Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters – Tons of mini bass = fun light tackle action!!

This past weekend’s weather forecast had more bark than bite as rain and wind didn’t live up to its expected punch. Conditions were much more favorable and so off I went scouting around with the first stop having loads of smaller striped bass waiting for anything to hit the bottom.

The next few stops found much of the same with loads of cooperative mini stripers providing non stop light tackle action and fun! Schools were actually so thick you could see your jig being hit just a few feet below the surface!!

Bigger bass and blues are surely days away if not present already!!
With the weather trending warmer the 2019 fishing season progression is looking great! I still have a few spring and early summer dates available but don’t delay book today!

I have this weekday evenings [5pm -8pm] Happy Hour specials and this Satuday and Sunday [ am – pm]

Wishing everyone fair winds and calm seas,

Captain Steve Purul – Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters – 609-290-1217

Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters – We’re back at it!!

Seems like forever that I have sat down and have given any fishing reports or updates but here it goes.

The back bays have a solid amount of bass roaming around it’s safe confines with most of the activity seemingly after sunset. Bass ranging in sizes from mere inches to over the minimum 28″ keeper size are on hand.
Bluefish are likely within a week or so away if they aren’t here already as laughing gulls have arrived about 7-10 days ago.

This year the Reel Fantasea has had an electronics upgrade with the latest and greatest technology from Lowrance! I will be running the brand new “HDS Live” which is absolutely the most high tech equipment available on the market!!

Last weekend was the first attempts out for the season and I must admit there wasn’t much to brag about other than a smattering of stripers caught to avoid a skunk but things should continue to improve on a daily basis!

I have a couple spots open for this Sunday 8am -1pm , we are still in scouting mode for this time of year but so far we haven’t been skunked [fingers crossed]. Rods, tackle, bait and fish cleaning is included, $125pp.

We will be fishing and scouting the safe confines of the bay and ducking outside for a look around the big pond if conditions allow.

Wishing everyone fair winds and calm seas,

Captain Steve Purul – Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters – 609-290-1217





Hi Folks ,
Been on the water for 3 straight weeks with little rest until today . The weather has been the biggest obstacle this Fall but when the weather and stars align Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters has been in the game with stripers while employing a mix of artificial and live baits. Trolling Tony Maja spoons and Mojo’s have scored our bigger fish while artificial and live baits have accounted for our smaller class of fish when conditions are challenging closer to home.
I have this Saturday and Sunday available for anyone looking for to jump aboard before the winter winds send us to the hard ground for the 2018 season!
Wishing everyone fair winds and calm seas,
Captain Steve Purul
Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters


Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters – Albies and Bass Active and abundant! Getting better by the day!!



Things really started to heat up between sight casting for surface breaking albies with light spinning tackle and employing a combination of both artificial and live bait for a robust striped bass bite!!

With things settling down and cooler temps [ other than a brief mid week warm up] on hand the action should continue to improve with both size and quantity!!

November 7 and 20th are my last remaining dates for morning departures until December. I do have a few afternoon dates still available for those looking for a quick fix of fall fishing .

Wishing everyone fair winds and calm seas,

Captain Steve Purul

Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters




Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters






Cooler temps has started to heat up and stoke the flames of our awaited fall migration! The Northern reaches of our coast has encountered the first wave of the fall migration while locally stripers, blues, tog, albies , bonito and even a few leftover Spaniards are roaming about.

The backback, inlet and surrounding waters are all producing a mix of the above, with the bays waters cooling down and the bay’s stock pile of abundant forage starting to exit the back bays providing a solid meal plan to welcome newly arrive guest this fall should be another one for the books! [ fingers crossed]

The extended weather temp trend continues downward and into it’s season spiral which should only ignite this powder keg!

I have this Saturday October 27th afternoon for a 3-4 hour [ departure and return approx noon to sunset] .

Wishing everyone fair winds and calm seas,

Captain Steve Purul

Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters


Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters – Cooler temps on the way should heat up action even more!

Barnegat Bay continues to offer up it’s bounty with species such as stripers from 22″ to 30″ , blue fish [ 1-5lbs] , catch and release jumbo fluke to 27″, Weakfish and non stop blow fish action that can fill buckets depending on interest and intent .

The bay’s local waters are brimming with abundant forage such as peanut bunker, mullet, bay anchovy, spearing and assorted other juvenile species that should provide yet another outstanding Fall migration fishery .
With the calendar turning yet another page and advancing further into the fall season anglers aboard the Reel Fantasea are looking forward to cooler temps and anticipating our world class fall migration!!
I have this October 13 [ am and pm] and 14 [am only] for interested parties or individuals.
Wishing everyone fair winds and calm seas,
Captain Steve Purul
Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters

Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters – Sunday morning spots available – Weakfish, stripers and blues!

I have a few spots open for Sunday morning 630-1130am will be targeting weakfish [ grass shrimping] , stripers and blues [ live bait and artificals ] . There has been plenty of light tackle action and fun for all the above.

We have plenty of striper bonus tags [ 24″ -27.999″ are keepers] so come on out and have some light tackle fun and excitement!
Best Regards,
Captain Steve Purul
Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters

Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters

Last weeks weather was a solid mix of miserable[s] in the way of foggy , overcast, wind driven rain for most of the week turning our waters into a murky off color broth and froth. With the weather settling back down and conditions returning to a bit of a normal pattern [ for now] we cleared the line and got back to business .

Weakfish, blues and fluke were quickly found and entertaining our anglers while employing a variety of techniques and baits and locations. Grass shrimping was our go to for a fun variety of weakfish, snappers and fluke. Drifting freshly netted peanut bunker and utilizing artificial presentations were employed for both larger fluke and bluefish.
I have this Saturday afternoon [ September 22] and Sunday morning [September 23] available for a mix of all the above and more.
Wishing everyone fair winds and calm seas,
Captain Steve Purul
Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters

Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters – Grass Shrimping for weakfish Connects!

It’s been awhile since I had a chance to sit down and complete a weekly fishing report but with the weather presently on hand and this weeks forecast looking a bit feisty I’m trying to get caught up and get the Reel Fantasea [ she is on the hard for services and tweaking] , rods,tackle, bait pens fully stocked and all the loose ends tightened up for our Fall season.

Presently anglers aboard the Reel Fantasea continue to score blues, weakfish and fluke while some trips encountering and sight casting to skyrocketing Spanish mackerel and bonito. Striped bass are always a possibility but the cooler tides have proven most productive.

Our back bay, inlet and ocean is jammed packed and brimming with tons of bait fish that should provide and hold plenty of opportunities for those anglers plying the brine and seeking a worthy quarry from here on through the fall season
[ barring any major weather event ] .
Whether site casting to drag scorching speedsters such as Albies, bonito or Spanish mackerel or dropping baits to wreck warriors such as seabass and tog or combining both techniques to engage both migrating stripers and blues it’s time to reserve today!
Along with the above species anglers aboard consistently have been entertained and have encountered feeding and breaching whales sometimes within mere feet of the boat!!
New Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters swag is ready for delivery for you and or your angler[s] for birthday or holiday gift[s] . I’ve worked and help design a newer design that reflects our inshore species and a more accurate decal that reflects what we do best!! Hoodies [$35] , long sleeve tees [ Navy Blue] – [$23] and performance tees [ sunblocking spf 30 ] – [ $24] are available. So whether you have fished with us or not I hope you enjoy wearing and representing our little local water end of this salty sphere !
With Fall closing swiftly in [ September 23 ] the colder temps will surely be here faster than you think don’t delay reserve today!! Once again we will be participating in the NJ striped bass bonus program which allows our anglers to harvest 24″-27.99999″ striped bass along with 28″ and greater and additional 43″ or greater . These are the most gratuitous harvests bag limits along the East coast!!
Wishing everyone fair winds and calm seas,
Captain Steve Purul
Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters

Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters – Inshore Pelagic Invasion !!

Spanish Mackerel ,Atlantic Bonito [ [ both excellent raw/sashimi or cooked] and even Mahi have invaded our inshore waters for some exciting site casting opportunities for those looking for a short ride to the pelagics , Now is the Time!!! Cobia have also joined the ranks but unfortunately we have yet to get one to bite. How long will this action last is anyone’s guess but it is an amazing time of year to be out on the brine to see “what else can I catch”? These trips keep Captain and angler at the “ready” for a quick casting opputunity for a well placed presentation for the savvy angler or can also be be scored on the troll.

Last years inshore albie bite was nothing short of world class with our anglers skills and tackle being testing regularly. These tackle testing dragsters are a light tackle enthusiastic dream ! Will this year provide even more excitement ? Hold tight and let’s hope!!

Bluefish , striped bass and fluke continue to provide staedy action are also ready to answer the call to “what else can we catch” but do require a bit of couching to lesser experienced angler.
Blowfish and a interesting assortment of other species provide “guppy” [kids] involvement and family fun.
Wishing everyone fair winds and calm seas,
Captain Steve Purul
Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters