With a strong blow upon us, most boats are tied up. It’s great for gear work, repairs and preparation so everything is in order. It’s also a perfect time to put your feet up and relax, but not if you’re a surf rats. A good north east blow means go time!
Mike Ambrosio is one of those. “The wind was howling, the sand was blasting and the current was ripping!” Mike hit the beach and caught a big bluefish, “Thanks Fish Heads for the fresh bunker. It was windy as a mo’fo’ but I found a way!”
Looking back on the days leading up to the blow, local fishing was good with a steady pick of striped bass and bluefish on the surf. Anglers both fishing bait and lures caught fish. Reports came in from the entire stretch of LBI with no one particular spot stealing the spot light.
As the waters warms surf sharking will kick off. We’ve already heard about the season’s first sand tigers. Due to their liking for cool water temperatures, they show first. Shortly after the brownies make an appearance.
Big Game Fishing Report
Speaking of sharking… June offers excellent inshore shark fishing. The month is off to a great start with some positive reports flowing in.
Jeff Thummel fished with Mike Kulinski and posted, “Great day sharking!!! 200+ pound mako, 160 pound mako, six blue sharks and a brown shark. All released.”
Daniel Rosetto (@rosettostone) reported fishing out of Forked River with Captain Tom Crespo on his new Buddy Davis “Off The Hook”. Dan reported, “Successfully hooked up and safely released a great size mako offshore yesterday. Too bad they have to be 83″ this year to kill. What an amazing fight! It jumped ten feet out of the water when hooked. It lives another day, big thanks to Captain Tom for the invite.”
While on the topic of big game fishing… Summer means one thing to blue water anglers, Prime Time! The waters are already producing so the stage is set for a great season.
Captain Jeff of Reel Innovations Sportfishing returned from the edge and reports, ” Bigeyes! Yellowfin! Another solid trip for the Reel Innovation. We enjoyed steady action on the short day troll with spreader bars getting it done.”
Captain Deane and Mike aboard the Canyon Runner report, “26 bluefin tuna with two at 52″, two yellowfin as well as a trolled mako and a mahi.”
Near Shore Boat Fishing Report
The Beach Haven Marlin Tuna Club hosted their Spring Striped Bass & Bluefish Tournament this weekend. Here’s the results… 20 boats/52 anglers fished. Congrats to the winners!
Striped Bass
1) 39.42 Jason Marti – OB1
2) 39.22 Mike Greene – Lucky Stripes
3) 38.5 Paul Riker – Rebait
1) 6.44 Bill Figley – Red Herring
2) 4.96 Calli Casey – Dirty Martuna
3) 4.2 Ron Roshelli – UNO
Captain Ken Nutt aboard the Striper got 48 pound bass yesterday.
Magictail’s Dante Soriente shared some awesome news, “Just got wind of the 6th reported 50 plus pound striped bass this spring on Magictail products.”Magictail is the real deal! They are well know for catching fish and really big ones at that!
High Point Striper Shootout
Next weekend is the 11th Annual High Point Striper Shootout! Now’s the time to geear up and prepare for what we expect to be a awesome weekend of fishing! Captain’s meeting is Friday June 8th at 7pm. For more information go to www.HPVFC.com
Great job greg- as always- how does one get a fishing report sent in to fhq?
Hi Harry – Hope all is good. I heard about your big catch congrats! As far as sharing a report, there’s options 1) Call In To Share 2) Stop In To Share 3) Direct Email 4) Using the Share A Report Form. The link is found on the upper right side of the page below the subscribe box…. fishinglbi.com/contact/