Hi Flier Sportfishing – We are in the water!

The boat just went in the water and we are ready to start fishing. This season we are located at Holiday Harbor Marina, 115 Admiral Way, Waretown, NJ 08758 in Slip H1.

This Monday, April 24 will be our first trip offered. I ordered a bushel of clams to go on the anchor and try chumming up some stripers. Before and after that, we will hunt the big gator blues that are starting to show.

Open Boat or charter, whichever happens first. $175 person. 4 people max. All fish are shared. Depart at 6AM and return at Noon. Also available for afternoon departure on the same day, though, that will be strictly a bluefish hunt as I only like the outgoing for clamming the bass. That’s not to say you can’t catch them on the incoming. I just can’t!

We will also be sailing afternoons Open Boat or charter on Wed, Thurs, Fri, April, 26, 27, and 28, Noon to 6PM, for bass and blues. The tide is ideal for afternoon clamming efforts this week and I will be loaded with fresh bait. The clamming can be anywhere from two to three hours of our trip and the rest of the time we will be hunting the blues with top water lures. Looking forward to seeing everyone on board.

Follow us on Instagram at hifliersportfishing

~ Capt. Dave DeGennaro Hi Flier Sportfishing 732.330.5674 www.hiflier.com


Hi Flier Dock Shot HH

Youngin’ Striped Bass

The youngin’ striped bass continue to cruise the surf biting baits along the Island’s beaches. These bass are providing action, holding over those surf anglers itching for the classy bass to show. Don’t fret they’ll be here soon. Until then we’ve got blues and drum as the largest line pulling species to test your tackle.

Bothers John and Greg hit the mid-island surf at about 1pm today. They started getting bites right away on bunker and ran short on bait. A quick run back to our shop to re-up and they were back in ’em. John said, “The conditions were prime with onshore breeze and clean water. All fish on bunker. Not a bite on clam. All bass, six total, one keeper.”
Here’s a photo of Dom C who found his first 2017 spring season striper. He caught this one a few days ago on a rubber shad. Take note of the beautiful clean ocean water. 

Hutch Jr. (Jim) from the Fisherman Magazine was out on the bay today fishing the south end of the Island. While he set out in search of black drum, he caught a hand full of short bass and a few big blues. No drum.

Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters – The last 2 trips were a struggle but it’s just a “matter of tide”before we’re back on’em!

The early week “Spring break special” were anything but special with the big bluefish seemingly elusive. Although Schoolie stripers continue o provide light tackle action when targeted. This time of year things progress literally in a tide change !!

I have a few spots open for tomorrow afternoon 2pm -7pm , we will be targeting stripers, blues, tog [weather permitting] ….. while utilizing various techniques and locations. All bait, tackle ,rods, …….. included $125.00pp.

My new location for the 2017 fishing season is even closer to the action, located now in historic Barnegat Light 18th street aka Viking Village . This new location inevitably translates into more fishing time for anglers aboard the Reel Fantasea!!

C’mon jump aboard and join other light tackle enthusiast!

Captain Steve Purul

Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters



LBI Fishing Report April 19, 2017

With a little more than 10 days left in the season, now is go time for tog! It has been good. There’s very productive inshore fishing at the near shore wrecks and reefs sites. It’s also good for land based anglers fishing the rocks.

After a solid few days over the Holiday weekend the bluefish action at the Barnegat Inlet became very spotty, which should be expected with early season fishing. The abundance and location of bait is most important but also controlling their every move… the water temperature. The spring’s large swings from chilly (high forties along the surf) to warm (high sixties select areas in the bay) have the arriving fish confused and looking for comfort. The past couple days, the blues found comfort and food in the mid-island bay.

Yesterday we had a couple bluefish weigh ins. Bill K. of the Village Harbour Fishing Club checked in a 15.10 pound bluefish. He it as well as well as many others fishing the mid-Island bay. Dave Spendiff has been out the past couple days and found good action too. Dave report, “I found a very large pod of 12-14lb fish in the bay. After boating 25+ fish, I simply got tired!” Monday his largest was 14.5 pound. Another report came from Stephen Amoriello…”Got the bluefish good thanks to the Yo-Zuri Mag Darter compliments of Fisherman’s Headquarters.” His photo is below.

Prime perch fishing… Pete recently took his kids Mia and Peter (1 & 3 years old) to catch their first perch. They did good. Another solid perch report came from the DiPasquale brothers. Store staffer Dan and his brother Patrick had a fun evening yesterday. “30+ in under and hour!” Patrick said, “Perch sure don’t tug as hard as blackfish, but they are really fun on light tackle especially when you’re catching one after the other.” The brothers gave thanks to Austin Pounds for putting them on the meat!

A nice box from Super Strike came in today. They are up on the wall but will not last long. Here’s our current selection.

Lighthouse Sportfishing Barnegat Bay Report 4/18

Hit the local lagoons the last two evenings and caught a bunch of white perch. Some of which I invited home to dinner. Monday night’s bite started a few hours before sun down and stayed strong until dark. Tonight was a little bit slower and a lot more smaller fish.IMG_2805I was using a shad dart with a piece of sandworm. Yes, you can catch white perch without grass shrimp. On the nature side of things: lets talk sustainability. Sustainability’s definition is “the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level.” or “avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance” It is kind of like investing in the future. The locale I was fishing the last two evenings was a mob scene. Even with the crowds everyone got along and even offered to give bait to others. I like when I see such goodness in outdoors people. And what most importantly I observed was that even though there no limits on white perch everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, was harvesting only what they needed. Lots of fish were being released which is important at this time of year since they are looking to spawn. Can anyone tell me where I can catch white perch in July or August around Barnegat Bay??? Like where do they go?

Screaming Drags,

Capt Alex 609548-2511

LBI Fishing Report April 18, 2017

Steve Burin hit the mid-island surf early this morning. He said the tide was out so reading the beach was easy. He staked up and soaked bait for the flood. He caught one small bass on clam.  Steve stopped by the shop to get more bunker and clams for the top of the tide. “I had to get out of the waders. It warmed up quick! Heading back now to fish the drop.”

I headed up the Inlet rocks this morning and put a couple hours in. Bluefish wise it was dead but the tog fishing was good. 

Tight Lines On LBI

Hope everyone had an awesome Easter Celebration. That must have been one of the most beautiful Easters on record. Lots of sun, very warm summer like temps and fish on the chew! Vinny Iosso tagged us in a photo, “Can’t beat a weekend of family, friends and fishing fun.”

Three to four days in a row now the bluefish have produced line screaming fun. Dew and Lucy got into the fun! Lucy said, “My wrist is sore from Saturday.” Dew said, “Bluefish bonanza for an hour! Good times. ”

Store staffer Luke fished this morning and got a nice bass. Photo below.

The tog bite has been good both land based and in the boat. Darren Hutchinson got ‘em on the rocks. “Found some black Easter eggs!”

Bill Bassant reported, “First time tog fishing since I was a yougin’. Had a good day Friday. Can’t wait to get back out there and land the ones that came off.”

Jack Wolfburg weighed in a 10.68 pound black fish today. He reported very good fishing about 10 miles off. They caught 60 and were in by 11.

Patrick DiPasquale was on the water today and also did very good.

The bay is full of life. The flats and docks are loaded with schoolies eating softies, jigs and poppers. There’s fluke coming up on them too. Store staffer Willie got this one over the weekend. Slowly better sized bass should show soon. The blues came in and are adding to the action. The weakies are in too but it’s going to be interesting to see what happens with the gators in town. The deep bay was 59.9 yesterday, closer to the ends it is cooler. The warm water outflow was hitting 70. Michael Dringus sent in a report, “Big blues in the bay. Shallow water is best. Some bass mixed in.”

Water temps in the surf are in the upper 40’s right about to break the cusp. Here is another recent catch from the Island’s surf.

Jim Crane sent in this report, “Happy Easter!! Fish are here. No touches on plugs. But I caught my first of the year. It’s the earliest I’ve ever got one. It was a 26″ bass on a bunker chunk around 10am this morning in Brant Beach. A friend caught a 10.5 blue and a short bass on clam in pretty much the same spot yesterday. Conditions were great today. What a gorgeous day on the island. I’m fired up!!”
It’s time to go fishing! Tight Linezzzzzzz

Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters- Daily Barnegat Bay Fishing Report- Stripers, Weakfish, Fluke, and BIG Blues!!! First Barnegat Bay Slam Scored !!

Exactly 10 days [ April 5th] after the first laughing gull sighting [ prior prediction was 10-14 days ] we are thick into big burly blues that just swam into town looking for fight!!

This Week some anglers aboard the Reel Fantasea scored this years first Barnegat Bay Slam which include any 3 of the above species in one trip! With one skillful angler scoring 2 slams in one trip!!

Not only have more big weakfish showed up this week but big gator blues have added even more rod bending , drag burning excitement to the already robust light tackle schoolie striper action!!

If you haven’t experienced the visual excitement of big slammers on light tackle while employing light tackle surface poppers the time is now!! This fish get right to business crushing and attacking anything that looks like prey!

I do have a couple of “Spring Break Specials” available this week [ 5pm- 8pm] which aligns  up perfectly with the tide this week for any body looking to jump aboard the Reel Fantasea for rod bending , drag burning , visual excitement.

Wishing everyone fair winds and calm seas,

Captain Steve Purul

Reel Fantasea Fishing Charters








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Man Your Battle Stations!!!

The blue dogs have moved in!!! The weather’s good with plentiful sunshine and warming temps. It’s only getting better from here… Let’s get in the game!

Numerous reports from both Inlet and surf… The yellow eyed demons are hitting bait, metals and bucktails. One angler reported they were destroying poppers on top water, “Blasting Out!”
Matt Pratt and Victoria Bates struck out with tog but got into the blues. After fishing the North End’s rocks, they stopped in the shop for a new rod. While here they quickly grabbed some tackle, showed some picture proof and headed back to the scene of the crime.” Here’s a photo of Matt with one of the racer blues.

One caller said, “The BL Inlet is going ape $hit!”

Dylan Fisher and Austin Pounds got out on the CA3 today. Austin Pounds reported, “Hell of a bite today on the CA3. Wreck fishing is on fire! We got our limit with bigger fish mixed in. Stepped off the boat and right onto the rocks. Blood in my eyes, on my face, on my clothes… Gators on every cast. Slaying the blues!” Dylan got into the action on the rocks too. He reported, “Epicness! Go get some wire leader It’s game time.” Here’s a photo of Dylan with a bluefish from today.

Jim Crane stopped in this afternoon for some goods. While here he shared some recent intel off the surf. He said, “There’s bass and blues off the mid-island surf. Both today and yesterday they were there. My buddy got one bass and one blue and also lost a bluefish.” The bass are small but the blues are good fighting size!

Dave Hershberger posted a photo of a mini bass off the surf. He got it off the mid island surf on a Daiwa SP Minnow. Dave reported, “This is one ambitious striper. His eyes are bigger than his belly.” There’s other small line siders cruising the suds.

Earlier today Sam got this a four pound tog on clam fishing the north end of the island. Anglers are also finding white chins on crabs.

Easter Sunday Hours – 7am to 4pm

Current bait selection as of 4-15-17 at 6:30pm… Fresh Bunker, Live Blood Worms, Salted Clam, and we are running low on live surf clams.

Lighthouse Sportfishing Barnegat Bay Report

Splashed the yak during the predawn hours today. I fished waaaay south of the power plant and had excellent light tackle action with schoolie bass to 15″. Once again scaled down white BKD or a small 4″ white Fin-S. Released over 20 fish in under an hour. Lots of fun. Man I love my 7′ St Croix Mojo Surf rod. It is a little to much rod for these fish but I you never know when the big one might show upyakbass

Screaming drags, Capt. Alex 609-548-2511