With the amount of bait along our beaches, this fall has the potential for being as good as it gets. Already the numbers of bonito along the beaches is like I have never experienced before. A friend of mine with two other boated over 80 on Friday. All on light spinning gear. Talk about world class. Mixed in were some false albacore and chub mackerel. Although not showing much along the beach, schools of adult bunker are commonplace just a few miles off the beach. As usual for this time of year plenty of bass and blues to be had around the inlet and backbay as we await to migratory schools. Some years the schools are here by now, some years they are not. However, my records which go back a few decades show about 8 out of 10 years we have migratory bass by Halloween.
Next week, week of Nov 5th, I am off and looking to fill in some dates starting with this Saturday, Nov 3rd. So if you are itching to get into some world class light tackle fishing contact me soon as I know my dates will be filling in quickly.
If you have some time check out my Barnegat Bay weather video from Saturday’s storm. Barnegat Bay Weather
Barnegat Bay Weather And don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you can get notified as soon as I upload a fishing video. I plan on uploading a lot of videos of this fall’s action.
Screaming drags,
Capt. Alex 609-548-2511