LBI Fishing Report Update

There’s a lot to report since my last fishing report post almost one month ago. Sorry for the lack of posts. Here’s the Fisherman’s Headquarters Long Beach Island Fishing Report Update for October 5th.

It’s time to get your gear ready because it’s Fall and that mean fishing! The waters are still warm but on their slow decline. There plenty of good fishing happening now and we expect it to only get better on the coming weeks. The wind machine has been on for what seems like weeks. It is both bitter and sweet. The rough conditions whipped up from persistent north east winds cut off access for the boats looking to get out and hunt. This same wind really helps out land based anglers.

Mullet – Bass & Blues

The Mullet Run continues on strong. Another couple solid weeks and this year might stack up close to last year’s epic run.

The NE winds have resident striped bass and bluefish fired up chasing mullet in the inlet and surf. Most days these feeds are close in and are loving poppers and swimmers. Anglers on the surf fishing fresh mullet reports lots of small bluefish on mullet. Many of these anglers are releasing out of season fluke. Kingfish are still around too.

Grey Colston and friend got into some good fun action this afternoon. With his light tackle approach he shared, the stripers were chewing along the sod banks.

LBI Surf Fishing Report

Cocktail blues are the main target for surf anglers with kingfish taking the passenger seat. Soon larger blues and striped bass will arrive. Last weekends 73rd World Series OF Surf Fishing had 303 anglers (48 teams) with 806 total fish caught. 721 were blues! This goes to show they dominate the suds right now.

65th LBI Surf Fishing Classic

Let the games begin! The 65th LBI Surf Fishing Classic kicked off today. For the next 9 weeks, it’s time to fish till you drop! For more information on the event…

False Albacore Fishing

Be sure to stock up now on Deadly Dick Lures and Hogy Epoxy Jigs because these are top producing lures that always sell out fast when the action is hot. The last few years were great and we expect this year to be the same. Reports from the waters in North Jersey are strong. Any day the greenies will show up near BI.

Barnegat Bay Fishing

The backwaters of Long Beach Island hold an abundance of life all summer and fall. Currently weakfish, bluefish, striped bass, blowfish, croakers and kingfish are present. Crabbing and clamming are also great past time to take advantage of while the wind is blowing!

Tog & Sea Bass Fishing

With only one a one fish bag limit catch and release tog fishing is good with some anglers getting some large fish when the conditions allow. Reports from both boat and land based anglers are promising. If your looking for a little blackfish action, the rocks at the inlet and shallow wrecks and reefs have been the ticket for most guys. These same areas are still holding triggerfish too.

Black Sea Bass opens for Jersey anglers on October 8. The minimum size of 12.5″ with a 10 fish bag limit will be open all month. Come November it bumps up to 13″ with 15 fish until the end of the year. Right now fishing should be good but the weather and sea conditions will dictate.

Author: FishHead.Greg

A Long Beach Island native with life long experience fishing and navigating the local waters, Greg is a distinguished Master Captain (the highest qualified operator license), holding a US Coast Guard Masters 50T Near Coastal License with Towing Endorsement. Raised in and now managing his family's bait and tackle business, Fishermans Headquarters (Since 1962, The Saltwater Fishing Bait & Tackle Experts) Greg is daily immersed in fishing. He is the Chief Contributor of (Long Beach Island's best fishing report blog) as well as the Admin for the shop's social media pages (on Instagram and Facebook). Be sure to follow!

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