LBI Fishing Report Update – June 12, 2018

This report update has a variety of positive fishing info from back bay to surf and inshore to offshore. Anglers of all ages got out and enjoyed the water in celebration of National Fishing and Boating Week. Who actually knew a thing existed? In our book everyday is National Fishing Day! Even though the nationally recognized week is over, it is a great time to introduce friends and family to the fun sport of fishing.

Positive reports off the surf themed around fluke, blues, black drum, striped bass and kingfish.

Torr Cohen got this healthy 31″ striped bass off the surf. He reported, “Persistence pays off!”

The amazing piano man Paul P of the LBI Fishing Club was in the shop this morning for bait. He reported, “This spring has been good. So far I have eight bass to date. My last outing both bass and blues were hitting just about every bait.”

Steve P fished the mid-island surf yesterday afternoon. He reported, “Bass, Blues, Bunker!”

Store staffer Frezza says, “Fluke are in the surf; north, mid and south end beaches are all producing. Most of the fish are shorts but if you find the right cut, keepers will be had.”

@jhbdpw shared, “Flounder are out and about today (weekend report). Just can’t seem to catch one over 18 inches.”

On the fluke front most anglers are targeting the backwater’s, sod banks, main thorougfares as well as the rolling open bottom of the bays. Seems like a new wave of fish arrive this past week as the reports have picked size wise. Some reporting limits with occasional 3-4 and 6 pound fluke. Most of the action is on bucktails tipped with Gulp. By far our two best sellers are Magic Tail Tear Drop Bucktails and Spro Prime Bucktails.

New to the scene, Magictail’s Squid Hoochie Jigs are turning heads out producing some classic jigs. In new product testing they were responsible for quality catches and pool winnings. These hot new jigs feature big eyes and the right shape and balance for best action. The super sharp and strong hooks are perfect for rigging with Gulp or natural bait for both fluke and sea bass.. Their silicone skirt (no hair) and long glow trailer tail are secrete suducers. Soon after this summer’s fluke tournaments they will be main stream. You heard it here first!

The classic school of flounder pounders fishing the live bait route (spot, minnows) have experienced difficulty. Not catching fish, but finding bait. So far this year both of these baits have been very hard to get. Late weekend (Sunday evening) we got a nice deliver of the season’s first good size minnows. We didn’t get a ton so they sold fast. We are hoping for another delivery soon.

David DiGangi send in this recent back bay fishing report, “Got a 22 pound black drum and 15 fluke, two keepers.”

Inshore Sea Bass Fishing

The Carolyn Ann III had The Boy Scouts Pack 61 aboard Sunday. Rain or shine, the Scouts had a great time. These kids don’t mess around. It was all about fishing for this gang!” More tackle boxes and less Xboxes.

With the inshore waters are full of sandeels with game fish like bass, blues, fluke and sea bass gorging on them. Diamond jigs are working their magic. Anglers working the inshore structure enjoy a good jig bites with the seabass loving diamond jigs.

Striped Bass Fishing

The local early June striped bass is much slower than recently years. Usually we have bunker stacked up and stretch along the beaches. This year is much different. The westerly wind pattern just never came together.

With the June New Moon upon us it’s still time for trophy striped. The few fish that are being caught in the boat are really good ones!

Peter Cichon reported, “Gina Gambogi caught this 49″ monster striped bass trolling off of IBSP out in 60 feet of water this weekend.”

High Point Striper Shootout Results

The 11th Annual High Point Striper Shootout went down this past weekend. The fishing tournament had 53 boats entered. Jason “J-Bird” Marti (one of the key tournament organizers) summed up the event saying, “Another great year with one hell of a fun time! Slow fishing with only 24 fish total (11 striped bass, 13 bluefish) but everyone had a great time at the party. Thanks again for the support.” We spoke to a few of the anglers who fished it and they all agreed the part that High Point puts out is second to none! Here’s the final results…

First Place – 32.9# Captain Mark Finelli aboard the Laura
Second Place – 16.2# Captain Mike Green aboard the Luckey Stripes
Third Place – 11# Captain Kevin Schmidt aboard the Bonnie Ann

Top Lady Angler – 10.5# Katherine Nutt
Jr Angler – 9.8# Bebe Finelli

Congrats to all the anglers who fished and placed. We spoke to Captain Mark Finelli after the tournament to congratulate him on the win. He said, “IT was a tough day. We picked at keeper fish all day. Fortunately we got the right bite and capitalized. After years fishing these bass tournaments… finally got the win! Anyone looking to get out aboard Laura Sportfishing for fluke, sea bass or striped bass should call (P: 8563416562) and book a trip with Captain Mark!

Offshore Is Hot

Recent reports from the edge all have one thing in common. The Bluewater fishing is red hot right now. It’s great to get into the action as well as hear all the positive reports. Let’s keep this going all season long!

A few days ago we geared up Dave Simcoe and his son for their first offshore trip of the year. Some help rigging, setting up reels, correcting some issues and loading up with tackle. It all was for the better! They stopped in today and shared the results. “We got covered up in big eyes. A Wolfpack came up and piled on. We landed two out of the four and left us in shambles. It was a great trip with lake like conditions on the ride in.”

The Reel Fishers Scott, Dylan and Friends were out fishing offshore this weekend for their first canon trip of the year. They reported, “The trip was a success! Can’t wait to get back to the edge!”

The guys aboard the Jersey Nuts were recently in the shop gearing up. We loaded ’em up with Baitmaster Ballyhoo. They went out and filled the boat!

Offshore Baits: Ballyhoo, Squid, Sardines, Butterfish +

Any one looking for offshore bait… stop in. We’ll hook you up. We’ve got a great supply of premium winter caught offshore baits from Baitmaster’s, the best name in big game bait. With ballyhoo from small, medium, and large to squid (beautiful trolling squids and swordfish deep drop baits), split tail mullet, Spanish mackerel as well as super hard to find flying fish. We also have professionally rigged baits for beginner anglers as well as those that are on a time crunch. We are also loaded up on flats of whole chunk baits like sardines, butterfish and mackerel as well as buckets of chum for sharking.

Speaking of sharking… a few customers in the shop reported the shark bite inshore was non existent this weekend, “The water is too cold.” You got to get out to the edge to find water in the mid 60’s. Everything inside has been chilly in the high 50’s to about 60. Anyday new warmer water should move it.

Author: FishHead.Greg

A Long Beach Island native with life long experience fishing and navigating the local waters, Greg is a distinguished Master Captain (the highest qualified operator license), holding a US Coast Guard Masters 50T Near Coastal License with Towing Endorsement. Raised in and now managing his family's bait and tackle business, Fishermans Headquarters (Since 1962, The Saltwater Fishing Bait & Tackle Experts) Greg is daily immersed in fishing. He is the Chief Contributor of (Long Beach Island's best fishing report blog) as well as the Admin for the shop's social media pages (on Instagram and Facebook). Be sure to follow!

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