Hi Flier Open Boat Stripers

The striper fishery is heating up. I had the Gordon Soda group from Allentown, PA out for some personal best striper fishing. A 45 and 50 pound bass on live bunker off of Island Beach State Park in 10 feet of water. Pics below.

There are now some smaller size fish mixed in so that we could try to put some in the cooler, as well. We will have to trek some miles north for that but I don’t mind if you don’t mind. I don’t have any north or south boundaries when it comes to finding fish. Number one rule: Fish where the fish are. We are armed to the teeth with gear for snagging, bait fishing, jigging, casting, and trolling.

Sailing Open Boat or Charter: Thurs Oct 26, Fri Oct 27, and Sat Oct 28. 6:30 AM to 2:30PM (could be later) $275 person. 4 people max. All fish are shared. Everything is included. We are available tomorrow, Wed Oct 25 and Sun Oct 29, as well, for charters.

We have bonus tags for everyone, so we can keep one fish per person between 24 and 31 inches.

Thank you,


Dave DeGennaroHi Flier Sportfishing

732.330.5674 cellhiflier.com

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