Here’s the Fisherman’s Headquarters fishing report update from September 10, 2019.
The Long Beach Island surf offers fluke, kingfish and blues. We heard of a couple resident striped bass too. Two separate pompano reports off the surf this past week. Recently Rob Vallone reported catching both kingfish and fluke on the surf.
It’s time to Sign Up for the Fall Derby! The 65th Annual LBI Surf Fishing Classic kick off is only 25 days away. Be sure to sign up soon while the early sign up goodies are still available. Also be sure to pre register (free) for the Opening Day Seminar.
Reports from the north end bayside and inlet all talk of fish. Lots of out of season sea bass eating baits. Jetty Jockey Jeff got an 11# sheephead and a 3.6# trigger on Sunday. We got a report from an angler in the shop who got one bass bucktailing the jetty. Expect more linesider action in the coming days and weeks.
Speaking of striped bass… they need everyone’s help! There is a meeting this Thursday September 12, 2019 from 6 to 8:30 PM at the Bay Avenue Community Center. It is located at 775 East Bay Avenue Manahawkin, New Jersey.
The short hand is there are three options on the table. Option 1 is Status Quo. This will not rebuild the stocks. Option 2 calls for an 18% reduction for the recreational sector and an 18% reduction by the commercial sector. This is the option I choose because it calls for a fair and equal reduction. Option 3 would require a 20% reduction for the recreational sector and only a 1.8% reduction for the commercial sector. Under Options 2 and 3 there are various sub-options. From what we hear, it is likely that the ASMFC will approve all or most of them.
Weakfish and blowfish continue to bite good in the bay. Yesterday store staffer Sam was fluke fishing the Barnegat Bay. He reported, “Lots of fluke still in the bay. Got 25 flounder up to 22″ fishing the outgoing tide. Water was 71 degrees. Live minnow and Gulp being bait of the day.”
Offshore Captain Jeff Warford had two good trips out at the edge. He said, “The fall bite is here!” One trip he got two allisons and a swordfish. He shared, “Two sickles came steaming across the spread all light up and crushed the baits. It was one of the best feeds I’ve witnessed.” The next trip out they caught seven large yellowfins (not allisons). He said, “Extra large yellowfin tuna blowing small mackerels out of the water right off the transom. There’s nothing better than hand feeding these hammers!”