Looking for a family fun fluke fishing tournament that supports a great cause?
Save The Date! Saturday July 6, 2019
The 4th Annual South Jersey Fluke-A-Mania Tournament is right around the corner. This is one of the best if not the best fluke tournaments on Long Beach Island!!! Last year there were 65 boats, 368 anglers, $4800 in the Fluke Calcutta and $580 in the Bluefish Calcutta.
Every year it’s a great time and it supports a great cause. All proceeds go to support the Support Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
There’s prizes for men, women, teen and junior categories. Captain’s meeting and registration Friday July 5th 7-9pm.
Don’t miss out on the party, Saturday July 6th at 3pm. It kicks off with weigh-ins, followed by a complementary BBQ, live band, cash bar and awards ceremony!
For more information got to… www.flukeamania.com