LBI Surf Fishing Report Update – November 9, 2018

LBI Surf Fishing Report Update – November 9, 2018

Some big fish on the LBI surf today!!!

So far today we’ve had three weigh-ins from the surf. We’ve also heard about a number of other fish. It’s safe to say the striped bass are here! We anticipate good fishing from now through Thanksgiving and into December. Now’s the time to get in the game!

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7pm Update: More Quality Bass On Beach!!!

Among Others…
Brian McAllister – 44″ 32.4# Bunker, Brant Beach
Courtland Food – 46″ 36.82# Bunker, Spray Beach
With this weigh-in Courtland leads the shop’s Striper Side-Bet.
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LBI Surf Fishing Classic

Day 35 is off to a good one with an active day for the LBI Surf Fishing Classic. Angler are catching fish on the beach.

Here’s the low down… Wind is cranking and the surf is churned up and some bass are on the feed.

Chris Masino landed his new personal best today off the south end surf. He currently hold the lead in the surf derby. Chris stopped in for fresh bunker this afternoon and while here shared this report. “I hit the surf early this morning. Lost one fish at day break. About a half hour later released a short. Then another one. Things slowed down but I fished out my bait. I was about to leave and the rod went down. Turns out it was a really good fish!” Chris is back out on the beach looking for a 50! He said eight ounce of lead was holding. We can only assume these requirements went up through the day.

Other LBI Surf Classic Weigh-Ins

Chuck Kortman checked in a 36.25″ 15.1 pound that he caught chunking bunker on the surf this morning. John McHenry got a 34 pound bass, bunker surf. John Campbell got a 13 pounder on bunker.

Brian R. weighed in a 37 pound 46.5″ striped bass this morning. He caught it on MULLET fishing the Ship Bottom surf. This fish is not a tournament fish. Photo above.

LBI Fishing Report Update – November 8, 2018

LBI Fishing Report Update – November 8, 2018

A QUALITY body of fish moved into our waters! The awesome striped bass fishing that was cranking in the state’s northern waters continues AND it has slid down into our waters. The fishing today was our best day yet!

It’s on!!!

Store staffers Max and Kelley were on the water and got into ’em good. They both cranked on some quality fish today. Max (photo below) reported, “Rough seas early We put the bow into some rough seas early but found fish and had a good day. We released some pigs!”

Justin Marti upped his personal best… While out trolling on a solo mission he hooked into and landed a 49.56 pound striped bass.

Ryan Horton a good 35 pound bass on the troll this morning.

Dan Seagull was also in on the striped bass action.

Captain Billy on the Reel Trouble stopped in for a new Magictail Mojo. While here he shared, “Great fishing today! We limited out with overs and unders!” His schedule is almost booking up but there are a few dates available. Give Captain Billy a call ( 6097090226 ) and jump aboard.

LBI Surf Fishing Report

On the LBI surf more fish are showing and it’s only getting better. The reports of striped bass are becoming more consistent.

One customer in the shop today reported, “Last night I caught a fat 26″ bass chunking bunker.”

There was one report of a few bass at the Barnegat Light Jetty. Also there… tog. The BL tog fishing report has been on the slow side but some anglers are putting in the time and catching. While it is getting late in the prime time land based season, it is not over. The water clarity and rough weather has made unsettled. We expect good fishing if and when things clear up.

Fish Head Charters

Here’s an update… A few days ago I got a call from Chris from Madison, NJ, “Any days open next week? I would like to get out on the water with my son.” Only having a day later in the week I suggested we go Thursday because the weather looked good. It turns out we set up a double; an evening trip then a morning session. Wednesday afternoon/evening trip started off right with Chris landing a nice striped bass on one of his first 10 casts. It went for a Rapala X-Rap swimming plug. Unfortunately that was the only fish of the two hour session.

It was our goal to put 12 year old Matt (Chris’s son) on his first striped bass. Since my Wednesday morning trip was a skunk session, I had to prepared for Thursday’s morning trip with real expectations. Knowing the father and son were staying in town for the night I suggested we got for a short night shift trip. Fortunately we did! Matt earned his first striped bass! (below) We fished for about an hour total and called it a night.

Our good morning greet from an stiff northerly wind gave us a dicey morning commute to the fishing grounds. We wanted to go back and hunt the same waters as Wednesday but the conditions had us second guessing. We ended up running to IBSP’s Bather’s Beach and starting there. With scattered bait and a few gannets roaming high over head things were looking good but it was a slow first hour or two. A friend picked a fish trolling by us and gave a call. [Thank You Ryan!] Still no luck for us. With conditions improving slightly we made the move further north to where I fished Wednesday and where I wanted to originally start the day. It turns out store staffers Max and Kelley called us in on a bite just a short ways away. They put us on the mother load. Our screen was looking good all morning but this area was the real deal. Big patches of bunker with also scattered bait reading and beautiful big bass boomerangs.

In short time we had three good shots. The first bite came on a plug/mojo combo (Custom Deep Diver Pikie by Blake at Cedar Run Lures fished above a white Magictail Mojo). 12 year old Matt took the rod and cranked in his second striped bass like a pro surfing it right into the net. This 26-28 pound (on Boga Grip) fish was perfect for the diner table and into the cooler it went. About ten minutes later the extra heavy Tony Maja spoon goes screaming. This time Chris went to work and cranked up a bigger bass. This one was released to swim another day. About 15 minutes later the plug/mojo combo had a good hit but after a second or two it came loose.

I found all of our bites came ON THE BOTTOM. Maybe others caught else where but for us all bites were down deep. Talking to numerous customers in the shop some boats did very good and surprisingly a lot of boats got the skunk. The new moon current and rough sea surface conditions require a little extra attention. Minor adjustments to my routine trolling spread got us down and in the zone. Finding and working the mother load also was a key ingredient to the success.

LBI Surf Fishing Report Update – November 7, 2018

LBI Surf Fishing Report Update – November 7, 2018

John Sanford from Barnegat stopped in for bait this morning. While here he asked for a suggestion and store staffer Joe pointed him in the right direction. John reported, “It was slow but I fished my bait out. One of my last chunks got the bite.” Turns out it was a 35″ 17.86 pound striped bass.

LBI Surf Fishing Report – November 6, 2018

LBI Surf Fishing Report – November 6, 2018

Shop regular Tom stopped in the shop this morning. He got a nice bass off the surf this morning. He tagged a 22lb bass and released it. This would have taken the lead in the surf tournament but Tom is confident he’ll get a much bigger bass. He re-upped with fresh bunker and is heading back out on the water. He’s on the hunt!

As far as the surf tournament goes… John Gallen took the lead today with a 14.88 pound bass on bunker mid-island surf.

For results on the LBI Surf Fishing Tournament

LBI Fishing Report Update – November 4, 2018

LBI Fishing Report Update – November 4, 2018

The first few days of November offered tough conditions but some fish were caught. It’s great to see some quality fish showing up. We just now need the weather to cooperate.

LBI Surf Fishing Report

Fish are moving into our local water but are still waiting for them to hit the beach. Still only a few surf side stripers.

As far as an update from the LBI Surf Fishing Classic… A couple fish were caught off the mid island surf. Wendy Essinger got an 8 pound bass fishing bunker late morning. James Worobetz got a 10 pound bass on clam yesterday afternoon. A few days ago Chris Masino got a seven and a half pounder on a plug.

At the time of this post the Top Three Fish are all under eleven pounds but with bigger fish moving in this should change very soon.

Another ASAC Surf Fishing Tournament went down on Saturday. The anglers battled some fierce winds and rough up surf. Greg O’Connell reported, “It was brutal! One Striped bass 18″ and three sand sharks.”

LBI Boat Fishing Report

Some great reports flowing in from the local boats fishing up the beach! Not epic fishing but a pick of nice fish non the less.

Dew Knapp weighed in a good one that he caught today trolling a tandem mojo.
Yonnie Weidenhof got a nice fish on the troll this monring.
Ilan fished aboard the Reel Fisher’s and they found some stripes.
Here’s a good one caught early this morning by Ryan Schramm and Jim Oler.

Despite the very poor weather, the Maximilian Foundation Fishing Tournament went down this weekend and there were surprisingly good results; 15 bass weighed in with Son Of A Fish’s 43.5 pound fish taking the win.

Maximilian Foundation Fishing Tournament Results

Fish Head Charters

Finally got back out after tied up for too many days due to weather. We decided to opt against the troll and fish the waters where we had loads of fish (small but active fun) previously. Unfortunately we were greeted with water like PORTER! Things were not good. We tried a few different areas with lures and live bait but no love. To make the most of the day we called it early and rescheduled. I’m tossing this up because I got an email two weeks ago asking, “You only post the good reports. Why not share to poor ones?” Right now I’m looking forward to redemption!

Halloween Fishing Report Update

Halloween Fishing Report Update

Happy Halloween!!! Here’s the Halloween Fishing Report Update for October 31, 2018

It’s finally here… what we call the meat of the fall run, Halloween to Thanksgiving. Sure enough, right on time, the fish showed up. And some nice ones at that! We are looking forward to awesome fishing ahead. Let’s get in the game.

Both today and yesterday talk from the boats were good, “large striped bass feeding on bunker.” Anglers live lining and trolling caught fish. Most of this action was from Seaside north but soon these migrating fish will fill into the local waters of Long Beach Island.

Here’s two solid boat fishing reports today. Shop Alumni Yonnie got a 25 pound striped bass fishing off Seaside this morning. Bill Shoemaker weighed in a 35 pound striped bass he caught on snag and drop.

LBI Land Based Fishing Report

Anglers fishing crabs are catching tog. This bite has been good for well over a month and still continues to be productive. We expect tog fishing to continue on strong.

Today a new leader is on the board for the LBI Surf Fishing Classic! TJ Loughran Jr got a 10.98 pound striped bass this morning off the mid island. He caught it on bunker. John Chrzanowski’s 9.42 pound striped bass (caught on 10/26) hold second place.

Fish Head Charter Report Update

I had a fun night session with Kelley and Blake last night. We checked out some night time haunts on the boat and found a couple hungry striped bass.

My most recent trip out before last night was on Friday before the blow. I had Lee and Seth from SaltwaterHeartFishing aboard for a dawn patrol session. The trip started off hot and stayed that way all all day. Lee and Seth traded off one after the other with numerous double ups. Lee was high hook in the early part of the trip bucktailing but later in the day Seth caught up and he dialed in on an X-Rap lure from Rapala.

It was a great day (best quality fishing on the Fish Head this fall). I look forward to having the brothers aboard a couple more times this fall!

With the new arrivals hungry I’m stoked for the run. I’ll be out fishing every chance I can get. Jump aboard Fish Head Charters and get in on the fun!

Upcoming Boat Fishing Tournament

The 4th Annual Maximilian Foundation Fishing Tournament & Fish Fry is this weekend, Saturday November 3rd. Support this great event which helps our great community with drug awareness and prevention. We have our fingers crossed for good weather. Even if it’s sour, the party will be rocking with live music, local craft beer, special drawings and an auction table.