LBI Fishing Report May 30th

Paul Taurgrasso of Barnegat had fun fishing aboard the the Carolyn Ann III this past weekend. He caught ’em up to four pounds.

Here’s a report from the CA3, “Fishing was better Sunday as the current slowed down. Besides better fishing it was a beautiful day on the water. Seas were calm, sun was out and just warm enough. There was nice sea bass up to four pounds. Everyone had plenty of action with lots of short fish.”

Another sea bass report came from Dylan Fisher, “Took a break from stripers and gators to get into sea bass. Lots of life on the wrecks. Had a great time with the crew as we had action on the deck!”



Still blues and bass cruising the surf. Early June is prime time surf fishing here on LBI. We expect the next couple weeks to offer some awesome fishing. Here’s a photo of store staffer Nick D. He put a couple hours on the beach and found some blues. Best of luck to all the students fishing the Battle On The Beach tomorrow!!!


Here’s a recent photo from Captain Ken Nutt aboard the Striper out of Barnegat Light… 40.9 pound bass caught this weekend aboard the Striper by Adam Eastburn.


Some really nice reports of large bluefin tuna. One customer Zach was recently in the shop spooling up his Shimano Stella with hollowcore line and gave us heads up he caught a 450 pounder on the troll about 20-30 miles off central NJ coast just days ago. There were others caught but today we heard the boats fishing the area struck out. We did here of some smaller 30-40 pound bluefin further offshore in the area of the Hudson.



Look who’s back in town…


Author: FishHead.Greg

Born, raised and living in Ship Bottom at the heart of Long Beach Island, Greg's surrounded by the Barnegat Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. Greg is an accomplished angler with great knowledge of saltwater fishing from the light tackle back waters to the surf and jetty as well as inshore and offshore big game fishing. Whether you are new to fishing or new to Long Beach Island, Greg wants to help. Questions about knot tying, fishing rods and reels, problems, techniques, locations? Just ask. Stop by Fisherman's Headquarters and say hello.

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