TGIF – The weekend is finally here and so are the fish. Now fully into May fishing on Long Beach Island is in full swing. See our previous report posts (May 7th Report, May 6th Report) for more details on what went down this week. Here’s some updates…
The LBI ocean temps in the surf is right at the 50 degree mark and with it comes an increase in size class. Recently the season’s largest striped bass were caught. We expect the next couple of weeks to offer the spring season’s best surf fishing quality. Take one look at today’s Striper Migration May from On The Water and it’s clear… It’s game time!

The Barnegat Bay water temps are in the mid to high 50’s and these waters are holding both striped bass and bluefish. The striped bass info shouldn’t be a surprise since they’ve been chewing for weeks on end. However, a new influx of bluefish is news to talk about!

This week saw a good push of bluefish in the bay. Some were also caught in the Inlet however nothing like what end down on the bay. Angler are into a lot of fun fishing the shallow water.
LBI Spring Surf Fishing Tournament
Anglers chunking bunker of the surf are catching striped bass and bluefish. Here’s a link to the current leader board.
Offshore Fishing Report
Time to start hunting the blue water! This week we received our monster delivery of premium offshore baits from Baitmasters. These ballyhoo are premium quality. We are fully stocked up and ready to go! It’s time to push off on the next weather window. So far we’ve heard about good sections of water that have produced.
Jon Kelly was recently out and got this tuna.

A littel further back, as reported on a previous pos, Offshore Fishing April 26th Report Nick Perello and crew aboard the “Fun For One” got one.
Fish Head Charters
On Thursday I made my first local trip. I was spoiled being up in the Raritan Bay for the past three weeks but I’m back and ready for the run here on LBI. I went out on the hunt for found found. Both bass (schoolies) and blues (5-10# class). It was epic fishing but a ton of fun on light tackle. All the action was in 4-8′ of water on minnow style swimming plugs (Rapala X-Rap and YoZuri Mag Minnow).
I’m currently out of the water for maintenance (already have to do an oil change among a couple other things) but will be back in any day. I’m looking forward to the great fishing ahead.