Lately we’ve been participating in two fisheries that we usually don’t target: fluke and sharks. After throwing gallons and gallons of shrimp and not connecting with any weakfish I decided to fish for what is here instead of what is not.
Although, they are mostly shorts, the bay, inlet, and ocean are all giving up good numbers of fluke. If you put your time in, you wind up with some good size fish for the cooler.
We have been targeting sharks for the last week and a half and catching them on every trip. Mostly all are 3 to 4 foot brown sharks. We are using lighter conventional outfits and releasing all that we catch. Only a 4 to 5 mile run from the inlet. They are super aggressive and give a great fight.
It is possible to combine both of these fisheries in the same 5 or 6 hour trip. We could also cast lures in the inlet for blues and small stripers when the conditions are right.
Sailing Open Boat or Charter: tomorrow (Friday) Aug 11, Noon to 6PM and Sat, Sun, and Mon, Aug 12, 13, and 14, 6AM to Noon, and 1 PM to 7 PM. $150 per person, 4 people max.
Attached pic: Lucas Petruzzo, 14, of Yorktown Heights, NY, with his first ever saltwater fish, a 4 ft. brown shark about to be released.