Hello Everyone,
The Hi Flier will begin fishing on the weekend of April 29/30, as well as Monday, May 1. Really hoping those gator bluefish invade Barnegat Bay again as they did in 2015 and 2016. It’s hard to beat that action with 12 to 20 pound blues in four feet of water on surface lures. Last year we had them by the end of April and we caught them all the way to June 1. 2016 was also the first season in a long time that I had successful clamming for stripers in the bay. It also started late April, and produced through all of May. The big surprise was the size of the fish, 12 to 15 pounders with some over 20. In years past, our average fish was 8 to 10 pounds. If you take away the cold blast we just had it really was a mild winter with Jan/Feb being very timid, it has all the signs of an early or at least “on time” start.
The new Hi Flier is a 25 ft World Cat with twin Honda 130 Four Strokes. I am setting my sights on the blue water a little more this year. In particular, the boat will be in Ocean City, MD from June 30 to July 10 sailing every day for yellowfin and bluefin tuna. Last year Masseys Canyon was on fire for the entire month of July with 30 to 60 pound yellowfin and 75 to 150 pound bluefin, all mixed together…….on the chunk!! Any way you can catch a tuna is exciting but day chunking is as good as it gets. I got down there twice last year on a friend’s boat and connected both times. We sailed 40 miles from Cape May and I thought that was close. When I plugged the coordinates in on a chart, we were fishing 25 miles off of Ocean city, MD. So I rented a house with a boat slip and we are going to hit it hard those first 10 days of July. If for some reason the tuna don’t show up at Massey’s Canyon again (they will), it’s only 55 to 60 miles to the nearest canyons for tuna, billfish, wahoo, mahi….C’mon!
Finally, as some of you may or may not now, I launched a brand of fishing apparel last winter: Psyquatic. We will have our full line of apparel on display at the Salt Water Fishing Expo in Somerset, NJ this weekend starting tomorrow (Fri), March 17-19. T-Shirts, long sleeve, performance (quick dry), and hooded sweatshirts in four designs: Psyquatic Logo, Striper on Darter, Yellowfin Tuna on Squid, Mako on Mahi. You could also see them at psyquatic.com We are in corner booth 312 and will have both Psyquatic and the Hi Flier on display. Stop by and say “Hey”.
Looking forward to seeing everyone on board.
Attached pics:
Dave DeGennaro with 100 pound Bluefin chunked at Masseys Canyon last season.
The new Hi Flier, 25 ft World Cat.
Psyquatic display at show.
Capt. Dave DeGennaro
Hi Flier Sportfishing