The weather has cleared and we’re all looking forward to a great week of prime time mid May fishing. Fish are off the spawn, hungry and on the move. Get in the game!
We heard about a couple quality fish caught in the boat off of IBSP yesterday. Again today some anglers too. We had a nice fish weighed in from frequent customer Tom. He got a beautiful 40 pound class bass off of IBSP trolling this morning. It went for a Mojo!
I had Lutzy aboard Fish Head Charters for a dawn patrol session today. Here’s one he caught at sunrise on a plug. After looking around out front we put a little time in the back waters. I managed two fish on the fly; one bass and one bluefish. Both fell for a white clouser.

Here’s a report from Carolyn Ann III out of Barnegat Light, “Looks like the short but wicked northeaster brought in some fish! Frank Decker of Port Jarvis, NY won the pool with a nice 4lb sea bass. A few limits were also made. Looks like a good week coming up, so come on fishing!”
Brian Marbut and Chris Goegelman fished the bay yesterday. Brian reported, “We had some good blow ups on the flats. There’s some blues ripping around. Only connected with three but had lots of blow ups. Lots of fun!”

Chet Kosarek sent in this report, “Steady pick of Blues at Barnegat Inlet on Saturday, May 19. Mostly around 5 lbs. Not a blitz though. Marked a ton of bait Sunday at Meyer’s hole on my fish finder but no bites on bucktails, Sp Minnows or MoJo’s.
LBI Surf Fishing Report Update
Store staffer Steve-o got two nice fish chunking the surf late last night. Steve set up mid island on a nice section of water and soaked some bunker. He reported one rod when off right away. Both fish were in the low 40″ range.
Chris C. from Surf City fished bait (bunker and clam) yesterday. He caught 4 small bass on salted clam.
After closing up the shop last night Kelley got this bass at sunset on a bucktail.

Jeff W. of Surf City got four blues off the BL Jetty yesterday. Matt Polito was on the jetty yesterday and caught this yellow eye.