM (6 hour trip).
Monday’s trip will also be a 6 hour trip departing at 5AM and returning at 11AM.
Both the early morning and afternoon bites have been consistent with lots of fish being caught.
6 people = $600 for the entire boat
5 poeple = $120 per person
4 people = $150 per person
You can check out our website @ or contact Captain Stew Hitchner at 609-287-5136 to reserve a spot or the entire boat. If you have a special date or time in mind for a trip, let us know!
Thanks, and good luck to everyone! ~ Pez Machine Sportfishing 56′ Custom Carolina
6:30 AM
We’ve got opening! We are looking for 3 or 4 guys for Friday. If you’re interested in a trip give me a call. ~ Capt. Stew Hitchner, 609-361-3436, Pez Machine Sportfishing
Captain George Gray and Tanner Gray (Father & Son) were out jigging for stripers a couple days ago. They brought the video camera along to record some of the action. “I recently made a fishing video from Long Beach Island with my Dad. All fish were caught on Diamond jigs. The biggest fish was 36 pounds.” ~ Tanner Gray Check out their video on YouTube.
A sudden drop in water temperatures made finding hungry fish difficult early last week for the captains of the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association. By the weekend the temperatures had risen some, and action began to pick up. Captain Fran Verdi of the “Drop Off” made several trips recently with some action on each day. Chris Gadd and Jack Walters joined mate Zach Ruba on an open boat trip for stripers last Friday. They caught no stripers but Gadd did boat a black drumfish that tipped the scales at 64-pounds. They also boated many bluefish to 10 pounds along with dogfish to 3 feet. The next day Captain Fran had the O’Neil party out for a day packed with action on big bluefish and dogfish. They released many bluefish but returned to the dock with 17 blues to 7 pounds. Sunday’s action was slower as the “Drop Off” tried trolling with little success in the ocean and returned to the inlet where they picked off 3 nice bluefish along with several dogfish. The “Miss Beach Haven” with Captain Frank Camarda found plenty of bluefish last Saturday in the 5-7 pound range. Teddy took the pool with a 9-pounder. Charlie and Ida had a pair of blues over the 7-pound mark. Sunday was a repeat of Saturday, and everyone on the boat went home with a bag full of fat bluefish fillets. The fish were a little smaller, in the 4-6 pound category. Scotty Tohottie of Beach Haven took the pool with a 7-pound bluefish. This weekend Captain Frank will be bottom fishing for sea bass starting Saturday, May 22. Additional information on the association can be found at
May 18, 2010
7:00 AM
Fished North Beach yesterday mid-day not a lot of water but saw a bar and waded on out. Casted over the other side and it was on! All total 5 gators and 3 bass up to 17 lbs all on bunk. Ran out of bait. Hate to leave good fishing. ~Brian Schmidt
May 17, 2010
2:30 PM
Blake G. (FHQ Staff) was fishing on the surf down on the south end last night. Caught a couple 30″ bass on clams.
My son Nick (8 yrs. old) and I were in the shop Friday to get more metals, fresh clam and bunker. We took our friends from the south end of the island to the Barnegat Inlet. We immediately got into the bird play. Caught blues until our index fingers were blistered. Some were so big they bit through hooks. Sunday we chunked bunker and clam and caught a 30″ striper. Some of the best bay fishing you could ask for. Thanks Guys, Ron Rutter Here’s a picture on Nick!
6:00 AM
Reports from yesterday:
Scott Pharo and Bob Lefevre aboard the Sea Fevre caught a nice sized (49.25″) black drum in Great Bay on the incoming tide. We also had another big drum checked into the shop earlier in the day from the same area.
Jeff Warford and Kenny Updike trolled Ortley Beach among the “hundreds” of other boats in 40-50-60ft depths. They had three fish on bunker spoons and three fish on Stretch deep diving swimming plugs. Their two biggest fish were a 41incher, 29-lb 9oz and a 39 incher, 22-lbs 7oz.
Steve Reese grabbed some bunker from us and hit the mid-island surf yesterday morning. He was rewarded with a 33.75″ bass on the incoming tide. The bass weighed just over 16-lbs.
Robert Cowan hooked up and landed a bass and a blue on the Northend surf. He mentioned that he was fishing a hi-lo rig with bunker on the outgoing tide. His 33.5″ bass weighed 12-lb 12oz.
Emailed May 16, 2010 9:14 PM Subject: Real Fantasea Fishing Charters
Barnegat Bay continues to be fantastic fishing on light tackle for big blues and stripers on poppers. There is so many bluefish in Barnegat Bay right now it gives me pause to even think about rinsing my hands over the side of the boat [ I’m not kidding]. Thurday’s Open Boat with Cy Collins , Ray Tringali and Tom Wilson with son James had solid action with bluefish and a few stripers all on poppers and plastics . Technique and skill was required for the striped bass as proven by regular Cy Collins landing the most bass with the bluefish seemingly crushing everything and anything. The Ryan Coleman Party enjoyed more the same action with Ryan again proving “The Touch” was needed to score with the stripers . The guys were doubled and tripled up through out the trip. We even had multiple 8-10lbs bluefish on the same plug ! Regular Joe Franke was out for the same hot action with big blues on artificials in various locations through out the bay until a thunderstorm chased us in early . The John Donahue party was out in hopes for some stripers but found only bluefish willing to play , the guys were quadrupled up at times on light spinning tackle until trips end !
Best Regards, Capt. Steve Purul Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609-290-1217
May 16, 201010
1:00 PM
Went out this morning with my buddy Nick. We went up north of Casino Pier and started out the morning with bass on plugs. It wasn’t every cast but it was consistent fun on light tackle. . Nick landed his biggest on a yellow and black 7″ Bomber. My biggest was on a yellow and white NorthBar Bottledarter. All of our fish were in the twenty pound range. Other boats (looked like every boat in NJ was there) were catching trolling spoons and jigging. Chatter on the radio stated there were numerous fish in the 40-lb range as well as a couple 50-lbers. ~Greg
Yesterday we finished up our fishing out of Jersey City by fishing The Bahrs Landing/ASA tournament out of Atlantic Highlands. Fishing was great with around 35 bass all on live bunker. Only problem was we could not find any big fish up that way. We ended up in 7th place with with a 27.5 and 22.5 pounder. Taking the boat back down to Barnegat light tomorrow morning so if any one is looking to get out and try some live lining for bass give me a call or send an email. Sounds like the big fish have moved in down there. Captain Mike Greene “Lucky Stripes”
Emailed May 16, 2010 10:13 AM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Report
Hello All,
This is like the tale of two weeks. Last weekend’s gale force winds put a damper on fishing early in the week, with water temperatures plunging back down into the low 40’s and giving the fish a serious case of lockjaw in all of our normal spots near the inlet. Fortunately the warm water from the power plant outflow continued to reliably produce mixed sized bluefish to keep the rods bent while the effects of the storm passed.
But as the water started to heat up, so did the fishing. The past few days we’ve had huge schools of bluefish ranging anywhere from 3 pounds into the low teens seemingly all over the place. On Friday, Jim & Gene Karaman brought buddy Ed out looking for some back bay stripers on clams, but when the blues kept popping up all around us we couldn’t resist switching to ultra light outfits and poppers for some super top water excitement. And every time we thought it was over and time to go back to striper fishing, up they popped again. While we only ended up with one striper in the box, there were sore arms and some happy fishermen back at the dock.
On Saturday, I had the Jim Breslin party out hoping to get in some bass fishing before the winds took over again. A quick trip to the inlet while we were waiting for the tide change turned into almost three hours of non-stop bluefish action when we found schools of 6-12 pound blues ravaging bait within a quarter mile of the inlet. Light tackle and small diamond jigs resulted in the landing an uncountable number of fish before we headed back in with aching arms.
No question there are plenty of stripers around, but the key to catching them right now is to avoid catching a bluefish for long enough to attract them. And with what is unquestionably the best bay bluefishing we’ve seen in many years, that can be a challenge. What a problem… too many fish! I love it! Until next week, Capt. Jack Shea “Rambunctious” Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters
5:00 AM
Lets Go Fish!
May 15, 2010
11:00 PM
One thing is for sure, a mass of bigger fish have moved into our area with the new moon (yesterday). A couple days before it there were reports of a couple big fish and now today more. Late today after closing while I was cleaning up the drive way Victor Duarte pulled in to weigh a bass that he just landed off of the mid-island surf. The 41.75″ 33-lb 5oz went for clam.
This afternoon Capt. Adam Sherer was out on the water with Hunter Gutwein. They had a couple dozen bass on top water lure up to 45-lbers. “Why snag bunker when they are crushing topwater lures?” Adam said, “All of the fish were released.” Check out this photo of Adam’s hog that he got on a Pajama Plug. FYI Adam did not reveal is location except, “in the ocean.”
><{{{{{(º> GO FISH! ~ Greg
7:30 PM
Uncle Moe went out trolling spoons this morning with Capt. Vince Molnar aboard the Doodlebug. They went up to northern IBSP/Seaside area and trolled up some nice bass in 40-50 feet of water. “Not one bluefish!” Moe said, “The top of the tide then into outgoing was most productive. We left ’em biting.” They had a number of fish in the mid twenties and thirty pound range. The biggest was 36-lbs 1oz.
Pez Machine’s detailed report: We had Colin Siesholtz and his friend Mike out for a 6 hour striper trip today and got back into the action despite the boat traffic. We didn’t have our first fish in the boat until 8am but it turned on with the tide change and from 9am till 11am we had 10 more big bass before calling it a day. Most of our fish were in 60 feet of water today. 6 were kept and the balance were released. Again, like yesterday, 5 of the 6 fish had already spawned. The smallest one hadn’t. We’ve got openings this week so if you’re interested in a trip give me a call!! ~ Capt. Stew Hitchner, 609-361-3436, Pez Machine Sportfishing
Emailed In: Subject: Blues @ Barnegat Inlet Date: May 15, 2010 3:43 PM
Kelly, Richie & Jack are slammin’ the Blues trolling with 1/2 eatin’ rubber shads North of Jetty @ Barnegat Light
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
2:00 PM
Rick Pumphrey of Manahawkin weighed in a nice sized striper a little before 7am this morning. Rick’s 38.75″bass weighed 22-lbs 6oz. Rich said that he caught the bass at about 6 am on bunker in mid-island. Elsewhere on the island there was another bass weighed in for the Simply Bassing too: Pat Phillips of Washington DC weighed in a 42″ 27-lb 2oz bass, bunker, Beach Haven.
Again today there were bass on the troll! The Pez Machine had a load of bass trolling off of Seaside. Captain Stew is on the fish. More of a report when we get it.
I hit the water this morning in search of fish on the flats. Was looking for some stripers and/or a weakfish. Caught a couple bluefish(plugs) and lost a schoolie bass beside the boat (Pink Hogy). Actually had two bluefish on one TW Wood at the same time! Decided to head out into the ocean even though the trolling gear was left at the dock. Turned right and headed south (possibly a mistake since Stew had fish north the day prior). Ended up stopping mid-island on some active birds. Jigged but notta. Snagged and swam a couple bunker, notta. Headed back to the inlet with a couple live bunker to see what would happen. Ended up getting into schoolie sized bluefish on the Old South Jetty. Caught a number of them many different ways. Poppers, swimmers, metal and on the fly. Swam the live bunk and had it gobbled up by a gorilla bluefish in no time at all. It was a fun day. Biggest bluefish was 12-lbs on the BogaGrip. ~ Greg
6:00 AM
Yesterday there were a number of customer that were in the store talking about catching good sized bass off of IBSP and north. Most were trolling but some were jigging. We’ll see what today brings.
Tom Bentlif stopped in the shop yesterday afternoon to get one of his rods repaired. While here he chatted about his recent fishing the night before aboard the Nora Jane out of Wildwood. He said that he was out anchored up clamming off of Delaware (Slaughter Beach) hooked up with drum, “Had one on within the first 40 minutes.” They had three nice sized drum up to 45-lbs.
May 14, 20100
10:00 PM
Andrew Lapteff stopped in the shop to get bait and then was back before we knew it. “It was the best action I have ever had off of the beach. I casted out and then before I had the second rod rigged up the first rod was doubled over. Had another bass and then a big bluefish only minutes later.” Andrew said, “I’ll be back on it tomorrow!” Andrew weighed in two nice sized bass the largest was a 39.25″ 22-lb 6oz bassthat went for a chunk of bunker. His fish was big enough to put him on the Simply Bassing Leader Board in 4th place. Andrew noted that he was fishing the mid-island surf midday.
Shawn Taylor of Medford took the lead in the Simply Bassing & FHQ Side-Bet with his 43″ 35-lb 13oz striper. Shawn caught the fish last night around 9pm mid-island on bunker. He weighed it in here this morning at 6:25am. Sorry for the delay in posting.
2:30 PM – Premium Bait In-Stock Now! Fresh Bunker & Clams
It’s a beautiful day out there with a south breeze. The fish are here so lets go fish! As far as the Simply Bassing Tournament there have been a couple weigh-ins at other shops today. The updated standings are listed above “Current Report”.
Al Asplint stopped by the shop on his way off the island to check out the weight and take a picture of his dinner. It weighed 14-lbs. See 9:30am report below for more details.
Here’s the ocean trolling fishing report of Thursday (5/14/2010) from Captain Stew of the Pez Machine out of Barnegat Light: We had a three-quarter day bass trip today and trolled up 12 nice bass. Only one fish was under 20 pounds and the two heaviest were 41 and 47 pounds. All of the action occurred while trolling stretch plugs and bunker spoons in 40-50 feet of water. Plenty of open dates in the coming weeks so give us a call while the fishing is hot! ~ Capt. Stew Hitchner, 609-361-3436, Pez Machine Sportfishing
Tire Deflators are now in stock! Don’t waste valuable fishing time waiting for your tires to deflate. Get a set of Trail Head tire deflators and cut your air down time by more than a half. They are made in the USA and come with a lifetime warrantee. We now stock both the kits and individual tire deflators. Stop by the shop to check ’em out. They are far superior!
9:30 AM
Ryan Purul of Manahawkin stopped in yesterday and weighed a couple of fish in. He caught five bass on clam on the beach in Harvey Cedars. His two biggest were a 10-lb 10oz and a 17-lbs 6oz.
This morning FHQ Staffer Al Asplint called us to report that he just arrived at his spot and caught one right away. He landed a nice sided bass in the mid teen range on clam on the Barnegat Light surf.
Yesterday evening around 7:30pm Lester S. of West Creek weighed in a 14-lb bass that he caught off of the surf in Beach Haven on bunker.
May 13, 2010
10:00 PM – Premium Bait In-Stock Now! Fresh Bunker & Clams
Sorry for the late report. Better late than never. We had a number of weigh-ins and reports today! Rich Belli of the Village Harbour Fishing Club weighed in a 36-lb 1oz bass. He was trolling bunker spoons aboard the Lady Jane in 40 feet of water off of the Bather’s Beach (IBSP). Scott Compton of Sicklerville weighed in a 16-lb 14oz bass that he caught on bunker off of the surf in Brant Beach. Bob Baylor of Marlton weighed in a 17-lb 2oz bass that he caught on clam off of the surf in Harvey Cedars. Bill H. and Mike C. caught two bass on bunker off of the mid-island surf.
I hit the surf early this is morning. I put in a couple hours but despite the good looking water and for a short while bird working on a bunker pod (1/2 mile out), nothing. I had to pack it in to be at the shop for the Baitmaster delivery. It never came so I hopped in the boat and hit the flats. What a great time! Bass and blues on artificials. It felt like déjàvoo (mid-April). Sean Murphy (FHQ Alumni) and I had non-stop action for at least two hours. Biggest bluefish was well over 10-lbs on the Boga Grip. I lost the biggest striper (~34″) of the trip when I tried to muscle it over the gunnel, SNAP. I’ll call it a quick and easy but expensive release. Should of used the Boga. FYI we had fish on TW Custom Woods, Red-Fins, Guides Choice, Sebile, Yozuri, Hogys and on the fly rod. Can’t beat banging ’em up on light tackle. ~ Greg
While fishing the BI south jetty by the light house this morning I saw three large dolphins feeding on ???….was a really cool sight. They stayed there for the entire time I fished. Also saw several guys walking back with a limit of nice stripers each. ~ Harry Cubberley of Medford, NJ
Hello Everyone! The Hi Flier is back in action! We just mounted a pair of 2010 Suzuki 90 HP Four Stroke outboards on the transom of the Sea Cat. No more breakdown downtime. The finishing touches of controls and electronics are being installed and she will be ready for action by June 1. Looking forward to seeing everyone on board for: *Bunker Dunkin’ and trolling Bunker Spoons for big Stripers (June into July) *Stripers on clams in the Bay (June) *Blues in the Bay on top water lures (June, July, Aug, Sept) *Bonita, Albacore and other Tuna-ish species at Barnegat Ridge (July, Aug, Sept, Oct) * Grass Shrimping and Shedder Crab in Barnegat Bay for Weakfish, Kingfish, Blowfish, and 12 other species to catch on ultra-lite tackle. (July,Aug, Sept, Oct) *Stripers again in the Fall. On clams in the Bay (Sept, Oct, Nov) or Chasing birds and jigging them on the ocean-side (Sept, Oct, Nov). This is only the menu. The Specials change all the time. We roll with the season and if a particular fishery heats up, that’s what we target. That’s the advantage of being on the water every day and being in tune with the constantly changing seasons. You may or may not have heard that the weakfish regulations are down to only 1 fish per angler. That’s OK, the last few seasons have not been about the weakfish as much as it has been about variety, and our new target…..Kingfish! We’re still shrimping and using shedder crab on our back bay trips because the variety of species is enormous and when you’re using 6 and 8 pound ultra lite tackle, it is a blast. The kingfish are awesome fighters, maybe the best in the bay, pound for pound, and at the end of the day, a Ziploc of kingfish fillet is a bonus you won’t soon forget, if you’re not already familiar with these delicious brawlers. You can also see the following species on these trips: bluefish, fluke, sea bass (juvenile), blackfish (juvenile), blowfish, burrfish (a type of puffer), puppy drum, porgy, sea robin, sand shark, lizardfish, spot, croaker and more. It’s not uncommon to go into double digits counting the different species we catch on one of these trips. Our rates are the same they have been for the last three seasons: $395 for a 5 Hour Bay Trip or $595 for an 8 Hour Ocean or Bay/Ocean Combo Trip
We will also be running Open Boat Trips EVERY DAY we are not chartered. The cost will vary with the trip and these trips will be announced via email, print ads, and on the internet ( You can also call me on my cell 732.330.5674 or email me to be put on our “short list” of people to call or text whenever we have an opening for a particular trip you desire. Our brochures are going out in the mail very soon. If you are not already on our mailing list and would like to receive one, just reply to this email with your name and mailing address. Can’t wait to see all of you on the Hi Flier! ~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro, 732.330.5674 cell, Hi Flier Sportfishing
10:00 AM A couple fish were already weighed in at other tackle shops this morning: Kevin Maher weighed in a 38″ 21-lb 5oz bass that he caught in Beach Haven Crest on bunker and Don Kakstis weighed in a 32″ 11-lb 11oz bass that he caught in Beach Haven on bunker.
May 12, 2010
This morning a nice bass was weighed in for the Simply Bassin’ Tourny & the FHQ Side-Bet by Russell Short of Manahawkin. His fish pulled our scale to 25-lbs 12oz and took the lead. The fish had a 40.75″ length and a 22″ girth. Russell caught the bass off of the Ship Bottom beach last night at about 8pm on clam.
6:30 PM
Lance Purcell of Tuckerton just weighed in a 37.5″ 19-lb 7oz bass. “They are biting pretty good. I got two this morning and just got this one!” Lance said as we were weighing his fish. Lance noted that he was fishing bunker off of the Ship Bottom surf.
6:00 PM
Jim Gilroy of Ship Bottom just stopped by to weigh in a striper that he just caught off of the surf right up his street. The 36.5″ 16-lbs 10oz bass went for Jim’s week old bunker chunk. “It was just firm enough to stay on the hook.” Jim said.
2:00 PM
We have been fishing up north out of Jersey City for the last few weeks. Tons of bunker and bass in the 10-25 pound range in the Lower Hudson, Raritan Bay, Jamaica Bay, The Rockaways, and the hook. All our fishing has been on live or chunked bunker. Guessing the big girls are still up the rivers spawning but should be any day now. Wrapping up our fishing up here with the Barhs/ASA tournament on Saturday. Should be running out of Barnegat Light by late next week. Big girls should be coming our way by that last week of May. See ya soon! ~ Capt Mike Greene “Lucky Stripes Charters”
May 11, 2010
9:00 PM
I just got word from a friend, “Incoming tide this afternoon, bass up to ~12lbs on the north jetty.” All of the fish were on artificials; plugs and bucktails. ~Greg
4:00 PM
The nasty weather of last weekend made fishing difficult for the captains of the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association. Captain Frank Camarda on the “Miss Beach Haven” tried to duplicate some of the hot bluefish action of the previous weekend but had difficulty finding fish. With the sea bass and blackfish seasons closed, he worked the waters around Little Egg Inlet trying to find some bluefish, striped bass, and drumfish. Despite trying chumming, jigging, and looking for bird play, he was only able to locate a few fish. Once the weather settles down, Captain Frank figures this coming weekend will find the hot action once again. He will be returning to wreck fishing on Saturday, May 22, when the black sea bass season re-opens. Captain Fran Verdi returned from his mini-vacation to Mickey Mouse land and found some hot action in the days before the weekend. One day he had an open boat trip when they started close to the inlet and found fierce action on 10-pound bluefish. Then two rods went down at the same time with a pair of keeper stripers on to 36-inches. When the tide slowed the blues were back. When the tide picked up they boated a 35-inch bass. The next day Captain Fran had the Joe Lucas party out for more inlet action. This trip also produced outstanding bluefish action on fish between 5-10 pounds. Mixed in with the blues were some big smooth dogfish up to 3-feet long. At the turn of the tide they picked up their only striper, a 30-incher. All of Captain Fran’s action was with fresh clams for bait and a nice clam chum slick. Additional information about the BHCFA and its boats can be found at
7:00 AM
Received an email report last night. “Slammer Blues in BL! Got them on Mullet/ Bunker /Sluggos. Incoming tide in late afternoon – man was it windy!!” ~ Surfer Cosmi Check out a photo.
John Grasso of Suffern, NY weighed in a 17-lb 13oz, 37.75″ by 18.25″ striper for the Simply Bassin’ down on the south-end. John reported catching the bass at about 4:30 am this morning on bunker in Beach Haven.
May 10, 2010
5:30 PM
Sorry for the lack of reports. We have not heard much the last couple days. With the still west winds many anglers opted out of fishing.
Sean Murphy (FHQ Alumni) stopped into the store today and gave us a report. He said that he fished last night off of the beach mid-island. He caught a 17 pounder (bass) as well as a bunch of skates on clam.
May 9, 2010
1:00 PM – Happy Mother’s Day
Wind Wind Go Away. Don’t come back any day!
May 8, 2010
4:30 PM
Throughout the day today we have had reports from anglers who have braved the wind and caught fish. For the most part its been bluefish, bluefish, bluefish: in the bay, surf, inlet and ocean but we have received reports of stripers too.
Joe Filice of the Village Harbour Fishing Club weighed in a 12-lb 2oz striper this afternoon. He was fishing the surf in Beach Haven with clam.
Rick Pumphery stopped into the shop early this morning and then hit the mid-island surf. He than came back in just a short while ago before to get more fresh bait for another session this afternoon/evening. He said, “The wind is cranking! But, I managed to get one.” Rich caught a 31″ bass on clam. He back out on the beach now.
Bob Lefevre stopped in the shop this morning to take care of some issues with one of his reels. He reported a good night time bite in the bay down south. Anchored up with clam he caught two bass and two drum as well as a whole lot of dogfish.
Emailed May 8, 2010 12:10 PM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Report
Hello All, I’m a little earlier than usual with my weekly report as the forecasted gale force winds for this weekend have wiped out both days for us. It’s already gusting near 40 mph and will strengthen before moving out sometime late tomorrow. It’s a shame we had to lose this weekend, as the fishing right now is exceptional.
On Wednesday, Bill Staples brought out his lead guitar man John and 10 year old son Jake for a little mid-week light tackle excitement with bluefish ranging from four up to twelve pounds. This was Jake’s first experience with those yellow eyed demons, and what a blast it was watching him experience catching them on small popping plugs. Nothing goes together better than bluefish and kids. Add in some released stripers and tog, plus Bill getting the chance to take on some larger blues in the inlet with his fly rod, and all-in-all it was a great day.
Friday saw Bensalem’s Vince Barba out on his first trip of the season. Since Vince wanted to specifically target large stripers, we completely bypassed a pretty reliable striper/bluefish bite in the bay and headed north along the beach to Seaside Park to look for some bigger fish. By morning’s end, Vince had two big ones in the box, one just short of 35 pounds and the second in the 28 pound range. Small Maja spoons did it again for us this week. Then heading back to the inlet we found blitzing 5-8 pound bluefish to wrap up the morning. Ideal weather, cooperative fish… a perfect day.
I do still have a few dates open in early June for anyone who want to get in on some of the best striper fishing we’ve seen in these parts in years. And while it’s short notice, I also had a cancellation for next Wednesday (May 12) if someone wants to get out next week.
Until next week, Capt. Jack Shea “Rambunctious” Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters
9:30 AM
Emailed May 8, 2010 7:06 AM Subject: Real Fantasea Fishing Charters
Barnegat Bay, inlet and surrounding waters continue to be a light tackle enthusiasts dream! Earlier in the week strong Southerly winds had pushed our warmer inshore waters [ocean] to the east dropping the inlet waters temps to an observe low of 49 degrees possibly leading to our rejuvenated back bay striper bite by weeks end. Catches of Big Blues to 10lbs and stripers continued to entertain and down right wear out tackle and anglers on all trips this week. Light spinning tackle with poppers continue to be the tools of the trade as this has proven to be most effective and be so very visually exciting! Regulars Jay Simmons and Ernie Rosenberg were joined by new comer Chris Simmons [Jay’s lil’ bro] to experience fantastic action with big blues on poppers and bait. Double and triple headers were the rule throughout the trip! Regular Peg Glenz was out for much of the same action with light spinning tackle and top water lures. At times Peg was fast into big blues on every cast! Zzzzzz!!! Regular Karl Steffan was joined by Glenn Daehnke for more fun filled action with blues and stripers. At times schools of stripers could be observed attacking schools of bait just a few feet from the boat! Karl took “Hot Rod” honors tallying 4 stripers [1 keeper] and 17 blues boated . Don’t forget to join us on Face Book !
Best Regards, Capt. Steve Purul Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609-290-1217
May 7, 2010
3:20 PM
Emailed May 7, 2010 2:51 PM Subject: Today on the Surf
Fished 26th street in Ship Bottom from 8:30 this morning till 1pm. Only a single bite around 12:30. Lots of anglers in the area with no luck what so ever. There were several horseshoe crabs caught in the surf and a lot of bait robbing going on. There is also some grass blowing in as well. ~ Dallas Tharp of Shamong Township
2:30 PM
Emailed May 7, 2010 2:07 PM Subject: Fishing Report
Got out early this morning in the calm water on my kayak and fished the flats on the west side of the bay. Blues, blues and more blues on small black bombers. Blues were all carbon copies in the 3 pound range. That’s my bay report! ~ Brian of
1:00 PM
Yesterday evening there were a number of fish weighed in. It seemed that the bite was really on mid-island in the afternoon hours. Russel Short tipped the scale (see below at yesterday’s 6pm report) and then William Heade and Mike Castellanos (12 years old). William and Mike had three bass up to 22-lb 12oz on clam. After dark set in the action died off.
So far today there have been a lot of anglers in the shop getting geared up to go; however, we have not receive any feedback yet.
Emailed: Date: May 7, 2010 12:23 AM Subject: Black Sea Bass
Hello, We may have some news on the Black Sea Bass front. It seems NOAA Obama might toss us a bone in November and December. Which means the offshore trips could return. Below is the information I gathered from a Captain in Delaware. Again, nothing is in stone as of yet, but it is some hope for us.
“We are counting down the days now till the long anticipated Sea Bass opener on May 22nd and as I type the fishcrats are trying to iron out the final details for the 2010 management plan. It looks like as of now we will be looking at about a three week closure on the Sea Bass in October however starting in November they will reopen and we will be able to fish for them until the end of the year. While certainly not the best alternative it is certainly much better than what we thought we might end with at one point in time. The Closure on Sea Bass this year will take effect October 11th and reopen on November 1st.” ~ Jim T. Bridgewater, NJ
Brian for stopped by yesterday to provide us with our Garbage Fish Tournament “Packet” yesterday. The Garbage Fish Sea Robbin sign is up and the flag is flying high! Last year was a great success and this year is going to be even better! Get out an have some fun with the junk fish, maybe even win.
The Garbage Fish Tournament will run this year from July 1st through July 31st. There are 9 total cash prizes (three in each category of skate, sea robin, and dogfish). It is open to boaters as well as surf or bank fisherman so no one is left out of the fun. A portion of the proceeds go to so it’s not only a fun tournament with great prizes but also it it aimed at benefiting our waters on many fronts. Details of the tournament including rules and additional prizes can be seen at
May 6, 2010
6:00 PM
Russel Short of Manahawkin and his son stopped in the shop about an hour ago and signed up for the Simply Bassing and the FHQ Side-Bet. He just tipped our scale with a lively 20-lb 5oz bass. “I was setting up the second rod when the first one went down hard. I was hooked up!” Russ said. Russ also mentioned that he was fishing fresh clam mid-island (not far from the shop).
4:00 PM
Weigh ins at other shops for the Simply Bassing Surf Tourny:
Tom Daly caught a 37″ 15-lb 5oz striper off of the Surf City surf on bunker around 2pm this afternoon.
Dante Soriente caught a 39″ 23-lb 8oz striper off of the Beach Haven Crest surf on bunker around midnight last night.
2:30 PM – Sign Up for the Simply Bassing & Side-Bet!
Phil Savarese and Bill Dean were out trolling bunker spoons on lead core yesterday off of the beach in 60 feet of water. They caught three bass the largest being 31-lb 3oz. The other bass weighted 27+ pounds and 28+ pounds.
Rick Trost of Cinnaminson weighed in a 10-lb 14oz bass yesterday evening. The fish was caught off of the mid-island surf on clam, outgoing tide.
6:00 AM
A customers this morning reported there was a good bluefish bite in the surf last night. No specifics were given.
Finally yesterday evening we received a report of stripers again trolling in the ocean. It seemed like a couple days there were slow. A couple of our customers got into them. The one just stopped in the other day to get rigged up with lead core trolling line. Looks like they did a number on the bass. More of a report will be coming soon including names and pictures.
Lead core trolling evolved from the Great Lake anglers who looked to troll deeper depths. Lead core line is basically hollow core Dacron line with a lead core for added weight. Lead core line is much easier to deal with than wire line (stainless and monel) and it eliminated to need for special rods and reels that will accept the wire. Lead core line is IFGA legal (wire line is not). Anyone looking to get setup for trolling with lead core stop by the shop and ask about it. We’ll set you up!
May 5, 2010
2:30 PM
Jeff Warford says, ” Bluefish, bluefish, bluefish. They are everywhere!” He went out trolling first thing the morning. There wasn’t much going on. On the way in saw lots of bird working at the mouth of the inlet. Hooked up with a ton of blues on metals. Tried to get under them in search of some bass but couldn’t get down far enough. After beating the blues up they decided to head in to tried out the flats. Scored bluefish there too. Slamming ’em on top water poppers. All in all bluefish up to 15-lbs all on lures. Ken Opdyke was on the boat with Jeff. Ken weighed in a 14-lb 10oz bluedog.
9:00 AM – Even more fresh bunker coming tomorrow too!
Another beautiful day in paradise! Get out and enjoy the beautiful day because the fish are here.
May 4, 2010
6:00 PM
I was out with my buddy Pete today. We started out trolling off of IBSP. Gave it a couple hours, but nothing. We stopped off at the north jetty on our way in and hooked up with a couple bluefish on lures. Decided to take a look at the flats and we were rewarded with bluefish on top water poppers. Bluefish, Bluefish, Bluefish! Lotta fun on light tackle. Played around with them for an hour or two and called it a day.
There were some bass and blues on the surf today. We had a couple fish weighed in Paul and Steve of the Village Harbour Fishing Club. They had a couple bass on clam, a 14-lb 1oz and a 18-lb 13oz. They also had a 7-lb blue. They were fishing mid-island on the outgoing tide.
6:00 AM
The captains of the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association are reporting outstanding action on bluefish. These fish range from 3-15 pounds, with fish in the 5-8 pound class in the majority. These fish are on the beach, in the inlets, and in the bay waters all the way to the middle of Long Beach Island. These big slammers are being caught on metal lures in addition to fresh bunker and mackerel. Last Saturday the “Miss Beach Haven” had its first striper, bluefish, and drumfish trip of the season. Sal Rosa reports it was a great crowd out for a good time and some fishing action. It took a couple of stops to find the fish, but when they did, the action was fast and furious. They anchored up and started chumming and all it took was a tide change. There were not as many stripers boated as they hoped, but that was probably due to the fierce bluefish action. There were as many as 5 hook-ups at a time. The action had Sal and Captains Brant Whittaker and Frank Camarda all wielding gaffs to get the fish in the boat. The pool winner was Mike from Barnegat with a 14-pound bluefish. Captain Fran Verdi of the “Dropoff” reports excellent bluefish action along with some striped bass when you can get through the blues. In addition, he says some black drumfish are being caught down in Grassy Channel. He is still running “open boat” trips in addition to his charters. He likes to take up to four anglers out for this exciting spring fishing. Complete information on the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association can be obtained by going to its website.
May 3, 2010
7:30 PM
Jim Ward weighed in a 9-lb 30″ bass this evening. He caught the bass off of the Ship Bottom beach using clam. Also fishing the Ship Bottom surf, Jason Parkerson caught and weighed in a couple bluefish (7 & 11-lbs). Jason got his on bunker.
2:00 PM
Friday night fishing open boat availability!
Hi everyone, Anyone interested in this Friday Night 5hr evening. Big blues are running rampant all over the bay and stripers are up at the inlet, we will be mixing it up between artificials and bait. Thanks, Capt. Steve Purul Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609-290-1217
1:00 PM
Bill Montrey of Manahawkin just weighed in a 37 3/4 inch, 17-lb 3-oz striper. He said that he was fishing the North End and had a couple small bluefish. He called it a day, headed off the beach and then got stuck in some soft sand. While he was waiting for his buddy to come up and give him some assistance he figured he might as well toss a bunker chunk back out. Bang!
Caught a 26” bass yesterday in SB on one of those stinky clams you sold me on Saturday☺ ~Rob
11:00 AM
Just got an update in regards to the Penn Torque Spinning Reel. I was told that they should be released at the end of this month. We should have them in the shop at the beginning of June. ~Greg
9:00 AM
I fished Brant Beach yesterday using bunker and clam from your store. Got one nice bass at 30″ within the first 10 minutes….also had a 5 lb blue … couple of other hits…nice day on the beach ~Ed McGinnis
May 2, 2010
Emailed May 2, 2010 @ 5:49 PM Subject: Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters – Fishing Report
Yet another week of fantastic non-stop catching was had by all aboard the Reel Fantasea. Big slammer blues, blackfish [before the season closure] and even a few stripers were the main cast of characters this week. The Reel Fantasea started the week welcoming back regular and friend Joe Franke. With Joe fresh off the D.L. it was time to get him back into some fast paced fishing. We started his 2010 fishing season with non-stop action with arm wrenching big blues, a limit of blackfish and even a keeper striper before the trip’s end. It was great to have him back and catching fish! Iron Warrior and fishermen extraordinaire Jay Simmons was out for more of the same with non-stop, fast paced action with big blues and another great blackfish bite. Jay single handedly caught over 25 (8-10 lbs) blues before switching gears and finding another solid blackfish, then moving around back finishing on the flats with top water poppers. Village Harbor Fishing Club members Bill Dabney, Billl Jann, Tony Mercuro and Steve Cook were out for some more non-stop fast paced action with the big blues as well as rounding out their catch with a solid blackfish bite in the waning hours of the season closure. Ocean Air at Green Briar Fishing Club member Joe Kinlin joined by sons Joe Jr. and Tom were out to experience some more phenomenal action from slammer blues on a 3hr evening trip. The guys were doubled up through out most of the trip with big slammer blues! The Steve Sweeny party was out for another solid bite with blues, blackfish and a couple of stripers with one hitting the ice and the other lost at boat side. The season just keeps getting better and better!! ~ Book Now to Get in on the action~
Best Regards, Capt. Steve Purul Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609-290-1217
5:00 PM – Another load of fresh bunker was delivered. Premium Bait Here!
Rick P. hit the beach yesterday evening mid-island. He had three bass with in the first hour on bunker and clams. He lost the biggest one in the wash. Dark set in and the dogfish and skates took over. He just snatched up fresh bunker and clams. He’s back on the beach right now.
John P caught 4 blues and one keeper bass in no time at all this morning on the beach on bunker.
Robert Kokai of Village Harbour Fishing Club was out trolling late in the day yesterday. He picked up a 30-lb 3-oz bass on a sliver bunker spoon trolling off IBSP.
A customer came into the shop today and shared this report. Got a 39lbs yesterday trolling off of the bathing beach. Went out again today and limited out with a bonus tag. He had a few over 30lbs off of the bathing beach again. Everything trolling.
Earlier today Jack Stephenson weighed in a 13-lb 12-oz bass that he caught in the bay on herring. He mentioned that he was fishing towards the south end of the Island.
Emailed May 2, 2010 10:59 AM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Report
Hello All,
Not too much to report this week, as I didn’t do much fishing due to a combination of weekend commitments and some windy weather early in the week. But I did make it out for a couple of hours on Friday morning in absolutely beautiful weather for April, and found plenty of bait north of the inlet. When jigging only produced a couple of shorts I switched over to the troll and landed two large keepers before heading in early. The larger of the fish was a little over forty pounds and the “little” one just a couple ounces shy of thirty, and they were absolutely stuffed with large bunker and herring. Why they were still feeding is beyond me, but they responded to the small Maja spoons I had out. Hard work working the wire lines and bunker spoons, but well worth it for quality fish like that.
I also received a couple of reliable reports that the action in the bay this week was excellent as well. Stripers have finally started taking clam baits, and bluefish are all over the place with sizes ranging from the typical 3-5 pounders we see every year to some eye-popping fifteen pounders that cruised through Double Creek the other day. The busy part of our spring schedule kicks off this coming week, and it looks like we’ll have our choice of bay or ocean to fish from depending on conditions.
I still have several early June dates open for striper fishing for anyone interested in getting in on the action.
Until next week, Capt. Jack Shea “Rambunctious” Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters
10:30 AM
FHQ now stocks HPA Bags! Stop in and check ’em out. They are great for fishing stuff organized and dry. Other new items at the shop: Quantum Boca BaitTeaser Reels (dual drag bait runner/live liner style spinning reel from Quantum), Super Strike Lures, Point Jude, NorthBar, Tactical Angler.
For those trollers out there, remember FHQ is your one stop shop for all of your striper/blues trolling needs; rods, reels, wire, spoons, and outrodders. Top products: Tony Maja Spoons, Reliable Spoons, TGT Spoons, AFW monel and stainless wire, lead core trolling line from Suffix and Mason, Reels from Newell and Penn, Rods from Seeker, Penn, Profile, and Shimano. Stop in the shop and we’ll set you up.
May 1, 2010
7:30 PM
Is it summer cause it sure felt like it today?
We received a mid-day report call from a customer who loaded up with bait this morning. He said that he caught a 24 inch bass on the surf mid-island. He saw nothing else caught by the anglers around him other than a small sand shark.
“We killed ‘em today!” one customer said as he was purchasing more bucktails. He said that he had a great time catching blues today in the BL inlet today. Even the head boats were at the mouth of the inlet today. A number of other customers also reported a good bluefish bite on lures in the BL Inlet.
Bill R. just let us know that his new St. Croix Legend rod kicks @$$! He landed a 40″ bass off of the beach on IBSP last night on a popper.
Mike V. of the Carolyn Ann III shared a report with us. “Lotta blues today but no stripers. Metals were catching them best but whole clam were getting ‘em too. He mentioned that the most productive metal was the Crippled Herring.” As the customer reported above they were fishing in the Inlet. All of the blues were in the 5-8 lb range. The Carolyn Ann is fishing on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays targeting bass and blues. If you wanna go fish hop on the boat.
9:30 AM – Fresh Bunker & Clams In Stock. There’s more coming too!
“I was on the beach 5pm till dark yesterday mid-island. Blues. Slow pickins with the bass. Report your bonus tag fish! ” ~Nick Remer
7:45 AM – Fresh Bunker & Clams In Stock
April was awesome but May should be mayhem! The Simply Bassing Spring Surf Tournament officially started. If you haven’t already, stop by the shop and signup for it as well as the Striper Side-Bet. All in all $35. Not bad considering the amount of cash on the line for the top bass as well as the runner ups. For more details check out the links above.
April 30, 2010
11:00 PM – The second load of Fresh Bunker was delivered, so the early birds will have premium bait!
Today the Southern Regional Fishing Club went out on the Carolyn Ann. They did well jigging stripers and blues off of IBSP. One bass was over 30-lbs. The Captain decided to also take a last shot at tog. About eight or ten tog were caught but only one keeper. There were also a few sea bass released.
FYI: The Tautog (aka Blackfish, Tog) season is now closed until July 16 when it opens again at one fish per person. Sea Bass season opens May 22 (25 fish at 12.5). Fluke season opens May 29 (6 fish at 18).
On another note: The bay is still red hot with bluefish. They came in like a hurricane leaving just about everyone’s gear and tackle boxes in shambles. They are here for their annual spawn in the back bays. As always, please fish responsibly in order to maintain future generations of stocks. Also in the bay there are stripers and even a few drum as well as the elusive weakfish. I even heard that there was already a fluke caught and (released) off of the mid-island surf the other day.
For those that have been asking. Crabbing is starting up. A regular customer bought a box of bunker earlier in the week and reported back today a mediocre catch.
~ Greg
6:00 PM – More Fresh Bunker is on its way here now!
Ridge & Kevin left the dock (Sherer’s Boat Basin) about 2pm this afternoon and headed out the Inlet. They started trolling bunker spoons off of IBSP. Bam!!! One 29-lber. Bam!!! A 32-lber. Back at the dock by 4:30pm. They are gonna hit it hard tomorrow morning.
An anonymous angler who took a sick day today weighed in and reported bluefish biting hard at the North Jetty on bucktails. He was just shy of a double digit catch. 9 in all up to 8-lbs. He said, “I needed to get out on the water. It was my first time out this season.”
1:00 PM – Whoo Hoo! Super Strike Lures are here!
Capt. Adam Sherer reported killer bluefish action in the bay. More of a report when we receive it.
5:00 AM – Sign-Up now for the Simply Bassing Spring Surf Tournament ($20) & the FHQ Side-Bet ($15)! The Tourny begins on Saturday, May 1st.
The sign-up rush has begun. We have had a lot of anglers have signed up for the Simply Bassing Tourney. Most all are also opting to join our Side-Bet. It looks like it’s gonna have a sizeable pot. Don’t miss out.
Early bird gets the worm! FYI As the bait status shows above we are running low on both fresh bunker and surf clams. Fresh bait replenishment will be here early in the day. The exact time is not know at this time; however, we will have it as soon as possible. I am driving to pick up the bait in order to have it at an earlier time then if it was regularly delivered (usually midday ~noon). Rest assured once it is here it will be the freshest bait around. Please call the shop or email to ask for an updated time frame on when the bait will be in the shop coolers. – Greg
Dave Sikorski emailed us last night via Facebook, “FHQ, Thanks for being open when I got there at 7pm. After catching 5 skates, my patience was rewarded when I landed a feisty 29″ striper. This guy put up quite a fight for his size, making several runs before I was able to pull him out of the waves in Ship Bottom. 4 skates on bunker. one skate and the striper on clam.”
Hot New Products @ FHQ: Check out the new HPA Bags. These killer gear bags that will keep you stuff organized and dry.
The wait is almost over! Super Strike Lures are scheduled to be delivered tomorrow. We will try our best to get them up on the wall asap. While here take a look at our large selection of products from top names like Point Jude, Hogy, Sebile, NorthBar and Tactical Angler, among many others.
HELP: Lost rod, reel and spike in LBI Surf
Was fishing Brant Beach a few blocks north of the 38th St jetty Sunday afternoon on the incoming tide. The ocean claimed my 11 ft G Loomis rod and Shimano baitrunner reel. Both were gifts from my son and wife respectively. If anyone finds this rig kindly call 215 257 5880. Thankyou- Krazykraut [originally posted on 4-26-2010]
April 29, 2010
5:00 PM
Terry Wasser of Allentown, PA just weighed in a 33″ 14-lb striper. He caught the bass in Ship Bottom at dead low tide on bunker.
Norm Philips of Pemberton fished the Barnegat Inlet earlier today. He reported bluefish up to 10-lbs on plugs. “Left them biting.” Norm said.
7:00 AM
High Pressure is now in control for the next few days. For the most part, the weather should be nice so… LETS GO FISHING! Simple Bassing is right around the corner. Pre-Fish now! Search to find those cuts so when the Tourny begins you’re ahead of the pack. With our Side-Bet in addition to the Simply Bassing’s Prizes there’s a lot of money at stake so take it seriously.
The wind laid down late in the day yesterday and made for a nice night of fishing. Despite the beautiful condition, Joni W. reported that he was covered up in skates on the beach in Ship Bottom. Other anglers reported the same deal at a nearby spot. This morning the wind is back up, breezy out of the west. It’s expected to be gusty all day. One thing is for sure, the wind will help add extra distance to the cast.
April 28, 2010
5:00 PM – Premium Fresh Bait In Stock!
The NJ DEP Division of Fish and Wildlife has announced that a 68-foot steel-hulled vessel is slated for deployment on the Axel Carlson on May 7, 2010 as part of the division’s Artificial Reef Program. The Axel Carlson Reef is located 4.4 nautical miles southeast of Manasquan Inlet in Monmouth County. The target location for the deployment is 40 03.450′ 073 59.350′. The target date for deployment is subject to weather and sea conditions.
2:00 PM
A fresh load of bunker will be here any minute. Come get the freshest bunker on the island.
Kenny U. fished the beach this morning in Brant Beach. He caught one bluefish on bunker. “I was a little bit late for the tide, but managed one fish.” Going head back this afternoon/evening.
Gavin D. fished last night off of the surf in Ship Bottom. He had bluefish on bunker. The guy down the beach from him had them too. He’s going to the beach now to check it out.
10:00 AM
Andy Worst was on the water this morning (in the ocean off of the Bathing Beach, IBSP). He emailed, “Tons of bass on jigs!” Check out our Facebook page for a picture of one of his bass. More of a report from Andy will be posted if and when we receive it.
April 27, 2010
6:00 PM
Emailed: Apr 27, 2010 5:33 PM – Subject: BLUES
Went out after lunch with Rich L on my boat out of Forked River. We found blues in 5-8 ft of water on the west side of the bay. Once we found the fish we got ’em on surface plugs. Blues between 4-8 lbs on every cast. We actually tried many times to get the plug back to the boat without hooking up and watched the fish try and eat it. Fished about 2 hours and left them biting ~ Sam
Emailed: Apr 27, 2010 4:24 PM – Subject: BHCFA Report
The captains of the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association are fishing for a variety of species as they work to find action for their anglers. The “Miss Beach Haven” and Captain Frank Camarda have been fishing the wrecks and reefs regularly recently for blackfish and cod when the weather permits. Last Friday evening they had an enthusiastic group of anglers from the Lacey Township High School Fishing Club out. Despite beautiful conditions and plenty of action on small fish, they were unable to put a keeper in the box. Saturday’s trip brought a little better pick of action than the previous night did. At the first stop “Miss Diane” dropped her line over and within a few minutes boated a hefty 9-pound blackfish. The other stops brought some keeper blackfish among the throwbacks along with a few codfish. With blackfish season ending Friday, Captain Frank will be fishing for striped bass, bluefish, and drumfish starting May 1 until the black sea bass season opens in May. He will be sailing from 8am. until 1 pm. The galley of the “Miss Beach Haven” is now being run by Sal Rosa who reports he is offering chicken along with barbeque and Italian foods for the boat’s customers. All foods come with a good dose of Sal’s witticisms. Captain Adam Nowalksy of the “Karen Ann II” reports fair bottom fishing on the inshore wrecks with a nice mix of tog and cod while Great Bay and Little Egg Inlet are alive with bluefish along with some striped bass and drumfish. He had the Michael Preis party out for 20 nice tog up to 8-pounds. As president of the NJ chapter of the RFA Captain Adam was busy with the chapter sponsored cleanup of Graveling Point and Pebble Beach on Earth Day. Captain Fran Verdi on the “Dropoff” has been fishing the bay waters with some success on striped bass and some bluefish. Most of his fishing has been with clams in the waters off Graveling Point but he is now ready to try some of the other productive spots in the area. Captain Carl Sheppard of the “Star Fish” fished last Sunday looking to find some striped bass but ended up with over 40 big bluefish. Captain Carl advises using steel leaders as the big slammers were chewing right through 100-pound test leaders. The blues were full of spearing and small mackerel. ~ Jim Hutchinson Sr. Additional information on the association can be found at
8:30 AM
William Molinaro of Ocean Acres was in at the shop shortly after we opened and just stopped back around 8 am for a weigh in. Not bad, eh? He caught three bass, released two and kept a 13-lber. Will was fishing in Ship Bottom with on clam.
April 26, 2010
8:00 PM
Just before closing Lance Purcell of Tuckerton weighed in a 17-lb 3-oz striperr that he caught off of the Ship Bottom surf. Lance mentioned that he caught three bass and no blues; the 36, 28, and a short. All on clam.
FYI The bluefish bite in the deep bay continued into the evening today. It has been a number of days now with consistent action. Blues ranging from 2-10-lbs on lures and bait. I had a great time with the blue-dogs on top water poppers right down the street from the shop. -Greg
1:00 PM
Barnegat Light is the only NJ town to be in the running for American’s coolest small town. They really are little (year round population 838), so let’s help out. Let’s go team. Go to this site and click on the star in NJ to see Barnegat Light, then click on Add to Ballot and then vote. And while you are voting, remember the top 10 beaches vote is still open. Vote for all four types of beaches. Ask your friends and family to lend a helping hand. ~ Barbara Steele, Director Ocean County Public Affairs & Tourism [via email]
Just a heads up, fished between the storms on Thursday and picked up a 25 lb striper. Blues moved in and right behind them got two hits clamming losing one and bringing this one in. Nice start to the spring surf season. Just a heads up on driving on beach. Keep an eye out for beach renovation. The sand is very loose where they have moved sand and literally sunk up to door. ~ Frank C [via email]
9:00 AM
HELP: Lost rod, reel and spike in LBI Surf
Was fishing Brant Beach a few blocks north of the 38th St jetty Sunday afternoon on the incoming tide. The ocean claimed my 11 ft G Loomis rod and Shimano baitrunner reel. Both were gifts from my son and wife respectively. If anyone finds this rig kindly call 215 257 5880. Thankyou- Krazykraut
Yesterday night at closing time Robert Kokai of the Village Harbour Fishing Club weighed in a few fish that he caught while trolling off of IBSP aboard the Fish Finder. His largest bass was 13-lbs 3-oz and his largest bluefish was a 10-lb 15-ozer.
April 25, 2010
2:00 PM
The Bluefish have invaded and have us surrounded! You choose the surf, inlet or bay. They are chomping hard. Some days are better than others but for the most part it is consistent tight lines. Give it your best and try to weed though the blues to find those stripers. They are there.
Dave Y., Don S., and Chris P. of Burlington County stopped in the shop early this morning to grab fresh bunker before hitting the beach right in front of Dave’s house in Brant Beach. They caught a good number of bluefish as well as two 29 and a 25 inch bass. “Everyone on the beach had fish today!” Chris said.
John Henson of the Village Harbour Fishing Club caught a 5-lb 7-oz bluefish off of the Ship Bottom surf this morning.
Mike and Dave called in and reported a good bluefish bite at the BL Inlet rocks. They are hooking up with bluefish between 4-8 pounds and they also mentioned that they had a monster gorilla blue too. All on tubed diamond jigs.
Nick Rutter (8 years old) caught fish yesterday on fresh bunker in Oyster Creek Channel. Blues only no stripers. They were only hitting the bunker not the clam. Check out Nick and one of his gator blues.
One customer who was in the shop today was out in the ocean yeaterday. He reported following a sizable bunker pod from Casino Peir all the way down to the BL Inlet. It’s gonna star any day now. I can’t wait!
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2010 1:08PM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Report
Hello All,
Well the season is finally underway for us. We splashed the boat last weekend and got out several times this week, and the news is certainly encouraging. The big news is the excellent striper fishing taking place right now along the beach fully a month or more ahead of where we would have expected this to happen. The water is still fairly cold but it’s loaded with bunker and herring, and no self respecting bass can resist a menu like that. Add in the presence of huge schools of jumbo bluefish and the result has been arm numbing non-stop action. These fish are moving around quite a bit from one day to the next, so we’ve generally trolled for them with large Tony Maja bunker spoons to put limits of bass in the boat on both trips this week. To give one example of what it’s like, Bensalem’s George Selph made a solo trip out with me on Tuesday that landed a dozen bass and an uncountable number of huge bluefish…. and every fish that came up on a hook had three to five other fish following it.
With all the bass and bluefish action taking place out front, the back bays have generally been ignored for the past couple of weeks but there have also been regular blitzes of blues and bass in back. Poppers and topwaters have been the most effective, particularly at first light and just before dusk. Ever hook an eight to ten pound bluefish on a freshwater bass outfit? Now is the time.
It’s definitely time to go fishing. Until next week, — Capt. Jack Shea “Rambunctious” Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters
11:30 AM
The Blues are still biting steady in Ship Bottom. ~John P. [Emailed via Facebook Apr 25, 2010 6:56 AM]
April 24, 2010
Alipio Cardoso was fishing off of the beach right up the street from the shop with bunker and clams. He caught a dozen bluefish, without one bass. John Parzych reported non-stop action right before dark, “bluefish every cast up to 10-lbs.” Ryan Dellane told us via Facebook that he was on the boat today and caught a number of bass and blues.
James Carriero of Wayne, NJ stopped into the shop and tipped our scale with this 13-lb 12-oz striperr. He caught the bass on the North End surf with bunker. He reported that the bluefish started chomping hard right around dusk. He caught a number of the gators before calling it quits.
Up in the Inlet there’s a medley of action right off of the rocks. Stripers, blues and tog. I spoke with a buddy of mine who was spear fishing yesterday and he said, ” the rocks are covered with nice tog.”
7:00 PM
An angler who was waiting for the fresh bunker said that the bluefish bite was on today right here in Ship Bottom. She was stoked to be done with the frozen bunker for the day since just arrived. Other anglers also reported a similar bite down on the south end too. As far as I see it the bite is and has been good up and down the island’s front beach. There are striper and blues up there so, get ready and go to your favorite spot. Catch ’em up!
At 5:30 pm Shawn Gallen emailed us via Facebook. He said, “My daughter Kayli’s first bass! Five and a half pounds.” Off the surf in Beach Haven. Congrats Kayli! Keep up the good work.
Ridge and Kevin we out trolling this morning off of IBSP(~45′ of water). They had stripers up to 20+ pounds on bunker spoons (white & green). Handful of gator blues too.
9:00 AM
Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2010 Subject: Reel Fantasea Fishing Report
With few exceptions, fishing has remained outstanding this week. Starting the week was new comer John Cirone joined by brother Mike for some more exciting top water flats fishing. Within minutes of the dock we had fish responding to our poppers in 2-3 ft of water but unfortunately hook ups were hard to come by. Finally, after a spirited battle Mike put a nice keeper striper in the box. After a few more “Swings and a Miss” we were off toward the inlet to find a non-stop bluefish bite on bait and even putting 1 keeper tog in the box before trips end. New comer Bob Steirs joined by son Denis and Grand son William were out for outstanding top water action with blues and stripers. The guys started the evening warming up with big blues on top water but as the sun dropped to the horizon the bass came out to play! William, new to salt water fishing took “Bass Master” honors landing not only his first but the most stripers and also his limit as well! The guys continued to work over the big school of bass under diving birds while doubled up in stripers and blues at times. Unfortunately, a thunderstorm [see photo with with guys doubled up and thunder storm to the west] forced us back to the dock earlier than we had wanted, leaving the bass blitzing all to themselves . After a cold night new comers from Massachusetts, the Paul Richard party, were out for a slower start on the flats but after a few moves we found big blues blitzing bait and responding well to our artificials. At times all 5 anglers were hooked up and being drug around the boat in all different directions. The guys worked well as a team avoiding tangles in the mayhem from there we moved over to the inlet for some more non stop bluefish action until the trip’s end. Friday night’s trip open boat with regular Karl Steffan and Fred Scalera were joined by new comer Jack Hoban and friend Mark, and with a when quick tutorial drew a swirl behind my popper while demonstrating technique in an unlikely area it seemed as though the evenings trip was going to be another “shooting fish in a barrel” trip. Unfortunately, the guys were to experience the toughest pill to swallow as Reel Fantasea was handed her first skunk of the early season. Inexplicably, even the ravenous bluefish were found to only half heartily, swipe at our poppers with no one able to connect at the few hits that we had. Check out a couple photos of the trip.
Best Regards, Capt. Steve Purul Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609-290-1217
5:30 AM
– Sign-Up now for the Simply Bassing Spring Surf Tournament and the FHQ Side-Bet! When you are done, stop over at the Stafford Township Vol. Fire Co. Fishing Flea Market! There are deals that are too good to be true.
Our expectations where very high for this trip and many said last years #230 Cow was the “fish of a lifetime” but today we did a little bit better 🙂 Actually a lot better. I’m thrilled to report that Team CM Tackle set another lodge record and the LARGEST YELLOWFIN caught this year in Panama from what we are hearing with this #260 FAT COW. Fish was caught using Shimano Reel/Rod, Yo-Zuri Leader #200 leader material, Owner 16/0 Super Mutu Hook. Fight time was 58 minutes. We all had to take a turn on this fish and the guys did a great great job!!!! I have already booked the entire lodge this same week next April. – Dan Harley, CM Tackle
April 23, 2010
11:30 AM — Simply Bassin Sign-Ups have begun!
Our Surf Clam delivery was just dropped off. Come get ’em. Fresh Bunker will be here later today.
We have had a couple customers report blues off of the surf this morning. Last night Nick Remer of Ship Bottom caught a short on clam he reported that he couldn’t keep the junk fish (skates) off the hook.
I just got off the boat. Went out this morning to look for some bass with Jeff Warford and Ed Bunnell. Started out trolling just north of the BL Inlet and never stopped. Landed two bass up to 18+ lbs on the Boga Grip (38″). Also caught a couple bluefish, both 8-lbers. The hooked pulled on a really nice size fish to too, never saw it. We were trolling Tony Maja # 3 Bunker Spoons (White & Green) as well as Mann Stretch 30’s. We were fishing off of IBSP in 30-45′ of water. – Greg
* Tomorrow is the Stafford Vol. Fire Co. Fishing Flea Market! The Stafford Township Vol. Fire Co. is holding their annual Fishing Flea Market on Saturday April 24, 2010 at their Fire Station on Stafford Ave. Doors open at 9 am. In addition to vendors there will be door prizes and a 50/50. Last year had a great turn out! Don’t miss out.
* Sign-Up now for the Simply Bassing!
Remember: The 2010 Spring Simply Bassing LBI Tournament starts May 1st. Sign up now. A number of customers have ask if we are going to have a striper calcutta (Side-Bet) for this 2010 Spring Simply Bassing tournament. The Fall Striper calcutta (Side-Bet) had such a great response with almost 200 anglers signing up. Brian McAllister of Middletown, DE took the $1980 side-bet prize with his 39-lb 15-oz Striper in last falls tournament. The answer is… YES! By popular demand the Fisherman’s Headquarters Striper Side-Bet will be an addition to the Spring Simply Bassing Tournament. For more details click on the links in blue above.
6:30 AM — More Fresh Clams are expected mid day.
We just had a 10-lb bluefish weighed in by Joe Filice of the Village Harbour Fishing Club. He caught the blue on a Crocodile spoon off the the Beach Haven Surf.
April 22, 2010
2:30 PM
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 @ 12:21 PM, Subject: Big Fat Bass
You might want to put a gentle reminder to folks that those big fat cows are the ones coming in to lay their eggs – try to put them back & keep the slightly smaller ones to help keep the fishery healthy. ~ Surfer Cosmi
9:00 AM — Premium Bait In Stock; Fresh Bunker & Surf Clams
* Earth Day is today! The RFA-NJ is sponsoring an Earth Day cleanup of Oyster Creek today and volunteer help would be greatly appreciated. Plan is to meet at the Rt.9 bridge at 5:30 PM. The cleanup should take an hour or so. Volunteers could even plan on fishing afterwards! Excelon loves the idea and has given their approval. They are even going to provide the trash bags and gloves for everyone. Since they own most of the land around the creek, a cleanup like this will go a long way to ensuring continued access for fishermen. If anyone can help please have them give me a call at 609-204-0220 or email
Thanks, Greg O’Connell RFA-NJ
* Mark your calendars for this Saturday! The Stafford Township Vol. Fire Co. is holding their annual Fishing Flea Market on Saturday April 24, 2010 at their Fire Station on Stafford Ave. Doors open at 9 am. In addition to vendors there will be door prizes and a 50/50. Last year had a great turn out! Don’t miss out.
* Simply Bassin’ Sign-Ups Coming Real Soon!*
Remember: The 2010 Spring Simply Bassing LBI Tournament starts May 1st. Sign up forms will be in the shop any day. A number of customers have ask if we are going to have a striper calcutta (Side-Bet) for this 2010 Spring Simply Bassing tournament. The Fall Striper calcutta (Side-Bet) had such a great response with almost 200 anglers signing up. Brian McAllister of Middletown, DE took the $1980 side-bet prize with his 39-lb 15-oz Striper in last falls tournament. The answer is… YES! By popular demand the Fisherman’s Headquarters Striper Side-Bet will be an addition to the Spring Simply Bassing Tournament. For more details click on the links in blue above.
April 21, 2010
4:30 PM — Premium Bait In Stock; Fresh Bunker & Surf Clams
The Spring season is on! Fish are biting both bait and lures. See the reports below and then Go Fish!
We have heard from a number of anglers that the bite was on in the Loveladies section of LBT yesterday and earlier today. There have been bluefish with a couple bass mixed in up and down the Island’s front beach. Yesterday evening we had a couple weigh-ins from the surf. Paul Pestritto of the Village Harbour Fishing Club weighed in an 8-lb 9-oz and a 9-lb 13-oz striper as well as a 4-lb 1-oz bluefish. Steve Scharaldi of the Village Harbour Fishing Club weighed in two bluefish; an 8-lb 3-oz and a 5-lb 8-ozer.
1:30 PM Went out early this morning for a couple hours to see if we could repeat. Long story short, we were catching but it wasn’t stellar. Blues and bass both jigging (metals and bucktails) and trolling (Spoons & Plugs) just north of the BL Inlet. Blues from 2-6 lbs and bass from 23-33 inches. – Greg
April 20, 2010
6:30 PM
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 @ 5:50 PM, Subject: Boat & Jetty Report
Left Forked River after lunch and tried the flats without a bite. Tried a few other spots. Nothing. Went out to the jetties and plugged the north jetty with one big Blue…..saw the birds off the south jetty, and it was on………all the 5-10 lb bluefish you wanted. On anything you threw at them……there were about 6 guys at the tip of the south jetty and there was always 1-2 guys hooked up………the water temp was 48…………They bay temp dropped 5-6 degrees from last week. – Sam W.
6:00 PM
I fished with Jeff Warford & Joni Weidenhof this morning. We started out early morning, right where I left off last night (on the flats, see 9pm report below). But Notta. The water was really cold. It dropping significantly from last night. We received heads up that the bite was on again (see 9pm report below) just outside the inlet; bass and blues jigging. Jeff Warford was stoked to be on the stellar bite, “Whole lotta fun out there on Lake Atlantic today! Bait was plentiful, mostly spearing but also scattered schools of tinker mackerels and the fish were biting like mad-dogs. We had a number of double headers. The action was hot.” Joni Weidenhof joked, “I feel bad for them (bass and blues). We punished ’em. Also a couple boats near by were doing very well, consistently hooking up. I didn’t see any big fish caught but for the most part all of bass were keeper size up to 36″ and the blues averaged 4-6 lbs.” Take a look at one of Jonni’s schoolie sized bass. I had my biggest bluefish on a Point Jude metal that pulled the Boga Grip to almost 9-lbs, about eight and a half. I had a blast on the water today and Can’t wait for tomorrow morning. -Greg
4:30 PM
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2010 @ 9:39 AM, Subject: BHCFA Report
The captains of the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association have been busy for the past several weeks preparing for the 2010 season. Some have already made several successful trips, others have just gotten ready, and some others are taking time to have everything just perfect when the weather breaks for good..
Captain Frank Camarda on the “Miss Beach Haven” has experienced some very good days catching some nice blackfish and experiencing some surprising action on codfish. One trip recently saw 24 keeper cod come over the rails with another 50 cod just shy of the size limit. Captain Carl Sheppard reports he has the “Star Fish” in the water and ready for action. He and Captain John Koegler of “Pop’s Pride” had 8 anglers out Sunday on the “Star Fish” on one of Carl’s favorite blackfish wrecks, a high one in 65-feet of water. The group fished for 2 hours and ended up with 30 nice blackfish. The largest was over 25-inches. Captain Sheppard also reports bass and bluefish in the bay waters. Captain George Finck of “Sparetime Charters” expects to have his boat in the water this week after its winter maintenance. He will be fishing right away for stripers and is looking forward to the May 22 opening of the sea bass season. Captain Lindsay Fuller is currently fishing the “June Bug” out of Oregon Inlet in North Carolina and reports big bluefish tuna are thick there right now. In addition the yellowfin tuna are also on the scene. He expects to have the “June Bug” back in Beach Haven by mid-May. Captain Fran Verdi on the “Drop Off” has been running open boat trips for striped bass for over two weeks now. He has been fishing in the Graveling Point area at the mouth of the Mullica River, mostly with fresh clams. He reports catching fish on all of his trips, but adds he has to work to find keepers. He fished the Rob Fraley party on Rob’s birthday fished the incoming tide with little luck but found the action picking up when the tide started out. They experienced several runoffs and ended up with two keepers to 31-inches. *Additional information on the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association and its captains can be found online
6:00 AM — Premium Fresh Bunker & Clams In Stock
It is going to be a beautiful day. Light wind for the early part of the day, sun, can’t beat it. If you can get out and enjoy it. There are fish here in our local waters; ocean, surf, and bay. See all of the recent reports below. Give it your best shot and let us know how you make out!
April 19, 20109, 2010
9:00 PM
Bob Kenney of Sherer’s Boat Basin landed a really nice sized striper this evening jigging just outside of the Barnegat Inlet. The bass went for Bob’s Hopkins metal. Look at the cow that weighed 42-lbs!
Jeff Warford had some fun this evening on the Barnegat Bay fishing with Greg Cudnik. Three schoolie stripers in the hour before dark. All of the bass were on Red-Fins.
3:30 PM
The sun is shining and should continue to do so into the weekend. The temps are going to be nice and for the most part we should have light to moderate winds. A pleasant break from the relentless stiff west winds.
Here is a more detailed report from Chris Bender. Chris and his buddy Shane fished the Tuckerton area all last night with fresh clam and bunker as well as live bloodworms. They said the stripers wanted all of the baits. They caught about 9 bass each from 25 to 34 inches, all released. Chris noted that they were all full fat bellied fish.
6:30 AM — Simply Bassin’ Sign-Ups Coming Real Soon!
Also The Stafford Township Vol. Fire Co. is holding their annual Fishing Flea Market on Saturday April 24, 2010 at their Fire Station on Stafford Ave. Doors open at 9 am. In addition to vendors there will be door prizes and a 50/50. Last year had a great turn out! Don’t miss out.
Surf: Jarred Webster and a couple friends stopped by the shop yesterday morning and grabbed a few clams. They went all the way down to the end of the road in Holgate aka the Wooden Jetty. Fishing there they caught a 32″ striper, which weighed in at 12-lb 13-oz. They said not much else was going on down there.
Bay: Chris Bender provided a report late last night. He said that he was into fish down in Tuckerton on clam and worms. We’ll post a more detailed report next time we talk with him.
Big Blues join the Party! Got a chance to fish with my “lil’ bro” [actually he is bigger than me] Ryan and long time fishing friend Brian Schmidt aka Schmitty on early Sunday morning to find the stripers waiting for us. The previous nights cold temperature had little if any effect on the bite as we were into bass within minutes of our first drift. Again poppers were the lure of choice as they have provided some world class visual excitement and light tackle action! After we had our fill with the bass our next stop provided some solid big racer bluefish action to close out the trip. With the bluefish now present the action is almost non stop and just doesn’t get any better for the light tackle enthusiast and with trophy striped bass now making their presents known this place is “Really Rockin”!
Best Regards, Capt. Steve Purul Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609-290-1217
April 18, 2010
There are bass and blues off of the beach! A customer was just in the shop to pick up fresh bunker. He reported a couple bluefish off of the Ship Bottom Surf. Yesterday afternoon I went out in the boat with Capt. Adam in search of jigging up some stripers on metal. We broke the inlet to find some birds working. Nothing but blues. Capt. Adam Sherer of Shore Catch Guide Service was out on the flats this morning with the Chris Reilly Charter. They had bass up to 34″ on top water poppers and swimming lures. They also released a bluefish. – Greg
Jim Ward of Medford just caught his first bass ever, a 39″ 20-lb 13-oz. He was fishing clam on the surf up on the North End. He mentioned that an angler beside him caught a 16 and 29 incher on clam.
11:30 AM
Bill Raney of Manahawkin stopped in the shop less than an hour ago to buy bait. He just tipped our scale with a 9-lb 12-oz 30″ striper. He caught the bass right up the street on the surf on fresh clam.
10:30 AM — Simply Bassin’ Sign-Ups Coming Real Soon!
The Stafford Township Vol. Fire Co. is holding their annual Fishing Flea Market on Saturday April 24, 2010 at their Fire Station on Stafford Ave. Doors open at 9 am. In addition to vendors there will be door prizes and a 50/50. Last year had a great turn out! Don’t miss out.
Remember: The 2010 Spring Simply Bassing LBI Tournament starts May 1st. Sign up forms will be in the shop any day. A number of customers have ask if we are going to have a striper calcutta (Side-Bet) for this 2010 Spring Simply Bassing tournament. The Fall Striper calcutta (Side-Bet) had such a great response with almost 200 anglers signing up. Brian McAllister of Middletown, DE took the $1980 side-bet prize with his 39-lb 15-oz Striper in last falls tournament. The answer is… YES! By popular demand the Fisherman’s Headquarters Striper Side-Bet will be an addition to the Spring Simply Bassing Tournament. For more details click on the links in blue above.
April 17, 2010
7:00 PM
Shawn Gallen stopped in this morning with the kids and grabbed clams and bunker. The kids caught three shorts, the biggest 7.5-lbs as well as two small blues and winter flounder. All on clams in Beach Haven. [Report emailed to us via Facebook]
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2010 @ 5:22:34 PM, Subject: Reel Fantasea Fishing Report
Striped bass continue to be the main event in Barnegat Bay with the bass responding well to top water poppers and plugs. We also found steady action with blackfish and even a couple of cod spicing the catch in 70ft + depths on wrecks. Not every wreck had “life” willing to bite so a little searching was needed. Regulars Jay Simmons and Ernie Rosenberg had a blast starting the week with a solid top water bite on light spinning tackle. We found the fish blitzing bait on a shallow flat in 2-3ft of water which made for some exciting visual and light tackle action with Ernie icing a nice 33″ keeper. From there we moved offshore for black fish, finding “no one home” on our first stop. We then moved out to 70-80 ft finding a steady bite with blackfish and even a couple of cod to spice the catch. Friday nights Open Boat Trip saw regulars Wayne Salvi, Karl Steffan, Peg Glenze and welcoming new comer Herman Diaz to team up for a slower start with striped bass. As the trip progressed the weather was just getting started as cool NE winds and steady rain developed over us seemingly spurring a bit more response from the bass. Once the bite started we had bass responding well to our poppers hitting and smashing them clear out of the water but hooks ups were made difficult due to the stiff NE winds. We continued to loose fish after fish with even having multiple strike on a single retrieve and even coming tight on a couple of fish. Finally! Karl’s hooks found pay dirt and held fast to battle a solid 34″ inch striper to the boat. Presently the top water action that we are experiencing is the best I have ever seen and shows no signs of stopping!! It’s time to get in on the action!!
Best Regards, Capt. Steve Purul Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609-290-1217
3:30 PM – Fresh Bunker Just Delivered!
1:00 PM — Simply Bassin’ Sign-Ups Coming Real Soon!
Our Anxious April Sale continues. What’s on sale? A rack of select rods and part of a wall display containing select GULP, line, lures, hooks and much more. Up to 50% off select items!
Devin(L) and Darrin(R) Stout of Boundbrook, NJ weighed in a 13-lb 13-oz striped bass late this morning. Darrin said that he stopped in the shop last night and then hit the beach front surf but it was too rough for his liking. He decided to try out the bayside in the morning (today) and it proved to be a good call. Devin and Darrin fished from the beach at High Bar Harbor’s Dike with clam.
Bay: I fishing the Barnegat Bay for a couple hours this afternoon with Captain Adam Sherer of Shore Catch. We caught three bass up to 33″ on light tackle. “Little man” Cole got his first bass ever. Can’t beat starting out on like that. -Greg
April 16, 2010
8:30 AM
Adam and Gene of Shore Catch were on the fish yesterday. See report below. GOTTA SEE – Their Video!
Justin and Noah fished the North End surf again (see report below) last night. Just before high tide Noah hooked into and landed a 36″ bass.
April 15, 2010
10:00 PM
The Stafford Township Vol. Fire Co. is holding their annual Fishing Flea Market on Saturday April 24, 2010 at their Fire Station on Stafford Ave. Doors open at 9 am. In addition to vendors there will be door prizes and a 50/50. Last year had a great turn out! Don’t miss out.
9:00 PM — Simply Bassin’ Sign-Ups Coming Real Soon!
FYI: FHQ is a On The Water Striper Cup Weigh Station
Boat: Captain Adam Sherer & Captain Gene Quigley of Shore Catch Guide Service teamed up and found the fish today off of North Jersey. They followed the birds (frigates) which put ’em on the fish. Adam exclaimed, “No Lie, it was the best day of striper fishing I have ever had! All on lures, no bait: pencil poppers, stick baits and swim baits. It was a solid five hour blitz from when I first called you (see 1:15pm report below).” Take a look at Adam’s biggest fish of the day, 32lb on the boga grip. “When I die I wanna come back as Adam, ” famous saying stated by Tom Bentlif a number of years ago. For anyone looking for a great trip on the water give the guys at Shore Catch Guide Service a call. GOTTA SEE – AMAZING VIDEO OF THEIR EPIC TRIP!!!!!
Surf: Last night after leaving the shop Justin Whittington of Manahawkin and friend Noah Solania fished the North End and hooked up. They had 7 stripers all between 29-34 inches.
Just before closing Maurice Howell of New Egypt stopped into the shop and tipped our scale. He caught a 33.25″ striper that weighed 14-lbs 13-oz on clam in Surf City. Maurice mentioned that he also lost two nice fish; one broke off and the other spit the hook.
1:15 PM
Capt Adam Sherer just called and rubbed it in. He words, “I’m off Monmouth destroying stripers!” I am assuming that he is jigging. I will post a full report when I get more details. Sounds like the bite has been on up there since I posted on April 12th, “The Bogan Fleet gave a report from Up North… off the beach the boats caught a number of nice sized Stripers drifting clams.” – Greg
9:30 AM
Stop in the shop to get ready for the Spring Season. We have NorthBar Bottle Darter (and a couple of their wood swimmers, must ask a clerk), Sebile Lures, Hogy’s, Point Jude Lures as well as a couple hard to find Red Fins (900 Series 5″: All black and yellow/white chicken scratch). Very soon to be a full line of Super Strike Lures. Tactical Anglers clips are a hot seller too! Our Anxious April Sale continues. What’s on sale? A rack of select rods and part of a wall display containing select GULP, line, lures, hooks and much more.
April 14, 2010
10 PM – Premium Fresh Bunker & Live Surf Clams In-Stock
Captain Adam Sherer of Shore Catch Guide Service was on the water this afternoon/evening with Chris Drier and son Evan. Capt. Adam found the fish right off the bat in the shallows. They were consistently catching schoolie stripers on top water poppers (Stillwater Smack-It Juniors) and small swimming plugs right into the dark.
Chris Bender stopped in the shop this evening to get a heap of bloods and clams on his way down to Tuckerton. He reported having an amazing night there last night. He said, “There was no wind, but it got cold.” Chris and his buddy Shane Sahlberg of Little Egg Harbor went through 5 dozen blood. Shane said, “It was no joke, none stop! There was so much action I could only fish one rod. There were bass rolling everywhere. ” Stripers up to 38 inches, all caught and released. “Last night we didn’t have our lighter rods but tonight for sure we’ll have our plugger. Casting small lures on a ten foot conventional bait rod… it just wasn’t working.”
Received: Apr 14, 2010 8:54 PM Subject: Wed
The “Seatriever” fished the GSN, etc. Gorgeous day! First stop produced 3 keeper blackfish to 9lbs. High hopes for a limit day. Well after that we seemed to get 1 fish at each stop, Ran out to the Sea Hag looking for the motherload. Again 1 keeper there. I did manage to jig up a 22 inch cod. Fished a few more wrecks and ended up with 7 blackfish and the 1 cod. Had 4 people fishing. No seabass no doggies, no bergals. Every blackfish was on greenies. Nothing on clams.
2:00 PM
We have had a lot of customers in the shop today; however, we have not received any reports of recent catches. Its a beautiful and there are fish in our local waters for sure. Go Fish!
April 13, 2010
10:00 PM
Sean Kenny out on his boat fishing the Barnegat Bay today. He said, “There was wasn’t much going on when we first got out there. The tide was bottomed out. Tried drifting the sedge banks casting poppers but no luck. Once the tide started coming in I found a nice hole with a rip and anchored up with clam. Caught three stripers in no time; two 28 inchers and a 26 incher. Got ’em all on clam at the beginning of the incoming tide. The bite turned off mid-tide.” FYI the area Sean fished was Oyster Creeks Channel.
FHQ Store Staffer Al Asplint just returned home from Mexico. He said that he had a great trip; 15 Bones, 2 Tarpon one 40 plus, 4 ‘Cudas and 6 Mangrove Snappers. The trip was so good he stayed a couple extra days. “The fishing was just too good!” Al emailed.
April 12, 2010
4:00 PM
The Bogan Fleet gave a report from Up North, the wrecks are quiet but off the beach the boats caught a number of nice sized Stripers drifting clams.
We received a through the grapevine report of a 47″ striper caught off of the mid-island surf. This is just a rumor! If more info is received we will posted as soon as possible. (Still nothing heard maybe it was maybe it wasn’t. 4-13-2010)
April 11, 2010
6:30 PM
Evan Bahrle fishing on the Dorris Mae IV today and landed a 6.92-lb Blackfish on clam.
Mike V. from the Caroline Ann III hooked us up with a report. Yesterday, they fished the Barnegat Reef with 9 people on the boat all of which limited out on tog up to 7.5-lbs with a few cod mixed in. Today, they fished the Garden State North in 75 feet of water, catching some nice cod with the largest being 10-lbs that won the pool. The water temp was 41 on both days.
Received: Apr 11, 2010 7:47 PM Subject: 04-11-10 FR
Fished with Rich L. this afternoon from 4-6 PM in the shallows. Landed the first striper of the year. A 27″ caught on a Windcheater and had several other blow-ups on poppers… the water was 56 degrees.
~ Sam W.
Received: Sunday, April 11, 2010 5:07:11 Subject: Reel Fantasea Fishing Report – Striper fishing remains strong!
The striper fishing throughout the bay remains solid with a variety of techniques working. The bass have responded well on top water poppers and a variety of baits. Regular Sean Castle was out for a solid striper bite on Friday night’s windy conditions. We started the trip finding striped bass blitzing bait fish on a shallow flats. As we approached the working fish it looked as though M-80’s [fire crackers] were going off as the bass beat the water’s surface into a foam. It really was an awesome visual spectacle to watch! We started our 1st drift way up wind so as not to spook the bass. Impatience got the best of me and I couldn’t take it any longer so I push us a little closer to get in on the action. Now we had breaking fish within feet of the boat. Sean missed his 1st strike but was immediately into another bass, all within minutes of the dock! We managed a few bass and put 1 in the box before the wind drove us to another location. The next stop proved to be another solid bite for a smaller class of fish but great fun just the same until trips end. New comer from Toronto Canada was Dean Browne joined by first time salt water fishing brother Scott and son Adrian. The flats bite was found to be a little more tame but Scott did manage a nice striper for his efforts. The next stop had everyone including son Adrian in on the action with schoolie stripers on light spinning tackle. Then we moved over to the inlet to go 2 for 4 with stripers.
This is the best earliest action I can ever remember and hopefully as we progress it will get even better!
~ Capt. Steve Purul, Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609-290-1217
4:00 PM
Rob Swift just stopped by to pick up some more fresh clams. While fishing mid-island, the angler next to him reported catching a 27-inch Striper only minutes before he got there on clam. Rob says he’s going to give it his best shot, hopefully we here good news on his return.
They are finally here! We received our special order from Cotton Cordell just a few days ago. In stock now: Red-Fin 09 series (5″ one piece body) in all black and also the chicken scratch (yellow back, white belly, dotted striped sides). Stop in the shop and get’em before they’re gone.
April 10, 2010
Our March Madness Sale continues into our Anxious April Sale. There are more items being added daily. Stop in the shop to get the goodies before they are gone! …What’s on sale? A rack of select rods and part of a wall display containing select GULP, line, lures, hooks and much more.
3:00 PM
Greg Cudnik of Fisherman’s Headquarter was out fishing for a couple hours yesterday with Captain Adam Sherer of Shore Catch Guide Service and Jerry of RV Plugs. Despite the stiff west wind, they managed to catch and release a small but spunky striper. “The wind was brutal but the schoolie striper on light tackle made the trip worth it.”
Received: Apr 10, 2010 7:43 AM Subject: Report
Fished Ship Bottom ramp and a couple other bulkheads the past couple of nights. Doing pretty good on small soft baits several shorts and two keepers 29-30″.
~ Brian S.
April 9, 2010
Steve Cappuccil of Montville, NJ stopped into the shop today and shared this report, “Yesterday evening, I caught a 27″ striper on clam in the Beach Haven surf.”
Sent: Friday, April 9, 2010 Subject: Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters Report
The only thing heating up faster than the bay’s water temperature is the fishing. The Reel Fantasea observed bay temps during outgoing tide has been mid to lower sixties and the stripers are responding furiously! The size of fish has ranged from 12″ all the way up to 34″. With the hooks having been straightened out on one of our plugs, I am sure there is “larger lunkers lurking”! Say that 3 times fast. Ken Purzycki joined by son Micheal and Grand Pa Ken sr. on a 3-hr Bay special to slam 15 stripers. No keepers were boated but the guys had a blast with the stripers on light spinning tackle! Regular Jay Simmons was out for an early top water striper bite on poppers in the shallow flats of the bay! We had visual fish breaking water around the boat chasing bait clear out of the water and competing for our poppers! I was able to land a fat 30″ striper while Jays hooks straightened out on his plug thus releasing his striper to fight yet another day. Closer by the inlet we managed to go 1-2 on stripers landing a nice 34″ striper on clam. With a few more schoolies boated and the wind starting to reach “Hurricane” force we headed for the barn. Even though the season is “early” and most boats charter and private are still covered up we have managed over 40 bass in only 4 trips! Reel Fantasea does have a few more openings for the 3-hr Bay specials running through April. These trips are available Thursday, Fridays and Sundays evenings 5-8 PM and all bait and tackle are included. 2 spots are open for next Friday April 16th. The big slammer bluefish may be making an early showing any day with the extended weather forecast looking to remain warm for even more drag burning fun!
~ Capt. Steve Purul, Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609-290-1217
April 8, 2010
7:00 PM
Bill Collins of Blackwood, NJ stopped into the shop today around 2:30 PM and took our advise to buy fresh clams and extra lead. Then he hit the beach. Bill said he found a nice hole in close to the beach with a cut feeding it in between the large sandbar. Bill mentioned that due to the hard south winds he was fishing between 5-8oz of lead to hold. Bill caught and released 4 stripers (24, 26, 26.5, 32″). All of his fish were caught on clam in the first two hours of the outgoing tide (between 4:30 and 6pm). Bill wanted to share that he was fishing in the northern part of Surf City.
10:00 AM
Yesterday afternoon/evening Adam Sherer fished with fellow Shore Catch Captain David Goldman and his son Sean. They caught a handful of short stripers in the bay off of Barnegat/Waretown. All of the action was on top water, Stillwater Smack-It Poppers.
Bill Bartlett of Waretown stopped in the shop yesterday to pick up bucktails and other tackle. He reported success fishing late night near his house using small pink Spro Bucktails tipped with an undisclosed softbait. The night before last he landed a 21″ weakfish. The same night he also caught a 31″ Striper that pulled his hand scale to 12-lbs.
April 7, 2010
3:00 PM
Expect delays today crossing the causeway bridges. There have been delays both coming on and going off of the Island. At the time of this post the outbound lanes are very congested (bumper to bumper). Not sure how long it will last. Please plan accordingly.
Dave Levin of Manahawkin just weighed in a 34″ striped bass that weighed 15lb 3oz. Dave was fishing fresh clam on a hi/lo rig in the Brant Beach surf.
12:45 PM
The NJ Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is proposing amendments to N.J.A.C. 7:25-18 (Marine Fisheries) related to fisheries for Atlantic coastal sharks and smooth dogfish. The proposed amendments are necessary to comply with management measures mandated under the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Coastal Sharks, which inlcudes smooth dogfish.
States included within the area covered by the ASMFC Management Plan for Atlantic Coastal Sharks are required to have recreational and commercial fisheries management measures, which are consistent with the plan. If the state does not maintain consistency, a Federally mandated moratorium may be imposed on the state’s recreational and commercial shark fisheries.
The proposal was scheduled to be published in the New Jersey Register on April 5, 2010. Written comments on the proposed amendments may be submitted through June 4, 2010. There will be a public hearing on the proposed amendments following the Marine Fisheries Council meeting on Thursday, May 13, 2010 at 6:30 P.M. at the Galloway Township Public Library on 306 E. Jimmie Leeds Road, Absecon.
A copy of the proposed amendments is currently available from the DEP’s website at
April 6, 2010
9:00 PM
We are now opening at 6:00 AM. Live Eels are here!
Today we received good reports from anglers fishing off of the beach. Hopefully tomorrow will be the same. Like always we’ll let you know when we hear something.
Todd Milliken of Ridgewood and his son caught a number of striped bass off of the surf in North Beach section of LBT. They caught two keepers and a half dozen shorts, all on clam. “I’m here to get a new surf combo for my son, pick up more fresh clams and then I’m heading back to the same spot!” Todd mentioned, “The fish are there! Yesterday we had one keeper and a couple shorts. Also there were a couple other anglers fishing near by that were catching too.”
Richard Gaines of Anderson SC and Ray Matthews of Jobstown, NJ stopped in the shop this morning to get fresh clam. They gave us a call on the phone around 5:30pm to report that they were catching fish off of the surf in Loveladies section of LBT. They stopped in the store shortly after to buy ice. Rich and Ray caught one striper each, both 30” fish on clam. “Two hookups and two keepers,” they said, “we would have fished longer but ran out of clams.”
April 5, 2010
4:00 PM
Vince Sibona and John Lyszczarz of the Village Harbour Fishing Club stopped in the shop early this morning to pick up live bloods and clam chum. On this beautiful Monday morning they hit the bay aboard the SeaBona and caught a couple winter flounder. Vince weighed in a 1.76 – lber and John’s flatty weighed 1.52 – lbs. They let us know that they were fishing in the bay off of Loveladies.
Our spring fishery is really getting revved up. There are perch in the lagoons and creeks, winter flounder in the bay as well as stripers. Very soon the weakfish bite should turn on. Rumor has it that there have been a couple caught but we have not had a first hand report.
Wreck fishing has been fairly good. Tog and cod are present at the inshore wrecks. Most reports that we are getting have a consistent theme; limits of nice sized tog and numerous cod. The baits of choice are clam and green crabs. There have also been tog caught at the BL rocks but we have also received reports from a number of anglers who said that they went and got skunked.
Stripers are starting to show off of the surf. Nothing spectacular but put your time in on the suds and you’ll get ’em. A customer who bought fresh clams in the morning stopped back and said he caught a keeper.
~ Greg
April 3, 2010
Tomorrow, Easter Sunday we will be open from 7 AM to 1 PM.
Chris Bender stopped in this evening and reported another fun perch session in Beach Haven West. He said, “The bite was on. Nice sized perch, about one to two pound fish. All on live grass shrimp, but small gulp will catch ‘em too. Try to match the hatch.” Chris wanted to remind all that these fish are spawning. So filling a bucket isn’t the right thing to do. Please fish responsibly!
Keith O. of Yonker, NY was in the shop today. He reported smoking hot bucktailing at Littleneck Harbor in the Long Island Sound. A couple days ago he caught more than a dozen stripers, all shorts.
Nick Remer from NJ Fish and Wildlife tagged and released 75 stripers on the Delaware Bay late week (April 1st). Most all fish were in the 12 lb range. So far this season they tagged 150+ stripers, all fish caught by gillnet. Nick said that they launched their boat out of Smookey’s Marina and fished not far from there in about 10-15 foot of water.
Nick asks all anglers who are part the Striped Bass Bonus Program to PLEASE SEND IN YOUR DATA. The program depends on angler providing data.
12:00 Noon
Ryan Haines of Lumberton and Jim Kerbaugh of Haddon Township just stopped by the shop and shared a report. They reported fishing the BL Inlet rocks earlier today. They said that there are fish there. They hooked up but broke a number of Tog off right at the rocks. They came back down the Island to try for winter flounder mid-Island but had little success. Maybe because the fog is hiding the sun. They just loaded up on green crabs and are heading back up to the rocks.
Received reports of plenty of keeper Stripers being caught off the beaches between Manasquan and Shark River Inlets. Primary bait mentioned was clams.
Received: Apr 3, 2010 10:40 AM Subject: Fishing Report
Fished the past couple of days at sun down, had what felt like a decent fish but spit the hook, Had several other taps but no takers, next couple of warm days should get things going a bit. ~ Brian S.
April 2, 2010
6:30 PM
BIG TOG! Big Don Henriquez of Paterson, NJ weighed in a 14.54-lb Tog. Don is a Fisherman Magazine subscriber so this fish is going to be entered into the Dream Boat contest. Don was fishing aboard the Searcher out of Barnegat Light. He also caught 2 keeper cod and 3 keeper size tog. All on fresh clam. Don mentioned that he was stoked to catch his big tog on his new Lamiglas rod that he just purchased yesterday. He said that the rod turned out to be a great choice with all the backbone he needed to hook and land today’s catches.
5:00 PM
Tess Walgamotte of Ship Bottom weighed in an 11-lb, 29.5” Striper. She caught the bass at the Oyster Creek outflow on fresh clam around 2pm.
2:00 PM
John Kleban of the Village Harbour Fishing Club just weighed in a 1.12-lb winter flounder. He said that today was a beautiful day on the Barnegat Bay. He caught his limit fishing the ICW off of Loveladies using the standard winter flounder procedure; anchor up, chumming with clam and using live bloodworms as hook baits.
April 1, 2010
Penn Torque Spinning Reel- FHQ UPDATE
– The Penn Torque Spinning Reel is the only spinning reel with a fully sealed gearbox and drag system that is Made in America.
– The Full Bail Models will be available in May 2010. Orders can be placed online now at .
– A separate Bail-less (Single Arm) Roller Model is in development and is anticipated to be available in September 2010. These single roller models will only be available in color Black. The Double arm aka double roller style will not be available.
– No Bail-less Roller manual roller kit is currently scheduled to be available for the full bail model but there are possibilities that full bailed reels can be converted to bail-less by purchasing addition parts which include a new rotor, roller, arms, counter weight, among other parts. This conversion idea is still a work in progress.
Received: Apr 2, 2010 10:33 PM Subject: Fishing Report
Man it felt so great to be fishing again after this winter! This week was Reel Fantasea’s first couple of days of the season. Back at it were regulars Jay Simmons and Ernie Rosenberg teaming up for great striper fishing! Along with great striper action we saw our first laughing gulls of the season. We had our first and second ” Doubled Up ” with stripers! If that was not enough Ernie has the honors of securing our first limit of stripers at 29″ and 33″ all on light spinning tackle! The first day of the season saw 8 stripers with the second trip seeing a solid 17 total bass come over the rail along with a limit of stripers to 33″. I will be running these trips [private and open boat trips] throughout the rest of April. Those interested should call for details. I have 2 spots left for a May 13th open boat trip and a May 28th private charter and with June being our trophy striper month there is only a few dates left for those who would like a chance to catch a fish of a lifetime! We have been on Facebook for a couple of weeks now for those who would like to join our fan base and possible meet others with the same interest. I would love to hear from you. Anyone interested in Open Boat status or availability please send me a email or call for information. The season is off to a great start. It’s time to get in on the action!
~ Capt. Steve Purul, Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters 609-290-1217
Received: Apr 1, 2010 4:10 PM Subject: Striper Report
April starts with beautiful weather!
Chris Bender fished Graveling Point last night and into the sunrise. He caught two dozen Short Stripers on live bloodworms. His two buddies also caught a number of shorts.
Received: Apr 1, 2010 12:24 PM Subject: Barnegat Bay Fishing Update
Hope everyone’s enjoying this beautiful weather that seems to be making an appearance just in time for the weekend. Maybe that awful winter is finally behind us and we can get on with the fishing season.
There are already mixed sized bluefish and striped bass being caught in the bay, and I’m thinking we may be primed for an excellent spring bay fishery this year. There’s no doubt in my mind that these are resident fish that spent the winter in the warm water outflow from the power plant, but there just seems to be a lot more of them this year. If that’s right, not only will we be able to get started on blues and bass a bit earlier than normal but when the big migrating schools arrive it could be spectacular. Let’s keep our fingers crossed, but I’m planning to be in the water and ready to go by the 16th this year.
For those of you that are Facebook users, I’m also going to try something new this year in keeping everyone up to date on what’s going on. While I still plan to send out my weekly fishing reports by email, I’ve also set up a Facebook page for Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters at Barnegat Bay Fishing Charter’s Facebook and plan to post quick updates several times a week there. I’m still figuring out how best to use it, but if you have a chance stop by and become a “fan”. Since I’m pretty new to this, suggestions from experienced Facebookers(?) on how to make it more useful to you would certainly be appreciated.
That’s about it for now. Dates for the spring striped bass fishery are starting to fill in, but there are still quite a few good dates available. Give me a call or shoot me an email and we’ll get something set up.
~ Capt. Jack Shea, “Rambunctious”, Barnegat Bay Fishing Charters 609.698.3632
March 31, 2010
Chris Mitryc and Rob Vallone fished the lower Barnegat Bay today. They reported having a slow day but they did catch a couple winter flounder. They caught ‘em using the standard procedure, chumming with clam and fishing with bloodworm as hook bait. They reported that the water temp at Ship Bottom’s causeway bridge was 50 degrees.
Received: Mar 31, 2010 2:40 PM
Subject: Sea Bass, Summer Flounder and Weakfish NJ Regulations
The NJ DEP has announced new regulations for the recreational and commercial harvest of black sea bass, summer flounder, and weakfish became effective in New Jersey on March 25, 2010. New Jersey’s adoption of the regulations was necessary to remain in compliance with the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) Interstate Fishery Management Plans (FMP) for these species.
The regulation changes include a reduction in the recreational black sea bass season, a minor change in the summer flounder recreational season and a recreational and commercial possession limit reduction for weakfish.
For more information on the changes, including season dates and size limits, see…
For current information on 2010 NJ Marine Recreational Fishing Regulations see…
March 29, 2010
Received: Mar 29, 2010 9:03 AM Subject: Winter Flounder
Hi from AquaVu Joe. Went out on the first and last winter flounder trip this year on Thurs the 25th. Water temp ranged from 44 to 51, fished from the Causeway to Myers hole. Not a single bite. 14 chum logs, 2 dozen bloodworms, fresh clams and Gulp bloodworms. Saw nothing on the AquaVu but spider crabs. I hope the commercials didn’t decimate the winter flounder fishery like they did to the whiting. First time ever getting skunked for winter flounder, we usually catch 20 or 30 fish every year. ~Joe Giafaglione
March 28, 2010
3:30 PM
Rob Vallone of Harvey Cedars stopped in the shop to pick up fresh bait. He reported winter flounder at the causeway bridges. He fished the outgoing tide yesterday with lots of clam chum and live bloodworms. Rob said, “Missed a handful of hits and caught three keepers, the biggest was 14-inches. The boat next to us had two keepers. The first half of the tide was productive; however, the bottom half was dead.” Rob noted that the water temperature was 47 degrees.
March 27, 2010
6:30 PM
Ryan Haines of Lumberton and Jim Kerbaugh of Haddon Township went to Graveling Point this morning but it was too rough with the wind. They decided to head over to LBI to give winter flounder a try.
They fished down the street from the shop (from land) with both live bloodworms and fresh clams. They limited out in a couple hours. Ryan’s biggest winter flounder was a 2.25-lb that went for a whole fresh clam. Jim’s biggest was a 1.35-lb that went for a live bloodworm. Check out a picture of their fish!
Ryan mentioned that on Thursday he fished Graveling (in a boat) with bloodworms. They had a lot of knock down but only landed one bass, a 28.5 incher. A boat next to them caught two keepers doing the same thing.
Chris Bender stopped in the shop this afternoon. He said that although the weather wasn’t perfect, the fishing has been great all over this past week. He’s been catching at Oyster Creek, Graveling Point and the Mid-island bayside.
On Tuesday Chris caught a good number of perch in Beach Haven West on live grass shrimp that he caught himself. On Wednesday Chris fished Oyster Creek during the day. He and a friend limited out on winter flounder in a about two hours using live blood worms. Wednesday night he fished at Graveling and caught a ton of short bass and one keeper, all on bloods. He also caught four catfish on fresh clam. Last night (Friday) Chris caught two short bass on a small black bomber backside of Ship Bottom.
March 26, 2010
Received: Mar 26, 2010 1:11 PM Subject: Wednesday Night , March 24th
Thanks for staying open a few minutes past 6:00 PM on Wednesday night because otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to get bloodworms! I fished those bloodworms Bayside on the outgoing tide between 10:30 PM and 1:30 PM. Hooked up three stripers and lost two! One of the fished I dropped was a bona fide keeper. He ripped my braided line off the spool for about 50-yds. Once under control he made another run and finished with a top water thrash and spit the hook. Must say, in all the years I fished down here I never experienced early action like this on striped bass. Hopefully a great sign for the season ahead of us. ~ Jay Simmons, Coopersburg, PA
March 25, 2010
Winter Flounder season started March 23rd, 2010 and ends May 21, 2010 with a 2 fish limit at a 12″ minimum length.
Received: Mar 25, 2010 6:02 PM Subject: Bluefin Report from local in NC
Adam Sherer and John Flores fishing aboard the Canyon Runner out of Oregon Inlet, NC this morning. They had ten Bluefin tuna up to 200-lbs. Adam caught a big one on a stick bait (lure) fished from an 8′ Custom Ocean Revolution (Smith, Ltd of Japan) that I built for him. I’m stoked to hear that the rod whipped some *ss. ~ Greg
Received: Mar 25, 2010 3:25 PM Subject: Flounder report
Fished Surf City bay today within sight of Surf City boat ramp. Chummed pretty heavy and used bloodworms. Action was decent and no problem reaching the two fish limit. ~ Jason
Yesterday, Chris B. had two real nice size Winter Flounder while fishing the bay in the Ship Bottom area.
March 23, 2010
RFA-NJ Applauds Passage of Free Saltwater Registry Legislation
March 22, 2010 – With nine months to go before New Jersey’s saltwater anglers could be forced into paying for a federal saltwater registry program, the state’s full Assembly today approved a bill (A823) to create a free, state-run saltwater angler registry in New Jersey. The vote by the New Jersey Assembly (54 in favor, 16 opposed, 6 abstain) clears the way for Senate discussion regarding the companion bill (S1122), which if also passed and signed by the governor would exempt all recreational anglers who fish in New Jersey coastal waters from having to pay NOAA to store their name and contact information on file.
Primary sponsors of A823 include Assemblymen Nelson Albano and Matt Milam,(D-District 1), along with representatives John Amodeo (R-District 2) and Celeste Riley (D-District 3), while co-sponsors include Assemblyman Scott T. Rumana (R-District 40) and Assemblyman Gilbert “Whip” Wilson (D-District 5). The Assembly bill which passed today matches an identical Senate bill (S1122) which was reintroduced last month by Senator Jeff Van Drew (D-1) and would require the Department of Environmental Protection to establish a free recreational saltwater registry in New Jersey. The legislation would meet new federal requirements mandating that the contact information of individuals who engage in recreational fishing within state coastal waters be collected in a state registry database.
As mandated by the Magnuson Stevens Act, federal surveyors who keep track of recreational fish harvest will be required to use the new saltwater angler registry to contact fishermen about their fishing habits. As of 2010, most anglers fishing in New Jersey coastal waters are required to register with the federal government in an effort to improve data collection (visit for details). As of 2011, NOAA has said they may begin charging anglers up to $25 apiece to register online with the federal system, unless states come up with their own system of gathering angler information. Both A823 and S1122 have been written specifically to allow New Jersey to apply for “exempted state designation from the federal registration requirements,” while also stating that the DEP shall not charge a fee for the required registration program.
“This is the right thing to for the coastal anglers who fish in New Jersey, both state residents and for those out-of-state fishermen who visit the Jersey Shore every year,” said Capt. Adam Nowalsky, Chairman of the Recreational Fishing Alliance’s New Jersey chapter (RFA-NJ). Earlier this month, Nowalsky and other RFA representatives testified before the New Jersey Assembly Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee in favor of A823, where the bill passed unanimously out of committee. RFA argued that the need for a federally mandated saltwater registry in the state was essentially co-opted by advocates of a saltwater license, which is purely a funding debate. “What has happened is people have seen the issue with regard to funding here in the state of New Jersey specifically with fisheries and the two issues are being mixed together,” Nowalsky told the committee back on March 9.
“Sen. Van Drew said it best when testifying for this bill in committee, that fathers and sons, brothers and sisters, friends and family should all be able to wet a line without worrying about lining someone’s pockets, “Nowalsky added. “We look forward to continuing to work on this, getting additional sponsors for S1122, and getting the Senate companion bill before Committee and up for a vote.”
The last time the Senate version of the free saltwater registry was due to be heard in the Senate Environment Committee was back on December 3, 2009. According to the RFA, the bill had the votes needed to pass along to the Senate for full vote, however, Committee Chairman Bob Smith (D-Piscataway) refused to allow the bill to be heard, to the exclusion of the recreational fishing community in New Jersey. “We’re not pleased with the way Chairman Smith handled this back in December,” said Jim Donofrio, the RFA’s Executive Director. “All his committee members expressed a positive view of the bill, but the Chairman felt it was better to help his friends at the DEP instead of listening to the will of the people through their committee members.”
As reported in the Atlantic City Press, Smith refused to allow public comment on the free registry legislation and instead yielded the floor and his support to the DEP position in favor of a $15 to $30 fee that saltwater anglers would have to pay before being allowed to fish. Donofrio said it’s regrettable that the need for a simple phonebook of saltwater anglers has been intentionally manipulated by advocates for a saltwater usage fee. “In a down economy where state bureaucracies have been caught misappropriating millions of dollars away from so-called dedicated accounts, it’s hard to believe that there are some in our own recreational community who would attempt to intentionally mislead our state legislators about the registry requirements.”
Donofrio said today’s Assembly vote is a strong indication that legislators in New Jersey have been able to see through the rhetoric. “The RFA is thankful for the efforts of those Assembly and Senate sponsors for keeping the discussions focused on the rights of our fishing community, and we’d especially like to thank the Assembly Speaker Ms. Sheila Oliver for recognizing the importance of this legislation and for putting the free registry bill up for a full Assembly vote as quickly as she did,” Donofrio said.
To learn more about the RFA-NJ chapter and to get involved in NJ saltwater fishing issues, visit
March 22, 2010
5:30 PM
Matt Holley fished the mid-island bayside yesterday evening. He caught a 33″ striper on salted clam! He just re-upped with bait and is going to try to get another one tonight.
St. Croix Mojo surf rods will be here in about a week.
The NJ DEP Division of Fish and Wildife has received notice that the federal government has agreed to give New Jersey until July 30th to implement regulations necessary to avoid a shark fishing moratorium. The state faced the moratorium this season due to non-compliance with regulations required in the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Atlantic Coastal Sharks Interstate Fishery Management Plan. For more information, visit the NJ Fish & Game web site page…
March 21, 2010
3:00 PM
Yesterday, the first day of spring was a great treat for all of us! So far today the weather has been great; however, a low pressure system will approach from the west tonight resulting in rain and wind on Monday and possibly Tuesday.
Diane and Marty Cosello from Philadelphia, PA were in the shop this afternoon to buy a new pair of Costa Del Mar Sunglasses. They were on the water yesterday aboard the “Bodacious” out of Port Norris. It was the boat’s first trip out for the 2010 spring stripers season. They fished the Delaware Bay and caught two keepers on the boat as well as a few short stripers.
Chris Bender reported back again. He went to Oyster Creek yesterday evening. He was skunked on live bloods off of the Rt. 9 Bridge and didn’t see anything caught by other anglers either. Some anglers were fishing clam and others were casting artificial.
Jack Wolfberg from Ft. Washington, PA stopped by the shop this afternoon. He was running on little to no sleep. He just returned from a cod trip. Jack fished aboard the “Viking Star” out of Montauk. He caught sixteen cod (6 were keeper size) and won the first pool with his biggest, a 13-lber. Jack noted that all of his fish were on clam.
March 20, 2010
8:00 PM
Chris Bender stopped by the shop this afternoon to buy a few dozen bloodworms. He has taking advantage of the beautiful weather all week, fishing both Oyster Creek and Graveling Point. He has caught fish on every outing. He fished Graveling Point yesterday afternoon/evening and caught a couple shorties on live bloods. He also caught fish at Oyster Creek when the tide wasn’t right at G.Point. He thought back and remembered that on St. Patty’s Day he caught a couple keepers at O.Creek. He said that his most productive time there has been when the sun starts coming down. “The last couple hours of light have been good for me.” Chris said, “Both on worms and lures too.
Dan Russano from Tuckerton stopped in the shop just before closing to pickup live worms. He thanked us for beautiful “bite you back” bloods. While here buying bait and tackle he shared this fishing report; “Fished the outgoing tide (noon into dark) yesterday. Caught a couple fish and saw easily fifty other fish caught, only one keeper. The day before yesterday (Thursday) was even better I caught 10 fish and one 28 incher. I saw about three other keepers caught.”
Dan informed us that there are a lot of small perch in the area stealing bait. So don’t go out with a half dozen. He also noted that you’ll need to bring your patience, “Between the weeds and the zoo of other anglers it can be maddening.”
Dan shared some of his long time local knowledge with other customers in the store at the time, “I [Dan] have fish my blood worms for many on a simple Hi-Lo rig with 6/0 (or 4/0) Gamakatsu hooks and most of the time a 4 or 5 oz sinker. Yesterday and the day before the weeds were bad, so you might need a little bit more weight.” Dan measured the water temp yesterday at mid-tide outgoing, it was 41 degrees. He said, “The bite turns off like a switch when the much colder incoming tide arrives.”
Dan asks everyone fishing Graveling Point (as well as Oyster Creek for that matter), “Please take your trash with you. I’ve [Dan] has spent a number of hours down there(G.P.) picking up trash left behind by disrespectful anglers. Pack out what you pack in. It is that easy!”
On another note: The Forest Fire behind the new Paramount Homes seems to be under control now. It was growing yesterday and into today. The planes and helicopters came in for backup and helped the ground crew get it under control. FHQ store staffer Ken U. of the Stafford Fire Dept. has been putting his time in battling the blaze. Good work Kenny!
March 19, 2010
Another beautiful day is in the books. The days are lengthening and with the recent abundance of sunshine the local water temperatures have begun to rise from the winter lows. We need this to continue!
A lot of customers were in the shop today. So what’s the word? Cocktail blues, short stripers and finally a couple keepers! Customers have shared fishing reports from the popular (and crowded) early season spots. Sorry I don’t have any names.
Bluefish in the 1-3lb range continue to bend the rods of anglers fishing the Oyster Creek warm water outflow. There are also small stripers putting smiles on anglers there too. Most fish are going for bait (live bloods and fresh clam) but artificials are working if the bait thing isn’t your gig. Earlier in the week Joni W. caught a couple fish (a bass and a few blues) walking the bank with a worm tipped bucktail.
Graveling Point is finally starting to turn on. There are fish to be caught but nothing spectacular, yet. A couple of the local LBIFC anglers gave it their best shot there and were rewarded with stripes.
As far as the surf goes, a number of anglers have tried but I have not heard feedback on how they did. Give it a little bit of time and the beach will turn on. Spring will be here Saturday but with the recent days it seems like it has already arrived. Enjoy your weekend!
Remember: Winter Flounder season starts March 23rd, 2010 and ends May 21, 2010 with a 2 fish limit at a 12″ minimum length. Get those boats uncovered.
BE AWARE: There has been and will be construction on the bridge (resurfacing) until Thursday, so there might be traffic delays crossing the Manahawkin Bridge in either directions. Hopefully the weekend will not be affected too badly.
March 17, 2010
1:00 AM
Happy St. Patty’s Day! Tactical Angler Clips are here.
March Madness Sale is still going on. Up to 50% OFF Select Items. There are three racks of rods and lots of tackle for inshore, offshore and from shore anglers. Stop in the shop and check it out.
March 16, 2010
11:30 AM
The Beast has left the East! The forecast has broke open (about time). We will have sunshine for the next few days and right into the weekend. Looks like temps will be in the mid to upper 50’s might even reach 60 degrees. Those anglers out there looking to fish, look for the warm water.
Curtis Terwilliger of Ship Bottom just stopped by the shop and shared his report: “Fished the warm water out flow of the Plant. Caught 3 bluefish on Pink Fin-S and missed a couple hits too. Just came into the shop to get live bloods. Gonna go back and give it another try. Looking for those bass.”
March 13, 2010
10:00 AM
Looking for something to do this weekend? It’s gonna be windy and rainy so why not hit the Flea Markets?
Right Now it’s happening! Saturday, March 13th from 8am-2pm
Fish Hawks Fishing Flea Market
Location: Lacey Elks Lodge 2518 – 900 Beach Blvd., Forked River, NJ 08731
Admission $3 for Adults and Kids under 12 are FREE
Sunday, March 14th 9am-2pm
18th Annual Asbury Park Fishing Club’s Fishing Flea Market
“Over 100 tables! Meet, Greet & Buy from some of the best custom plug makers in the North East!” Location: Asbury Park Convention Hall – On the Boardwalk in Asbury Park between Ocean & Sunset Avenues. Admission $3
March 11, 2010
9:30 PM
We were on a roll there for a while with great weather! I had to take advantage of the last nice day since it looks like it is going to be windy with periods of rain throughout the weekend.
Late this afternoon, I went back to the same area that I fished on Tuesday. I started casting from the bank with a red 6″ Skinny Hogy rigged weedless style on a weighed swim bait hook. Second cast I was hooked up with a small but wildly trashing bluefish. After about an hour of walking the bank with the Hogys I switched to a small plastic swimmer (Stillwater) because I got tired of loosing the tails to the toothy blue-dogs. Less than a handful of casts later I caught and released another cocktail blue. Dark set in and I called it a day. It got chilly quick!
Once again the anglers on the bridge were catching more consistently, for the most part on bait (live bloodworm and clam). I saw more than a half dozen schoolie stripers caught and a surprising number of bluefish. I thought it seemed kind of early for the blues but I’m not complaining. They are screaming fun on light tackle.
March 10, 2010
11:00 PM
Yesterday (Tuesday 9th) late afternoon I decided to head out to get my line wet. Went over to the warm water out flow and fished from the bank for about an hour or more. The schoolie stripers didn’t want my lures, but anglers using live bloods were catching. I saw about a half dozen fish caught in the hour before dark.
March 8, 2010
8:00 PM
Good friend Adam Sherer headed down to the Outer Banks on Sunday night with some friends to fish aboard the Tuna Duck.
Adam just gave me a call to rub it in, “12 bluefin tuna up to 200-lbs!” Donte S. had 4 and Adam had one. All of the fish where caught earlier today jigging. They are on their way home now, hopefully with some tuna steaks for me.
12:00 Noon
Winter Flounder season starts March 23rd, 2010 and ends May 21, 2010 with a 2 fish limit at a 12″ minimum length.
Bloodworms are currently in stock. For those customers that desire Green Crabs, Surf Clams and Sandworms we need your input. If we receive enough inquires then attempts to order and sell small “over the counter” quantities will be made. If you desire 1/2 or full bushels of Greens Crabs, live worms by the box like Bloodworms (10 or 20dz/box) or Sandworms (10dz/box) then these can be special ordered only if prepaid and ordered early in the week. No guarantees of availability. Sorry, the bait sales are too slow to be able to do otherwise right now.
March 7, 2010
12:00 Noon
Another beautiful day! Nice sized bite you back bloodworms in stock for those looking to give it their best shot!
For those customers that have requested, Green Crabs and Surf Clams in the shell have been ordered. If all goes according to plan they will be here by Friday afternoon. At this time we do not know if we are getting enough to meet the demand. Call in your orders ASAP and we will try to bump up our delivery if possible. We are not sure what will be delivered or how long it will last. No guarantees of availability.
Received: Sunday, March 7, 2010 7:03:15 PM
Subject: Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters report
We got out first “Reel” weather break from the winter weather. Hopefully by weeks end I will be waking Reel Fantasea from her winter slumber by cutting away her winter blanket and start season prep work on her. I must admit this winter has been a pain. More so than prior ones I can remember and the call of the “brine” is ringing louder than ever before. NJ ANGLER magazine readers and subscriber’s… this will be my second season as contributing local columnist for my home waters of Barnegat Bay and shore waters, sharing local knowledge, techniques and experiences will hopefully help some “over the humps”. There is a saying, “A smart man learns from his mistakes but a really smart man learns from other’s mistakes”. Well like any thing in life, if you do something long enough… yada, yada, yada. This April I will be doing Open Boat trips for winter flounder and stripers. Anyone interested just give me a call or email me for details. The month of May is right around the corner and it is truly one of my favorite months to fish as the blues and stripers encountered are ravenous form their journey Northward. Early May usually sees fast out of the gate action with big blues on the bay flats using light spinning tackle and poppers.. plop , plop, plop … BOOM! Game on! We’ll be catching Stripers on a combination of artificial lures and bait. Mid to late May we will see more trophy stripers starting to show up in better numbers on the schools of bunker or while trolling bunker spoons. May 2,7,13,14,16,28 are the last remaining dates for those interested in the action. I have been trying to fine tune the email list for my weekly fishing report and added a number of new ones, if I have made any mistakes please let me know.
~ Capt. Steve Purul, “Reel FantaSea” Charters, 609-290-1217,
March 6, 2010
7:00 PM
What a beautiful day! Sunny skies in the forecast tomorrow too.
The Tuckerton area should have a few fish any day now (if not already). As long as the sun keeps shinning the water should warm up.
A couple of days ago at the Oyster Creek warm water outflow there were two barges parked by the Rt.9 bridge that interfered with fishing from the roadside. Morgan Pedrick of Holgate worked lures from the bank for a couple of hours with no luck. He did see an angler beside him catch one small striper on a soft body plastic. There’s hope! We were told today that the barges moved out so the area next to the bridge should be fishable. Please let us know.
On another note: The boats up north (out of Montauk & Mass.) are crushing the cod. A number of local customers have been stopping in to re-up with tackle and gear. One customer said, “get on it before it’s over. Usually once the new moon hits the fish move out of the area.” He said that he will share his report when he gets back home.
March 3, 2010
Bloodworms are on the way here…
…To start the season off a limited amount of bloodworms are on the way. At this time we do not know if we are getting enough to meet the demand. Call in your orders now and we will try to bump up our delivery if possible. We are not sure how long this delivery will be in stock. To try and fill your demands we need your input now. No guarantees of availability.
Our Green Crab stock is currently sold out….
…Please continue to give us your comments, otherwise we will not even try to order Green Crabs.- Thank you
January 20, 2010
Received: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:23 PM
Subject: Wed toggin
On the Seatriever we decided not to go check out some cod numbers. We did get out to some wrecks, Saba, Magnolia, etc. 70 something feet of water. It was a slow pick w/ four of us eventually keeping 7 Blackfish up to 5-lbs. Again it was a 60% throwback deal. A lot of 13 inch fish all on green crabs. They were just not biting aggressively. Not a great catch, but it was a gorgeous day on the water. Still looking for the bigger fish as they try to winter over somewhere. Next trip is going to be further East.
~ Steve
January 15, 2010
Received: Sunday, January 17, 2010 8:53 PM
Subject: Friday 01.15.2010
The Seatriever’s first stop was on some small pieces of the Garden State North. The water temp 39. A slow pick with 60% throwback fish. Hit 4 small structures and caught approx 6 keeper Blackfish. Each piece gave up fish SLOWLY. We were wondering where the mother load was. At about noon the wind and seas backed off. So off to deeper water. Hit the G. Isaac. Pulled 1 or 2 out of that one. No mother load there, so off to the offshore tug. It was a 2 O’clock bite. Pulled 8 off that one. Left for the barn at 3PM with a nice ride home and a great day for January. This was the first time in a least 5 years that Uncle Moe, Skip and I fished together. We’re still looking for the mother load of those bigger fish. Uncle Moe was happy to see that only one Spiny Dogfish was caught.
~ Steve
Received: Friday, January 15, 2010 8:53 PM
Subject: Your Friday, January 15 Fishing Report
I was on the Angler out of Atlantic Highlands, NJ. I know its not LBI local, I just wanted to let you know I was out there today and giving it the old college try. We had about 40 people on board to look for blackfish. The water temp has dropped some and I think it slowed down the fishes eating patterns. It was a pick at best. Some blackfish and some ling. Silver eels and pouts rounded up the catch. I had one short and three pouts. Nice out there but NOAA had the wind and temp wrong. It was chilly out there. Caught the short blackfish on clam and had one pout on crab. Also had a pout on shrimp. Go figure. I was glad to be out.
On Wednesday, February 24, 2010 there will be a “March on DC” in support of our fishing rights… Or lack there of… Please support the Save the Summer Flounder Fishery Fund (SSFFF) and United Boatmen and attend if you can. All the information can be found on the link…
~ Jim T., Bridgewater, NJ