Lots of options this week for fishing. Fishing the inlet jetty for stripers and blues. We will also be getting our first batches of live grass shrimp this weekend to target weakfish and the mixed bag on ultralite tackle in the bay. Saturday looks like a good day to run offshore for tuna and we have our first good reports from the mid range grounds on that fishery.
Here is the reality of all the trips listed below:
Our Striper/Blue trips in the inlet have been producing more blackfish (Tog) than anything else. We have to catch 30 Tog to catch a few nice stripers as they are all hitting the same bait. The tog are all 2 to 5 pounders but they are out of season until August 1. The upside is we are catching everything on 10 pound spinning rods and bobbers drifted right into the jetty. As some of our customers have pointed out, there are worse problems to have than catching too many fish. Agreed. The bluefish are in there thick one day and gone the next. The bass are mostly 25 to 30 plus inch fish and we have tags to keep the 24 to 28 inchers.
Live Grass Shrimp trips. This is the first time we have been able to buy this bait this season. The same slime or snot grass that has plagued our bay fishing has also made it impossible for our shrimp supplier to catch the bait…..until now. So, I don’t have any weakfish reports but shrimping usually stirs some kind of action up and we go all the way down to the six pound spinning outfits for this fishery. I like the idea of combining this with the jetty fishing in hopes one or the other will be successful.
TUNA!!! For the last 7 or 8 years our inlet has been close to countless choices of mid-range tuna grounds for bluefin and yellowfin tuna. So far, this season, it has been a struggle to locate them at a reasonable distance. Cape Cod is loaded with fish and Cape May/OC,MD just heated up. Yesterday there were finally some nice fish caught at a reasonable distance from Barnegat Inlet. That’s where we are headed on Saturday as long as the marine forecast holds up. It’s not a slam dunk, a few boats went and caught yesterday (Wed), that’s all I got. And no, I can’t share where, as it was given to me in confidence. If I find them first, then I can tell whoever I want. It’s just the code we live by.
Here is our Open Boat schedule for the next few days, of course, you could charter the boat for your own group, as well:
Fri July 8 11AM to 4 PM Stripers and Blues in the inlet. $175 person
Sat July 9 2AM to 4PM Mid Range TUNA. $450 person
Sun July 10 6AM to Noon Bass & Blues at the Inlet and Live Grass Shrimp in the Bay Combo $200 person
Mon July 11 6AM to Noon Bass & Blues at the Inlet and Live Grass Shrimp in the Bay Combo $200 person
All trips are 4 people max, all fish are shared.
Call to reserve a spot right up until “go time”. Phone is best as I am fishing more than I am checking email.
See you on board!
Dave DeGennaro
Hi Flier Sportfishing
732.330.5674 cell