Bass, Bluefish, Fluke, Sea Bass ?!?!

Steady reports are flowing in from customers that fluking off the beach. Anglers are catching the flatties up and down the island’s beaches. The key has been finding some good structure to work gulp and bucktails off the edges into the drop-offs. Most anglers are reporting that the outgoing tide has been best out front on the beach. Multiple reports of 20+ inch fluke have been caught from the suds. There is good action for boats fluking the back bays from Great Bay to Barnegat Bay. Chad Astemborski and Dave DeFeo managed a 23” fluke fishing Great Bay. Store staffer Rob Vallone has also been finding some keeper fish in the back bay drifting the channels in Barnegat Bay. Targeting the slower current at the top of the flood as well as the  bottom of the ebb tide has helped results with larger class flatties. Gulp and minnow combinations have been the ticket!

There is still consistent action of bluefish throughout LBI beaches as well. For those that like putting the yellow eyed demons on the dinner plate, now is the time to get on it. Both in the bay and on the beaches, smaller 1-8 pound blues have been on the feed willing to eat chunks of bunker and plugs. Speaking of smaller bluefish, these are the perfect size fish to live bait for those going out for makos and threshers which are around! We have plenty of frozen 4 gallon mackerel and bunker chum in stock.

For those that are still going strong on the bass fishing, both beach and boat have been producing some fish. Ted Kamish weighed in a 44lb surf bass on Thursday 6/8 after chunking some bunker at sunset.

Ted SchmutzTed Schmutz(pictured) weighed in a 28lb bass after chunking bunker mid island off the surf this morning.

Guys on the boat are picking at bass while trolling mojos and spoons along the 3 mile line in 50-60+ feet of water. First and last light windows are the key to finding bunker pod action for bass. Unfortunately today’s Striper Shootout had few fish caught. We’ll post the result when we get them. 

Sea Bassing the inshore reefs has been great. Squid, clam, and gulp have all been scoring the humpbacks. Some anglers have been dropping down diamond jigs rigged with Tsunami Sandeels to weed out some of the smaller fish hanging around. 
Tsunami Holographic Eel

Diamond Jig Lures

– Store Staffer Luke

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