LBI Fishing Report Update – 10/19/17

White Bait & Albies

Piles of white bait are stretched out along LBI’s beaches, Barnegat Inlet and the local waters to our north and south. For the most part these black clouds of white bait have FALSE ALBACORE heavily feeding. There’re bluefish, weakfish and striped bass in the mayhem too. The scene is Montauk September session esque!

Today I was out on the water with store staffer’s Lou and Blake. To say the trip was sensational is an understatement. It was an all morning blast session with speedsters smoking drags.

On light tackle outfits (3000 size spinners matched up with a 7′ medium action rod) these could be one of the funnest species to target inshore, especially the fly. On spinning tackle the Deadly Dick was top producer and softbaits from Ronz, Fins and Tsunami are a close second. With that said if you can get out on the water, now is the time. Get in the game while fishing is off the charts!!!

Here’s one of many fat alberts that fell to the fly today.

More News Local Reds

Joe Hanley knows a thing or two about catching quality redfish. When he saw the report of Cutter’s LBI mullet run surf redfish on the fly he sent in a message… “Just saw the redfish post. Nice fish! I also got one last night (Tuesday) off the mid-island surf. It was a small puppy, about 15 inches. Went for a 3/8oz lead head rigged with a paddle tail. Caught two last year on November 21st on the same lure. There must be a few around.” It’s great to see these fish around! With the way seasons and temps are trending maybe one day we’ll have a solid red drum fishery! Wouldn’t that be nice?

Here’s a photo of Joe with a bull from down on the Outer Banks, October 10,2014.

Tautog Fishing Update

The tog fishing at the Barnegat Inlet only gets better! Jeff Crabtree is in the shop everyday, if not every other day. He’s dialed in with togging the rocks and recently has been doing great! Wednesday he was in for crabs in the morning then stopped back at 1pm to check weight on a 20″ white chin. Turns out it was a 5.88 pound fish. Really nice catch for a land based tog angler! Jeff said, “Yesterday (Tuesday) I had four keeper sized fish.” Fishing is good and keepers are holding. Get out and give it your best shot!

Here’s a photo of Jeff’s 5.88 pound tog!

Today we had two tog weighed in. Bill Figley of the Village Harbour Fishing Club checked in a 3.72 pound white chin. A 5.14 pound rubba’ lip went for Bob Schlachter’s (from Rutland, VT) green crab on the BL jetty.

NJ’s Black Sea Bass Season Is Almost Open

Lots of anglers are gearing up in preparation of Black Sea Bass fishing which opens Sunday October 22. It remains open to the end of the year with a 15 fish bag limit at 12.5″ minimum size. Word in the shop from commercial pin hookers is the bite has been really good with lots of big knot heads. Everyone is struggling getting clams due to a severe shortage. Unless something changes, fresh/live, salted and even frozen clams look to be a no go this entire fall. Anglers are choosing squid and meat like mackerel and bunker as a substitute. One angler purchased a couple jars of Jig Strips which are squid scented and said, “I trim them with a pair of scissors to the perfect size and add to the hook with bait. The strips are added insurance.” Jig Stripz hold up great to feisty biters!

Author: FishHead.Greg

A Long Beach Island native with life long experience fishing and navigating the local waters, Greg is a distinguished Master Captain (the highest qualified operator license), holding a US Coast Guard Masters 50T Near Coastal License with Towing Endorsement. Raised in and now managing his family's bait and tackle business, Fishermans Headquarters (Since 1962, The Saltwater Fishing Bait & Tackle Experts) Greg is daily immersed in fishing. He is the Chief Contributor of (Long Beach Island's best fishing report blog) as well as the Admin for the shop's social media pages (on Instagram and Facebook). Be sure to follow!

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