The fluke bite is about as good as it gets. With the bay temp. over 80 degrees, the fish are heading towards deeper holes and towards the inlet. And while on the move they are feeding aggressively. With no charters today I went fishing. I started this morning by limiting out on bluefish. Catching 15 bluefish in the form of snappers I filled my live-well in hopes of trading up on the snappers. What I mean by trading up is using the live snappers as bait for keeper fluke. Catching the last hour of incoming behind the inlet, the wind was against the tide making drifting difficult. Powering against the wind and with the current, I had to work for my first keeper. A nice 19” fluke hit the deck in no time. Once the current switched and the current and wind were in unison the drift was perfect. So perfect that I got my other two keeper fluke in three drifts. Not a bad morning on Barnegat Bay with a limit of both bluefish and fluke in under two hours. Not my best picture but here are my three fluke and what they were eating.For some strange reason I do not have many trips booked this week so if you want to get in on the fluke bite, chase big bluefish and schoolie bass or go after some hard fighting brown sharks give me a call.
Screaming drags, Capt. Alex 609-548-2511