If you have not heard by now the false albacore fishing is red hot… off the charts… WORLD CLASS!!! Anglers from around the world converge at Montauk and Harkers Island to tangle with “Little Tunny” and all his buddies. Right now the locally fishery stands up to these these legendary locations.
Anyone who has not experienced albie fishing should try it out. It’s a blast! Especially on light tackle and more so on the fly! Get out and enjoy. There have been some caught by land based anglers; however it is not the easiest to accomplish. For those that don’t have a boat, reach out to a friend or better yet hook up with the local charter boat captains. They are dialed in. Give them a call to get in on the action.
Today I was out on the water with Bob Bruns of upstate New York targeting the albies on the fly. After yesterday’s off the charts fishing expectations were HIGH! We started off the morning looking for bass in the dark but could only squeak out a couple blues. Before the sun poked we got on the search and found the albies boiling. The stiff westerly winds made for challenging fly fishing conditions but Bob did great putting the fly where it needed to be… in front of the speeders face. We had a blast catching a bunch of them all morning. Here’s a short clip of one bite with some some screaming drag.
On the Surf
The LBI surf striped bass fishing is still on the slow but fish are being caught. For the latest results on the LBI Surf Fishing Classic check out the Live Results Page.
Tomorrow is the ASAC sanctioned Merchantville Fishing Club Surf Tournament. Best of luck to all the anglers. We are looking forward to a great day. It will be interesting to see what species are caught. With all of the anglers fishing these tournaments really provide a great gauge on what’s present. Stay Tuned…
Other Fishing Fronts
Trolling the beaches is a very slow pick but should improve very soon. There have been a couple nice ones pulled locally on spoons. Word from up state is positive. We heard of solid fishing off Sea Girt.
The back bay is still offering great fishing. One customer buying a bunch of softbaits and jig heads said, “You don’t need luck. It’s that good.” Eeling is heating up in the bay with anglers catching bass.
Tog fishing continues to produce!
Good weather window has offshore anglers packing up and pushing off. We got a recent report from the edge that swords are on the chew. Also we heard that some scallop boats fishing the Hudson closed area are chumming up tuna in the slicks. Anglers are getting in on the action.