Not much change from the last report shared on 4/23/24… So I’ll start off with sharing and reiterating… “On the striped bass side of things we have both good bass fishing in the bay and surf as well as inlet. Anglers are targeting and catching on both lures and bait. Off the surf, the clam bite has been good.“
The clam bite on the surf has been really good with reports flooding in every day for the better part of two weeks now. We have done our best to share these updates on on social media pages (Our Facebook Page & Our Instagram Page) so if you don’t follow us there, now’s a great time to give us a follow!
Some days have been better than others with this weekend being full of action up and down Long Beach Island. Today (Sunday) we received striped bass catch reports from Barnegat Inlet, the North end beaches all the way down to Beach Haven and Holgate. Now’s the time to get out on the surf and soak some clams!
It’s depressing to say, we are in the final days of the April spring tog season but all good things come to an end. However, NJ Summer Flounder Season kick off May 5th. Crazy it’s time!!!
Here’s a quick video report update from this afternoon…