Beach Haven Charter Fishing Report Update
Update: Thu, Nov 9, 2017 by Jim Hutchinson Sr.
Raging northeast winds and high waves have made fishing difficult recently for the boats of the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association. There is hope this nasty weather will bring about some positive changes to stimulate some striped bass action.
Captain Fran Verdi of the “Francesca Marie” has experienced several good years in a row putting his anglers on striped bass. He notes the current water temperatures are still in the 60’s, which is really too warm for consistent bass action. The current weather has him hopeful those water temperatures will drop and the fish will head south.
“I have heard of a big mass of fish to the north of, us, we just have to be patient,” notes Captain Fran. Despite some very thick fog one day recently, he jumped in his boat and headed for the inlet. The normally quick trip took exceptionally long thanks to the fog, but he preserved and finally made the ocean where he headed north.
Captain Fran dropped a green bunker spoon over the stern and spent some time trolling off Seaside. His patience was finally rewarded and he was able to hook and boat a fat 34-pound bass. Now it is a matter of waiting for the current weather to break, and more fish to arrive. When they do arrive there will be no time to waste.
Additional information on the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association website.