Fishing Report Update 1/24/2018

Nothing to report about locally here… Word from most of the boats fishing are it is a struggle to put together a catch. The tog fishing has been very slow. Most of the local tuna boyz are heading or are already staged up and ready to hit the winter time blue fin off of North Carolina’s Outer Banks. February and March are the time when the start popping.

We got a report from some friends fishing down in Florida.

The Comanche’s are down south and having fun. They got into some good snook fishing as well as sharks on poppers. More details on this in future posts.

Yesterday one inlet jetty on Florida’s east coast was on! Summertime store staffer Nick D is enjoying college in the sunshine state and reported, “The whole jetty was hooked up for over an hour with snook. My buddy Andy got one good red!”

Andy Weatherford caught this bull red fish while fishing from a popular inlet jetty in Florida.
Here’s Andy Weatherford with his bull red.

Unique Summer Program For Teenage Students

For 2018, the NJ Fish & Wildlife is offering Student Summer Programs at Sedge Island Natural Resource Education Center. These unique programs held at a beautiful location on the Barnegat Bay are educational and fun for teenage students.

For program details and application information visit

Author: FishHead.Greg

A Long Beach Island native with life long experience fishing and navigating the local waters, Greg is a distinguished Master Captain (the highest qualified operator license), holding a US Coast Guard Masters 50T Near Coastal License with Towing Endorsement. Raised in and now managing his family's bait and tackle business, Fishermans Headquarters (Since 1962, The Saltwater Fishing Bait & Tackle Experts) Greg is daily immersed in fishing. He is the Chief Contributor of (Long Beach Island's best fishing report blog) as well as the Admin for the shop's social media pages (on Instagram and Facebook). Be sure to follow!

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