We have a great stretch of weather coming up this weekend. Light and variable winds along with comfortable temperatures in the 60’s.
We are going to run either Open Boat or Charter: Sunday Nov 8, and Monday Nov 9. The boat is already booked on Sat Nov 7.
There is a great striper bite going on up north. Early morning you can jig or cast lures. Once the boat pressure gets to be too heavy you have to find your own fish or troll. Anything from 10 to 40 pound fish. Capt Nick DeGennaro ran the Hi Flier to those northern grounds yesterday (Wednesday) and had a slow start but a really good finish, boating 11 bass from 12 to 40 pounds. They were able to catch them on topwater lures and jigs. We have to run a good deal north so I would suggest meeting at the boat at 4:00 AM for the best shot at jigging and casting. 4AM to 2PM, $225 person, 4 people max, all fish are shared.
The marine forecast is good enough to head to the Triple Wrecks in search of tuna but I don’t have any recent reports. Just throwing it out there for those of you that want “one more shot”. If we run there and there’s no tuna, there’s not a lot of Plan B. I would consider running another 20 miles into the Hudson Canyon for tilefish, but the weather and sea condition would have to be mint. 5AM to 5PM, $450 person, 4 people max, all fish are shared.
We could also anchor up in the Mud Hole and try chunking for bluefin, again, no reports from here that I know of, just a likely time of year to try. Look for some readings on the machine, anchor up, start chunking, and put out some live baits. Just now heard of some surface bluefin about 10 miles offshore. This is a different game. A lot of fish airing out, very exciting, but tough to get them to eat. We have the spinning outfits and topwater lures to throw if anyone wants to try. We can combine either of these tuna efforts with the striper fishing. We would have to start with the tuna as we can not be in possession of any stripers beyond the 3 mile line. 5AM to 5PM $1,500 for the boat or Open Boat $375 per person if we run to the Mud Hole to chunk and then striper fish, $1,200 for the boat or Open Boat $300 per person if we cast at surface tuna and then striper fish. Both trips are 4 people max, all fish are shared. Keep in mind the tuna fishing is only an option, we can just go striper fishing at the hours and rates described above.
I am game for any of these trips on either day, Sunday or Monday, majority rules, Stripers, Tuna, or Stripers/Tuna combo. The best way to reach me is on my cell. You can call right up until “go time” to get a spot.
Wed,Thurs,Fri Nov 11, 12, and 13, we will be running 11AM to 4PM striper trips in the inlet. These are mostly 20 to 28 inch fish on light spinning tackle. We could also buy live spots and catch them on conventional tackle.
Bill Howard of Egg Harbor Twp, NJ in white slickers
Max DeGennaro of Barnegat, NJ in black hat and jacket
Capt Nick DeGennaro of Barnegat, NJ in blue camo pants
Mike Frezza of Tuckerton, NJ in blue and orange jacket
Dave DeGennaro
Hi Flier Sportfishing
732.330.5674 cell