Striped Bass Public Comment Deadline 12/10/24

Many striped bass anglers ask me… “The fishing is awesome, why the cuts?” Well yes, we have had some really good fishing in some areas and at some points during the season. So it can be hard for anglers to understand what’s boiling up. The recruitment data from Chesapeake Bay is bad and it’s been bad. Six consecutive poor year classes bad. Why? For a myriad of reasons and if you could fix each issue we wouldn’t be in this predicament. Also it doesn’t help that the SSB (female spawning stock biomass) Target is set at about 250 million pounds which is at a historical high. It will be challenging but it is everyone’s hope that the Chesapeake Bay (which is responsible for 70-80% of the Atlantic coast wide stock) is still capable of making the comeback.

Whether you agree with me or not, that’s fine. That’s fisheries management. To help encourage all saltwater anglers to participate in the process, I’m sharing my comments which I submitted via email, I encourage you to submit your own comments right away! The deadline is tomorrow Tuesday Dec 10th by 11:59 p.m.  The Board will meet in-person and via webinar on Monday, December 16 at 10 a.m. to consider changing 2025 management measures to increase the probability of rebuilding the stock by the 2029 deadline.

For more information here is a link to the revised meeting materials as well as a recent webinar…

Dear Striped Bass Board Members,

Please keep the striped bass seasons and limit status quo for 2025.

The current narrow slot is VERY RESTRICTIVE yet still allows access to the fishery while all sectors take a fair and equitable sacrifice. Management measures are working to control fishing mortality. SSB projections which incorporate the impact of low recruitment suggest we are on the right path.  

Do not support no target closures.

I acknowledge allowing catch and release ignores a large portion of mortality; however the recreational sector, more specifically the fishing tackle industry and for-hire sector can not take more cuts or closures. NJ is not willing to close Wave 6 (Nov-Dec) in the same way that MA is not willing to close Wave 4 (July-Aug). These waves are the cornerstone of the run which so many depend on. 

Do not support closed seasons.

The environmental conditions which result in poor recruitment are out of the board’s control. Implementing closed seasons will not fix recruitment.

Do not increase the slot.

These fish are the lifeblood of the coast-wide fishery. All year classes above the 31” slot must be protected.

Do not lower the slot and put harvest on immature fish.

These fish are not abundant and are very important because they’re the few who persevered amidst poor environmental conditions. It’s dismal, but they are all we have in the future fish pipeline until the next successful spawning year(s).

TC Concludes (Page 99): Methods used to analyze slot limits below the current 28” minimum size in the Ocean recreational fishery result in an increase in total removals. Had a reduction been estimated in any of these options, the next step in the analysis would have been to perform a spawning potential analysis to determine the loss of spawning potential from the proposed new slot option.   

Any commercial sector cuts must come from the landing, not quota.

Additionally the commercial gill net fishery must be prohibited during Wave 1 and Wave 2. 


While this is outside the scope of this comment period at this time… Fishing in NJ has been good but regulations continue to clamp all out of a great fishery. No one; commercial, recreational, for-hire, etc is willing to hang it up. We can not continue to dig our own grave, regulating all out of the fishery. At some point we must accept and explore lower reference points while maintaining a fair, equitable and healthy fishery. Furthermore, there needs to be more studies funded to get a better handle on young of the year failures rather than anecdotal topics in hopes management can find options in their control.

With appreciation for your time and attention,

Captain Greg Cudnik
Fisherman’s Headquarters Inc – Fishing Tackle Retailer Since 1962

Author: FishHead.Greg

A Long Beach Island native with life long experience fishing and navigating the local waters, Greg is a distinguished Master Captain (the highest qualified operator license), holding a US Coast Guard Masters 50T Near Coastal License with Towing Endorsement. Raised in and now managing his family's bait and tackle business, Fishermans Headquarters (Since 1962, The Saltwater Fishing Bait & Tackle Experts) Greg is daily immersed in fishing. He is the Chief Contributor of (Long Beach Island's best fishing report blog) as well as the Admin for the shop's social media pages (on Instagram and Facebook). Be sure to follow!

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