Fishing is lit up right now.
Saturday and Sunday we had 30 to 40 pound stripers on the snag and drop in tight to the beach….really tight. Most are bigger than the slot but we are also catching 8 to 20 lb bass close to home for the cooler. Some 2 to 5 lb blues in the mix on light spinning tackle, as well.
On Monday we ran Mid Range Tuna and we went 9 for 9 on 20 to 35 pound bluefins plus a big false albacore. We had them all on the troll but we scaled down to 20 class outfits to enjoy the ride.
On Tuesday Capt Nick DeGennaro ran the boat to the tuna grounds and after a hitless morning from 7AM to 11AM, they bagged a pair of 44 inch 50 pounders. His first time running the boat solo for tuna and he stayed in the same area we had them the day before, resisting the urge to jump around to greener pastures and it paid off.
The tuna are just 20 to 30 miles from our inlet right now. It’s so awesome when that happens. They are feeding on sandeels and squid. The Chatter Side Tracker Bars are dominating the spread but we also caught on cedar plugs, small feathers, and traditional spreader bars.
We will be sailing Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, June 13, 14, and 15 for Tuna and Stripers.
Call for details.
Dave DeGennaro
Hi Flier Sportfishing
732.330.5674 cell