Anglers fishing in and around the waters of Long Beach Island have a variety of species to target. For the most part summer flounder are in the spot light but there’s a variety of other species that offer good fishing opportunities… Sea Bass, Sheepshead, Triggerfish, Weakfish, Kingfish, Striped Bass, Bluefish, Blowfish, +. Here’s the LBI Fishing Report Update for Wednesday July 6, 2022.
The most asked question is, “What’s biting on the Long Beach Island Surf?”
Recently catches are mostly made up of fluke and kingfish. There are some sharks and rays cruising the bars. We had a nice striped bass reported by Walter Horner.

If hitting the surf there’s a decision to make… either heavier rod to chunk via bait and weight-wait or lighter outfit to actively fish via cast and retrieve. If chunking, bunker, mackerel and/or clam would be the baits of choice rigged up on a single hook slide rig, hi/o or half bass rig. If going the lighter way use a small hook hi/lo rig with live bloodworms, Fish Bites Bag O’Worms or DynaBait Freeze Dried Bloodworms for kingfish. For fluke a hi/lo rigged doubled up with 3-4-5″ Gulp or a jig and teaser (baited with Gulp) will catch them.
Right now there is some seasonably chilly surf temperatures (low 60’s) due to a minor upwelling event. Some beaches on the island are warmer (mid 60’s) and some colder (in the mid to upper 50’s). Finding warmer water will offer better results with more active bites. I’ve found that while Fish Bites are incredible live and freeze dried worms out fish during the colder water slow day bites.
Fluke fishing is good in the bay, inlet and ocean sites. Not everyday, all day is it on but some days and times offer quality fishing. There’s still some quality fluke in the bayside waters. Ryan Warford caught this one on July 4th.

In the past week or so reports of ocean fluke fishing were good. Reports from some of the reefs have been good. There’s alos some nice sea bass to be caught.
The current Black Sea Bass regulation (July 1 – August 31) is 2 Fish At 13″.
Anglers in the know who are focusing and doing the work are catching beautiful sheepshead. Fiddlers, sand fleas and blue crabs are the best baits. Triggerfish are also here.
Here’s a link to my last video report. It’s a short one, but stay tuned and I’ll have up a more detailed report in the near future.
Offshore Fishing Report
Some yellowfin and bluefin reports popped up over the past week. A few reports from the mid-shore grounds and others from far offshore. A couple customers in the show reported a few bluefin in the area of the Barnegat Ridge. A couple reports from the AP which usually by this time of year is on fire. We heard about some action that popped up for a couple days in the area of the Bacardi and Texas Tower. There has also been some large bluefin only a few miles off the beach.
Store staffer Frezza got into some good fun deep drop fishing for tiles. Here’s a good size blue-line tilefish he caught on a recent trip.

Mako shark fishing is closed!
Effective July 5, 2022 – No shortfin mako sharks may be landed or retained in any U.S. Atlantic highly migratory species (HMS) fishery until further notice. This zero retention limit of zero in the commercial and recreational Atlantic HMS fisheries is consistent with the management measure adopted in 2021 by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) recommendation. For more information on mako sharks, their biology and management check out this recent blog post.