Here comes the heat! Looks like warmer temps are forecasted for the weekend and beyond. No better way to beat the heat then swinging for stripers and blues. We will be running combo trips that start with the hunt for big stripers and then end in the bay throwing topwaters for blues. We could also mix in some fluke jigging in the bay. Whatever you guys want to do. Sailing Charter or Open Boat Sat, Sun, and Mon June 10, 11, and 12. Sailing morning and afternoon departures. Charter the boat for your own group or sign on as an individual. There hasn’t been much snag and drop opportunity with the bunker so we are catching the big stripers trolling bunker spoons and Mojos. The upside is they are all huge. 35 to 50 pound fish. Finishing up with some light tackle blues and fluke rounds out the day. $175 person, 4 people max, all fish are shared.
Beat the Heat with Stripers and Blues on the Hi Flier….Sat, Sun, and Mon
Six hour trips departing at 5AM and Noon each day.