LBI Fishing Report Update – December 1, 2018
December started off right with very good fishing today. I had Matt Polito and his dad aboard for a morning trip aboard Fish Head Charters. We kicked off the morning with schoolie bass rolling on top. The first hour was super fun fishing with light tackle. As day progressed the action slowed to a steady pick all day with bass from micro to 25″. Everyone caught a bunch of bass fishing bucktails, small metal and epoxy jigs. I got the opportunity to whip the fly around and got two in just a few casts. They were piling on the sand eel fly. By far the fly is the ultimate fun with this size fish. Hopefully everyone puts away the heavy gear and enjoys this light tackle fun!
Numerous anglers in the shop today all reported lots of small bass on the beach and the boat. It’s December and we’ve got a lot more fishing to get in this year!