This is the run we have been waiting for. 30 to 40 pound stripers on bunker pods up and down the coast from Island Beach to Long Branch. Some of the best fishing is in 10 to 20 feet of water. Finback whales, bunker, and bass made for some exciting visual fishing the last few days. If the wind blows and the ocean gets uncomfortable, we have live bait to catch 22 to 36 inch stripers in Barnegat Inlet. Your choice: stripers or stripers. Either way, fish for dinner.
Tomorrow (Wed), and Sat are booked but I will be running Open Boat or Charter trips on Thurs and Fri, Nov 16 and 17, departing at 10 AM, returning at 5 PM and also Sun and Mon, Nov 19 and 20 leaving at 5:30 AM, returning around 1 PM. The weather will dictate if we run outside or fish the inlet so only people that are flexible should reserve. For the most part the wind has some velocity through the weekend but mostly W/NW which makes for a flat ocean in tight to the beach where the action has been. $175 person, four people max on the Open Boat trips, all fish are shared.
You can call right up until go time because we might have a spot. It happens all the time.
Pics: Joe Parente (with his hood on) of Springfield, NJ with a 30 pounder that ate his bunker that he just snagged right at the boat.
Tom Tosco of Whitehouse Station, NJ with his pounder on a live bunker.