Last night’s and tonight’s lows are cold but the 10 day looks good! Things are looking up and up.
Today (Wednesday) we received a nice delivery of primo live bloodworms. Unfortunately the Monsta Bloods were not available but the regulars are very good.
Monday morning the bay was a sheet of glass allowing any and all movements to be visible. Numerous eyes spotted life. One my way over the causeway bridges I saw what looked like bunker flipping. Another report came from a customer in the shop who saw small fish popping. Then a another report was sent in from Mary Egan who also witnessed the same things.
It’s great to see adult bunker in the bay. It’s my guess they are here doing their thing which will result in another peanut bunker plentiful summer. I checked in with one out our bunker guys who knows the deal and he said there’s bunker in the northern Barnegat Bay too but… He contradicted my idea. He said that I was wrong. Then enlightened me… “Bunker aka menhaden spawn in the ocean, inshore where the eggs hatch and the larvae drift into the bays eventually making their way into the rivers and creeks of our coastal back bay system.” While it sounds like a long shot I believe him.You learn something new everyday!
Alittle on the fishing front….
Some small bass and winter flounder were caught recently near the Causeway Bridges. Speaking of the Bridges… They have always been a great area to fish. And now they now offer a new updated facility. With the bridge construction, new walkways and railings were installed. They are a big improvement over the old sink holes lined with poison ivy. One complaint from us…The railings are very high and too close to the edge. It’s difficult to fish over and you can’t fish in front of them. Kids need a cooler to stand on in order to get height.
Anglers fishing Raritan Bay are starting to pick small fish. Soon they will have some great fishing. The Spring showing on the bay can be very impressive.
Off the surf one customer reported no luck fishing worms but he did see gannets dive bombing further off. One year I smashed bass bucktailing early April when the herring moved through It was light out. Maybe we will get a little taste of that again.
LBI Spring Surf Fishing Tournament
The 18th Annual Long Beach Island Spring Surf Fishing Tournament aka “Spring Derby” is coming up…. April 27 to June 23, 2019. Registrations ($20 Sign Up Fee) will begin in a couple weeks. More details will be posted in the near future. Save The Dates!
Greg your “bunker guy” is wrong. I live on a lagoon and every Spring adult bunker show up doing their thing. The last couple of Springs Osprey are feeding on them. Bunker don’t spawn in the ocean.
I would like to agree with you but take a look…. After I was told this by our bunker guy I dug in and everything I could find had a similar story.