Just got back from Key West. Had my two boys, Nick, 19 and Max, 17 down there to catch their first permit. Found the best captain down there, Capt Jason Wells from Reel Easy Charters 305.906.2076. So impressed by this guy. Laid back, focused,….and persistent. The key to catching permit down there is to have crabs for bait. The whole island was sold out but he had a call out to a shop that was going to call us if any came in. We were already on the fishing grounds when the call came in and he had us reel in and motor back to get live crabs. Not too many guides would burn the fuel or put in the time to do this. It paid off as we caught four nice permit in the two hours after we returned to the grounds. We also had two big snook, a 17 and 18 pounder that Max and I took on live pinfish in the early morning out on a wreck in the Atlantic. I didn’t even know you could catch them there, I thought they were a backwater or near shoreline fish. We had some big mangrove snappers, yellowtails, barracuda, a black grouper, a bunch of Spanish mackerel and one good size king mackerel for the two days we spent with Capt Jason. Here’s Nick DeGennaro with his first permit: www.youtube.com/watch?v=UW4UyLwExXk and Max DeGennaro with his: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNrHwSdVOkY
Hi Flier Inshore and Offshore
Back to NJ fishing now. I have inshore charters booked for this Fri, Sat, and Sun, June 29, 30, and July 1. We will target the blues and short stripers in the inlet, fluke in the bay, and I picked up some live shedder crabs to see what I could get going in the back bay. Hoping to find some weakfish or kingfish.
Monday, July 2 and Wednesday, July 4 we are available for Open Boat or charter. If the weather is perfect we will be looking to run offshore to the tuna grounds on either or both days. Could be Yellowfin or Bluefin….or both! Looking for light and variable winds and no threat of storms. That’s the only forecast I go on. We have a Garmin Sirius/XM satellite weather station on board to monitor any storm activity as well. $300 person if we run to the 50 to 60 mile grounds, $350 person if we run all the way to the canyons. The shorter run is usually a 4AM to 4PM trip and the longer run would be 2AM to 4PM. Something you should know, and I repeat this a lot as I don’t want anyone to be disappointed, if you want a better chance at sailing for tuna, you should book a bigger boat that will sail in sea conditions that we will not. Three to four foot seas is not much of a sea in those bigger sportfishermen, but I am looking for flat calm or 1 to 2’s at most to go that distance in a 25 ft boat. Mind you, it’s a very capable World Cat catamaran with brand new motors, a six man survival raft, and an EPIRB (Search and Rescue Beacon), but those are just for peace of mind, not anything we ever want to use. If you’re good with that, C’mon, C’mon!
If it looks like the weather is not good for offshore we will target inshore fishing, maybe Barnegat Ridge or inlet/bay fishing. we will be fishing for something.
Nick DeGennaro with Capt Jason Wells and his Permit
Max DeGennaro with his 17 lb Snook
Dave DeGennaro with his 18 lb Snook